The moment the five words were written, both the four people in the secret room and the people watching the live broadcast in the studio fell silent.

Level eight...level eight strong wind.

It seems that it does meet the requirements of being scary when read the other way around, and funny when read backwards.

Just, why does it feel a little weird?

Chang Zhiqing held back her laughter and asked: "This... I remember that the program team wanted to arrange an open-door kill for all the teams to show off their power. What should we do now?"

Yes, it is slightly different from what the guests imagined. The program team does not intend to raise the difficulty too high in the initial stage of the secret room.

But this does not mean that there is a "novice protection period".

Under the careful settings of the program team, almost all teams will be directly wiped out once in the first level after entering the secret room.

Take the secret room that Group 1 encountered, for example, a clue hidden under a collapsed desk and chair, homework books and pens placed in different areas of the classroom, extremely difficult questions, and misleading and urgent time. Together they make for an almost impossible first level.

According to the original design, once the first level fails, the classroom doors and windows will be completely locked, and the soft ceiling controlled by the mechanism will fall directly, accompanied by a rush of class bells as a shock.

The team can only climb to the second floor, where they will meet a series of malicious intentions carefully arranged by the program team.

After going through many difficulties and frights, he barely found the location of the safe zone, and then went through many difficulties and obstacles before finally reaching the safe zone.

But seems that all these arrangements and arrangements have completely come to naught, at least for Team No. 1.

Qin Xin smiled bitterly: "Then what else can we do? We can only count them as passing. It seems that we have underestimated the strength of these guests. Then the novice protection period should be shortened a little, shortened to one day."

Yang Ruoqian looked interested at this time: "What is the reward for passing?"

"You can directly get one-eighth of the map of this secret room. This map will point out the location of the safe area of ​​the secret room." Qin Xin replied, "But it only points out the location. Team No. 1 still needs to go all the way. "

Key props like maps are generally used as key props in the middle and late stages of the game, and they need to be obtained through various difficult tasks.

Now Team 1 has directly obtained a map, which is a huge advantage.

"It's okay, it's just one eighth, it's of no use." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand and comforted the program team.

"Actually, it's nothing." Mai Xiurong, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly interrupted, "This map is actually only valid for one week... How could the secret room I designed have a fixed layout?"

"If they believe too much and rely too much on this map... then they will be tricked. Alas, if the secret room I opened before could have so much funds to develop this kind of design, the business will definitely be booming now and it will never go bankrupt. .”

The maintenance costs alone can be so high that you go out of business...

Yang Ruoqian complained in his heart.

Only the financial resources of Kuaiguang Group can support so many creative ideas and build such a sophisticated secret room regardless of cost.

At the same time, in the secret room.

At this time, several people looked at the five big characters on the paper and fell into a long-term embarrassment.

We are all adults, so we still know what a strong wind of magnitude 8 means when we read it upside down.

"Ahem." Zhang Wei was the first to break the silence, "Since there are no other incidents, we should have passed this level..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Ling in the center of the classroom suddenly twitched upwards, and then a dummy with Bai Ling wrapped around its legs fell from the same position. The face with its long tongue sticking out and its extremely permeable face was exactly the same as the one around it. People’s faces are flush with each other!

This face... is exactly the same as the face of the paper man on the ground!

Even the look is exactly the same!


Shang Qianyu screamed and was so frightened that he ran back several meters and almost sat on the ground.

What is this? !

Not only Shang Qianyu, but even Feng Luo, who had been warning himself that these were props, was so frightened that he couldn't help but take a half step back.

Even someone like Zhang Wei, who had read many horror novels, felt chills on his body at this time, but he still suppressed his fear and shined a flashlight on the paper man.

Geng Fangyi on the side wiped the cold sweat from his head and said in a trembling voice: "Have you noticed that this paper man's tongue seems a little strange..."

After experiencing the initial fright and confirming that the paper man would not move, Zhang Wei's inner fear dissipated a little and he shined the flashlight on the paper man's face.

After looking at it for a while, Zhang Wei said with some uncertainty: "This... this seems to be a damaged map?"


Map of the secret room?

Upon hearing these two words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Before entering the secret room, they already knew that there was a safe zone. If they had a map, they would be able to avoid many detours and reach the safe zone directly!

Is this the reward for answering the question within the time limit?

As the captain and mole, Zhang Wei stepped forward without hesitation and tugged the paper man's tongue with his hand.

Unable to pull it off...

He took two deep breaths, opened the paper man's mouth, put his hand into the paper man's throat, pulled hard, and finally pulled out the tongue.

Only then did Shang Qianyu regain her composure. She swallowed hard and said, "Look... take a look at the map."

This is the first level of the first day, the variety show has just begun, and the four of them are already a little sweaty.

After looking at it for a while, Feng Luo couldn't help but frown: "This map is full of bloodstains, and it's also incomplete."

"At least it covers the area from our classroom to the safe house." Zhang Wei carefully folded the map and put it away, "As I guessed, the safe area is in the cafeteria and dormitory, but we have to go downstairs... …The stairwell, well, can be considered a hot spot for accidents.”

"I feel like this journey won't be peaceful..." Shang Qianyu complained softly.

"Let's first think about how we are going to leave the classroom." Feng Luo, who felt a sense of crisis from all directions, was eager to find a safe zone to relax his nerves. "If we find the safe zone first, we will have an advantage over other groups. "

After hearing Feng Luo's words, Geng Fangyi said thoughtfully: "I think... we have gained a certain advantage now. Other groups should have encountered the same crisis as us, and I don't think everyone is in the same situation as us. Likewise, the crisis can be solved within a limited time.”

Team No. 1 was very lucky and very efficient. They completed the task in a thrilling manner only within a few seconds.

How is it possible that every other team can replicate their performance?

"It is obviously not an ordinary reward to give us something as important as a map in the early stage."

Zhang Wei nodded and looked at the walkie-talkie at hand: "We can even use this advantage to mislead other groups."

"I don't think it's necessary for the time being... It's just the beginning. Killing the members of other groups will only reduce our probability of passing the level."

Shang Qianyu quickly brought the topic back on track: "We'd better leave now! We have to find a safe zone before the flashlight runs out of power!"

Zhang Wei nodded, then subconsciously turned over the map.

"Wait... there is a line written behind this!" Zhang Wei took the map a little further, "Hey, don't run in the stairwell?!"

There is actually a reminder written on the back of the map!

"Don't run in the stairwell?" Feng Luo was shocked, "This is very important information!"

Geng Fangyi was a little excited: "The map is a very, very critical prop! Not only can it reveal the mystery of the entire secret room, it also hides very important life-saving information! Whoever has more maps can take the greatest initiative!"

Just imagine, if they could keep all the maps as their own, and then pass this information to other groups, true or false, what advantage would this bring? !

"Now that we have access to the intercom, should we pass this information on to the other teams? They'll probably have to pass by the stairwell."

"Why don't you vote?"

Shang Qianyu was the first to express his stance: "I agree."

"I agree too." Feng Luo didn't really want to share this information, but after thinking about his personality, he still voted in favor.

"I also agree that there is no need to fight among ourselves at this time."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Zhang Wei pressed the "2" button on the intercom and said quickly: "This is team No. 1. Now that we have found the key clue, be sure not to run in the stairwell. Repeat, be sure not to run in the stairwell." Run around. Please pass the message to Team 3 as soon as possible after receiving it."

After finishing speaking, Shang Qianyu asked curiously: "Do you think Team No. 2 will convey our words?"

"Definitely, otherwise they will be collectively isolated by the remaining three groups. Concealing this news will not cause others to be eliminated, and they will become hostile to everyone. As long as they are not stupid, they all know what to choose." Feng Luo thought He replied without thinking.

The four teams will definitely meet frequently in the secret room. When the fact that Team No. 2 did not deliver the message is revealed, they will definitely become public enemies.

"You can leave now..."

"Where to go?" Geng Fangyi asked subconsciously.

Shang Qianyu did not answer, but pointed in the direction of the classroom window with his trembling right hand.

At some point, the closed frosted glass window was opened a crack, and there was boundless darkness outside!

What's even more frightening is that on the frosted glass that was originally empty, several palm prints appeared vaguely, and there was also dark red liquid flowing down!

The four of them suddenly felt terrified!

This is urging them to leave!

If you continue to linger in the classroom, something bad will definitely happen.

So far, not even a single NPC has appeared in the secret room, but they have been frightened one after another without interruption.

"No... don't say any more, leave quickly, leave quickly!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and just as he was about to take the lead and cross the window, his feet suddenly paused - he remembered something very important!

"Wait a moment!"

Looking at the increasing number of palm prints, Feng Luo no longer cared about maintaining his own personality: "Don't wait, let's go quickly!"

"Clock!" Zhang Wei maintained an astonishing calmness at this time, "You guys move the table quickly, we have to take the clock away! This is the only prop we have that can accurately control the time here!"

Geng Fangyi was the fastest on the move, and he immediately dragged a desk to the podium.

Zhang Wei climbed onto the table and took off the clock.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Shang Qianyu, who seemed to be the least courageous, actually turned on the flashlight himself, walked up to Feng Luo, and took the lead in climbing over the window.

Under the strong psychological suggestion, everyone felt that there must be something extremely scary in the blind spot of vision.

But...after all, we are members of a team, so we can't leave everything to others, right?

Others go to grab the bell, and Shang Qianyu clears the way, which is fair.

After jumping out, Shang Qianyu quickly took a flashlight in the surrounding direction.

"There is... nothing! Come out... quickly." Shang Qianyu was trembling as he spoke.


Regardless of being impressed by Shang Qianyu, the others quickly climbed out.

After everyone left the classroom and reached the corridor, all the palm prints on the windows disappeared.

Sure enough... you can't stay in one place for too long.

Zhang Wei held the clock, shined a flashlight on the map in his hand, and said quickly: "We now have two options... The first is to go from the south and go to the first floor through the stairs; the second is to go from the north. Take the elevator to the first floor.”

"The first road leads to the chemistry laboratory and the toilet; the second road leads to another class and the music do you choose?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely weak wind blew through the corridor, making everyone shiver.

Where does the wind come from in this confined space? !

"I think we can't stay here for too long now..."

Feng Luo, whose nerves were tense from the beginning to now, tried his best to contain his fear: "The elevator is not reliable, but the toilet is also scary."

"But at least we know how to get through stairwells safely, but we don't know anything about the dangers in elevators."

"Then take the south road and go!" Zhang Wei said without any nonsense, "Leave a flashlight as a backup. I will come from behind. Who will take the lead?"

"I'll do it." Feng Luo, who had hardly made any contribution from the beginning until now, gritted his teeth and walked to the front of the team. "Hold the shoulders of the people in front of you. Don't walk with no one behind you."

After several people lined up, they immediately headed towards the stairwell.

However, after only walking for a few dozen seconds, Feng Luo suddenly discovered that the corridor ahead was blocked by a pile of collapsed ruins!

To pass, you can only go around the chemistry laboratory next to it, enter through the front door and exit through the back door.

With such an obvious arrangement, you can tell without even thinking that there must be something very bad in the chemistry laboratory!

Feng Luo's mind had completely lost the ability to think at this time: "How do we..."

She only said half of what she said when a rush of footsteps suddenly appeared deep in the corridor behind the team!

Zhang Wei's blood pressure rose instantly: "Don't hesitate! Go in quickly! Lock the door!"

ps: It’s really difficult to write, please subscribe! (End of chapter)

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