I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 350 “The most valuable award in the country”

Chengyu Media.

In the high-level conference room, more than 70% of the middle-level leaders gathered here, looking at Cheng Fei sitting at the top with some confusion.

The company's recent performance has been pretty good. Although the few movies it announced were not as popular as "The Black Robe" and "The Wandering Blue Star", they all met expectations at the box office.

Shouldn't it be a celebration? Why is the atmosphere a bit serious?

Just like the Kuaiguang Group, although they are in a strategic cooperation state with each other, it does not mean that they cannot do business with others.

Chengyu Media, which rose to fame thanks to the Kuaiguang Group and quickly consolidated its position in the entertainment industry, has also promoted several movies. The results have been mixed, but generally good.

A partner like Kuaiguang Group, which is a hit-and-run business, is rare, and occasional failures are normal.

Moreover, Kuaiguang Group's new movie has recently started filming. This is almost a performance delivered to your door. But why does Mr. Cheng look a little dissatisfied?

After glancing at the senior management of Chengyu below, Cheng Fei couldn't help but sigh: "I often say this... a correct choice is often more important than immersing yourself in hard work. Our partner Kuaiguang Group puts this This kind of company thinks through things to the end, and their achievements are obvious to everyone.”

After being influenced by Yang Ruoqian and Kuangguang Group for a long time, the working atmosphere of Chengyu Media has also undergone tremendous changes from when it was first established.

When a new employee joins Chengyu, the first thing he says is, "Efforts that run on the wrong road are meaningless efforts."

Cheng Fei paused and continued: "Tell me now, what is the current focus of Chengyu Media's work?"

The executives were stunned for a few seconds and did not answer the question immediately.

As seniors in the workplace, they must know that when their boss asks this question, it means that there is a problem with their current work focus and they need to make timely adjustments.

You can't just stupidly say you don't know or tell anyone about what you're doing now.

...As a rule of thumb, Chengyu Media's current focus is on the promotion of a TV series. In other words, in Cheng Fei's view, the importance of the promotion of this TV series is not that high.

Thinking again about "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" which is about to start filming, the leaders understood instantly.

Does Mr. Cheng want to promote the film as soon as possible?

As long as it is a movie produced by the Kuai Guang Group, the quality will never be bad...the earlier it is announced, the better it will be able to whet the audience's appetite, and the more box office revenue it will earn in the end.

I heard that during the long holiday, Mr. Cheng even sacrificed part of his vacation to select props for the film crew.

This level of care...

The leaders at the meeting understood instantly: "Mr. Cheng, we will start the publicity and distribution work of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" immediately."

Cheng Fei, who had long known that they would misunderstand her meaning, sighed: "No! The focus of the next work is not "The Richest Man in Jinhai City". Although this movie is important, it is not ranked first in importance."

Not "The Richest Man in Jinhai City"? !

Is there anything more important than this movie?

The works produced by the Kuaiguang Group can at least have a box office of more than 1 billion. For their publishers, they are nine-figure projects. Even so, they cannot be ranked first in terms of importance during this period of time. ?

Cheng Fei looked at his employees looking at each other and couldn't help but sigh: "When you look at problems, don't always look at short-term interests. You must learn to think about problems with a long-term vision and strategic thinking... In Chengyu Media, it is Allowing long-term interests at the expense of short-term interests.”

As she said that, she knocked on the table with some resentment: "Kuiguang Group has such a ready-made example right in front of you, why didn't you learn anything?"

"Starting from a little further back, their live streaming business provides attentive service and provides a refund-only entrance... This does affect revenue in the short term. But what about now? What a huge batch they have accumulated. Loyal paying users with strong monetization capabilities? How sticky is the user?"

Many other platforms rely on low-price gimmicks. As long as the price is slightly raised, users will run away like birds and beasts. They have no stickiness at all. They are busy when they burn money for publicity, but it is even more difficult to monetize.

The users attracted by Kuaiguang Group have very low price sensitivity.

"The closer one is the Dragon Phoenix Legend concert... How much ticket money did they lose by choosing not to cooperate with scalpers? But now? How much word of mouth have they won, and how many fans spontaneously bought their expensive peripherals? The first show The limited-edition discs of the concert are now sold at sky-high prices!”

"Let's talk about recent events. How precious are the resources in the hands of Kuaiguang Group? Every leading role, supporting role and even extra actor is an opportunity that many people can't grab? But they are willing to give such important resources to A hugely expensive variety show.”

"Does this variety show make money? Yes, but the input-output ratio is obviously not as good as "Black Robe Inspector" and "Wandering Blue Star"... Not to mention their subsequent decision to continue opening the secret room to the public for another year... Based on this alone Judging from the project, it is almost guaranteed to lose money but not make a profit.”

"But during the seven-day holiday, you also saw how many tourists came here to experience the entire industrial chain of Kuaiguang Group? For the money lost in the secret room, Kuaiguang Group gained from their surrounding industry chains I earned my money back exponentially."

Cheng Fei said so many words at once, and her throat was a little dry. After taking a sip of water, she continued: "This is the strategic vision and long-term thinking of Kuaiguang Group... and it is also the ability that you are lacking."

The people who can attend this meeting are either old employees of Chengyu Media or newcomers with outstanding abilities.

After hearing Cheng Fei's words, they all felt a little ashamed.

Everyone in the entire company can think about the problem from the "face" and make the best choice for the entire company... This sounds simple, but in fact it is basically not operable.

Because this will inevitably sacrifice personal performance... Even if some people don't care, everyone's understanding of "long-term" interests is different.

In the end, everyone will find that it is easier to focus on short-term interests.

As for why the Kuaiguang Group was able to achieve such an almost miraculous thing... it can only be said that Yang Ruoqian is a genius in the entertainment industry that is rare to see in a thousand years. It is really too much to impose Mr. Yang's requirements on them.

Alas, Mr. Cheng met such amazing people at the beginning of her career that she now looks at everyone as if they are looking at trash...

The leaders who consciously classified themselves as "waste" smiled apologetically and asked: "President Cheng...then, what do you mean?"

Cheng Fei looked at his subordinates who were eager for knowledge, sighed, and finally said directly: "Isn't it already obvious...the Golden Statue Cornerstone Award!"

Academy Award?

What is this?

The leaders present were stunned for a while, and then slowly remembered that there was a recent rumor that the Kuaiguang Group was going to spontaneously create an entertainment industry award.

It seems...it seems that the name of this award is called "Golden Statue Cornerstone Award"?

Well, the judges who award this award are either actors and directors from the Kuaiguang Group, or "movie enthusiasts" recruited from outside agencies. No matter how you look at it, it's more entertainment than serious, right?

This almost says "the selection of this award is entirely subjective" is written on my face...

But Mr. Cheng said that the importance of the award far exceeded that of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City"?

Cheng Fei looked at the confused faces of more than a dozen people in the audience and showed a "Sure enough" expression: "Do you also think that this award from Kuaiguang Group has no gold content and is simply something they set up to expand their business? "

"Have you not noticed that whenever someone thinks so, Yang Ruoqian can always give these people a huge surprise afterwards?"

"How many times have you taught me lessons, why don't you remember it?!"

"Do you really think that with Yang Ruoqian's long-term vision and the layout capabilities of Kuaiguang Group, they would give out so many resources for no reason and go to such great lengths to hold such a grand award ceremony?"

The leaders in the audience thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case...

Kuaiguang Group and Yang Ruoqian are best at distracting everyone's attention and affecting everyone's judgment with seemingly confusing decisions.

The "Golden Statue Cornerstone Award" seems unreliable and has no gold content, but there might be some manipulation by Mr. Yang in it...

As long as "strange decision-making" is linked to "Yang Ruoqian", there must be magic operations that can be written into textbooks!

I will remind myself of this every moment from now on!

Everyone immediately became serious: "Mr. Cheng, we understand. However, do you know why Kuaiguang Group and Mr. Yang award this award? How do they plan to achieve this goal?"

Cheng Fei shook her head in a funny way: "This is the secret of starting a family and starting a business in Kuaiguang Group. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of Yang Ruoqian and his founding team... If it can be analyzed so simply, Kuaiguang Group can become the only entertainment industry that has suddenly emerged. Company?"

"But if we can't push it forward, we can push it backwards."

The senior executives of Chengyu Media took out their notes and listened carefully.

For them, Kuaiguang Group is not only a reliable partner, but also a peer that makes them feel ashamed.

Being able to learn and analyze their advanced experience is also an opportunity to improve one's own abilities.

As long as I can learn one-tenth of Mr. Yang's abilities, where will I not be a top talent that is being scrambled for in the future?

Cheng Fei was very satisfied with the learning attitude of his employees, and then began to analyze using reverse reasoning: "First of all, we must clarify the goals of Yang Ruoqian and his Kuaiguang Group... What is their goal? It must be to become a national-level , even world-class entertainment giants."

Others had no objection to this: "Mr. Cheng is right..."

"Yes, judging from the current business scope of Kuaiguang Group, it will definitely be an entertainment complex in the end."

"I don't think there is anything wrong with the international entertainment giants. I heard that they have recently entered the foreign game market."

Cheng Fei nodded and continued: "Then let's continue to push forward. If we want to become a giant in the entertainment industry, what is the most important thing? It is the right to speak in the entertainment industry, right?"

"That's right..."

"What can best reflect a group's right to speak in the entertainment industry?" Cheng Fei said slowly, "Of course it is the authority to award honors to other people in the industry... Such an important thing forms their ultimate goal. How could they not take it seriously as part of the puzzle?"

"But how are they going to do this? Not many people now recognize the value of the Hong Kong Academy Awards... Kuaiguang Group does not choose to integrate into the mainstream of the current entertainment industry."

Cheng Fei shook his head: "If they choose to integrate, then the awards will really lose their gold content... Nowadays, various awards in the domestic entertainment industry have almost become a self-pleasure activity for a very small number of people. The so-called ' The "gold content" was just forcibly given to it, and in fact it has already lost its credibility."

"So, Yang Ruoqian's real purpose is to restore public confidence in these awards?!"

Cheng Fei waited for others to take notes before continuing: "Yes. Only in this way can they go upstream and truly control the right to speak in the entertainment industry. No one knows what they will do specifically except Yang Ruoqian. But as long as we know their purpose, we can better cooperate with them."

Everyone in the audience nodded: "I see..."

Just imagine, a company that completely controls the voice of the entertainment industry is a strategic partner of its own company.

In the future, the cost of film distribution, the difficulty of controlling public opinion... and even the difficulty of suppressing competitors will all plummet.

As long as they help Kuaiguang Group, they are helping themselves.

From its inception to the present, the most correct choice Chengyu Media has made is to form the strongest alliance with Kuaiguang Group.

Moreover, Cheng Fei never takes advantage of the Kuoguang Group. As long as there is money, then everyone will make money together... For example, the pile of industries around Qianda Plaza is the best proof of the friendship between the two parties!

Cheng Fei, who had almost said what he said, glanced around: "Then what are you waiting for now? Hurry up and help Kuaiguang Group promote this 'Golden Statue Cornerstone Award', and promote it in the direction of the most valuable award in the country. Of course , the wording must be euphemistic and try to be as objective as possible, do you understand?"


After the meeting, all employees were full of energy. Some went back to write plans, and some simply held a smaller meeting with their subordinates to determine the next course of action.

Just when Cheng Fei packed up her things and was about to leave the conference room, a young assistant came over and whispered: "Mr. Cheng, Team Leader Liu said he saw a message and asked me to convey it to you."

Cheng Fei stopped, nodded and said, "You tell me."

"That's right, we seem to have seen some voices questioning the judges of the 'Cornerstone Awards' online recently. The voices are not loud yet, but the team leader believes that they need to be taken seriously. What do you mean?"

Cheng Fei sneered: "Anyone who can say such things is a navy soldier... What does our publicity team do? Faced with such rumors, we must attack hard!" (End of Chapter)

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