I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 356 My own leadership is beginning to put pressure on me

Lu Shuyuan was stunned for a moment when asked by the host - she didn't know why she wanted to admit this person!

Just because the guests from other companies were slow to make a choice, and Lu Shuyuan couldn't disobey her boss's order, she could only keep waiting.

As a result, it was only at the last second that the guest from Yue Mansion pressed the lights-out button, but Lu Shuyuan did not press the lights-out button.

So admitted by default...

Why is it that only the boss knows about the admission? How can she, a small employee and the best veteran in the company, know these things?

Every time Kuaiguang Group achieves great success, she is the one who stands up and applauds.

But looking at the expectant looks of the host, other guests and countless viewers, Lu Shuyuan could only reluctantly pick up the microphone and began to think of ways to make up random things in her mind.

"First of all... although the job search video produced by this job applicant is relatively unprofessional and provides less effective information, at least we can see that he is capable of surviving alone in the wilderness for a long time. .”

Once you say the first sentence, it will be much easier to make up the rest.

Lu Shuyuan paused and continued:

"Recall his first video again. Can you see a RV on the winding mountain road? In my impression, although the RV he drove is not very expensive, it is at least worth it in the first-hand market. More than 250,000.”

"From what I understand, this RV is relatively new, so it shouldn't be a second-hand car."

As a former car salesperson, Lu Shuyuan finally put her professional skills to use.

"Many people may not have noticed that the job applicant's other videos also show how much he spends on food and clothing. It is not luxurious, but it is of high quality."

"All of you sitting here are elites and high-income people, so you may not be able to discover such small details."

"The job seeker is only twenty-five years old. If he can buy such an RV at his age and live such a relatively high-quality life, his income will at least not be low."

The more Lu Shuyuan talked, the smoother her thinking became: "The job seeker just said that his income depends entirely on the creative incentives he earns from posting his life on social platforms and the royalties from writing novels."

"What does this mean? It means that this job seeker independently took photos and created works in many extreme environments without the help of anyone else, and posted them online."

"And he can also rely on this method to earn a relatively good income, buy a good RV, and maintain a decent life."

"I am just a director in charge of human resources. I dare not say that I am very proficient in various fields. It can even be said that there are many fields that I don't understand at all."

"Without understanding this field, I can only judge a person's ability in this field by his income. Obviously, job seekers have certain profitability in this area, at least to a certain extent. Earning potential.”

"This job seeker can make a living without any resource support or any help from a photographer. If we give him traffic, give him various resources, and help him improve his ability to produce works, will he burst out? What about the unexpected spark? I’m looking forward to it.”

"It just so happens that Kuaiguang Group currently has no artists or anchors involved in this area. I think he might be able to give it a try."


Rather than judging a job seeker’s ability from his or her resume and video introduction, should we judge the job applicant’s ability or potential from the information revealed in various details of the video?

Several guests who pressed the lights-out button at the beginning nodded thoughtfully.

The ability to make videos does not mean the ability to work...

The problem is that it is not easy to make an accurate judgment. Even if it could be done, it would be inconvenient.

They are all executives of large companies and have to deal with many things every day. Who has the time and patience to carefully analyze and investigate the various information hidden behind the resume of each job applicant?

Could it be that the reason why Kuaiguang Group can recruit so many talents is because their human resources department can do this kind of work? !

Will this workload be too much...

Moreover, I have to analyze the meaning behind every resume, every person, and every sentence. The work is also very brain-burning and tiring.

He is worthy of being a veteran figure of Kuaiguang Group, and he is worthy of being able to sit firmly in the position of Director of the Human Resources Department. He truly deserves his reputation.

After listening to Lu Shuyuan's speech, the host applauded in amazement and nodded: "As expected of the HR Director of Kuaiguang Group, his insight is meticulous and amazing! Then I would like to ask Mr. Lu, why have you been struggling for so long before? ?What is it that keeps you from making a decision?"

Lu Shuyuan paused for a moment and said: "Just like the problem you have seen, this job applicant's video production ability is really poor, and the amount of information is seriously insufficient. If I want to get information from these scenes, I also need to time to think.”

"I see." The host nodded, "Then, Teacher Lu, what kind of job position do you plan to provide this job seeker?"

Lu Shuyuan, who was completely unprepared, could only take out the Kuaiguang Group's standard labor contract for new anchors and bloggers.

For this reason, Lu Shuyuan also reminded you in advance: "This job seeker, although I have decided to hire you, due to your objective conditions and the problem of the job application video, I cannot offer you too high conditions for the time being. Please do your best." Corresponding mental preparation.”

As a person who uploads works on the Internet, how could the job seeker not have heard of the name of Kuaiguang Group? He was so excited that his legs could not stand. He nodded repeatedly and said: "As long as you are willing to give me this opportunity, it will be fine." Thank you, thank you very much!”

Regardless of whether the conditions are high or not, as long as you can climb aboard the Kuaiguang Group, there will be no shortage of career development opportunities in the future, let alone opportunities for promotion and salary increase!

Originally, he didn't even have the luxury of expecting Kuoguang Group to take a serious look at him...

How many high-achieving students from prestigious universities at home and abroad have been turned away. How could I, a high school dropout and a street kid driving an RV, be considered for admission?

Being able to get a labor contract is already an unexpected surprise. Even if the conditions are not good, the trip is not worth it.

Lu Shuyuan nodded: "Basic guaranteed salary without liability, 15,000 per month, five insurances and one housing fund, housing, car, meal, allowance, etc., not included in salary, bonus mechanism...holiday arrangements...shares above the guaranteed salary The ratio is..."

After saying a lot of things eloquently, under the shocked eyes of all the company guests, Lu Shuyuan finally asked: "The above is the highest condition we can offer."

The job seeker had long been impatient to sign the contract. When Lu Shuyuan finished speaking, he looked at the host aside and nodded wildly: "I am willing to sign the contract! Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Thank you very much!"

If he failed to sign the contract, he would not be able to sleep at night when he went back.

"Very good, let us congratulate this job seeker for finding his dream job! Congratulations! Now go up and sign the contract!"


Chang Zhiqing looked at the screen and blinked: "Xiao Lu... well, are the employees recruited really reliable?"

"That's so reliable!" Mr. Yang, who knew that Lu Shuyuan was completely making up nonsense on the spot, clapped his hands, "Xiao Lu is really professional this time. It is a great blessing for our Kuaiguang Group to be able to recruit such an employee. !”

"That's it, let's go to sleep...the next episode won't be released anyway."

Night has come.

After the filming of the first episode of the variety show ended, a middle-aged man in a suit returned to his hotel and took a deep breath.

He is the general manager of Gaoyao Group who was put under pressure by the chairman.

"It's only fifteen thousand...are the people signed by the Kuangguang Group so popular? Is this their minimum treatment?"

"But it seems that Lu Shuyuan recruited him because she wanted him to be a video blogger or anchor. Our company has no such business at all, so there is nothing wrong with turning off the lights."

If Lu Shuyuan's judgment is accurate, of the many companies present, only Kuaiguang and Yuefu have the need to recruit this person.

But I have to say that her powers of observation are really keen, and she can actually analyze so many important information from a video that makes people doze off...

While he was thinking, his personal cell phone suddenly rang, and a specially customized ringtone came.

"Ding ding ding..."

There are very few people who have his private number and are not put on the do-not-disturb list at this late hour.

Anyone who has the right to ask him to get up and answer the phone during breaks is an important person.

Either your immediate boss, an important partner, or the person who approves various necessary documents.

He poured away the coffee that had not yet been brewed, walked to the bed in two steps, and took out his cell phone.

The three words "Shao Changfeng" were clearly displayed in the caller column.

Chairman? !

Is there anything wrong with him looking for me so late?

Did any serious emergencies occur in the group?

Could it be that the stock price plummeted? Or is there some negative news? Or was an order taken away?

Countless thoughts came to the general manager's mind, but all of them were negative - if it was good news, there was no need to call himself at such a late hour.

After three seconds of surprise, the general manager pressed the connect button and asked cautiously: "Director, Chairman? Haven't you rested at this late hour?"

"Rest, what's the point of rest?" Shao Changfeng's familiar voice came, "I took the time to watch the first episode of that variety show today. Do you have anything to say?"

"Ah, ah?" The general manager didn't expect that his chairman called him late at night to say this. He couldn't react and could only say "Ah" twice.

Shao Changfeng roared: "Let me ask you, when will our human resources department be like Kuaiguang Group, which can analyze from various details which position a person is suitable for in the company, instead of being like a robot, only screening academic qualifications! I want talents, I want talents with high efficiency, high quality and adaptability, do you understand?"

Then go ask the director of the human resources department, why are you yelling at me...

The general manager was already under full pressure: "Dr. Shao, are you dissatisfied with the current director of the human resources department?"

"I'm dissatisfied with all of you!" Shao Changfeng sighed, "Look at our director of human resources, how much salary he gets, what he does...and look at other companies. How many years have you been here? I'm an old fox in the workplace, but what's the result? In the end, my work efficiency is not as good as that of the company my son co-founded, alas. Forget it, I won't say it anymore, I still can't hold everyone to high standards, so I'm done."


The general manager, who had originally prepared to rush out a document overnight, hold a video conference for all leaders, and severely criticize the director of the human resources department, was stunned when he heard the busy signal on the other end of the phone.

He suddenly had a very strange feeling. He felt that the chairman did not call him to criticize his work, but to show off his son...

"No, we can't be scolded for no reason." After thinking for a while, the general manager shook his head, "I still need to do this document, and tomorrow I will scold the employees in the HR department."

As for whether the director of the human resources department will pass on the pressure to the employees below after the meeting tomorrow, it has nothing to do with him.

In another five-star hotel not far away, the deputy director of the Human Resources Department of Yuefu Group, who had just taken a shower, was watching videos and enjoying his business trip time.

On this business trip, all I need to do is attend the program on time. It's very easy and simple.

Suddenly, his mobile phone page was occupied by the phone page, which displayed a terrifying name - that was the phone number of his immediate boss, the Director of the Human Resources Department of Yuefu Group!

He was so frightened that he immediately clicked the connect button, but before he could speak, he heard a round of abuse: "Xiao Cheng, what's the matter with you? I asked you to go on a business trip to promote the company and recruit talents for the company." , I’m not here to embarrass you!”

"Mr. Yuan..."

"Shut up! Let me tell you clearly. There are leaders above who watched this variety show and are very, very dissatisfied with your performance. Why is it that the human resources department of Kuaiguang Group has such an outstanding performance, but you can't? Why do you get high salaries? , your performance is an order of magnitude different from others? Don’t you want to do it anymore? If you don’t want to do it, just say so!”

Xiao Cheng, who was originally relaxed and had performed like this in several variety shows, suddenly felt stressed and said repeatedly: "No, no! Mr. Yuan, listen to me, I want to be cautious..."

Mr. Yuan, who had just been scolded by the board of directors with the same words, interrupted his subordinates: "Don't make excuses, don't make excuses. Others can do it, why can't you? Look for your own problems and don't shirk responsibility. , reflect on yourself these days."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Cheng looked at the phone with tears in his eyes - no, isn't it a bit too much to use monsters from the Kuaiguang Group to benchmark others?

ps: Chapter 351 has been blocked. It’s quite funny. I read it a hundred thousand times and I don’t know what I wrote or what went wrong. In the end, there was something wrong with the pictures of the two helicopters. It was difficult to fix.

So what’s wrong with the photo of the helicopter? It’s a yes after being reviewed by the convulsing type. (End of chapter)

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