After handling the affairs of the company and the crew, Yang Ruoqian went home as usual, ate, took a bath and rested.

"What are you looking at?"

Yang Ruoqian dried his hair and walked to the living room. He saw Chang Zhiqing looking at the tablet with relish and asked curiously.

Chang Zhiqing double-clicked the screen, paused the playback, turned around and said with a smile: "It's a job hunting variety show, have you forgotten... Didn't you ask Lu Shuyuan from the Human Resources Department to participate in it before?"

"Oh, yes, there is such a thing." Mr. Yang, who was so busy, immediately remembered it, "I almost forgot about it. Isn't it good?"

"From the perspective of the program's effect, it's quite good." Chang Zhiqing's analysis was more objective. "The program team should have carefully selected many different 'talents' in different fields, and even deliberately selected some...well, confident People whose hearts and abilities don’t quite match come to power.”

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "It's normal. After all, it's a variety show, not a normal social recruitment or school recruitment. Serving the audience should come first."

Chang Zhiqing gave up half of her body to Yang Ruoqian and continued: "Sometimes when I see a job seeker who is against the will of heaven, I wish all the guests would surround him together and dampen his spirit; sometimes when I see a They are obviously very good job candidates, but there are just one or two guests who are deliberately criticizing... In short, the program team has done a good job in stimulating the audience's emotions."

It sounds pretty good... I just don't know if Lu Shuyuan can listen to her words and do more "defying" tricks.

Everything is good in Kuaiguang Group now, but there is a shortage of people holding us back.

Of course, what Yang Ruoqian needs is the kind of person who is very confident but lacks ability. If he is deliberately disgusting, there is no need to recruit him into the company. It will be a bit disgusting to see the villain succeed.

And most of these people are completely unprogressive, unwilling to try, and unwilling to work hard... Then how can they come up with some big projects that can lose money if they don't even try?

Just living on empty wages and living in the canteen is simply a drop in the bucket for Kuai Guang Group.

Yang Ruoqian sat on the sofa, took the tablet, used Bluetooth screencasting, and cast the content on the screen directly to the TV in the living room.

"Let's watch together."

"Do you also watch this kind of variety show?" Chang Zhiqing moved her position again, "Or do you really want to recruit some people for the company from this variety show?"

"Maybe?" Yang Ruoqian didn't say yes or no, "Our company is very eclectic in recruiting people, and they always surprise me in all kinds of unexpected places. Maybe this variety show can do it too."

Chang Zhiqing joked: "Just don't break your invincible golden body."

Break it quickly...

Is this the protagonist's aura of a reborn person?

But Yang Ruoqian really doesn’t need this kind of protagonist aura!

"Haha, failure is normal. How can anyone in this world have smooth sailing?" Yang Ruoqian shrugged, "No matter how powerful a person is, he will definitely encounter some setbacks."

Chang Zhiqing glanced at Yang Ruoqian strangely and said, "Isn't that you? Apart from the small loss when selling equipment at the beginning, what other setbacks have you encountered?"

The last time the college counselor contacted Yang Ruoqian, hoping that he could help solve the employment problem, Yang Ruoqian directly recruited everyone with a wave of his hand.

The results of it?

Even these students who have been screened out have a "personalized customized" project after being recruited into the company.

The most important thing is that this project also attracted Shao Yiqi's father, who also specially attracted a lot of big bosses to come over and get a big business at every turn.

frustration? That was really no frustration at all.

Mr. Yang: "... Let's not talk about this anymore. How far is this variety show going?"

Chang Zhiqing crossed her legs and said with a smile: "This is the first episode of a variety show. There aren't that many exciting points. The first one is a relatively decent job seeker. He graduated from Zhonghong 211 with a bachelor's degree, average grades, and average abilities... Actually, let's put it down It’s already pretty good in the job market, but this is a variety show, you know.”

"Speaking of which, you can also go and watch it offstage. As the boss of Kuaiguang Group, the program team is probably eager for you to come over."

Yang Ruoqian shook his head: "Tsk, they don't want me to go there, they want me to see the reaction of Yuefu Group after I go there... The conflict between our two companies is already known to everyone."

"By the way, how did the conflict between us and them arise?"

"I forgot about it a long time ago... I feel like it's a combination of multiple factors."

For example, Lin Cao, the anti-Yuefu demon, will have a stress reaction and act irrationally whenever the Yuefu Group is mentioned...

With that said, Chang Zhiqing double-clicked the screen and the variety show continued to play.

In the guest seat, several guests in different costumes sat upright and looked at the job seekers who were giving speeches on the stage with appreciative eyes.

Among the seven guests, there was Lu Shuyuan from Kuangguang Group, a certain leader from Yuefu Group, and even the general manager of Gaoyao Group.

Unlike in the past, Chengyu Group did not join the variety show this time.

Just two tit-for-tat companies are enough, any more will affect the perception.

"Tsk, tsk, Shao Yiqi's father is actually willing to put someone like the general manager into a variety show?"

Chang Zhiqing said while watching: "He heard that our company was also going to participate, so he arranged for the general manager to come over... You don't know how many people want to take a look at our recruitment standards."

Other companies want to know the recruitment standards of Kuaiguang Group and see how they can recruit so many talents accurately.

Job seekers and viewers, especially those who have been rejected by Kuaiguang Group, are eager to see the recruitment standards of Kuaiguang Group.

Speaking of this, Chang Zhiqing suddenly paused and showed a thoughtful expression: "By the way, what are our company's recruitment standards?"

As the boss's wife, she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to know much about Yang Ruoqian and the recruitment standards of the Human Resources Department.

The company has never issued any documents or set any rigid standards.

Such as academic qualifications, work experience, or other things.

It's just that there are no regulations. Even Yang Ruoqian's own operations are not understood by anyone in the whole company.

Sometimes you can see Yang Ruoqian recruiting people with very high academic qualifications and very beautiful resumes into the company; sometimes he recruits people who have no idea at all into the company to be responsible for very important projects.

For example, the associate producer in charge of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" was randomly recruited by Yang Ruoqian during dinner without even asking about the most basic academic qualifications and work experience.

Expecting employees to find any pattern in Mr. Yang's behavior can be said to be a fantasy.

Yang Ruoqian looked at the screen and said casually: "There are no hard and fast standards. As long as you are suitable for the position, you can recruit anyone no matter how bad the conditions are. If you are not suitable for the position, no matter how good the conditions are, you will not be hired."

"What you said..." Chang Zhiqing couldn't help but complain, "Isn't it because the cost of confirming whether a person is suitable for the position is too high, so there are various rigid requirements?"

From a personal perspective, students who graduate from higher education institutions may not necessarily have better work abilities than job seekers with lower grades.

However, from the perspective of statistics and probability, the probability of selecting employees suitable for the position among people with good grades is greater than others.

If a rigid standard is set first, the screening cost will be much lower.

While Chang Zhiqing was complaining, the variety show on the screen continued to play.


"Dear guest teachers, the above is all my personal information. I believe that with my ability, I also ask all teachers to give me a chance!"

Now is the first stage of job hunting, the company's selection process.

If the person in charge of the company is unwilling to recruit him, he can directly press the lights-out button on the table, which means he will directly refuse without any chance of going back.

If the company guest is willing to recruit him, he can set out his own conditions, give the candidate a position, press the "favorite" button, the light will change from pending white to green, and wait for the next stage, and there is no chance of regrets. .

When the number of companies willing to recruit this job applicant is greater than or equal to two, the recruitment process will enter the second stage, and all guests will reveal their recruitment benefits and positions.

Job seekers can choose their favorite job and sign a labor contract on the spot, which is considered a successful job search.

A guest from a company that provides a classified information service platform was the first to press the "favorite" button.

Compared with other companies present, although many people have heard of their company, its scale and financial resources are not that big, and the person in front of them happens to be more suitable for their new project, and the conditions are not particularly excellent. Overall, it is relatively cost-effective. of.

A company like Kuaiguang Group, which frequently carries out large-scale projects worth billions or even billions, is actually quite powerful.

After Lu Shuyuan saw someone pressing the "favorite" button, she no longer looked at the job seeker on the stage.

She always keeps the boss's orders in mind - only people who are not wanted by any company are taken into consideration.

However, for the sake of the job seeker's face and the reputation of Kuangguang Group, Lu Shuyuan did not press the reject button immediately. Instead, she planned to wait until half of the countdown time had passed before pressing it. This way, she would not reject too quickly and hurt people's self-esteem, nor would she refuse. Too slow and a waste of time.

The host looked at the company guests who had chosen to recruit and asked: "Mr. Liang agreed quickly. What are the highlights of our job applicants?"

The company guest spoke faster: "Let me tell the truth...the conditions you gave can only be said to be average in this program, not particularly outstanding. But our company is currently working on a new project, you His ability exactly matches his previous position.”

"But there is no need to underestimate yourself. Your grades illustrate your learning ability, and your ability to be on this stage also proves your mental ability."

"It's your luck that you happened to come across a new project launched by our company; it's your strength that you were successfully chosen."

"You just have to be prepared. The position I'm giving you will require you to grow and hone yourself from scratch."

"that's it."


The job applicant was obviously very excited. He nodded and bowed repeatedly: "Thank you, Teacher Liang, thank you."

After a while, except this company, no other company turned on the lights.

So there was no second stage, and the two parties signed the labor contract on the spot.

After the first guest left, the host began to liven up the atmosphere again: "The next job seeker...let us welcome him to the stage!"

After a round of applause, a young man who looked young but had some vicissitudes of life walked up to the podium and bowed to several guests.

"Hello teachers, my name is...I am from..."

After briefly introducing his identity, the big screen behind the job applicant began to play a video.

The video showed a neither new nor old RV driving on a winding mountain road.

The first sentence is a very loud one: "When I was in high school, I dropped out of school due to family reasons, but..."



Before he even said the next words, three lights had been extinguished at the guest table.

After hearing about their academic qualifications, the guests were not even interested in continuing to listen and directly pressed the lights-out button.

The job seeker's face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes that were a little confident at first were filled with uneasiness.

An introductory video like this usually has two or three segments. After one segment is played, there will be a session for guests to ask questions and job seekers to answer questions.

During this period, company guests can freely choose to turn off the lights or not.

Now the first video only shows the first three seconds, and three companies have already chosen to turn off the lights... The signs are very, very bad.

But no matter what the job seeker thought, the video continued to play.

"I have xx fans on xx platform... I usually share my life, shoot vlogs and write novels to make a living... I hope..."

After the introduction of the first video, a guest asked him a few questions about his future plans and then decisively turned off the lights.

The only ones with lights on on the field now are Kuaiguang Group, Yuefu Group and Gaoyao Group.

The general manager of Gaoyao Group actually wanted to turn off the lights for a long time, but before he came, he received an order from his boss Shao Changfeng, asking him to learn from Kuaiguang Group... Seeing that the director of the human resources department of Kuaiguang Group had not turned off the lights, he He suppressed his confusion and did not turn off the lamp.

The guests from the Yuefu Group had the same purpose - the first was to learn from their competitors, and the second was to see if they could steal some people from the Kuaiguang Group.

Lu Shuyuan, who was on the far right, was a little confused and looked at the remaining two companies that had not turned off the lights with her peripheral vision.

Why don't they turn off the lights...

In fact, Lu Shuyuan thinks that this person can be recruited into the company to see if he can become a columnist or something. He can promote and bring goods, and maybe he can bring some profits to the company.

But the boss said that if other companies want this person, Lu Shuyuan must not want it, and only applicants who are not wanted by all other guests can be included in the consideration of Kuaiguang Group.

Now the other two families have not chosen to turn off the lights, nor have they expressed their preference. They have been in such a pending state, which is a bit difficult for her to handle.

In fact, no one knows that the current guest group has fallen into a strange cycle - if Lu Shuyuan doesn't make a choice, the other two companies don't make a choice either; and if the other two companies don't choose, Lu Shuyuan can't make a choice either...

It was so awkward.

The host glanced at the three major groups whose lights were still on on the stage, with some unexpected expressions on his face.

In the arrangement of the program team, this job applicant is actually a character who lights out all the lights in one round.

Now it seems like that's not the case?

Is this person really a talent favored by so many big companies?

"Okay, there are still three guest teachers who are pending." The host controlled the emotions on his face and said with a smile, "Then let's move on to the second round of video introductions!" (End of this chapter)

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