I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 349 It’s not too big a deal to have fun

"Huh? Is the Kuaiguang Group going to create an entertainment industry award?" The boy was a little surprised. "It feels like it's no different from other awards. They're all about best actor, best director, etc."

Boys pay more attention to the entertainment industry and have some understanding of these types of awards.

Girls who don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry are a little curious: "Kuiguang Group is going to get an award? How valuable is it? What is the status of this award in the entertainment industry?"

"Status means basically no status." The boy complained while scrolling through this post. "If you want to award this kind of award, it doesn't mean that you have made two good movies and cultivated a first-line star."

The girl was even more surprised: "Huh? This sounds very strange. A company that makes good movies and cultivates national actresses is not qualified to award awards, so who is qualified to award them?"

"Well, you must have a certain reputation in the circle, and have a certain background, and even support from an academic background. Only then can this award be promoted and recognized by the public." The boy thought for a while and spoke in the most concise language. In summary, "In short, you have to have everyone recognize you before you can recognize everyone. These are mutually reinforcing."

The girl still felt strange: "Then why is the Kuaiguang Group, which has produced so many good works, not recognized?"

"Well... how should I put it? Because Kuaiguang Group is different from other entertainment companies. They have not really integrated into the entertainment industry." The boy thought for a while and explained. "They don't need other people's resources very much, and they don't accept resource exchanges from other companies very much. They are relatively closed."

"Isn't this better?" The girl was even more surprised. "They completely exclude their own movies from the selection list, and they are relatively independent from other companies. Wouldn't they be able to select the best of the year more objectively?"

The boy choked for a moment and said: "These awards in the entertainment industry, said to be awards, are actually more like a large-scale resource allocation... As long as the reputation is not extremely bad, build momentum on the Internet, brag about the director and actors, and finally publish There won’t be much backlash when the award is given.”

Anyway, anyone who knows a little bit about it will know that this type of award has long lost its original meaning of "reward".

"In that case, aren't the awards from Kuaiguang Group more valuable?"

"It's not up to you to decide whether it has gold content or not... It's up to people in the industry to decide."

The girl clicked her tongue and shook her head: "Okay, I don't understand... But I think based on the past performance of Kuaiguang Group, they definitely don't offer such an award to impress the public. I don't think it's what you said."

"Tsk, the reason why Kuaiguang Group has such a reputation in the entertainment industry is because of its good grades and basically no black spots." The boy was still a little unconvinced, "If they fail once, believe it or not, they will be punished immediately. The circle rallied to attack, but even the black spots were found?"

Just as the boy said, many people have also seen the various hidden dangers hidden behind the prosperity of Kuangguang Group, and talked about it in the comment area.

If you don't fit into the circle, no matter how good your grades are, you will at best avoid being scolded and it will be difficult to get recognition.

And if the performance declines, or even a relatively mediocre work is produced, it is likely to be attacked by a group of people.

Although the girl doesn’t understand the entertainment industry, she still knows a little about other things. She said a little unconvinced: "That’s not necessarily true. Didn’t Chengyu Media come together with the Kuaiguang Group? What can other people’s suppression do? effect?"

"Moreover, Kuaiguang Group now owns a large-scale social app. The number of daily active users has been increasing, and it is expected to become the third largest social platform in the country... The most important thing is that they have the right to score."

"So what if other companies and other media don't recognize it? It won't affect Kuaiguang Group. Their business scope is too broad."

It is different from the more abstract evaluation of a work and an actor on other social platforms.

The Leopard app can most intuitively reflect "public opinion" in the form of scores.

"It's not unreasonable..." The boy nodded and continued to scroll down the news. "But we still have to wait and see the follow-up development... Wait, why do they still have a Golden Mop Award?!"

Listening to this strange name, the girl suddenly became interested: "What does this Golden Mop Award do?"

The boy scrolled through the news and slowed down his speech a little: "The Golden Mop Award is intended to criticize certain films in the film industry that cost a lot of money but have extremely poor quality from a professional standpoint and with an independent identity, so as to promote the development of the domestic film industry. Progress - every winner should be ashamed of receiving this award...shame, ah this?!"

After reading the first half of this post, even boys who know a lot about the entertainment industry were confused.

Even if they give out a prize for the best, they actually give out a prize for the worst?

Giving out the best award is already a very offensive thing, let alone the worst award...Do you want to directly declare war on the entire entertainment industry?

A movie involves a film production company, various directors, actors, screenwriters... The word "worst" seems easy, but the number of people it hurts is difficult to calculate!

Once you offend, you become a group of people.

"Okay, awesome." The girl couldn't help but put down her chopsticks and clapped, "I suddenly fell in love with this company, hahaha!"

"Look, there is actually a selection session for netizens here..." The boy continued to scroll down and found another surprise, "The selection committee has posted all the preliminary lists so that we can also vote. Worst of the year!"

"Good guys, they are so brave."

"I looked at what was on the list..."Tough Guy Blocker", "Fortress", "Little Time", holy shit, they are all heavyweights, and for a moment I didn't know which one to choose."

"By the way, the theme song of "Little Time" was made by the Kuaiguang Group. If they put this movie on, won't it have a bad impact on their company's reputation?"

"This is called fairness! Anyway, this time I vote for "Fortress". This movie is not only bad, it has reached a disgusting level."

"I think "Little Time" is a bit rubbish. It gives me the feeling that a bunch of immature people are playing house..."

"Don't tell me, there are so many good films this year, I didn't realize there were so many bad ones too!"

"This is the movie New Year. There are as many good films as there are bad ones... Anyway, we are here to watch the fun, and it is not a big deal to watch the fun."


It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, but I can't agree with this idea if I'm being watched.

At this moment, in a conference room of the Yuefu Group, all the leaders working on the matter had frighteningly dark faces.

"Can anyone tell me what this means?!"

"Worst of the year? Golden mop? We're actually on the list?"

"No, what does Kuaiguang Group mean? We haven't messed with them this time, right? Why are they still holding on to us?"

"If you really treat us as soft persimmons, just wait for our counterattack."

"Haven't you just made two good movies? Don't you really feel that you are the boss of the entertainment industry?"

"It's too arrogant. He actually dares to choose the best and the worst... What is Yang Ruoqian's level? It's his turn to evaluate."

In the conference room, almost everyone began to abuse Kui Guang and even Yang Ruoqian himself.

On the one hand, the two sides really have deep grievances, and on the other hand... "Magic City Fortress" is indeed a pain that Yuefu Group never wants to mention.

Now it seems that things are about to end, and people are about to completely forget about this garbage movie. As a result, Kuangguang Group took advantage of people's unpreparedness and organized a worst movie award, once again putting "Fortress" in the spotlight of the spotlight. corpse.

When "Fortress" was released in the past, although there was a lot of criticism, most of the criticism came from various popular celebrities, film critics, etc.

There is no such thing as a celebrity or a company, pointing its finger at the Yuefu Group and saying that what you filmed is rubbish.

After all, although Yuefu has not been very successful in the past few years and has never produced any hits, he is still a giant in the entertainment industry.

With so many resources at hand, who knows if there will be times in the future when we will cooperate with each other or even ask others to do things?

Save your face so we can meet you again in the future.

If you just jump out and curse people, it will be equivalent to cutting off all the resources of the Yuefu Group, and there will be no possibility of cooperation between the two parties.

This is tantamount to having trouble with money - after all, Yuefu did not force others to express their opinions, and they must praise how well "Fortress" was made.

Just keep silent and let things cool down and pass quickly.

The leader sitting at the top of the conference table sneered: "So, you can only curse here. Can you come up with something practical?"

"Sue them and say they violated our reputation."

"Going to court? Do you think there is any practical use?" Another leader turned his head in a funny way, "Even if we win the lawsuit, doesn't it mean that we are telling the world in a big way that we care about this Golden Mop Award? We admit this Will the Golden Mop Award have a big impact on us?”

"And this is a case of winning the lawsuit... If we lose the lawsuit, wouldn't we become a joke in the entire entertainment industry?"

"Then what should we do? Should we just hold our noses and admit it?"

"If we admit it this time, next time the Kuaiguang Group will dare to jump on our heads and shit on us, and even reach out to us to ask for toilet paper. Do you believe it?!"

"It's like the Kuaiguang Group is not sitting on our heads now..."

"Stop making sarcastic comments and think about solutions. Our banning method will definitely not work for them."

"I think... we should give in and find a way to reconcile with them. There is really no need to continue fighting like this. It will not benefit our interests at all."

"Submit it? If we submit it this time, will anyone take what we say seriously in the future?"

"After surrendering to the Kuaiguang Group, wouldn't it be enough to immediately deal with a few other disobedient people... I still don't understand why our relationship with them is so tense."

"If the jobless people working at that time could be like Chengyu Media and cooperate well when the Kuaiguang Group was still weak, we would be the ones making big money together today. Instead of being like this now, where we are embarrassed, can't make any money, and are even dismissed. When others are put on the worst list, they are incompetent and furious."

"I also agree. Let's send a signal to the other side and ask the Kuaiguang Group to take our movies off the list. They want investment and resources... It's easy to talk about anything. They are all making money in the same circle. It's good to be friends. It is not appropriate to untie knots.”

"Is it too late to say this now? Haven't you seen the public opinion outside? How many people are saying that they will surpass us in a few years and take over our position in the entertainment industry."

Upon hearing this, a leader immediately retorted: "Who said that they have really reconciled with them? Do you understand that they are just avoiding the spotlight? Now that the Kuaiguang Group is in the limelight, there is nothing to smear. It is too irrational to fight hard and it will easily be drowned by public opinion. . But can they guarantee that they will not make a mistake? As long as they make a mistake, it will be our time to counterattack."

"That's right...then let them continue playing for a while."

"Then it's decided. I'll send someone to call them now and talk to them about the next cooperation and conditions."

"Mr. Yang, there is something that requires you to make a decision yourself."

In the office of the president of Kuaiguang Group, Qi Mu hurried over and knocked on the door of Yang Ruoqian's office.

Yang Ruoqian was currently participating in scoring on the Baopu platform and asked casually: "What's going on?"

Qi Mu walked into the office, put a shorthand note on Yang Ruoqian's desk, and said, "Mr. Yang, we just received a call from Yueyuefu Group. It probably means that they want to resolve the conflict with us."

"Resolve the conflict?" Mr. Yang, who happened to cast a valuable vote for "Fortress", glanced at the secretary funny, "You just want us to take their movie off the Golden Mop Award nomination list, right?"

Yang Ruoqian has no expectations for the Yuefu Group - he only knows one thing: anything proposed by the Yuefu Group will never go wrong if he goes against them.

Qi Mu nodded: "They said that if "Fortress" can be removed from the list, they are willing to exchange a lot of resources in the entertainment industry with us... and are willing to give Shang Qianyu a starring role in the new movie. , and are even willing to help us with the publicity and distribution of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City"."

Mr. Yang, who was full of vigilance, suddenly became furious: "Oh my God, Yuefu Group, how evil people are! Their new movie must be terrible, and they want to use it to discredit small businesses! Their propaganda must be weird, and they want to discredit us. movie of!"

"No, I won't agree to it. Our Kueiguang Group is not someone to be bullied!"

"If he dares to promote our movie, he will sue them directly for copyright infringement!"

Qi Mu, who was about to elaborate on Yuefu Group's sincerity, swallowed all the words and said with a smile: "Okay, Mr. Yang... I will reject them right now."

ps: It’s my birthday tomorrow. Can you, readers, give me incense sticks? Cyber ​​incense is also acceptable. Thank you. I love you. (End of chapter)

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