Feng Luo, who was leading the charge, finally ignored his own image and stepped directly into the chemistry classroom. After everyone came in, he slammed the classroom door, locked it tightly, and exploded with amazing strength, moving many heavy objects. Blocked the door.

Feng Luo, who originally played a weak and intellectual character who couldn't unscrew a bottle cap, dragged an entire iron cabinet to the door alone!

Yang Ruoqian, who watched all this through the camera, was very satisfied - look, isn't this character collapsed?

Wouldn't this scare an A-list star into having a heart attack?

When this episode is aired, Kuaiguang Group will definitely encounter online violence and boycott from many idiot fans.

Thinking of this, Yang Ruoqian felt even happier - indeed, one's happiness is based on the pain of others!

At this time, in the secret room.

Just a few seconds after the door was blocked, a shrill scream accompanied by the sound of nails scraping against the glass reached everyone's ears.


If he had hesitated for more than three seconds just now, the entire team would have suffered huge losses!

Geng Fangyi took two deep breaths and said with lingering fear: "I am very curious now... Is there really a so-called 'novice protection period'?"

From the beginning to now, they have been working hard at high intensity, without even taking more than a minute to breathe.

It feels like if you let professional players play, you can easily be wiped out by the team if you are not careful!

And the most terrifying thing is that the sound of scratching at the door shows no sign of stopping. The shaky front door of the chemistry classroom may not be able to block it for long.

Feng Luo glanced at the flashlight in her hand. The dwindling battery and the screams outside the door were like reminders, exacerbating the anxiety and panic in her heart.

She, who prides herself on being calm, was completely panicked, and her mind went blank: "Now... what should I do now?"

As a comedian, Zhang Wei maintained a rare calmness at this time: "Hurry up and leave the classroom through the back door. Remember to block the door before leaving. How long can you delay..."


Before he even finished speaking, the back door of the chemistry classroom was shut obediently.


"I knew this damn place wouldn't let us pass so easily."

Shang Qianyu was completely confused: "You mean we have to find a way to unlock the front door before it is breached?"

Zhang Wei swept around with his flashlight: "Just like before, turn on all the flashlights and find clues as quickly as possible."

The few people wasted no time and immediately began searching intensively.

When the front door could be breached at any time, saving power is not much different from committing suicide.

One flashlight works for 4 hours, and 3 flashlights can illuminate for 12 hours, which is basically an ideal situation for fooling people.

Now it seems that, let alone 12 hours of lighting, there is a big question mark whether these three flashlights can illuminate for more than 6 hours.

After some searching, Feng Luo took the lead and said: "I found a schoolbag here. There is nothing in it, but I think it can be used as a prop. Take it. It's not a problem to carry a clock in your arms all the time."

"There are a lot of chemical experiment equipment on the table."

"There is a lesson plan on the podium. Come and take a look."

The four people immediately put down what they were doing and walked to the podium.

The first page of the lesson plan contains only simple content - a woman's name and a vague face.

"Chemistry teacher, Qiao Yang..."

Shang Qianyu, who was holding the lesson plan, quickly read the information above and then turned the page.

The teaching content on the lesson plan has been completely stained red with blood, and the exposed handwriting is obviously very hard and full of resentment.

"Why can't these students learn it!!! I've taught it over and over again!!!"

"I really want to dig out their brains!!! I really want to... I really want to..."

"Hehe... I dug out his brain, and the key is hidden..."

Feng Luo shouted excitedly: "Key! Maybe this key can also open the back door of the classroom!"

The content of this page of the lesson plan ends here. Shang Qianyu was about to turn down the page, but suddenly found that all the papers at the back were stuck together.

"Being stuck..."

At this moment, an angry female voice came towards the four of them from all directions: "Who allowed you to rummage through the teacher's things! Class is here! Everyone return to your seats!"

Several people were startled by the sudden sound and subconsciously shined flashlights into the classroom.

Just one glance, and a chill pierced into the brains of several people.

In the classroom, a dozen dummies were already sitting upright.

Their bodies were stiff and twisted, but the expressions on their faces were unified, looking at the four people on the stage with extremely strange smiles.

Some of the dummies even had their arms and legs broken off, and their necks were even twisted 180 degrees!

Even though they were mentally prepared, several people were still so frightened that they could not speak for a while.

Feng Luo was so frightened that he stamped his feet: "Class? How are we going to teach?! Hurry up! Otherwise we will definitely trigger the group destruction plot!"

"There are four empty seats in the classroom..."

"But these four seats are all separate!" Feng Luo was about to collapse.

Just as several people were having a heated discussion, the temperature in the classroom suddenly changed, and the female voice changed from angry to violent, gloomy and distorted: "The teacher asked you to return to your seats for class, didn't you hear?"

"Stop talking nonsense and sit down quickly!" Zhang Wei took the lead and took the lead in finding a seat and sitting down.

Forced by extreme fear, Feng Luo could only suppress his fear and carefully walked among the dummies. Under their gaze, he found a place to sit against the wall.

At least on that side of the wall, there's no dummy...

Just after everyone sat down, they heard the sound of a ruler slamming on the table, and a beam of red light shined on the blackboard.

A line of bright red font appeared on it.

"Complete the redox reaction experiment of potassium permanganate."

When he saw this line of text, Feng Luo's first reaction was - isn't this junior high school chemistry?

The second reaction was that she had already returned all the things she had when she was studying to the teacher, so how could she still remember how to do it?

In the dazed moment, the creepy voice urged again: "Why don't you start? Haven't you learned it yet?!"

Listen to this, it would be impossible to live without doing this experiment.

Feng Luo was about to cry but had no tears. With trembling hands, she randomly picked up some materials and mixed them together like a headless fly.

All four people started to take action, and the only sound left in the quiet classroom was the scratching of the door.

While Feng Luo was doing the experiment, he looked towards the ceiling.

After having the experience of being frightened in the first classroom, Feng Luo was prepared for a face to fall from the ceiling at any time.

After fishing in troubled waters for a few minutes, Feng Luo was about to look up at the podium when a shrill voice suddenly came from the left.

"Wrong! Wrong done!!!"

Feng Luo turned his head subconsciously and saw a terrifying face growing on the wall of the classroom. The twisted brows were filled with murderous intent.

There was not even a scream, Feng Luo's whole body felt like an electric shock and he slid directly to the ground.

There was nothing left in her mind.

Fortunately, just one person making a mistake will not trigger a scary plot, and the faces on the wall will disappear quickly.

Soon after, familiar voices appeared one after another at the locations of Shang Qianyu and Geng Fangyi.


"Totally wrong!!"

As the three people made mistakes one after another, the woman's voice was approaching madness.

It's broken... Three of the four people made mistakes, what should we do?

If everyone fails to do the experiment correctly, something big will go wrong!

Just when Feng Luo raised his heart to his throat, the female voice suddenly softened: "You... did the right thing! You are a good student!"

"Passed, get out of class is over."

Just when she finished speaking the last word, a crisp "click" sound came from the podium.

Feng Luo was still in shock. The sudden change in the wall had already caused indelible trauma to her spirit: "You...you can actually remember the steps of the chemistry experiment in junior high school?"

In the past, as a first-line star, she would not even have any interaction with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei walked towards the podium and shook his head: "No, I just copied the answers from the dummy next door... Well, didn't you all copy the answers from your deskmate during the exam before?"

Copy, copy the homework of the dummy next to you? !

This answer was beyond everyone’s expectations, but when you think about it carefully, it makes so much sense!

For a horror variety show, it is impossible to really test the junior high school chemistry of the guests.

There must be other solutions.

It's just that everyone was frightened at that time, so they subconsciously followed the steps.


"Ahem." Zhang Wei realized that he seemed to be cheating in the exam, so he coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, "We'd better not linger in this damn place, the front door will collapse later."

"The key should be at the front counter. Let's take it and leave." Geng Fangyi urged.

"Okay, let me look for it..."

"Hurry up, that thing behind is going to catch up!"

Shang Qianyu, who was holding a flashlight, said anxiously, his eyes scanning back and forth between the front door and the podium.

Suddenly, her eyes were caught by something.

"Sister Feng, help me get the flashlight!"

Feng Luo took the flashlight with a confused look on his face and asked subconsciously: "What do you want to do?"

Shang Qianyu didn't say anything more. He quickly walked to an experimental table and took away the prop alcohol lamp on the table.

Along the way, he picked up a few broken wooden chair legs from the ground, picked up a few rags and gauze, and stuffed them into his schoolbag.

Feng Luo couldn't understand her operation, and asked confusedly: "What...are you doing collecting all these rags?"

"Torch!" Shang Qianyu said excitedly, "Didn't you realize that these things can be turned into a simple torch when combined together? If we accidentally run out of power in the flashlight, this thing will be a life-saving prop! "

Wrap gauze or rag around a wooden stick, soak it in alcohol, and light it on fire. Wouldn't that be a torch?

Of course, whether it is an alcohol lamp or a torch, it must be simulated with props... They cannot really light a fire indoors.

If a torch is really assembled, the program team should also provide corresponding props.

Feng Luo didn't expect Shang Qianyu's ideas to be so open-minded. She was stunned and asked a fatal question: "But we don't have tools to make a fire."

"We might be able to find them elsewhere, so we should be prepared." Shang Qianyu shook his head, "I don't think these things will appear in the same place for no reason."

While the two were talking, Zhang Wei, who was rummaging around the podium, finally took out the keychain.

The four people looked at this key prop and were a little dumbfounded: "Why are there two keys here?!"

"The lesson plan says that there is a brain hidden somewhere... maybe there is a key to this."

"Don't worry about it for now. Open the back door quickly. The noise from behind is getting louder and louder."

After trying twice, the team of four finally found the correct key and opened the back door of the classroom.

The moment he opened the door, there was a loud bang at the front door!

The front door was vandalized!

The four of them stood on their heads and rushed out of the corridor without thinking, running towards the stairwell!

When they passed the toilet, they didn't think twice and rushed through the door - there must be important clues here, but they had no time to worry about it now.

There is a big terror chasing you behind. Isn't running into a closed space like the toilet equal to seeking death?

Soon, the four of them arrived at the stairwell.

Zhang Wei warned loudly: "Be careful, you can't run on the stairs."

"But something is chasing us from behind. If we walk slowly, we will definitely be caught up!"

"You can't run away. If you can't, I'll come to the rear..."

The four of them didn't care about arguing, they could only walk slowly into the stairwell and walk down step by step.

Suddenly, a dark figure hidden in a robe appeared behind them.

The moment it saw the group, it rushed towards the four of them at an extremely fast speed!

The dark wind was already blowing behind him, and it seemed that he would be caught in the next second.

Can't run! Absolutely no running!

Black Shadow ran to the stairwell with a grin. Just as he was sprinting towards the group of four, a dozen hands suddenly stretched out from the wall and forced Black Shadow in!

After a scream, the stairwell returned to silence, as if nothing had happened.

Feng Luo, whose back was already wet with cold sweat, took two deep breaths and said in a trembling voice: "Do the rules behind the map apply to all beings in the secret room?"

"Will you be pulled into the wall if you run on the stairwell?"

"It should look like this... Stop talking, the safe zone is down there, go there quickly, it's really impossible if you don't rest."

"Let's go..."

After a smooth journey, the four members of Team 1 finally reached the first floor and saw a place with a faint light.

According to the map information, there is a canteen ahead, which is the safe zone!

Of course, the safe area only occupies a small part of the cafeteria.

The four of them walked over cautiously and pushed open the canteen door.

There was a person standing in the food window, a person lying in the canteen, and a person hanging in front of the big blackboard, but none of them attacked the team.

The person lying down made a hoarse voice: "Congratulations on coming here alive... You are safe, for the time being."

Just when Feng Luo completely relaxed his mind and was about to find a place to sit down and have a good rest while listening to what information the friendly NPC had to introduce, Shang Qianyu suddenly picked up his schoolbag and arrived at the canteen in three steps.

Feng Luo immediately sat up straight - she knew that Shang Qianyu had been given key props in advance!

What is this key prop?

Is this key prop going to be used now? !

"Uncle, do you have matches or lighters for sale here?"

The NPC in charge of the canteen said solemnly: "Yes... it seems that you have found the props to make torches, but a lighter costs 2 yuan. Do you have it?"

Shang Qianyu proudly took out her ten dollars from her pocket and slapped it on the table very grandly: "Yes!"

Feng Luo on the side was suddenly disappointed - was it just money?

I thought it was some special prop...

But money is okay, at least you can buy some props that you can't buy at the canteen, which can effectively reduce the difficulty of the next task.

The npc at the canteen gave Shang Qianyu 8 yuan. At the same time, he took away the torch-making props from his schoolbag and gave Shang Qianyu four prop torches. He warned: "This is a temporary torch that can be used as a light source for 2 hours." , will be damaged after use.”

Shang Qianyu happily stuffed the torch into his schoolbag and said with a smile, "Okay, thank you, uncle!"

Just as Feng Luo stepped forward to see what key props were available for purchase in the canteen, Shang Qianyu suddenly rushed to the cafeteria window and asked, "Miss, what do you have for sale here?"

The girl who played the role of the cafeteria aunt was stunned for a moment, and then replied in a cold tone: "Ordinary meals cost 1 yuan each, and the food is random; large meals cost 2 yuan, buffet, you can eat whatever you want."

"Okay! Let's have four meals!" Shang Qianyu did not hesitate and handed over the remaining eight yuan. Then he turned his head and looked at the three teammates who were completely dumbfounded. He puffed up his chest and said, " Come on, I'll treat you to a big dinner!" (End of Chapter)

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