After saying a few words, the chief planner quickly hung up the phone receiver, turned around and turned off the monitor screen.

"Ah! No!"

"Brother Chen, what are you doing? I just had fun watching it. I haven't had enough yet."

"No! Yao Xuehong is going to suffer in a few seconds. Can you let me watch for another three minutes?"

"Okay!" The program planner frowned, "What are you talking about? Isn't it the time to watch a variety show? Now is the time to do business."

"If you want to watch the variety show, you can go back and watch it yourself. Let's talk about business now! There are only four months left before the end of the year. Don't you want to think about your bonus? Don't you want to see what gift the Kuaiguang Group has brought us this time? "

Big gift?

The employees stopped wailing at this time and gathered around curiously.

What kind of gift can Kuaiguang Group give them?

They have analyzed before that based on the current business projects of Kuaiguang Group, they should have little interest in advertising space.

The program team used valuable advertising space to make invitations, showing sincerity rather than truly wanting to facilitate the deal.

There is a high probability that they will just pay a sum of money directly to use the traffic brought by the Kuaiguang Group.

"Did Kuangguang Group agree to us exchanging advertising space for their resources?" The employee in charge of advertising in the program team was a little curious. "Maybe they will transfer this advertising space to other people?"

The program team held a small meeting and felt that even if Kuaiguang Group would accept the advertising space, it would most likely transfer the advertising space to several of their business partners.

"It has not been resold to anyone else." The chief planner said in a somewhat unstable tone, "Not only do they want advertising space, but they also want to buy the exclusive naming rights! It is the name of the Kuaiguang Group, and they will not resell it to anyone else."

"Ah?! Kuaiguang Group wants to exclusively sponsor our program?" The employee in charge of advertising seemed to be hearing some fantasy. "They want to exclusively sponsor our program? Do they have any new products?"

The chief planner shook his head: "There are no new products, just a name on our program group."

Just in name only?

A company name?

The employee in charge of advertising was still a little confused: "They don't have any products, so they just put the name of a company? Then how do they monetize the ads? Others don't know what products they have, so they can't give them money even if they want to." "

The program planner waved his hand nonchalantly: "You don't have to worry about the decision-making of Kuaiguang Group. It's pointless for us to guess what level of company they are. We can just do it. If you can guess the ultimate purpose of others doing this, What, you can also go to Kuaiguang Group and get an annual salary of one million."


It is impossible to overstate the miraculous actions Yang Ruoqian makes.

After more than a year, many of Yang Ruoqian's deeds have been unearthed by interested people. Some people even compiled a special document for this purpose, introducing and analyzing Yang Ruoqian from his school days...

Now there are more than 200,000 fans on a certain video platform.

Even when many people give examples to teach people how to do business, they will show Yang Ruoqian's various operations to prove their logic and correctness.

So those magical operations are no longer a secret.

However... most people just use Yang Ruoqian as an example and don't dare to actually touch him.

The legal department of Kuaiguang Group is scary enough, but Yang Ruoqian himself is even scarier than his legal department!

The last time a success master made a big statement in a hotel, the fact that Yang Ruoqian exposed his lie on the spot has been circulating on the Internet for quite some time.

The person who boasted about randomly giving out two million to others and boasted that his business could make hundreds of millions, turned out to be a scumbag?

A person who can't even afford this little money can actually teach others how to succeed?

A person who can really make such a huge amount of money is so busy with all the things he has to deal with every day. He has no time to shoot short videos every day, and he has no time to give speeches everywhere...

But if they don't do this, how will they make money?

So... it's better not to mess with Yang Ruoqian, the evil star.

"Okay." The employee in charge of advertising was convinced and nodded, "But this exclusive title position is still very valuable. How much does Kuaiguang Group plan to make up for it?"

The program team only plans to use a more conspicuous advertising space to complete the resource exchange with Kuaiguang Group, but the value of exclusive naming is far greater than a sponsor's advertising space.

A discount can be given to Kuaiguang Group, but the price difference must be made up.

"Including the deduction for advertising space, the actual bid of Kuaiguang Group is higher than that of all other sponsors, and it is the highest sponsorship fee among all our programs in the past few years." The chief planner said, "No matter what , we must do this business.”

"We must do it... maybe we can hit peak ratings, revenue, and popularity this time."

After the variety show on the big screen stopped, many people gathered around and looked at the tablet in the hands of the chief planner.

After Kuaiguang Group wins the exclusive naming rights, it will definitely need to send some documents - such as what kind of logo it needs to make, what kind of posters it needs to hang, and it may even need to make a video.

Exclusive naming is not as simple as just saying the name and hanging up an advertisement.

No matter when, where or in which lens, you must be able to see the Kuangguang Group clearly but not obtrusively. This is the qualified exclusive title.

According to industry standards, Kuaiguang Group's "Secret Room Survival" variety show, this exclusive title, is completely unqualified.

However, according to industry insiders, the exclusive naming fee charged by Kuaiguang Group is not high, so it is understandable that the effect is not good.

"Others, don't be idle, come here and learn how the top companies design advertising content! Don't be in a daze about art, come here!"

"You have to be humble and absorb other people's skills in order to make progress and get promoted and get a salary increase. Do you understand?"

"I'm coming……"

The internet speed in the company was not particularly fast, so after struggling for a few minutes, the program director finally downloaded the file.

After thinking about it this way, they suddenly realized that Kuaiguang Group really didn't seem to have any decent advertising...

Most operations use big data to push buying volume.

Even their own Leopard app has not received much publicity.

This is the first time for Kuaiguang Group to run such a high-value advertisement. Why don’t we learn from their advanced technology?

With great respect, the chief planner turned on the big screen again and projected his flat screen on it.

A few seconds later, the advertisement screen sent by Kuaiguang Group was presented to everyone.

The background of the picture is in a secret room that is very familiar to them... There is a picture of King Kong and Feng Luo fighting one against a hundred, Yao Xuehong's ferocious face, and other various stars.

The program crew members' brains were short-circuited for a moment.

No, why does this picture look so familiar...

Isn't this the "Secret Room Survival" they were watching just now? !

Isn't Yao Xuehong's look like this the same place where the screen was paused just now? !

Didn't you agree that you should stop watching variety shows and take advantage of your break to learn more about how Kuai Guang Group advertises?

Why is this scene from a variety show again?

The artist, who had already calmed down and was about to study modestly, was stunned for a moment, then touched the chief planner's shoulder: "Brother Chen, did you make the wrong document?"

The chief planner was a little embarrassed, so he quickly operated the tablet and quickly turned off the screen.

However, after the chief planner repeatedly confirmed that the file was correct and opened it again in front of everyone, the picture that appeared on the big screen was still the previous "Secret Room Survival".

"What's going on?" The planner was confused. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing after doing the show for so long. "Did the Kuaiguang Group send the wrong documents?"

As if he heard the planning doubts, as soon as this question came out, the employee in charge of docking at Kuaiguang Group sent a supplementary message: "After inspection, the document is correct, please check it!"

"Wen, the document is correct?!"

"I think there is such a possibility?" At this moment, Art finally interjected, "Is this the content of the advertisement that Kuaiguang Group wants us to do?"

The whole room fell silent again.

In this deafening silence, the planner finally couldn't hold it back and made an incredible voice: "Kuiguang Group wants to use this scene as an advertisement and put it on our program?!"

Kuaiguang Group, President's Office.

Yang Ruoqian glanced at Qi Mu, who had just reported his work and was sorting out documents not far away, and asked: "How is the program team of "Your Job"? Are there any accidents with our exclusive naming rights?"

Will the program team directly refuse to cooperate after seeing the documents sent by them?

In this case, wouldn’t it be impossible to spend such a large sum of money?

Qi Mu stopped what he was doing and replied: "Mr. Yang, there is no accident. I have agreed."

"Okay..." Yang Ruoqian nodded slightly, "This quarter is almost over. Does our company have any big projects planned for next quarter?"

Before you know it, it’s almost the last quarter again…

After working hard for nearly a whole year, Yang Ruoqian earned a few hundred thousand from this broken system.

The secret room survival variety show now seems to be a bit beyond his control... I hope this wave of advertisements can save something.

The long-term success has made Yang Ruoqian a little numb.

In the past, if I saw that I had worked hard for so long and finally made a lot of money, I would definitely break my defense.


He seems to be getting used to it now.

Qi Mu glanced at the document in his hand and said: "Mr. Yang, you have only one major arrangement for the next quarter so far, which is the top three rewards of "Secret Room Survival" and the movie "The Richest Man in Jinhai City". What will you do next quarter? Do you need to make any other arrangements?"

Well... Yang Ruoqian plans to use all real props for this movie to raise the cost as much as possible.

But judging from the current profitability of Kuaiguang Group, this movie may not be enough.

Yang Ruoqian glanced at Qi Mu and stroked his chin: "Besides the awards from the last Water City Film Festival, have our group's artists received any other awards?"

Qi Mu knew the group's artists well, and shook his head without much thought: "I have hardly won any awards... Well, after "Black Robe Inspection Team", Shang Qianyu won several domestic small awards, but you also You know, these awards basically have no gold content. Rather than giving awards, it’s more about taking the opportunity to gain Shang Qianyu’s popularity.”

"But with our company's production and box office today, there is a high probability of winning the award... Do you need to do a little bit of operation?"

Run it?

The secretary is so nice when she talks.

Yang Ruoqian smiled and shook his head: "No need... I was wondering if our group can also get an award of its own? Doesn't Weibo have one? Can't we get it too?"

If others can comment, so can Baopu app!

Isn't it just an award ceremony? No one can be awarded the same prize.

Qi Mu thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Yang, although our group's influence is already great, it may not be authoritative enough to award awards to movies and actors. Others may not buy it."

It’s okay if you don’t buy it, it’s okay if you don’t have authority!

Yang Ruoqian has never thought about getting any authoritative awards.

"You don't need to buy it." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "Our award is mainly subjective. We don't invite any media to participate in the selection. It is only judged within our company. Just make the prizes better."

If it is too authoritative, it is likely to become the soft power of Kuaiguang Group like the Baopu app - although it does not seem to make money, it actually brings huge hidden benefits.

It would be better to award the entire self-entertainment award to whoever you want, and by the way, the group's inexhaustible funds and resources can be thrown to these winners.

Wouldn't an award with low authority and high prizes kill two birds with one stone?

"How about the prizes?" Qi Mu didn't quite understand, "Mr. Yang, what prizes do you plan to set up, and what rewards are you going to give them?"

"This is to be determined. Let's recruit a selection committee first." Yang Ruoqian thought for a while, "Find some in the company, and also find some outside... Aren't there many people clamoring for us to expand our recruitment now? We can just recruit more people."

"Okay, Mr. Yang, I will contact the deputy director of the human resources department later and ask him to implement this matter as soon as possible." Qi Mu quickly made a memo, "Do you have any specific requirements for this jury? They need to have professional film critics. Do you have experience or are you a professional director or actor?”

"No!" Yang Ruoqian refused without caring about professionalism. "Directors and actors can be recommended from within our company. Those recruited from outside only need to be lovers of movies, TV series and variety shows. Don't be too in-depth."

It would be bad if the depth is too high and the professionalism is too strong... Just recruit some outsiders who watch movies and TV series.

Qi Mu nodded: "Okay, Mr. Yang, I will make arrangements right away."

"Okay, you can arrange it." Yang Ruoqian glanced at his watch, reached out to turn off the computer, and left the office before Qi Mu, "I'm going to watch the variety show live first. If it's not important, you can decide to handle it on your own!"

(After reading it now, this book is close to 1.2 million words. It’s so powerful. It’s the first time I’ve written such a long novel, hahahaha!) (End of this chapter)

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