I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 325 Urgent refutation of rumors

Shang Qianyu complained in front of the two of them for more than ten minutes, and suddenly the conversation changed: "Boss, is the second episode of the variety show about to be broadcast?"

"Escape Room" plans to shoot a total of 12 episodes, which should be an average of 3 episodes per week. However, due to the busy schedule in the first week, Yang Ruoqian is not allowed to work overtime, so he can only spread it out a little bit later.

But there’s nothing wrong with releasing two episodes.

Yang Ruoqian now basically knew what Shang Qianyu was thinking when she heard the first words she said: "Don't even think about it. You are not allowed to watch it during the filming of the variety show, not even for a minute."

"Oh, it's not about watching." Shang Qianyu's mind was spinning quickly, "I just want to know if the director recorded the scene of me doing bad things?"

On the first night, in order to weaken the team with good combat effectiveness, Shang Qianyu secretly put on the ID card of the dormitory manager and put a master key at Ni Yuanhao's door because he could check the dormitory later. .

Then Ni Yuanhao was dragged away early in the morning.

Shang Qianyu and Zhang Wei's plan was a great success.

But now that she thought about it, she wondered if she was caught doing bad things, would it have a bad impact on the company?

Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment and said: "It will definitely not be recorded... In order to maintain the suspense of the mole, the mole will not be made public until the moment it is exposed."

"Just like the mole who was eliminated now, his identity and picture were announced only after he was eliminated... It's just that he died too quickly. He lost three lives before he could do anything bad."

"And you don't have to worry about whether to record or not. Anyone who can think normally now knows that this dormitory is a man-made disaster, not a trap deliberately set by our program team."

Shang Qianyu shook his head: "Boss, no, no... I'm just worried that if this clip is released, will Ni Yuanhao's fans and my fans attack each other? Or, will Ni Yuanhao's fans take the flames of war directly? Burn it to the program team or even the company?"

"Ni Yuanhao still has a lot of fans."

Is there such a good thing? !

The Kuaiguang Group, which has not been attacked for a long time, is now in urgent need of one or even several attacks - many people now think that the Kuaiguang Group is too difficult to mess with, so they don't dare to talk nonsense.

Regarding this misunderstanding, Mr. Yang just wanted to tell them that paper tigers like Kuaiguang Group would reveal their secrets with just a casual poke.

Mr. Yang, who wanted to give the show a bad reputation, said: "Then the matter you are worried about must be unsolvable... This clip will 100% be released in the sequels, otherwise how will the audience know what happened to Ni Yuanhao? ?”

"Oops..." Shang Qianyu sighed, "It's over, the last thing you want to see is about to happen."

"What's the end?" Yang Ruoqian looked at Shang Qianyu with some humor, "Kuiguang Group has never seen any big storms along the way. Have you taken care of yourself? Are you still worried about the company?"

Shang Qianyu continued to sigh: "Boss, you don't understand my feelings for the company..."

"Hurry up. With this unconventional skill, you might as well think about how to survive next week." Yang Ruoqian took a glass of water from the table and waved his hand in disgust, "You don't have to mess with company-level matters. Concern, go back and rest quickly."

After driving Shang Qianyu away, Yang Ruoqian picked up the phone at hand and called Qin Xin, the program's chief planner.

A few seconds later, Qin Xin picked up the phone: "Hello, Mr. Yang, do you have any instructions? The program team is on standby at any time."

After saying this, Qin Xinxin couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Not long ago, Qin Xin was just a working-class man with a meager salary. He didn't even dare to quit his job, and his boss and clients could give him whatever they wanted.

In just a few months, because of an idea, he directly became the chief planner of this most watched variety show in the country. Big names that he had never been able to contact suddenly started to contact him!

Even on his way home from get off work, he would often encounter some mysterious people, carrying a bag of suspicious things and wanting to treat him to dinner.

Previously, Martian Electrolyte Water had not competed with Oriental July and failed to win the exclusive naming rights, which almost caused the phone calls in the office to ring.

He still remembered the anxious look of the person in charge of the Martian electrolyte water, saying that they could increase the money, and there was no need to just reject it if they couldn't reach an agreement, etc.

It took Qin Xin a long time to convey what Yang Ruoqian meant - it was impossible to have the exclusive naming rights, but the internal advertising space during the variety show could be sold to them at a low price.

In the end, the two sides finally reached an agreement after a painful negotiation.

Until the contract was signed, the person in charge of Martian Electrolyte Water still didn't understand why things developed into a lose-lose situation where the Kuaiguang Group made less money and they got worse advertising space.

But no matter what, Qin Xin also clearly felt various changes.

Even many relatives at home came to me, hoping to arrange a job for me.

Yang Ruoqian asked casually: "How is the editing of the second episode of "Escape Room" going? How is the progress?"

Qin Xin, who has followed the project throughout the whole process, immediately replied: "We have entered the final finishing work and can be released on time. But I have a worry. I don't know if I should tell you?"

Although most people outside now call him "Mr. Qin", Qin Xin still knows his position very well.

Absolutely no floating!

Others called him "President Qin" because of their own interests. Only Mr. Yang promoted him to "President Qin" because he really liked his ability.

"If you have anything you should or should not do, just say it." Yang Ruoqian handed the half-drunk water to Chang Zhiqing beside him, "If there are any problems that cannot be solved, please report them directly... Your project is very important, Qi Mu If you are busy, please contact me directly."

In the days when Yang Ruoqian was busy watching variety shows, most of the things that the CEO should do were left to the secretary.

Yang Ruoqian is only responsible for decisions that Qi Mu is unsure about.

Now that she is busy, she may not be able to deal with Qin Xin's affairs in time.

Qin Xin was somewhat moved by the boss's regard for him: "Mr. Yang, it's not a big deal. I'm just wondering whether the clips related to Ni Yuanhao should be deleted to a certain extent. Otherwise, I'm afraid of causing misunderstandings and being called a program. The group deliberately targeted it and so on.”

Why are both of them worried about these problems?

Shang Qianyu, this little fool, is worried. Qin Xin is also an old man in the workplace after all. He is the chief planner of a variety show, so be tough!

"It's not necessary. Just show it as it is. If possible, it's best to give it a close-up." Yang Ruoqian frowned and ordered seriously, "Isn't Ni Yuanhao so scared that he dragged his pants and crawled on the ground?"

"Yes, for that shot, you can do a close-up, you can slow it down, you can even play it back... Those who are fans or not are just taking these for their fans to see!"

Qin Xin was relieved after getting the boss's approval: "Okay, Mr. Yang, do you have any other instructions?"

"It's gone for the time being... Well, by the way, in the future, we can do more plots in variety shows like Ni Yuanhao wearing big underpants and crawling on the ground. This is good-looking, and I believe the audience will also like it."

Not long after, the second episode of "Escape Room" was released as scheduled.

Just as Yang Ruoqian, Cheng Fei, Shang Qianyu and Qin Xin expected, this episode caused an uproar as soon as it was released.

Among them, the biggest reaction was, not surprisingly, the fans of Ni Yuanhao.

As soon as Yang Ruoqian opened the Leopard app in the office, a strong world war atmosphere hit him.

"Holy shit, whose idol is this, hahahahaha! This colorful guy with big pants, hahahahahaha!!! No, I'll get in trouble with anyone who doesn't give this variety show full marks!"

"This is truly the most effective variety show I have ever seen."

"...Is it funny? I don't think it's funny at all. If it were you being pranked like this, would you still be able to laugh?! Where's your conscience?!"

"The program team really went too far this time!"

"Is there anything too much? Isn't there a little too much self-awareness?"

"Why does a grown man have so much trouble? Feng Luo was arrested, and his teammates didn't come to rescue him. How could he escape from the elevator with a big bed board on his back? Your Ni Yuanhao wouldn't even know Feng Luo. Not as good as a girl, right?"

"Hahahahaha! Why did Feng Luo come out with a new skin again?! Hahahahahaha, this big bed board has a head in its mouth. The teammates were not frightened by the ghost, but they were frightened by the teammates, hahahaha!"

"Shang Qianyu and Zhang Wei were so fast when they saw Feng Luo running away..."

"You're crazy. Are you trying to punish my brother Yuan Hao like this?"

"Feng Luo doesn't have any true fans. Come out together to protest to the show crew. Your sister has been targeted twice, why don't you come out and say something?"

"Give me a low score!"

"If you don't like it, get out of here. Did your celebrity say anything? Is it your turn to feel sorry for them in your head?"

"You don't have to play if you can't afford it. Kuaiguang Group didn't force your 'brother' to come and play."

"Well, I wonder if these people are navy soldiers? Haven't everyone in the variety show analyzed it? Ni Yuanhao's being dragged away should be an internal sabotage by the insiders who took advantage of their identities. It was a PVP session, and What does the show team have to do with it?”

"Your star is so noble that he cannot be attacked by others? How about simply announcing that Ni Yuanhao has won the variety show?"

"Stop arguing and come and see the freshly released emoticons!"

"Guangguang Rehabilitation, your first choice in life [picture]. You see, Sister Feng Luo, an elegant beauty who can't even unscrew a bottle cap, can tear up the bed board with her hands and escape with her hands tied after participating in this variety show Isn’t it awesome to leave the terrifying fourth floor of the dormitory?”

"This is nothing. I think the wake-up call service is better [picture]. You see, Ni Yuanhao slept so hard that he was almost late. Fortunately, the program team was kind and woke him up, hahahahaha !”

"Why don't you post this picture? I laugh every time I see these big pants, and the classmates around me think I'm crazy!"

"If you base your happiness on other people's pain, won't your conscience hurt..."

"Stop the imbecile speech. Your brother's life is 10,000 times better than yours. One meal can eat up your living expenses for a year. Are you still worried about the suffering of others? Care about yourself and support you. Big parents, really.”

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Sister Feng Luo, my sister Feng Luo, you are so miserable..."

Yang Ruoqian looked at the somewhat chaotic forum, where the scolding war was showing signs of escalation, and nodded with satisfaction - this was the effect he wanted.

After giving the guests more intensity, it indeed attracted more dissatisfaction and abuse.

Although the voice of abuse is still not loud enough, it at least proves that this path is correct.

Reasonable fans are not excluded, but these people generally rarely post comments... Crazy fans who are irrational and love to make trouble on the Internet can, to a large extent, guide the trend of the Internet.

If all the guests are treated later, there will definitely be a lot of scolding on the forum, the reputation of the variety show will definitely plummet, it will definitely be boycotted by most of the audience, and the ratings will plummet.

No matter how high the rating of a variety show is now, how much it is praised, how badly it will be scolded when it goes high and low later.

Swear more! Mr. Yang couldn't wait to see the scene of the wall falling and everyone pushing him down.

"Ni Yuanhao made an update on the variety show "Escape Room"."


Did you speak out in person?

Yang Ruoqian took the last sip of the bottle from Chang Zhiqing's hand, drank it all in one gulp, and at the same time switched the mobile app to Weibo.

"Hey, why are you so annoying..." Chang Zhiqing complained and moved her head over, "What are you looking at? You've been laughing non-stop from the beginning."

"Ni Yuanhao was the one who got the worst treatment. He posted a Weibo post. Let's see what he said."

After clicking on Ni Yuanhao's personal homepage, the two of them immediately saw the latest news pinned to the top.

"I just came out of the secret room and found that everyone cares about me. I would like to thank you all in advance. However, I also saw that some friends are very worried about my situation. I want to refute the rumors here. I solemnly declare here that Kui Guang The group's program team has absolutely not made any malicious arrangements against me personally."

"Fans, please stop attacking the show crew. Sister Feng Luo was more frightened than me. She didn't say anything, but I, a big man, started crying instead?"

"Now my partners and I are basically certain that this operation was caused by the insider guest who wanted to weaken my combat effectiveness. This shows that I am taken seriously and that everyone recognizes my strength."

"Finally, I would like to state again that I am very satisfied with the arrangement of the program team. I am very shocked by the exquisite secret room designed by Kuaiguang Group. I hope that the program team will continue to work hard and create greater glories!"

Yang Ruoqian: "..."

Looking at this universe disclaimer, Yang Ruoqian was a little confused.

Ni Yuanhao just told the Kuaiguang Group directly that the behavior of fans should not be elevated to the level of the celebrity himself...

No, Ni Yuanhao, what are you afraid of?

If you don’t make this statement, I will target you in the secret room in the future!

This statement should at least reduce the number of curses by half!

What do you want to compensate? !

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