I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 348 Another self-pleasure ceremony

Yang Ruoqian glanced at the list.

Members of the organizing committee explained on the side: "Mr. Yang, we have found all the domestic films that were released this year and have a poor reputation."

"However, for some films that are obviously entertainment in nature or have almost zero investment, we did not include them in the candidate list."

"If these movies were included, I worry that some people might choose to make bad movies just to win our Golden Mop Award, and this award might be a bit too boring."

"Although in order to prevent this situation, you have stipulated that the Golden Mop Award will not be too good, and all resources will be provided by the shelter company, but for some speculators, even the resources provided by the shelter company are It’s enough to get back the money.”

"And the materials used for your trophy are quite particular, and the value of the trophy itself is not low."


Yang Ruoqian nodded while listening: "Indeed, such completely meaningless movies should not be included in the selection of the Golden Mop Award."

Now Mr. Yang's eagerness to compete with the system has weakened a lot. Although he still has to work hard to lose money, he can't take advantage of such a shameless person.

And it doesn't make much sense to award this award to an unknown, mediocre movie.

The Golden Mop Award is meant to be awarded to the kind of company that won't be able to get back its money even if it wins the award, and the audience also feels the same way. It's best to go to a big company and a big production.

This will not only offend the production company of the bad film, offend the director of the bad film, offend the actors of the bad film, but even offend the fans of the actors in the bad film.

Isn’t the entertainment industry a circle where everyone gives each other face and exchanges resources?

Yang Ruoqian just wanted to tell everyone that not only would the Kuaiguang Group not integrate into this circle, but they would also take away their fig leaf.

Now, he should be besieged by the entire circle, right? Will Kuaiguang Group be squeezed out in various ways?

Hearing that Mr. Yang confirmed the organizing committee's idea, the judges breathed a sigh of relief. One of them, a younger boy, quickly stood up: "Mr. Yang, let me get you two trophies for you to see."

Yang Ruoqian nodded, then continued to look at the list in his hand.

In fact, the entire selection committee is not just composed of these people, but the other members are rotating rather than permanent.

After all, directors and stars have too many things to do, and they can't just come to the company to rate other film actors without doing anything every day.

Take director An Zhou, for example, who is also a special guest judge for the Academy Awards.

After filming "The Black Robe", he completely established his position in the entertainment industry and film festivals, and is now planning the filming of another TV series.

The same is true for other actors - after all, not everyone is as lucky as a small businessman and can always get resources in a muddle-headed manner within the company.

"Hmm... The selected movies include "Tough Guys". Oh, I still have some impression of this movie. It's "Who Steal the Dog," right? That's indeed qualified for selection, haha! In fact, many people don't know that this movie is the most popular one. The funny thing is not the scene where he stole the dog's name, but the box office was only 700,000."

Yes, the box office of "Tough Guys" didn't even reach the million level, it was just 700,000.

Investing so much and getting back so little is another type of spectacle in the history of film.

"The second one on the list, "Fortress"... Sigh, when Yuefu Group sees its movie being rated, will they be so angry that they call me and scold me?"

Why you again? Why me again?

Yuefu Group has not provoked Kuaiguang Group during this period...

As a result, the Yuefu Group was still included in the Worst Movie Award of the Year, which was led by the Kuaiguang Group. Isn’t it a bit disrespectful?

It can be seen from the low profile of Yuefu Group during this period that their strategy for Kuaiguang Group has completely changed.

The previous proactive attacks, provoking troubles, smear campaigns, etc. have now turned into completely pretending to be dead.

While experiencing all kinds of problems, including legal failures, Yuefu Group has been unable to produce any outstanding works and is still relying on a few stars in the company to rest on its laurels.

But this year's film market has been dominated by the Kuaiguang Group for almost the entire year.

The international award-winning "Black Robe Inspection Team", the box-office miracle "The Wandering Blue Star", and the currently attracting attention "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" have all reduced Yuefu Group's sense of existence to an infinitely low level.

Even A-list celebrities need to constantly appear in the public eye to ensure their exposure, otherwise they will slowly fade away.

Be it movies, TV series, variety shows...

In addition to the TV series, the Kuaiguang Group has little interest in it, and the other two important exposure methods have been taken over by the Kuaiguang Group this year.

What's more important is that countless new actors have officially entered the public eye because of Kuaiguang Group's movies, and Feng Luo, who has begun to show a tendency to become outdated, has also returned to the peak of his career through Kuaiguang Group's variety shows.

What a huge temptation this is for celebrities?

According to some gossip, the relationship between Feng Luo and Kuaiguang Group was not that good before, and the two parties ultimately failed to reach a cooperation due to contract issues.

But even so, Kuaiguang Group still gave Feng Luo and Shang Qianyu the opportunity to team up, and still did not target her too much in the variety show. In the end, she even got second place.

As a result, many artists in Yuefu Group will get such a signal - even if he was born in Yuefu, Kuang Guang will not refuse to cooperate because of his identity.

The centrifugal force is full at once.

Nowadays, there are rumors on the Internet that the Yuefu Group is going to end, and the Kuaiguang Group is about to become half of the entertainment industry, and they can no longer do anything wrong.

Yang Ruoqian shook his head and said with a smile: "But they will definitely not admit defeat... The Yuefu Group is probably waiting for an opportunity now, waiting for me to make a movie with a bad reputation, and then try its best to discredit it."

But it's a pity that they don't know that the reason why Kuaiguang Group is still so weak and has not yet been able to sweep Yuefu Group into the trash heap of history is because there are too many successful works!

While thinking this, the young male judge and a staff member had already carefully moved the two trophies over.

"Mr. Yang, these two trophies are the Best Director Award and the Worst Actor Award respectively. Can you take a look at them?"

Yang Ruoqian turned his chair and looked towards the table.

The trophy representing the Best Director Award is not symmetrical. On the contrary, it has a small amount of the design beauty of the World Cup Hercules Cup.

The entire trophy is nearly 20 centimeters high. The cup body is made of pure gold, platinum and various high-grade gemstones. The round crystal cup holder gives people a stable and elegant feeling.

The overall style of the trophy is modern and high-end... you can tell it's worth a lot just by looking at it.

It just looks very heavy at first glance. Holding this thing to take pictures may be a big burden for the recipient.

"This trophy is indeed very beautiful." Yang Ruoqian was very, very satisfied and took out his mobile phone, "I'll take a picture..."

After taking the photo, Yang Ruoqian looked at the trophy not far away.

What is displayed there is naturally the Worst Actor Award in the "Golden Mop Award".

Unlike the high-end Academy Awards Cornerstone trophy, the body of this plastic cup alone is full of irony.

Not to mention the little red flower used to connect the cup body and cup holder, which gives people a ridiculous and childish sense of humor.

Just by looking at it, you can feel the irony.

"Okay! This design is indeed very good." Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with the trophy. "The designer must have put a lot of thought into it. We can't let the designer's hard work be in vain. We must make this trophy fall to the final in the hands of those who are qualified to receive it.”

Will the winner really come to receive the award?

The organizing committee collectively complained in their hearts.

It was obviously a mocking award, and coming to receive it was actually a bit of a humiliation.

The only way to object is to simply ignore it and show disdain for this award.

Whether it's receiving it or yelling, it's not the best way to handle it.

Needless to say, if you receive it, if you react too much, it will be interpreted as breaking the defense.

As long as you don't care, or even pretend you haven't heard of it, is the best way to deal with it.

Therefore, the organizing committee does not attach much importance to this award.

"Well... Boss, let me ask a question." Shang Qianyu, who had been sitting aside to watch the show, suddenly raised his hand, "What will we do if the winner doesn't come to receive the award?"

"It doesn't matter. If you don't come to get it, you won't come to get it." Yang Ruoqian has always been generous about this kind of thing. "If no one wants it, just use the company's account to register a salted fish, put the trophy up at the cost price, and whoever wants it can buy it." ”

Upon hearing Mr. Yang's genius decision, the entire organizing committee was stunned.

Good guy, if no one else comes to claim the award, just sell the trophy at the official official nominal price, and it’s still salted fish?

This is simply arousing the heat, and it is harmful to others without benefiting oneself.

"What a loss..."

"Okay." The humble and polite Mr. Yang couldn't stand such praise, and his face became a little more serious. "I'll leave these trivial matters for later. There are still serious things to do now."

The organizing committee, who almost couldn't help but laugh out loud, immediately returned to work: "Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, please give me the task."

"First of all, awarding awards requires not only prizes, but also a gorgeous award ceremony." Yang Ruoqian said eloquently, "Otherwise, it is just a urinal to hold good wine."

Shang Qianyu immediately praised: "The boss is a good metaphor."

Yang Ruoqian continued: "I will move out an entire floor of the company, and I will also allocate a sum of funds to you. You must make the award ceremony venue luxurious and high-end according to top international standards. If you have any difficulties, you must tell the company... This is our first award ceremony, no matter how it looks, we must be able to pass on the appearance."

The organizing committee, which is responsible for Kuaiguang Group's reputation project, looked even more serious: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, everything will be done to your satisfaction."

Yang Ruoqian finally pointed at the "Golden Red Flower" trophy on the table and said: "Then based on the nominations on this list, select the worst movie of the year and explain to me why it is Yuefu Group's "Fortress" ,any questions?"

Judge: "..."

"Okay Mr. Yang."

A certain university campus, noon.

A boy and a girl were eating in the school cafeteria.

They were the young couple who stayed up all night watching "Secret Room Survival".

"Ahh! The long vacation is over."

"Why, haven't you had enough fun?" The boy took a bite of the food on the plate and sighed with satisfaction, "You were not in this state when you first came out of the secret room."

In order to take care of the customer experience, up to two tickets for the secret room can be purchased together, but similarly, if you want to refund the tickets, you must refund the two tickets together.

After the two went to Gimhae City, they used the ticket purchase app every day to grab tickets. They were lucky enough to grab the last batch of tickets during the long holiday.

At that time, there were already several waves of tourists visiting the secret room, and many people gave their strategies.

In the end, all players reached a consensus - the best strategy is to simply not read the strategy.

The level of madness in this secret room has exceeded everyone's imagination.

When the first group of people entered, the theme of the secret room was still a school ghost story; when the next group of people entered, the entire secret room had seamlessly switched into a large hospital...

Those who did not believe in evil and insisted on memorizing the guide were simply dumbfounded.

The girl rolled her eyes: "That was just the feeling at the time, okay? Looking back on it now, it's really interesting."

"It's a pity that neither of us has passed the level." The boy said with some pain, "Oh, I really want to see the whole story."

"We are only two or three hours short of experiencing the game content, but it's not much different actually." The girl didn't care. "Later, I asked the people who played with us and made up for the plot, but it was not missing. How much, okay?"

"I won't be able to play in the future. Alas... I heard that people who grab tickets will no longer have the right to purchase tickets within three months."

"It's good to play it once, and I think Kuaiguang Group is a more aggressive company." The girl opened her phone and took a look, "Maybe they will launch some more interesting projects in the future?"

They are willing to do even thankless, capital-heavy and low-return projects like large secret rooms, which is indeed completely different from many other companies.

When he thought that Kuaiguang Group might launch more interesting activities than this giant secret room, the boy couldn't help but look forward to it: "That's right... I have to follow their account to avoid missing any important information."

As he spoke, he put down his chopsticks and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

"Leopu, Weibo, Douyin, Bilibili... pay attention to all accounts. By the way, take a look at what they usually post."

After looking at it twice, the boy was stunned for a moment.

"On December 28, the Academy Awards will be announced for the Best Series of the Year, and... uh, the Golden Mop Awards for the Worst Series of the Year?"

"Full live broadcast, welcome to watch?!" (End of Chapter)

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