Needless to say, A-list celebrities are very popular. Even if they just post a few minutes, the comment area is very busy.

They have a lot of traffic, and with the popularity of this variety show, by the time Yang Ruoqian finished browsing the text of this post, there were already three-digit comments in the comment area.

"Tsk tsk, look at your reputation." Chang Zhiqing, who was reading the comments together, also made her own comment, "Others even had to post a post to clarify themselves."

"What does this have to do with me!" Yang Ruoqian complained, flipping to the comment page, "Are they trying their best to figure out something?!"

Ni Yuanhao doesn't really think that Kuangguang Group is the kind of super litigator who will appeal directly to anyone he doesn't like, right?

Previously, I was involved in lawsuits with Yuefu and a group of bribed ups. I originally thought that I could punish these people while losing the lawsuit, and use the legal team to increase the company's expenses.

As a result, the lawsuit was won directly!

Those who wanted to punish were punished. The legal department of Kuaiguang Group became famous in one battle and became a existence that no one dared to mess with.

Not only big companies don't want to mess with it, but also A-list celebrities don't want to mess with it. As a result, Kuangguang Group now doesn't have any legal disputes. It originally wanted to waste some money, but ended up saving a lot of money. It can be called one of the biggest boomerangs.

Even... you wouldn't issue a disclaimer so quickly, right?

Chang Zhiqing reached out and swiped the screen for Yang Ruoqian and pointed at one of them: "I don't think it's necessarily because of the last lawsuit."

Yang Ruoqian followed her finger and said, "Let me see..."

"Hahaha! Brother Yuanhao is scared by you fans who are talking nonsense outside... Anyway, if you don't participate in the secret room, you are not afraid of being targeted by the show crew. You just talk about it. In the end, it is Brother Yuanhao who suffers."

"Hatfans just want to see Ni Yuanhao be embarrassed. You are different. You want to see him die. If you have anything to say, at least wait until the variety show is over. Do you really think that the Kuaiguang Group is blind and can't see the comments?"

"It's impossible not to see it. Baopu app is owned by Kuaiguang Group. Do you believe it if they can't see it?"

"Tsk, it's hard to imagine how the show crew will target Wonho brother after seeing these comments."

"The Kuaiguang Group will not be lenient when it comes to its actions. No, with the help of this group of idiot fans, why don't we quit this variety show to stop being so angry? We must not be targeted to death."

"You can't just quit this kind of variety show. The Kuaiguang Group spends so much money to hold variety shows and invite guests at large prices. They must have signed a contract... Now that you quit the show midway and broke the contract, let's not talk about the consequences of the Kueiguang Group. How offended are you, the compensation alone will cost you your life, right?"

"Quited midway...Kueguang Legal Department welcomes new customers."

"It's better to say less. Really, because some people are self-righteous. Brother Yuanhao doesn't know how much more he will suffer in the secret room."

"Tsk, tsk."


Yang Ruoqian: "..."

It turns out that Ni Yuanhao posted this news not because he was afraid of the legal department of Kuaiguang Group, but because he was afraid of being targeted in the secret room?

I used to think that Ni Yuanhao was afraid of the legal department of Kuaiguang Group, but now it seems that he was afraid of malicious revenge from the program team?

It seems that the experience of having the door opened and dragged out of bed while he was sleeping that day gave him a great psychological shadow...

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while, switched his account to the official account of Kuai Guang Group, and sent a thoughtful reply: "Ni Yuanhao fans, please rest assured that all arrangements by the program team are planned in advance, and will never be due to personal reasons." Make temporary changes to factors and off-site factors!”

"The forums under the Kuaiguang Group also welcome users to speak enthusiastically. As long as they do not violate the platform regulations, we welcome views from all angles!"

"We also humbly accept any criticism of our work!"

After posting this comment with a relatively formal tone and a relatively upright attitude, Yang Ruoqian clapped his hands with satisfaction and switched the account back to his personal account.

Ni Yuanhao should be relieved now, right?

Now Ni Yuanhao's fans will continue to quarrel with other people on the Leopard app, right?

Yang Ruoqian glanced at the message, made sure there was nothing missing, and then pulled Chang Zhiqing up: "Let's go! Go home from get off work!"

The relaxing weekend passed quickly. After two days of rest, the guests all returned to the Kueiguang Building, waiting to enter the secret room.

The second time they enter the secret room is different from the first time. They will be collectively sent to the safe area, where the guests will start their first official internal fight. There is no need to worry about being wiped out at the beginning.

Ni Yuanhao, who has a tough guy personality, also arrived at the corresponding floor on time.

Compared to the first time, the clothes he wore today were simpler and looser. Most of his body was covered in clothes, and his temperament was not so conspicuous.

The horrific experience a few days ago told him an ironclad fact - there would be absolutely no good outcome for showing off in a secret room like this.

He is already an A-list star, and it is easy for him to be subconsciously targeted by the behind-the-scenes program crew. Coupled with the character of such a tough guy who breaks into a haunted house, it is difficult not to receive special attention.

It's just that he is taken care of by the program team. The most terrifying thing is that his personality can easily be regarded as a powerful opponent by other guests, and they can be targeted openly or covertly!

Otherwise, why was it that Ni Yuanhao was the only one who was attacked by an insider when there were three people in their team last week?

Isn't that because his image is wrong?

In a dangerous place like a secret room, it's better to try not to be in the limelight.

Although being in the limelight can get more traffic and attract more attention from the audience, it will also be regarded as a front-runner by people who do not doubt your good intentions!

The effort and reward are completely out of proportion.

Now Ni Yuanhao only has one life left... If the team hadn't been rich in funds, enough to buy him another life, he couldn't help but wonder whether he could survive until the last week.

While Ni Yuanhao was thinking about it, he subconsciously lifted his pants... For some reason, after he was dragged away by a ghost last time and photographed wearing flowery underwear, he inexplicably became addicted to this action.

At this time, Qin Xin came out from behind the scenes, took the microphone, and said straight to the point: "I believe that after experiencing the test of the past week, all the guests are already familiar with the relaxed and happy atmosphere in the secret room..."

"Everyone has done the same in the first round of tasks. Now it's time to gather clues and go to the principal's office to find a way to leave the secret room."

"Attention... only three of you can leave smoothly!"

"There are still 15 guests, and there are 3 insiders among the 15 guests..."

"Starting from the second week, the strange existences in the secret room will become more active. Some of the previous information will be out of date. Guests are asked to be cautious and not blindly trust past experiences."

"Finally, all the guests' clothes and daily necessities have been placed in the wardrobes of the corresponding dormitories. The dormitories have been determined and will not be changed."

After he was almost ready, Qin Xin asked one last question: "So, distinguished guests, get ready for your second week's challenge!"

After saying that, a small door not far away was slowly opened.

The surge of coolness made many people shiver.

Shang Qianyu rubbed his hands habitually, walked to Feng Luo and asked in a low voice: "Sister Feng Luo, how was your weekend rest?"

Feng Luo thought about his miserable last week and said helplessly: "I had a good rest... I hope my luck will be better this week."

If we were to choose the most unlucky guests in the "Escape Room" variety show in the first week, Feng Luo would definitely be among them.

During the "examination" in the chemistry classroom, I chose a seat next to the wall. I was frightened by the wall with a face that transformed it. I was selected to be the person who climbed the stairs alone. I fell into the fourth floor and was frightened out by the ghost in dormitory No. 404. Emoticons, and finally fled from the 4th floor in embarrassment carrying the bed board and holding the head in his mouth. The image of a dignified lady was completely shattered...

After this variety show, the elegant labels on Feng Luo have been completely torn off, replaced by labels such as "Strong King", "female man", "barbarian"...

After filming a tepid film for a whole year, Feng Luo had begun to fade out of people's conversation and began to show a trend of becoming outdated.

But now, after just two episodes of the variety show, she has returned to her peak popularity, even worse!

Putting aside everything else, just looking at the traffic, Feng Luo has already made a lot of money by participating in this variety show - not only did he receive an invitation fee from the Kuangguang Group, but the topic about himself is still high on the recent hot search list. Evergreen.

However, the fame he gained this time was different from what Feng Luo had imagined.

During her weekend break, her friends, family, and even relatives all sent her a bunch of emoticons.

These emoticons are very vivid, the words and pictures match well, and you won’t get tired of them after using them for a long time. They are of high quality no matter how you look at them.

The only little regret is that these emoticons use photos of Feng Luo in the secret room.

One can imagine Feng Luo's mood when he saw these expressions.

She has obviously achieved her goal of participating in the variety show this time and has returned to the public's eyes, but why can't she be happy?

Shang Qianyu patted Feng Luo on the shoulder in an old-fashioned way and said in a comforting tone: "It's okay. The difficulty of the secret room in the second week has soared. It's very likely that everyone will be unlucky!"

Feng Luo was choked up: "I'll just think you are comforting me..."

At this time, the guests had begun to enter the small door in an orderly manner, and Group 1 also walked forward with the team.

After everyone entered the door, a crisp sound came from behind.

The vision in the room suddenly dimmed.

" seems that there is a safe area in front of me?" Almost at the same time, the leading guest shouted uncertainly, "I remember that there was no such door near the previous safe area. Am I remembering it wrong?"

"No matter what these are, there must be many hidden secret doors for the staff in the secret room. If you can't find it, it's normal. Go in quickly."

None of the guests took this episode seriously.

At the end of the first week, all of them gathered in the safe house, put together the maps they had collected so hard, and basically memorized the structure of the entire secret room.

They also wrote down the notes behind each map fragment.

Of course, after being reminded by Qin Xin, the guests also knew that some of this information was outdated, and they still needed to figure out what the latest rules were.

Arriving at the safe area, the 15 guests looked at the three familiar NPCs and quickly took out the previously stored mission props from their lockers.

"Let's put the map together again and check..."

"Why don't we just give the map fragments to the NPCs and spend five yuan to buy a complete map for each group? It's a bit too troublesome to work together like this."

A dozen or so people who were already a little confused immediately expressed their opinions: "I agree..."

After leaving this safe zone, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to cooperate as sincerely as they do now.

Although the guests cannot harm each other directly, there is no problem in doing anything they want to do except directly harming each other.

If there is an urgent need for a map in the future and a team is unwilling to provide it, it would be too difficult to handle.

Now that everyone has not fully entered the state of the second week, before their weaknesses have been exposed, it is business to quickly exchange the information that can be exchanged.

Just as I was changing the map, an actress named Yao Xuehong, who is known for her softness and softness, walked over and said softly: "Small businessman, can I take two minutes of your time?"

Shang Qianyu was about to spend money to buy a complete map. Hearing this, he turned around and blinked: "Sister Yao? What's wrong?"

"Xiao Shang... I want to discuss something with you." Yao Xuehong showed her beautiful dimples, "That is, your team has several torches, can you give us one?"

Shang Qianyu was stunned: "Ah..."

Before Shang Qianyu could finish speaking, Feng Luo suddenly walked up to him, gently pressed Shang Qianyu's shoulder, and asked unkindly: "I can give it, but it can't be for free. How much do you plan to pay?"

You must answer the call quickly, otherwise Shang Qianyu, this little fool, will be severely stabbed!

Yao Xuehong turned to look at Feng Luo. Danfeng's eyes narrowed inconspicuously, but her smile remained the same: "It's Sister Feng Luo... We plan to pay 5 yuan, is that okay?"

"Then why don't you just buy a spare battery at the canteen for the same price? A spare battery can last for 2 more hours. Is it any different from a torch?"

Sure enough, Yao Xuehong had no intention of buying it at all. As soon as she saw that the situation was not right, she immediately offered a price that was completely unacceptable to her.

Yao Xuehong pretended to suddenly realize it, and said in an apologetic tone: "Is that so... I forgot, I'm sorry."

"Our team over there still has tasks to do, so I won't disturb you anymore. Bye~"

After saying that, Yao Xuehong turned around and left the safe zone with her teammates.

"Sister Yao, didn't you get it?"

Yao Xuehong shook her head gently: "'s a pity that Feng Luo is not easy to fool."

"A torch, forget it, let's focus on our current mission."

While the two were chatting briefly, the person leading the way suddenly stopped. He put the map in front of his eyes, as if something went wrong.

"What's wrong?" Yao Xuehong asked, frowning slightly.

"Sister, the mark on the map is different from the path we are taking now!" (End of Chapter)

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