Looking at the three large companies that were still in the "pending" state, the job seekers' originally anxious mood calmed down a lot.

These three companies are all very large, and they are all well-known large companies and groups in the industry. They chose TBD because they must have taken a fancy to some of their own advantages.

If I don't make a decision now, maybe it's because these advantages are not obvious enough, or maybe it's because of my academic qualifications...

Just now, several company leaders who rejected him made it very clear - firstly, because their academic qualifications were not up to standard, and secondly, the content of the video was too empty.

"You are applying for a job, not writing an essay!" If it weren't for the fact that the heads of three large companies were still waiting and watching, the guests who chose to turn off the lights would inevitably curse or ridicule unceremoniously, "Who is introducing themselves? It’s time to talk about your shortcomings first?! My child, don’t be too short-minded.”

The job seeker apologized profusely and felt a little regretful - the company he was more interested in rejected him at the beginning.

But it doesn’t matter, he also has a second video introduction. If he can work in other companies, it will not be bad.

As for the mysterious and silent teacher Lu Shuyuan, he already knew how difficult it was to get admitted to the Kuaiguang Group and didn't have much extravagant expectations.

After Kuangguang Group chose to participate in the variety show "Your Best Job", the program team naturally spared no effort to promote it, posting the identity of Lu Shuyuan and the four characters of Kuangguang Group almost in the form of big-character posters.

The program team knows very well what today's job seekers want - as long as they can find a job in the Kuaiguang Group after graduation, it will be considered a "glorious ancestor".

Unfortunately, it is too difficult to get a job. Applicants who are eliminated don’t know why they were eliminated, and job applicants who are hired don’t know why they were hired.

A long-lasting discussion topic on the Internet is-how can I be admitted to the Kuaiguang Group?

Even many employees in their program team want to try out at Kuaiguang Group.

Now, the director of the Human Resources Department of Kuaiguang Group appeared at the guest table. Just as the program team expected, with just such a gimmick, the ratings of "Your Job" hit a new high.

In the past, audiences would watch job-hunting variety shows like this for fun and excitement, but now it's completely different...are they watching variety shows?

Obviously looking at their future!

Soon, the second round of videos started playing.

This time the video shooting location was near a snow-capped mountain. The job seeker briefly introduced his skills, and then started to get started again.

"I came to this place because the white beauty allowed me to..."


"I will record these beautiful things in words and write them into my book."


Listening to these outrageous remarks, which did not summarize his own strengths and skills at all, and if the Wenqing disease was taken to the extreme, the chairman of Gaoyao Group finally couldn't bear it any longer. He kept looking at Lu Shuyuan with his peripheral vision, looking at her. Actions.

This person is so outrageous, why don't he turn off the lights?

In fact, after watching the second video, Lu Shuyuan was also beating her heart... She felt that this job applicant was indeed a bit too "artistic".

When applying for a job, you need to concisely prove your advantages, and at the same time use some actual honors or work experience to support it.

If you can cover up your shortcomings, try to cover them up. If you can't cover them up, you can just muddle through.

This kind of job seekers who appear to have low academic qualifications and still don’t understand what the video is about after playing it for so long is really like the program team deliberately posting it to increase the diversity of job seekers and improve the effectiveness of the program.

But... Lu Shuyuan looked at Yuefu Group and Gaoyao Group, which had not turned off the lights, and could only suppress the anxiety in her heart and wait slowly.

At the same time, Lu Shuyuan also had some doubts in her heart... Why are Yuefu Group and Gaoyao Group still in a pending state?

Let’s not talk about the Yuefu Group. They are not very rich and they like to cast a wide net. They often recruit everyone into the company, and there are already several anchors who have caused big troubles.

But Gaoyao Group is different... They don't run projects in the entertainment industry, so why don't they turn off the lights?

Is it because of my own abilities that I failed to see the bright spots hidden in this outrageous candidate?

Lu Shuyuan struggled for a few seconds, but soon stopped struggling - she could best see the upper limit of her abilities. As long as there were things beyond her understanding, there would be nothing wrong with listening to Mr. Yang's words.

As long as other companies say no, she agrees; as long as other companies agree, she says no.

It's that simple.

At this time, the video has finished playing, but the guests of the "Big Three" still have not made their choice.

Some people were stroking their chins, some were nodding slightly, and some were sitting firmly with expressionless faces. They seemed to be very, very concerned about this decision and very, very cautious.

The host was finally a little surprised. He looked at the audience, looked at the job seeker, and said slightly exaggeratedly: "This... this is really unexpected! Our No. 2 job seeker actually asked three teachers to finish reading Can’t make a choice after two videos?”

"What are they struggling with, what considerations do they have in their minds?"

"There are still two minutes left for the three teachers to think..."


When Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing heard what the host said, they looked at the progress bar again and guessed that it was the commercial time next.

"By the way, this advertisement was made by us, right?"

"Yes, Kuaiguang Group is the exclusive title sponsor of this variety show."

"Then don't skip it, let's see what advertisement you put..."

While the two were chatting, various barrages continued to appear on the screen.

"What's going on? Why hasn't this Nitian been eliminated yet?!"

"I can't say that others are contrary to nature. I feel that he went off topic very seriously. The video he posted has almost nothing to do with job hunting."

"Yeah, I don't see what advantages he has."

"Then why didn't those three big guys choose to eliminate him?"

"It should be the effect of the program arranged by the program team, right? It's like this for this kind of program. If you get used to it, I guess they will all turn off the lights when they come back."


While the barrage was being discussed intensely, advertisements were also inserted as scheduled.

A photo of Feng Luo's face when she was frightened and deformed immediately appeared on the screen, as well as a bunch of scary and shady background walls behind her.

"The best escape room in the world is located in Jinhai City, Kueiguang Building! A lot of content is waiting for you to experience!"

Chang Zhiqing watched the advertisement blankly and poked Yang Ruoqian with her finger: "Is this your idea? Put the secret room advertisement into a job search variety show?"

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "How about it? Isn't it very dramatic and effective? You can see the comments are full of rave reviews!"

Chang Zhiqing rolled her eyes: "From an advertising point of view, you are indeed very successful... But the problem is that every round of tickets in the secret room is fully booked. No matter how much you advertise, no matter how many consumers you attract, What’s the use? The productivity can’t keep up!”

The problem is that productivity cannot keep up, and the advertisements are in vain.

How would you waste your money if you don't?

Yang Ruoqian made an excuse at random: "Hey, you don't understand... The secret room is only a part of our industry. As long as we advertise a project, other industries can also make profits. Although our secret room is full, other industries There is still room for growth in the industry.”

Chang Zhiqing focused her eyes on the screen again and complained in a low voice: "It sounds reasonable, but it always feels weird... If you look at the barrage, they are all saying something weird..."

"What does Danmaku know? If Danmaku really understands, why don't they quickly start a company and destroy me?"

Before Chang Zhiqing could figure out what was strange, the commercial for "Your Best Job" had finished playing and the program continued.

Of course, in the first episode of a variety show like this, after the advertisement, it is usually not a program, but a confession and introduction by the guest or job seeker, and there may even be an "embarrassing" comment from the job seeker to the guest.

A deep male voice came from the speaker: "Kuiguang Group... It has been less than two years since its establishment and has been valued at more than 10 billion. Their current achievements have a lot to do with the endless talents within the company. ."

An artistic subtitle also appeared on the screen at the right time: "Less than two years! Ten billion valuation! Box office champion! International award!"

In the background sound that expressed "shock", the deep male voice continued to boast:

"Their wages, benefits and bonuses are among the best in the industry, but the talent selection mechanism of Kuaiguang Group has always been a mystery."

"Today, we are honored to invite Ms. Lu Shuyuan, the HR Director of Kuaiguang Group, to come to the show to take us to find out!"

"Ms. Lu Shuyuan is one of the founding team of Kuaiguang Group, and has made great contributions to the company's development and growth from its inception. Now she is in charge of personnel power, has a bright eye, and has recruited countless talents... She seems to value more than academic qualifications. Match between employee and position.”

After the embarrassing scene with the shots and subtitles of Lu Shuyuan ended, the No. 1 job applicant who had been admitted earlier also "showed up" and sat on a chair to be "interviewed."

He smiled and said, "As soon as Teacher Lu Shuyuan walked in... wow, that aura! When she looked over, I was immediately shocked. I felt like I didn't have any secrets."

"I feel... very dreamy and very surprised!"


Chang Zhiqing felt goosebumps when she heard it: "This is too disgusting, are all these variety shows so embarrassing now?"

Chang Zhiqing knew very well who Xiao Lu was.

When they bought the car, it was the 4S store that Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing went to together. The scene of Lu Shuyuan being bullied by other employees is still vivid in her mind.

When did he become a big devil who can kill people with just a look?

Mr. Yang shrugged: "It just needs to be a bit awkward to see that there are many talents... Otherwise, if you walk in alone, everyone else will be cold, and everyone will just rush to the schedule, and the program will have no effect."

"Our own variety shows are more interesting..."

After the introduction was completed, the screen turned back to the stage, but contrary to all the barrage's expectations, the lights in front of the "Big Three" table still showed "To Be Determined"!

Now the decision time is only left to the last 30 seconds!

Even though she had given up thinking and planned to do whatever Mr. Yang said, Lu Shuyuan felt a little uneasy at this time.

The boss only said that he wanted to recruit people who were not wanted by others, but he never said what was going on when everyone else was waiting to be decided!

When I watched this type of variety show before, I never saw so many people stuck in making decisions.

If the other two companies didn't decide until the last second, wouldn't that be playing rock, paper, scissors?

"The teachers are struggling very hard in their hearts!" The host had never seen such a scene before. He forced himself to smile, "But there are only 30 seconds left! Teachers, if you don't make a decision, you will default to Accepted!"

25 seconds…

15 seconds……

5 seconds……

In the last five seconds, the general manager of Gaoyao Group really couldn't bear the pressure, and he still couldn't understand what was so good about recruiting someone who could even go off topic in his job application video, so he could only press the reject button.


At the last second, the person in charge of the Yuefu Group could not withstand the pressure - he was afraid that this was another conspiracy created by the Kueiguang Group.

I heard that in the live broadcast project, there was a middle-level manager named Lin Cao who fell into the trap of the Kuaiguang Group and hired people he shouldn't have, and was eventually fired.

Between the two options of hiring the wrong person and missing out on talent, he feels that the former has a heavier responsibility.

So one second before the countdown ended, he still pressed the reject button.


After pressing the button, he turned to look at Lu Shuyuan, secretly praying in his heart that she would also press reject.

However, Lu Shuyuan's unmoving attitude disappointed him.

When the time countdown ended, Lu Shuyuan's "pending" also changed to "accepted" by default.

After seeing this scene, the barrages started to circulate:

"Kuiguang Group actually wants him?!"

"Ah, I thought he would refuse at the last second."

"Since you agreed, why didn't you press it earlier and keep the suspense for so long?"

"You don't understand. This is a strategy. If Lu Shuyuan makes a decision too early, the heads of other companies may follow up and admit people. It is recognized that the Kuaiguang Group has a vicious eye when recruiting people. Others don't know the reason, so just copy the homework. No? So I have to leave it until the last second to prevent other companies from competing with me."

"I see... Is this the ability of the human resources director of a large group? He can consider so many layers in just a few dozen seconds!"


The variety show has already played cheerful music about successful job hunting.

The host was surprised and puzzled. He first congratulated the applicant, then turned to look at Lu Shuyuan and asked: "Teacher Lu Shuyuan, I can see that you are very confused... Can you tell me the reason why you finally chose to admit him? Do you like him?" What advantages do you have in him, and what position do you plan to provide him?"

When the question was asked, not only the audience in front of the screen, but also the heads of other companies and even the trustees who acted as audience at the scene held their breath and looked at Lu Shuyuan intently.

Appeared! People hired by Kuaiguang Group!

If the law hadn't allowed it, many people would have rushed to the show and cut up the job seeker for study on the spot. (End of chapter)

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