Yang Ruoqian, who was just about to leave, was asked by the "Successful Learning Master" to stay where he was. He could neither leave nor stay for a while.

Stay, it's too shameful to speak on the same stage as this kind of liar in a place like this.

Revealing one's identity can certainly silence people like Nie Xiao and make them stand out, but Yang Ruoqian is no longer interested in such pretentious things.

And even if you have to pretend, it's hard to feel any sense of accomplishment if you pretend in front of Nie Xiao and these people - Yang Ruoqian's face is no secret, and even he doesn't recognize it, which shows that these people are more involved in hanging around than doing real things.

Yang Ruoqian had always stayed away from people who were in the same circle.

But to say that he just ignored Nie Xiao and left the venue seemed a bit too rude... Yang Ruoqian was not a "domineering president" after all. Although he would occasionally make remarks about being a domineering president, it was just a cover-up to cover up his outrageous decisions.

Seemingly sensing Yang Ruoqian's hesitation, Qi Mu whispered: "Mr. Yang, can I help you refuse?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, I'll go talk."

Qi Mu reminded: "Mr. Yang, someone is probably recording the scene. You can use a little more tactful wording."

The secretary really considers everything...

Yang Ruoqian gave you a reassuring look and walked up to the podium.

Nie Xiao was completely unaware of Yang Ruoqian's identity. He was still holding the microphone and said loudly: "In my opinion, this friend has mastered the road. Judging from his temperament, he has the potential to make a lot of money and do big things! "

"This kind of potential is what I call the charisma of a leader! You can have beautiful women by your side today, but are you afraid that you won't have business by your side tomorrow?"

"Understand the applause!"

Yang Ruoqian listened to Nie Xiao's vicious curse and came to the podium expressionlessly, watching Nie Xiao's performance quietly.

After he paced back and forth excitedly and said a bunch of nonsense, he walked over to Yang Ruoqian and handed over the microphone.

"Young man, you can say your name out loud. When you become famous in the future, today's speech will be unforgettable for you!"

"You can also share with the people below what you learned in class today!"

"Students can pick up their mobile phones, turn on their cameras, and record this historic moment!"

Yang Ruoqian took the microphone and waited for everyone in the audience to turn their cameras on him before he said, "Then let me just say a few words."

Having seen many big events, winning international awards, being interviewed and in the news, Mr. Yang was in a very calm mood at this time.

After preparing his speech in his mind, Yang Ruoqian said: "Actually, my intention when I came into this venue was not to listen to the lecture."

Nie Xiao was still unaware of his situation at this time. He gave Yang Ruoqian an encouraging look and even waved his hands to liven up the atmosphere: "The original intention was not to listen to the lecture, but now? Young man, boldly say what you want to say. Come out and say your name boldly!”

Yang Ruoqian glanced at his phone, and his tone was still very calm: "I don't need to say my name... it's not good to say it. I actually came here for one purpose. I have a friend at the Industrial and Agricultural Bank of China who asked me to ask you, do you owe them When will the 230,152.02 yuan be repaid with interest?"

Nie Xiao, who was dancing and smiling, suddenly didn't react and froze on the spot.

The somewhat noisy hall below the stage also fell silent at this moment.

They expected that the young man might be angry and refuted Nie Xiao's speech; they thought that he might agree with Nie Xiao's views.

It is not even assumed that this young man is really a moderately successful entrepreneur!

After all, if you can follow such a beautiful woman closely, your own conditions must not be bad.

However, Yang Ruoqian's debt collection remarks really exceeded everyone's imagination.

After collecting the debt, Yang Ruoqian patted Nie Xiao on the shoulder and said in a very regretful tone: "Look, it's not good to be someone who has been executed for breach of trust. If you want to go out and play, you can't even take the high-speed train. It's better to do it as soon as possible." Pay back the money."

"Well, if only one less person betrays you and 2 million less is given out, it won't be like this, right? Sure enough, our Teacher Nie is too kind."

After saying that, Yang Ruoqian patted Nie Xiao on the shoulder again, and led Qi Mu away from the door coolly amid all the strange looks in his eyes.

Some people were curious about who this young man was, while others were looking at Nie Xiao like a liar.

I still owe more than 200,000 yuan to people, and I always talk about nine-digit figures, and I brag about 2 million yuan to the betrayer...

This credibility suddenly dropped a lot.

And Nie Xiao, who was standing on the stage, suddenly went from being a successful lecturer with a gold medal to being a super old guy who couldn't pay back the money he owed.

The bull that was originally blown out suddenly turned into a boomerang that hit him in the face.

But these subsequent things have little to do with Yang Ruoqian.

After the two returned to the car, Qi Mu, who had always been dignified and steady, couldn't help but laugh softly: "Mr. Yang, you... To be honest, I didn't expect you to say that."

Yang Ruoqian and Qi Mu rarely have conversations outside of work, and he doesn't mind chatting at this time: "Then what do you think I will say?"

Qi Mu thought for a while and said: "I think you will expose his lies, or simply reveal your identity and use your own successful experience to speak out."

My own successful experience...

Yang Ruoqian was choked up: "It's not necessary... Successful entrepreneurs have their own way. Everyone's success is due to the right time, place and people. Even if I really share it, I will be criticized." A lot of people are questioning it.”

"Even if someone believes in me and repeats my method exactly, do you think he will definitely succeed? Or how likely is he to succeed?"

For example, Kuaiguang Group has the right time, place and people.

Qi Mu smiled and said: "That's the truth. You are right. However, there were many people taking pictures outside the venue at that time. The scene of your debt collection is likely to be spread. Do you need me to arrange public relations handling?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment: "Is it expensive to deal with this matter?"

Is it expensive?

Qi Mu almost couldn't keep the smile on her face. She realized that it might take a long time for her to catch up with her boss's thinking.

"Well... although Nie Xiao has a certain degree of popularity online, most of them are not very sticky. Most of them regard him as amusement."

"This kind of public relations is relatively easy and the cost is not high."

Yang Ruoqian immediately lost interest: "Forget it, let him do whatever he wants. My face is no secret on the Internet anyway."

Since "Black Robe Inspection Team" won overseas honors, the influence of Kuaiguang Group has gone beyond the local area and begun to spread across the country.

What's more, Yang Ruoqian himself looks very good, that is, there is no operation or hype, and his relationship with Chang Zhiqing is also public, so the popularity is not too high.

But as long as people who pay attention to the entertainment industry, most of them will know about Yang Ruoqian. Whether or not the collection video is posted will not have much impact... There is really no need to do public relations that cannot spend money.

This episode was quickly forgotten, and the two returned to the office and started busy at work again.

The next day, afternoon.

Liu Chuxin, chairman of Oriental July, who had agreed on a time to discuss the specific contract, rushed to the downstairs of Kueiguang Building with a tired face.

After being forced to entertain himself for a whole morning, he finally met the legendary Yang Ruoqian in the office.

At this time, as if he had seen a savior, he quickly took his seat: "Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang! Let's talk about the contract quickly!"

In his long life, this was the first time that he felt that "playing" was such a terrible thing.

Rather than playing, he just wants to work at the moment.

"Well, the group accepts your bid and sells you the exclusive title broadcast rights." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "Do you have any other special requirements?"

As soon as this question was asked, Liu Chuxin was stunned again.

No...what do you mean, do we, Eastern July, have any other special requirements?

Shouldn't it be the Kuaiguang Group that has special requirements?

To sell naming rights with such huge traffic and such high value at a low price, shouldn't there be some additional conditions...

Liu Chuxin was confused for a moment, and then he immediately understood—Kuiguang Group was asking his side to make the first quotation!

"Mr. Yang, look at me, I haven't had a good rest today." Liu Chuxin immediately smiled and said, "That's right, we have prepared 6 scripts here, all of which are brand-new scripts that have not yet been circulated in the market and are absolutely suitable for large-scale secret rooms. "

"If you are not satisfied with these six scripts, we can customize a script according to your requirements and your ideas. You can rest assured that the IP of this script will completely belong to you. If there is anything else in the future,"

"If you can't find professional secret room staff to play NPCs at the moment, we can also provide them for you. We will provide you with whatever type you need."

"After the variety show is over, we can also use our influence to get more guests to come to your secret room to play."

Liu Chuxin was very confident in the conditions he offered - because they were indeed sincere.

The first is the IP of a script - the possible subsequent income from this alone is huge!

After the script is exposed by the variety show, many escape room stores will compete to introduce it. When the time comes, a sharing contract will be signed, which will be a steady stream of cash flow.

Dongfang Qiyue is willing to transfer its old employees to work as NPCs for the variety show team for free, which can also help Kuaiguang Group save a lot of labor costs.

After the variety show is over, it is impossible to demolish such a large secret room with so many decorations. There will definitely be follow-up operations to continue to restore blood... Oriental July's resources are tilted, which can be said to be very precious resources!

Just when Liu Chuxin put down the document in his hand, he saw Yang Ruoqian frown slightly.

Broken... Is Mr. Yang still not satisfied? !

Seeing Liu Chuxin finish speaking, Yang Ruoqian asked directly: "Are the things you just mentioned provided free of charge, or do we need to pay extra?"

What's going on with this guy surnamed Liu? He was asked to mention some conditions and special requirements. How could he just say these unpleasant things?

Liu Chuxin wiped a cold sweat: "Mr. Yang, you are really joking. These things must be free... It's good that you are willing to sell the exclusive naming rights to us at such a low price. How can we collect your money in return?" Woolen cloth?"

What's going on with Mr. Yang? Why would he ask such a strange question?

It's so disrespectful to be given such a generous contract and still charge for additional items.

No matter how much Dongfang Qiyue wants to make money, there is no way he can offend people in a place like this.

"That won't work." Yang Ruoqian rejected Liu Chuxin's offer of money on the spot and said righteously, "Kuiguang Group chose you as the exclusive sponsor because it took a fancy to your brand and did not tie it to anything else."

"You can have the things you mentioned, but you have to pay for them!"

Liu Chuxin said subconsciously: "How can this be done! Mr. Yang really can't accept money. If we tell it, we will be ridiculed by our peers..."

Yang Ruoqian thought about the money he could save by this method, so he could only maintain his mentality of being a dead Taoist friend and not a poor Taoist: "One code is one code, the title is the title, the others are other things, don't mix them up. What IP, What kind of resource allocation will be discussed after the variety show is completed!"

"Come, come here, sign this contract first."

"Mr. Yang, this..."

"Qi Mu, close the door to the conference room."

Liu Chuxin and his lawyer were in a trance. Under the gaze of several people, they tremblingly signed the contract without any additional conditions.

Until the contract was signed and both parties signed their official seals, Liu Chuxin couldn't believe that the Kuaiguang Group really gave them the naming rights that so many people had fought so hard for without any additional conditions!

And it’s semi-forced...

"Very good." Yang Ruoqian glanced at the contract and nodded with great satisfaction, "Then I wish our 'Oriental July Secret Room Survival' can make history!"

As for what kind of history it will create... Of course, Mr. Yang hopes to create the history of a variety show with the worst reputation in history.

"We will definitely make history!" Liu Chuxin held Yang Ruoqian's hand with great strength and was moved to tears. "Mr. Yang, I guarantee here that the matters of Kuaiguang Group are our matter in Eastern July!"

After sending Liu Chuxin out of the company and arranging a shopping trip for him, Yang Ruoqian returned to the office and began to check all the details of the "Secret Room Survival" variety show.

Originally, Qi Mu could handle these matters, but after all, it was related to the profit and loss of this quarter, so it was better to handle it himself.

Generally speaking, no matter how important the matter is to Qi Mu, there will be no accidents... But in Kuaiguang Group, no accidents are the biggest surprise.

Yang Ruoqian glanced at the documents on the table.

Now, the overall planning and design are in place, the title provider and sponsors have been arranged, and all celebrity guests have been invited. The script and matching design are in full swing, and all relevant procedures have been completed last time. The props rewarded by the system were solved at once...

Nothing is really missing.

After the decoration of the secret room is completed and the script arrangements are completed, the variety show can begin! (End of chapter)

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