"The Richest Man in Jinhai City", this name sounds good.

The current Kuaiguang Group is estimated to be close to the tens of billions level, and there is still a certain gap between it and the richest man. However, almost no one doubts that Yang Ruoqian will one day sit in this position.

While making an illogical and nonsensical movie, the real situation of the group's profits could also be revealed. Mr. Yang felt a lot relieved just thinking about it.

Moreover, the top prize of the escape room variety show is the core resource of Kuaiguang Group, and the starring role of this movie can be given out as a reward.

There can also be a contract along with the reward - after all, it is the top prize for the variety show winner. If the movie is not as popular as expected, additional financial compensation will be needed.

After such a vicious cycle, do we still need to worry about the company not losing money?

Yang Ruoqian took two bites of food, glanced at the extremely excited Guo Rang, and poured cold water on it: "But there is a big problem with your thinking. After the contract is signed tomorrow, I will let someone tell you how to change it."

Guo Rang thought of a traditional autobiographical plot, while Yang Ruoqian thought of a completely opposite plot. There is almost nothing in common between the two.

It will take some time to reverse Guo Rang's perception...

But it doesn't matter. Since they have decided to give the resources of the movie "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" as the top prize to the winner of the variety show, time is not urgent. There is plenty of time to find the crew and change the plot.

Guo Rang had no objection to this. He nodded vigorously: "Mr. Yang, everything is at your discretion. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity!"

It was a surprise that my idea was adopted. In the eyes of a professional entertainment company like Kuaiguang Group, it must be full of loopholes.

It is better to be corrected than to be kicked out without mercy.

Guo Rang never thought that he would be favored by Kuangguang Group so smoothly - after being politely rejected by the Human Resources Department, he was not discouraged, but planned to stay in Jinhai City for a few more days.

As long as he finds an opportunity to meet Yang Ruoqian directly, he will use his ability to speak his mind and introduce his ideas.

Even if Mr. Yang himself denies the idea, he will go back and make improvements and try again next time he has a chance.

In Guo Rang's view, becoming an employee of Kuaiguang Group is a long-term goal that needs to be tackled.

It was incredible enough that he wasn't kicked out of the hotel by the clerk today, but he didn't expect that he could quickly pass his life goal with Yang Ruoqian's affirmation without having time to prepare any gifts.

Yang Ruoqian put the last bite of food into the bowl and said: "A creative idea is just a flash of inspiration. It needs to be settled before it can be transformed into content that can support a movie. Don't be anxious. Waiter, please pay, thank you." "

After the few people separated, Yang Ruoqian walked out of the shopping mall. It was past the rush hour and the traffic on the road had eased a bit.

The two got into the sports car and Yang Ruoqian asked in a casual manner: "What do you think would be a better sponsor for us to find for this variety show?"

"Either it's just a product advertisement, or is it a manufacturer that sponsors props?" Chang Zhiqing answered more seriously, "The most important thing is who gives the naming rights, right?"

The naming of a variety show, as the name suggests, is to add the name of the sponsoring company in front of the program, such as "Walnut Cell Phone Secret Room Battle".

Every time the host reads the name of the variety show, he will also add the name of the company's products.

The second-tier sponsors do not have naming rights. They usually appear during the intermission of variety shows or in a corner of subtitles, or they simply add their products directly to variety shows.

For example, Yang Ruoqian plans to add an economic system to this escape room variety show, using food and water to force the guests to not mess around in the safe area. Then these food and water are where sponsors advertise.

If it can be run better, these sponsorship incomes alone will be enough to recover most of the variety show costs.

"Naming rights..." Yang Ruoqian drove the car into the underground garage, "I don't feel comfortable handing this thing over to others, so I'd better do it myself."

Mr. Yang, who was far away in Jinhai, had no idea how much trouble he would bring to so many people when he suddenly became ill and announced that he would do a variety show.

At this time, the senior management of a company famous for its beverages was holding an emergency meeting in the conference room.

"Did any of you get any information? What is going on in their escape room variety show?"

"No one has disclosed any valid information. They have done a good job of keeping it secret." A middle-aged man in a suit lowered his head and recorded something. "This is someone else's business. You don't have to worry about it so much."

"With the steady style of the Kuaiguang Group, they must have been planning this variety show for a long time and have completed basic research on the market... As long as there are no big surprises, the ratings will be a hit."

"Releasing the news at this time is nothing more than a marketing technique. Yang Ruoqian is trying to compress the decision-making time of us sponsors as much as possible, so that we have no data to calculate and dare not limit the advertising budget too much, so that he can Get more sponsorship money.”

Another expert-like figure nodded: "There is no way, who can control the traffic now and have a good reputation? You won't lose money by advertising with him. In this case, he will definitely raise the unit price. "

"Haha... It's really hard to believe that this is a 24-year-old young man." The person sitting in the front seat smiled and shook his head, "Let's not be too pretentious. Let's be honest. How much funding do you think is appropriate?"

"Let's quote 200 million first, and we can increase it up to 250 million in the future." A person who had been doing analysis with a pen and paper calculator raised his head, "If it's more, it won't be necessary."

200 million... This number is not outrageous. After all, Nong Moushanquan's exclusive naming fee for "Idol Trainee" is also this number.

Kuaiguang Group is so high-profile, inviting all the A-list stars, and creating a huge variety show that is crazy about it, it can't be any worse.

Well-designed variety shows will attract a lot of viewers, Kuaiguang Group's own reputation will also attract a lot of viewers, plus the traffic brought by various first-line stars, the inevitable promotion of the Leopard platform and the sparing no effort of Chengyu Media...

How scary is this exposure?

The naming fee of 250 million is indeed relatively reasonable.

What's more, now their new "Sunman Electrolyte Water" really needs a lot of exposure to be quickly promoted to the market.

"I'll apply for the budget tomorrow, and you bid as soon as possible." The person in the first place nodded, "I heard that this variety show is related to some kind of escape room. We are in the beverage business, and there is a lot of advertising space... Let's do this, don't 250 million, our bottom line is 300 million, as long as it is within this number, we will directly agree without reporting it."

"Do you have any other ideas?"

A woman sitting in the back seat suddenly said: "I'm a publicist, I'm looking to see if I can treat their variety show chief planner to a meal and a drink or something. Sponsorship fees are sponsorship fees, and sometimes it's easier to get things done if you have connections. .”

After the woman said this, everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Usually other people come to treat them to dinner, and people from other companies socialize in order to win their orders...

I almost forgot about this today.

"Well, that makes sense... You can try to run it, and maybe you can help us save some sponsorship fees. I'll let you know the phone number of the chief planner later."

No matter how high the sponsorship fee is, it is still the company's money. Even if it will be included in the performance of the variety show's general planner, it will not be as solid as the real benefits.

A 300 million order with no public relations or interpersonal relationships may not be able to beat the 250 million after operation!

After everyone arranged their work, the woman picked up her mobile phone and called Qin Xin.

After several busy tones, Qin Xin's voice appeared on the other end of the receiver: "Hello?"

The woman's voice immediately became sweet and gentle: "Hello, Mr. Qin, I am the person in charge of Sunman Company. May I ask..."

Qin Xin suddenly realized it and immediately politely declined: "I'm sorry, I don't want a loan."

The woman almost lost her grip on her phone: "Mr. Qin, please don't hang up. I'm not an online lender or an insurance seller!"

You have clearly called the other party "chief planner", how could it be misunderstood as someone promoting online loans?

Why do I feel that Qin Xin is a bit unreliable...

"Oh, what is that?"

"Aren't you responsible for managing the large-scale variety shows of the entire Kuaiguang Group? Our company has plans to bid for the exclusive naming rights. I would like to make an appointment with you at a specific time to discuss it. When will you be free?"

"I can't talk about this for the time being." A somewhat regretful voice immediately came from Qin Xin's side.

The woman was stunned for a moment: "Can't you say it for now?"

Isn't Qin Xin himself the leader of this variety show? Is there anything else he can't say?

Judging from the analysis of Yang Ruoqian's character and the many inside information disclosed, Yang Ruoqian is not a boss who is very keen on personally intervening in projects.

And they have already announced in such a high profile that they are going to film a variety show. What they want to say is not very confidential, so why can't they say it?

I have never heard of Kuaiguang Group keeping such a high level of confidentiality on disclosed projects!

They do protect artists' privacy very well, but from "Black Robe Inspection Team" to "Wandering Blue Star", many things are made public.

Qin Xin lowered his voice a little: "Yes, it's already time to get off work. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after nine o'clock tomorrow morning and before six o'clock. Okay, hang up. If you continue to talk, your salary will be deducted... "

Toot toot…

Several people from Sunman Company looked at each other in confusion. You looked at me and I looked at you. They were speechless for a moment.

As the most sociable person in the company, women have thought about many situations, such as how to persuade the new chief planner who is new to the job and is afraid to do extra-programmed operations, what to do if the chief planner is not very interested in money, and what kind of temptations to change, etc.

As long as she can arrange a meal, a woman is confident that most of her troubles will be solved, at least not in vain.

But this was the first time that she didn't talk because it was time to get off work.

Not only she, but also the other leaders of the company in the conference room had heard of this kind of thing for the first time.

This is a project worth hundreds of millions. There is one person present who is not a member of the management team from the Suns. Who is not taking the lead in working overtime?

Besides, just chatting with Qin Xin didn’t ask him to work overtime, so why did he feel like he was facing a formidable enemy?

How can we continue the conversation if someone refuses to talk because it is not working time?

"What...what should I do?"

"How about making a call during working hours tomorrow? I've heard before that the management of Kuaiguang Group is very strict about commuting time. Qin Xin shouldn't be talking nonsense."

"It can only be the."

After the large-scale variety show of Kuaiguang Group was exposed, not only the companies who wanted to promote their own products were excited, but there were also many celebrity artists who wanted to promote themselves.

Even Feng Luo, a well-known first-tier star, is willing to bend for this resource, not to mention those second- and third-tier stars.

If you perform well in this kind of variety show, you are very likely to be directly promoted to the front line and become famous instantly!

The internal invitations from Kuai Guang Group did not occupy all the places, and some stars' schedules were too difficult to accommodate, so some places would be left vacant.

The competition for these spots can be described as bloody.

Celebrities who did not receive invitations but were able to find time to participate in variety shows mobilized all the forces around them and found all the connections they could find. As long as they could appear in this variety show, they would make a sure profit!

What's more, there is the possibility of winning first place in a variety show and enjoying the huge resource support of the Kuaiguang Group.

As for the reward...

Not to mention the remuneration, I would be willing to pay even if they were asked to do so!

"Teacher Zhang Wei, the email has been sent to Kuaiguang Group. There is an automatic reply there. You can take a look." A slightly tired voice came from the office of a standard artist studio, "But I think we still There shouldn’t be any compensation, it’s worth spending some money on this resource.”

"Then how do you pay your wages?" Zhang Wei waved his hands grandly, "This type of variety show must last for at least two or three months, plus the payment settlement cycle. You don't get wages for half a year? What do you eat?"


"There is nothing to be desired, and I think with the quality-oriented culture of Kuaiguang Group, the management will not attach too much importance to this small amount of money. What we have to do is to show our strength and sincerity, and there is nothing wrong with asking for compensation."

Zhang Wei said, stood up, walked to the computer, and checked the contents of the automatic reply email.

Well...just some very common precautions and detailed explanations of rewards.

There are two optional rewards for the first place in variety shows. The first one is the starring position in the third film of Kuaiguang Group and high-intensity publicity; the second option is to add a guarantee clause on the basis of the first choice. , if these resources do not achieve the expected results, there will be additional monetary compensation...

"Here, no one really chooses 1, right?"

"Or is there any hidden meaning in this sentence?"

ps: The temperature dropped suddenly and I had a bit of a cold... luckily it was the weekend. (End of chapter)

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