I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 309: Someone has trouble with money?

The next day, Yang Ruoqian went to the company 30 minutes early for the first time.

This was not because he suddenly became diligent and decided to rely on the system's pitifully low commissions, but because there were so many people coming to the company for interviews in the past two days, and there would be serious traffic jams if he didn't arrive early.

After finishing breakfast in the restaurant downstairs and lingering for a few minutes, Yang Ruoqian walked into the employee elevator and arrived at his office under the eager eyes of many people.

Qi Mu, who always arrives at the company on time at nine o'clock, never a minute earlier or a minute later, has already picked up the documents and is waiting at the door of the president's office.

Seeing Yang Ruoqian approaching, she greeted him with a smile: "Good morning, Mr. Yang, do you have any temporary arrangements for this morning?"

Qi Mu is responsible for helping Yang Ruoqian make daily planning suggestions and knows his general itinerary. However, if Yang Ruoqian makes a last-minute decision or has other important things to deal with, the itinerary will naturally be dominated by Yang Ruoqian's own will.

"Nothing else." Yang Ruoqian opened the door to the president's office, "Do you have a work report over there?"

Qi Mu followed Yang Ruoqian into the office, opened the file in his hand and put it on the table.

"After you announced that you would hold a variety show, many sponsors have contacted us, hoping to insert advertisements in the variety show or directly sponsor the show."

"I have summarized the reports of the past few days. Can you tell me which company you want to cooperate with?"

Yang Ruoqian flipped through the documents casually, and when he saw that all the documents came into view were at least nine digits, he quickly closed the documents and threw them aside.

If you have a bad heart, you can't see these numbers.

"It would be better for you to introduce which sponsors you think we should choose."

Yang Ruoqian expected that he would only recruit three sponsors, one to sponsor the event, and two to serve as advertisers for drinks and snacks in the secret room.

Qi Mu is already familiar with this information, and she can memorize it even if Mr. Yang throws it away: "Mr. Yang, currently I have selected three companies that are more suitable for naming. The first one sells electronic products, and the bid is 2.8 100 million, which is currently the highest, but I don’t think it fits the show particularly well.”

"The second company's preliminary bid is 250 million. They want to use our program to promote their electrolyte water. Overall, it seems that this company is more suitable, but we should have room to ask for more money."

"The third bidder is relatively low, only 80 million. This sponsor is weak. It probably just comes to try its luck. It is obviously not as well prepared as other merchants. Logically speaking, I shouldn't put it in... but they It is a chain store of scripted action movies and escape rooms. I think that cooperation with them will be beneficial to the development of the subsequent industrial circle of Kuaiguang Group, so I also included it."

"The fourth house..."

Without thinking, Yang Ruoqian directly chose the one with the lowest price: "On the third company, the one with a price of 80 million, hurry up and contact their person in charge, don't let them get away! What are their names?"

"It's called the 'Oriental July' escape room." Qi Mu introduced it skillfully. "They have heavy assets and need to pay rent for many stores, so their cash flow is not that abundant."

"I'll send you their information."

While operating the phone, Qi Mu was also glad that he had made the right decision.

Generally speaking, when choosing a sponsor, most people will choose the one with more money. As long as the reputation is not so bad that everyone calls for beatings, and the negative effects of the brand are greater than the economic effects, the more sponsorship fees, the better.

But considering that Yang Ruoqian is an unusual boss, whether he chooses projects or artists, he may not always follow the best choice on paper. There are many deep-seated considerations, so Qi Mu carefully selected some projects with low quotations. But maybe there are other valuable sponsors coming in.

Sure enough, Yang Ruoqian was not frightened by the high offer like others.

Instead, he chose Dongfang July Company, which quoted a price of 80 million.

Yang Ruoqian pretended to glance at the message Qi Mu sent, and nodded perfunctorily: "No problem, the naming rights will be given to this company... There are two advertising spaces left, one for electrolyte water, and the other for low-fat products. Just a snack merchant will do.”

"The quotation does not need to be too high. Tell these merchants clearly that except for using their brand products in variety shows, we will not appear in any explicit advertisements. If you cannot accept it, just switch to an acceptable merchant of the same type."

While listening to Yang Ruoqian's instructions, Qi Mu quickly contacted the management of other departments in the company and conveyed the boss's orders in an orderly manner.

After a few dozen seconds, she raised her head and said: "It's all arranged. The specific amount, how to arrange the advertising, may need to be discussed again later. Do you want to handle it personally or let employees handle it?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while: "Just let the employees handle it... By the way, just go with the quoted price, don't raise the price."

"Okay." Qi Mu nodded lightly, "Mr. Yang, there is also the matter of guest invitations. Two celebrities on our invitation list are unable to attend due to their own business arrangements. There are currently 8 vacated seats."

"The competition for these eight positions is very fierce. Some famous stars have taken the initiative to send cooperation invitations, and there are also some less famous players who are willing to pay money to get a position."

"I'll send you the list. Do you want to take a look?"

It is very normal for someone to pay money to participate in variety shows, which is equivalent to paying for exposure.

A variety show like this with huge traffic not only requires ability screening, but even if you pass the test in the end, it will cost hundreds of thousands to show up.

Moreover, these hundreds of thousands are only guaranteed to show up. How long you can stay in the variety show depends on your subsequent performance.

Yang Ruoqian shook his head and refused: "There is no need to bother with the remaining places. The variety show invites so many people, so that a hundred flowers can bloom."

"Choose some artists from various types. The purpose of variety shows is to let a hundred flowers bloom."

"Boys and girls, bold and timid, good reputations and bad reputations, independent ones who have signed contracts, serious ones and funny ones, you can mix it up as you like!"

"Don't worry about the money or not. Our group is not short of the money, and I will not put pressure on the program team because of the money."

A variety show with the original purpose of torturing people, coupled with a lot of guests with completely different personalities, let them team up together to trap each other in a terrifying environment...

It must be very poor to watch.

Yang Ruoqian is actually very familiar with the routines in traditional variety shows - it is nothing more than presenting some interesting and controversial scenes to the audience through editing.

In this way, the core artists are established, and then the conflicts between the highly popular and low-popular people are filmed to deliberately draw attention to them and guide the topic.

In this way, it can increase the popularity and cause discussion on the Internet.

Yang Ruoqian did the opposite. How to do traditional variety shows, he had to do the opposite!

There is no pushback, no indulging in the personalities of the celebrities, and no editing out of clips where the celebrities make fools of themselves.

The predecessors have summarized so many valuable successful experiences, and Mr. Yang must of course make good use of them.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll make arrangements right now."

Yang Ruoqian nodded and said: "By the way, a young man named Guo Rang will come to the company today to report. After signing the contract, you call him to my office."

Young people... Qi Mu gets a little embarrassed every time he hears his boss use such mature words.

The boss himself just graduated from college, right? Even his secretary is two years older than him!

Even though Kuaiguang Group is a very young group, Yang Ruoqian's age is far below the average.

Qi Mu picked up the document that Yang Ruoqian threw aside: "Okay, Mr. Yang, I will notify you after he arrives at the company."

Ten minutes after the secretary left the office, Guo Rang, who was still a little messy yesterday, was wearing a formal suit and walked into the office solemnly.

"Good morning, Mr. Yang!"

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "I told you yesterday that your idea is good, but many details are not considered."

The young man has a very good attitude: "Please criticize!"

Yang Ruoqian took a sip of tea and said, "You said yesterday that your idea for the new movie was to film the company and my autobiography, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Yang!"

"Your idea of ​​making an autobiography is good, but there is a slight misunderstanding of the content of the movie." Yang Ruoqian knocked on the table, "Movies are art, and art must be exaggerated. Exaggeration means there is a certain gap between it and reality. "

Guo Rang understood very quickly: "Mr. Yang, you mean that the movie can be an autobiography, but we need to modify some content?"

"That's right." Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with the new employee's understanding, "For example, didn't you originally want to film a company becoming successful due to the genius and hard work of the boss?"

"Now let's change it. It's this company that has stubbornly resisted the boss's various overt and covert attacks, and has succeeded in danger after danger."

Guo Rang: "???"

Because the amount of information in the boss's words was too large, it took Guo Rang more than ten seconds to finally understand the general meaning.

A company is struggling to survive under the boss's overt and covert attacks? !

Let’s not talk about why a boss has such bad intentions towards his own company - it’s incredible that this company can succeed.

Just like Kuaiguang Group, doesn't its development rely on Mr. Yang's wonderful operations and excellent judgments one after another?

If the boss fails, what hope does the company have for success?

How to film this plot?

Guo Rang knew that what Yang Ruoqian said must make sense, but he really had a lot of questions, so he could only ask tentatively: "Mr. Yang, the boss of a company, why do you want your company to fail?"

"Do you want to insert some plot similar to family disputes into the movie?"

"For example, the male protagonist wants to rebel against his family's blind date arrangement, or wants to break up with his family, etc.?"

Yang Ruoqian rejected these more logical ideas: "These reasons are too cliché and troublesome. They will take up a lot of the movie's time and are completely unnecessary. You can make up any excuse at will, and the current audience won't care too much anyway."

Any excuse?

Don't care about logic at all?

Guo made people feel a little dizzy: "Are you...are you sure?"

"I'm very sure." Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with his creativity. "Just do as I say and write the script and find a director. If you want to star, please leave two spots. I will give it to the winner of the variety show as a reward."

Give the starring role in this movie to the winner of a variety show? !

Guo Rang was startled.

This shows that Mr. Yang has absolute confidence that the movie can be a hit and has the qualifications to become a prize in such a huge variety show!

Mr. Yang is not joking or conducting an experiment!

Why should such an important matter be handed over to a newcomer who just got the contract? !

No matter how confused he was, Guo Rang knew that he should listen to what people in the industry said: "Yes, Mr. Yang, I will definitely write the script according to your requirements!"

"Don't worry, there are many elements that make up a movie, and forming a suitable team is the top priority. When setting up a crew, report any expenses directly to the financial department without asking me for instructions."

Guo Rang stood up from his chair in a daze: "Mr. Yang, I will write now..."

With that said, he opened the office door and walked out.

Everything went smoothly today, and the boss also pointed out his problem...

But why do I always feel that the modification plan given by Mr. Yang is basically completely inconsistent with his original creativity?

Oriental July Headquarters.

Executives at the escape room and screenplay chain were having a routine meeting in a conference room.

"Three stores are not operating well this month, and one store is closed." The employee in charge of the report stood up and carefully read the content on his hand. "The operating conditions of other stores are relatively stable, but the profit margin still does not reach the ideal standard."

"The economic situation is not very good recently, and there are fewer people going out to play." Another manager asked the employees to sit down and sighed, "I also investigated and found that not only us, but also our competitors' performance has declined. A lot, the whole industry is shrinking a bit right now.”

"What should we do? Do some promotions? Or do some promotion online?"

"...Speaking of promotion, is there any follow-up to the cooperation invitation we sent to Kuaiguang Group?"

"Don't be embarrassed and invite us for cooperation. To get the exclusive naming rights for this kind of variety show, it would cost nine figures conservatively! Do we call this an invitation for cooperation? To the Kuaiguang Group, this looks like a shame!"

Such a huge development cost, such a big announcement, so much exposure, just 80 million, how about sending it to beggars?

Although this is the greatest sincerity that Oriental July can show, compared with other sponsors, it basically only focuses on participation.

"I also want to give it a try...what if it happens?"

"What's the contingency?" The middle-aged man sitting in the front seat sighed, "Will Kuaiguang Group have trouble with money? Will they choose our company that offers 80 million yuan instead of someone else's company that offers nine figures? "

While several people were having a heated exchange of routines, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room.

A surprised and eager female voice came from outside: "Manager, Chairman, great news!"

"Kuiguang Group has agreed to our exclusive naming rights!"

"They hope that our senior management will go over to discuss the specific contents of the contract with them as soon as possible!" (End of Chapter)

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