I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 353 Are we nominated for a grand award? !

"Oh, how grand is this?" Shao Yiqi walked forward and took a look at the interior of the helicopter. "This interior... tsk tsk, they are all high-end goods. How did you get this in such a short time?" of?"

Because there is a mysterious force.

Yang Ruoqian pretended to be sophisticated: "I've already made it so big, isn't it normal to have my own channels?"

"Yes." Shao Yiqi didn't bother to ask more, "Our company always spends so much money on making movies. These companies are not allowed to contact you and ask if you are interested in ordering a helicopter or something?"

Yang Ruoqian liked employees who used their brains to help him smooth things over. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, how is the filming progress of the movie now... No, why are you here? I remember that you have nothing to do with this crew. Bar?"

I was almost led astray by this nosy boy!

"There's no rule that I can't come." Shao Yiqi shrugged, "I took a day off today. It's not during working hours, and you didn't arrange any relevant work for the crew for me. I came over to take a look. Isn't it a violation? "

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "It doesn't count as a violation today, but it will count from tomorrow on. Don't think I don't know, you've been stuck with this bug twice."

With that said, Yang Ruoqian took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qi Mu, modifying the relevant regulations.

From now on, regardless of whether you are the person in charge of the project or not, any affairs under the Kuaiguang Group will be counted as overtime and you will receive extremely terrible rewards.

Cheng Fei couldn't stand Shao Yiqi's gags, so she brought the topic back on track and said: "Now the filming of the movie has just started. The protagonist has not yet become rich in the early stage. It is almost just a scene between the actors, so it is going well."

"And your Zhang Wei, I feel that he is really suitable for playing this kind of comedy role, and he fits the character of the protagonist very well."

Yang Ruoqian didn't have much interest in Zhang Wei, who was still a minion. He glanced at Feng Luo and asked, "Where's Feng Luo? How was her performance?"

"Feng Luo works hard." Cheng Fei also glanced at the elegant goddess who was sitting nearby and elegantly drinking water. "With this kind of comedy heroine, plus a little bit of the character of King Hercules, the show is very effective. It made our director laugh."

"Uh, is it so funny?" Mr. Yang, who didn't expect the bad news, was a little confused. "The director himself laughed?"

Isn't the script of this movie adapted from Yang Ruoqian's own experience?

As Mr. Yang who has personally experienced the related pain, he is a little confused - because he feels that his experience is not funny!

Do the audiences this time like to watch the protagonist suffer?

"Yes, Mr. Yang, your idea is indeed very, very good." Cheng Fei nodded, "This kind of counter-routine, the idea that making money will make the protagonist suffer, can stimulate the audience's emotional points."

"Everyone else thinks that the protagonist has made a profit, but only the protagonist knows that he has lost. This combination not only downplays the protagonist's frustration of failure, but also takes the level of comedy to a higher level. If it weren't for this idea, I would never have heard of the movie. You can shoot like this..."

"I'm very curious now - if the person who wins the variety show in the end is not Zhang Wei, but another actor who is not suitable for the protagonist's character, Mr. Yang, what ingenious way will you solve the problem?"

"Mr. Yang, you actually have such a big investment and the film resources with such a good script are given out as variety show rewards... Sigh, if it were me, I would definitely arrange it for Shang Qianyu. How could it be given to outsiders?"

Yang Ruoqian was confused.

A brilliant way to solve a problem?

I do not know……

From this variety show to this movie, Yang Ruoqian has never made any preparations. He doesn't even know the problem, let alone the solution to the problem.

Why did Cheng Fei just assume that she had a solution?

It’s really not advisable to overthink things!

"Well, uh, I..."

Cheng Fei nodded suddenly: "Is it related to commercial secrets? I understand. Mr. Yang doesn't need to be embarrassed. I still understand this kind of rule."

Although I don't know how Yang Ruoqian will arrange it, he must have a corresponding plan. This is 100% sure.

Yang Ruoqian ignored Cheng Fei who was talking to himself, turned to look at Shao Yiqi, and asked uncertainly: "Do you also think this story is funny?"

"That's right." Shao Yiqi looked at Yang Ruoqian with a suspicious face, "Weren't you very confident before? Why are you not confident about the scripts you made by yourself now? Be bold, you are one of the top creators in the country. One, there’s no need to be suspicious.”

Yang Ruoqian glanced at the helicopter, and a doubt slowly arose in his heart... Could it be that his experience of more than a year was really funny?

Could it be that the Kuaiguang Group, a large group that looks extremely glamorous to outsiders, is actually about having fun?

Do today’s audiences really like to watch movies with this theme?

Mr. Yang couldn't bear such a blow, so he kept a smile on the surface: "That's fine, you can stay busy here. I have something else to do, so I'll go back to the company first."

Regardless of whether it is fun or not, the most important thing now is to quickly transfer the ownership of the helicopter to the company's name, otherwise it will be really fun after the maintenance bill is taken out of Mr. Yang's not-so-rich wallet.

After Yang Ruoqian said goodbye to the crew, he returned to the company by car.

Qi Mu was already waiting in the office. When his boss came in, he said straight to the point: "Mr. Yang, do you want to transfer the helicopter under your name to the company's name?"

"That's right." Yang Ruoqian shuddered thinking about this fat tiger, nodded and said, "Go through the procedures as soon as possible."

After Qi Mu made the second confirmation, he lowered his head and used his mobile phone to notify the lawyers from the legal department who had prepared it long ago, and asked them to bring over the prepared documents.

"Mr. Yang, please wait a moment. Employees from the legal department will be here shortly."

A few minutes later, several lawyers walked into the door of Yang Ruoqianbi's office with thick documents.

As an employee who helped Kuaiguang Group lay the foundation of "Pizza Hut", the legal department now has a very strict screening mechanism for lawyers. Now, it has become a veritable team of super lawyers.

Just standing there, the word "professional" seemed to be written on his forehead.

"Mr. Yang." A lawyer skillfully found a document from the pile and turned to the corresponding signature page. "You sign here first, and then write the date here..."

"Then stamp..."

Yang Ruoqian roughly checked the names of parties A and B, and decisively signed his name and stamped the official seal of the company.

After completing a series of complex processes, the system finally popped up a prompt.

[The host has handed over his assets to the company...]

[The host please note again that the system does not encourage the use of personal assets to fill the company's profits and losses. This property delivery will not be included in the company's profit entry]

Yang Ruoqian didn't bother to pay attention to the nonsense of the system at all. He was relieved that he had successfully completed the household registration.

"Qi Mu." After several lawyers left, Yang Ruoqian stopped the secretary, "Please help me contact an engineering team with the highest efficiency and the best quality as soon as possible to rebuild a helipad on the roof of the building. Leave it alone. As for the money issue, I just want to make peace quickly. Remember to complete the formalities first."

Although there are very few places where helicopters can be used, the scene of a helicopter parked on the roof of the company is indeed in line with the temperament of a large company.

Not only does it look good, but it also doesn’t waste a penny.

Qi Mu wrote down everything he had to do and nodded: "Okay, Mr. Yang, is there anything else?"

"What is Shang Qianyu doing recently?" Yang Ruoqian thought for a while and asked.

This silly boy said before that he had found a supporting role in some TV series, so he shouldn't be bullied, right?

Qi Mu naturally knows everything about the company's top stars: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, Shang Qianyu and her assistant Wen Ruoxiu are on the set now. I had a lawyer from the legal department quietly investigate, and no problem was found. "

Yang Ruoqian nodded, and then subconsciously felt that something was not right.

Secretly let the lawyers from the legal department investigate...

Good guy, if any problem is really discovered, might the legal department of Kuaiguang Group, which has been dormant for a long time, be involved in another major incident?

If the lawsuit is successful, wouldn't it add another layer to the reputation of "Pizza Hut" of Kuaiguang Group?

Fortunately not...

Yang Ruoqian sighed and shook his head: "By the way, what's the name of the TV series Shang Qianyu filmed? I can pay attention to it if I have time later."

Qi Mu replied: "It's called "The Hidden Corner" and it's adapted from a novel. I heard it has a pretty good reputation in the industry."

No matter how good he is, he is just a supporting role...

"Okay, that's it, you go and do your work." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "If there are other matters related to the movie, the Cornerstone Award and Shang Qianyu, report to me as soon as possible."

"Understood, Mr. Yang."


At the same time, a large or small production company is urgently writing their new script.

"Brother Xia, great news." An idle employee was browsing the web page and suddenly shouted, "Our last movie was nominated for the 'Cornerstone Award' of the Golden Statue Group."

Xia Xu was busy with their next TV series that was about to be filmed and didn't look up: "What kind of award? I've never heard of it. It doesn't matter if you win or not."

"Brother Xia, you can't say that." The employee turned his chair in the opposite direction, "Although this is the first time that this award has been given out, the prizes are extremely generous... Look at those resources, tsk tsk, they are all life-threatening. Give it out."

At this time, Xia Xu also remembered what the "Cornerstone Award" was. He slowed down his work a little and said, "Oh, I remembered...that completely unfair and objective award." Right? Our actors and movies were nominated, but we didn’t apply.”

Their last movie was a disaster movie, and the production was not big. The box office results could only be said to be passable, barely reaching the level of 800 million. Compared with the cost, it was a small profit.

However, this movie has a relatively good reputation on the Internet, and its rating is stable at 9.0.

However, this year is a big year for movies, and this company felt that it could not compete with other competitors, so it simply did not apply for the "Cornerstone Award."

Moreover, the method of awarding this award is completely decided within the Kuaiguang Group. Xia Xu, who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, can tell at a glance that there is something fishy in this. It is most likely an exchange of resources. If you apply, you will be accompanied by others, which is meaningless. .

The awards are completely decided within the Kuaiguang Group, and the rewards are so generous and low in gold content. How can they be objective?

As an industry insider, Xia Xu has also heard many rumors - it is said that many companies and actors have tried their best to find the contact information of the organizing committee and invited them to dinner in order to win the award.

Although I don't know if I got the invitation in the end... but Xia Xu won't invite him.

"Has Kuaiguang Group issued a statement? Didn't you read it?" The employee forwarded a message to Xia Xu, "They said that there is no need to apply for this award, and it is selected by the organizing committee from the works released this year. Come out and ask companies to stop submitting applications to them."

"Ha...it's quite interesting." Xia Xu still didn't care too much, "Then we were nominated by them? Could it be that we were accompanying them?"

"I think with their level of generosity, it shouldn't be so." The employee was relatively objective. "Look at their variety shows, don't they do any resource replacement? Maybe they just provide benefits to the entertainment industry?"

"Do you believe this?" Xia Xu turned his chair and continued busy with the work at hand, "We are all old people in the entertainment industry, so wake up."

"What if?" the employee said unconvinced, "Tell me, if we win the movie award and get the resources of the Kuaiguang Group, will the filming of our TV series be smoother?"

Xia Xu didn't even think about it: "That will definitely be a lot better. In terms of review standards, publicity resources, and various prop resources, they are not vegetarian."

"Our TV series is scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival, right? It doesn't conflict with the rewards. You can really look forward to it. Look at the nomination list. There are only five movies in total, and two of them are obviously soy sauce." The employee said more and more tone The more excited he became, "There are two movies left, and I think our movies are no worse than theirs."

Xia Xu paused his movements and asked: "You mean, we can also spend money to 'operate' it with Kuaiguang Group to see if we can get this award?"

"Yes! I think as long as the price is reasonable, we can really compete for this award."

Xia Xu summed it up and found that what the employee said seemed to make some sense, so he nodded: "Then... okay, you go contact them and ask about the price. Remember to be subtle. If you can afford it, It’s not impossible to operate it a little bit.”

"Brother Xia, what do you think...if in case we don't operate, Kuaiguang Group finally awards the award to us, hehe, that would be great."

Xia Xu waved his hand: "Huh? Then I will directly admit that the Hong Kong Academy of Arts Foundation Award is the most objective and valuable award in the world, and it is a real-name award. I will post a message on all platforms to acknowledge it, and by the way, I will stand on my head and wash my hair. "(End of chapter)

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