I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 310 Too many fools and not enough liars

After receiving such a shout, there was a moment of silence in the originally noisy conference room.

After a while, the director who had just vowed that Kuaiguang Group would not pay attention to them was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief: "What did you say? What did Kuaiguang Group agree to with us?"

"Yes, the message was just sent!"

The director still couldn't believe it: "Are you sure it's not a phishing message sent by a virus on your phone?"

The employees who came to report on the work were obviously very excited: "Don't worry, we have confirmed it many times. The front desk just called the Kuaiguang Group directly and confirmed that it is correct!"

The phone calls have been made, so there must be no lies...

The conference room fell into silence once again.

"They...are they really struggling with money?" The director who just made the rude remarks was a little confused at this time, "Or are we the sponsor with the highest bid?"

"Impossible. I have definite information here. I hope there will be a lot of sponsors to sponsor this variety show. The nine-digit sponsorship fee is just the most basic entry threshold!"

"Does the Kuaiguang Group really have a grudge against Qian?"

"Definitely not!" Another director slammed the table, "How much money has Yang Ruoqian made since starting his business? How can he be a loser?"

"Then tell me why? It can't be because he has a good impression of our company, right?"

"It must be because we have other advantages." The chairman sitting at the top ended the endless nonsense of the people below, "Use your brains and think about what our company does and what their variety show does."

This question is not complicated. Everyone just thought about it and made a guess in their minds: "It means that the contract signed between Kuaiguang Group and us must include some other clauses? They hope to cooperate with us in other aspects." ?”

"Yes! That must be the case!"

"Then...should we agree to them?"

"Definitely agree, why not agree?" The chairman said directly without thinking, "Even if we provide some resources or help the variety show do other things, this deal will definitely make a profit."

From the perspective of the chairman of Oriental July, Yang Ruoqian's additional requirements are just a few possibilities: first, various scripts that have not yet been released in their company, and second, their professionals who designed the secret room.

If they become the exclusive title sponsor of this variety show, let alone a script that has not been released yet, even if all their employees in the company work overtime to write it, it will be possible!

The same goes for the design secret room. If the final contract can be negotiated, all the designers in the company can put down their work and work for Kuaiguang Group.

"But the Kuaiguang Group asked us to go to their side for interviews..."

"Just an interview!" The chairman became more and more sure of his guess, "It must be because the content of the contract is different from the ordinary ones and there is a lot to discuss, so we were called for an interview."

"Then when are we going to Jinhai? The Kuaiguang Group seems a little anxious."

"Book your flight now and go tomorrow!" The chairman knew that it was bad luck for such a good thing to happen to them, so they had to sign the contract before others changed their minds!

"You arrange your subordinates, work hard today, work overtime, overcome difficulties, and come up with a plan for me overnight. We can't wait for the other side to take the initiative to make demands on us, we must be more proactive."

Delay will lead to change!

If the decision-makers of Kuaiguang Group suddenly change their minds and believe that taking more money is more valuable than the resources, it will be a huge loss.

Under normal circumstances, as the party giving the money, they should have an advantageous position.

But the situation is different now. Kuaiguang Group sold a very valuable product to them with low bids despite numerous high bids.

Wouldn't the status of the two parties be reversed?

If 80 million could buy this level of exposure, I don’t know how much frenzy it would attract!

Others also knew the urgency of the matter: "Okay, how many flights should we book?"

"I'll go in person, and you guys are in the company, ready to mobilize all resources to serve Kuaiguang Group!"

In the president's office, just when Yang Ruoqian finished explaining everything and started to work and play games, the door was knocked at an inappropriate time again.

"Mr. Yang, are you busy now?" The familiar voice of the secretary came from outside the door, ruthlessly ending Yang Ruoqian's game.

Yang Ruoqian sighed resignedly and turned off the game: "Come in."

Who makes the company their own?

Who allows himself to be the chairman and CEO of the company?

If Kuaiguang Group was a normal company, Yang Ruoqian would have resigned as CEO a long time ago, left all the company's affairs to others, and used his own money to go out in style.

Even though Qi Mu now shares nearly 70% of the workload with him, Yang Ruoqian still feels that he is extremely busy all day long.

Qi Mu walked into the office: "Mr. Yang, just now, the representative of Oriental July Company called us and said that he can come to sign the contract tomorrow. Do you need to make any arrangements?"

"Just the same old one, one-stop arrangement." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "Have you seen the company's process for arranging guests before? Just follow this method."

Yang Ruoqian chose the Oriental July Company purely because of their low quotation, not for any other reason.

The reason for calling the top leaders of Dongfang Qiyue to Jinhai is also very simple - spend money! travel! Turn up the intensity!

For every guest who comes to Jinhai City to visit Kuaiguang Group, Yang Ruoqian will do his best to squeeze every ounce of their consumption potential.

When you come, you come empty-handed, and when you return, you come back overloaded.

Qi Mu nodded slightly and turned the document in his hand to the second page: "Then I will arrange their treatment according to company practices. Well, Mr. Yang, there is another matter that may slightly affect your next trip."

Yang Ruoqian didn't have much schedule to begin with, so he said casually: "What's going on?"

"You asked me to look for a 'Success Lecture' before, and I found one, but it starts this afternoon... Can you come here according to your schedule? If not, I will help you find another one."

The lecture by the master of success studies starts this afternoon?

Yang Ruoqian was surprised at first, and then he was overjoyed: "If we can arrange it, we can come here this afternoon. All other schedules can be postponed."

Qi Mu asked again: "Besides yourself, do you need to bring anyone else to the lecture?"

"No, just you and I will go there."

Yang Ruoqian didn't have much doubt about the value of this kind of success master, but he was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Some contents should wait until Yang Ruoqian listened to the screening before deciding whether to tell the employees.

Accidents have happened so many times that it’s impossible not to take precautions.

Qi Mu is the secretary and is not responsible for making decisions, so it doesn't matter much if she is asked to follow along.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll contact the driver for you and we'll set off at about two o'clock in the afternoon."

Time soon arrived in the afternoon, and Yang Ruoqian and Qi Mu got into a special car together and arrived downstairs at a four-star hotel.

"Isn't he a master of success? Why is he so shabby?" Yang Ruoqian couldn't help but complain, "At least you should choose a high-end hotel to support the show."

Of course, a four-star hotel is not shabby, but these so-called successful masters have packaged themselves as people worth tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. It is really unreasonable not to build a high-end hotel.

Such people will never succeed. If you follow their path, you will definitely learn from the experience of failure!

Qi Mu helped Yang Ruoqian open the car door: "Mr. Yang, the venue is on the second floor and it will start soon."

"Let's go."

Qi Mu walked beside Yang Ruoqian, came to the elevator door, and pressed the button for him.

After arriving on the second floor, the two quickly found the venue. There were many people sitting inside, and there was a person on the stage who was adjusting the microphone.

This person has very weird long hair and wears a turtleneck. Even if he is clean, he always gives people a very sloppy look.

Yang Ruoqian looked at this image and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Qi Mu, what's the name of this big... person?"

"Mr. Yang, his name is Nie Xiao." Qi Mu replied immediately.

The two of them didn't say a few words before Nie Xiao on the stage suddenly tapped the microphone.

A very irritating "bang bang" sound immediately came from the venue.

After making sure that the microphone and speakers were all fine, Nie Xiao walked to the center of the podium and said, "Then we will share a simple Tao with you today. Are you interested?"

This accent sounds so awkward... What else is there to say? Do you engage in such idealistic things in business?

Yang Ruoqian frowned and ignored Nie Xiao's attempts to liven up the scene.

After a few sparse responses, Nie Xiao began his speech: "Today, I want to talk about the charm and magnanimity of leadership!"

After one sentence, he followed up with three or four hand movements.

"In a word, how much money you spend will determine how magnanimous you are!"

"We spent 200 million yuan unjustly, so when we do practical things, why don't we just spend 1 billion yuan just for fun?! Listen to the applause!"

The few words before the opening made Yang Ruoqian in the audience dumbfounded.

Let’s not talk about how many loopholes and flaws there are in the logic of this statement...

Good guy, it turns out that the reason why successful masters fail is that they just throw their money into the water?

Such a simple and crude way of losing money will be directly judged as passive operation by the system, and you will not learn anything useful at all!

Listening to the applause, Nie Xiao seemed to be getting more and more excited. He paced back and forth on the stage, his voice impassioned: "Just like my employees, many employees betrayed me, hey, just give me one million!"

"I will give one million to anyone who betrays me. Those who will be loyal to me in the future will be worth hundreds of millions. Hear the applause!"

"Think about it, did my leadership charisma explode all at once?"


Mr. Yang looked at the dancing man on the stage blankly, as if he felt that he was watching some kind of comedy rather than listening to a lecture.

This is completely empty talk. Anyone with a primary education can hear the pure liar's words. How can it be possible to deceive the system?

Yang Ruoqian is here to learn from the experience of failure, not to learn tricks!

At this time, the success master on the stage had finished teaching the first topic and switched to the next topic.

"Study is a kind of wisdom!"


"There is a basketball player abroad, whose surname is Ke Mingbi!"


"It rained heavily that day, and Qin Shihuang cried, because I was the only one who understood him!"


"Of the 108 good men, 80 are dead and 70 are left!"


Listening to these speeches, Yang Ruoqian felt as if he had entered a mental hospital by mistake. He just wanted to come here and learn from the experience of failure, but now it seems that he has underestimated the limits of these so-called masters.

I thought they were just using some random theories they made up to deceive new entrepreneurs, but now it seems that they don’t even have random theories.

Just say whatever comes to mind.

Yang Ruoqian couldn't bear it anymore. He lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, secretly took a photo and sent it to Cheng Fei: "Mr. Cheng, do you have any channels over there? Do you know what this person does?"

Although the Kuaiguang Group has a lot of money, due to Yang Ruoqian's salty behavior, it is slightly lacking in various relationships and intelligence.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, now Kuangguang Group and Chengyu Media are basically top strategic partners wearing a pair of pants, and Chengyu's information is his own information.

More than ten seconds later, Cheng Fei sent a message: "Isn't this the success master who has been so popular on the Internet recently? Mr. Yang, are you listening to his lectures now?"

As if she was completely shocked that Yang Ruoqian was listening to this kind of class, Cheng Fei sent several messages in succession: "Mr. Yang, most of these so-called masters actually don't have much information in their stomachs. We don't have a particularly good relationship. Who can Will you share your money-making secrets with others?”

"Don't look at him talking about hundreds of millions or billions. As long as you reveal your identity, Mr. Yang, he won't even be able to speak clearly."

Yang Ruoqian sighed helplessly and replied: "Of course I know what these people say is not trustworthy... Didn't I want to learn from their failure experience? Who knew the result would be like this."

Cheng Fei sent a laughing expression: "It is indeed not an accident that Mr. Yang succeeded. He did not even miss this opportunity to learn... But it is a pity that with these people's vision and knowledge, not only do they not know how to succeed, I don’t even know how to fail.”

If you want to achieve "failure" at the level of Kuaiguang Group, you also need a threshold.

People who cannot reach this height cannot even imagine how to fail.

A few seconds later, Cheng Fei sent another picture full of information, along with a message: "Mr. Yang, you may not know that this person who is giving a speech... is actually a person who has been executed for breach of trust and owes a lot of debt. Not returned."

The person being executed for breach of trust... owes a lot of debt and has not paid it back...

The corner of Yang Ruoqian's mouth twitched, and he finally realized that he had wasted 30 precious minutes of his life, so he stood up and planned to leave the venue through the back door with Qi Mu.

However, perhaps because the two of them were too eye-catching, before they could leave the venue, Nie Xiao's accented voice came over: "Why are the two people leaving behind so anxious to leave?"

"Success depends on persistence!"

"If you have any questions, you can come to the stage and talk about it!" (End of Chapter)

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