I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 357 Phone calls, so many phone calls!

The day after Yang Ruoqian watched an episode of "Your Best Job", he went to the crew to observe and look around to see where he could increase the budget.

But it's a pity that the current employees of Kuaiguang Group already know Mr. Yang's character, and they really followed his request and replaced all the places that could be replaced with genuine products with genuine ones.

It looks like a film crew, but it's actually a huge gathering place for luxury goods.

"It's bad, these people are getting more and more sophisticated now." Mr. Yang had a headache. "Now that the props are full and the actors are almost hired, how can we increase the cost?"

All the leading actors are ready. Although the extras have not yet been decided, the expenses for the extras cannot be too high.

Even if Kuaiguang Group has offered the highest salary to group performers in the industry, the combined cost of these people will not be higher than Feng Luo.

It doesn’t cost much at all…

But now after walking around the crew, it seems that only the extras can be manipulated to increase costs.

As a legendary boss with endless creative ideas, Yang Ruoqian turned around and tried to find some way to increase expenses in this hopeless dilemma.

Not far away, Feng Luo, who was walking easily carrying four buckets of water, glanced at Mr. Yang, who was wandering around in the crew, and asked elegantly: "Boss Yang, what are you doing?"

Yang Ruoqian turned his head and looked at the four full buckets held by Feng Luo. He was stunned for a moment and asked: "You... uh, why are you carrying water?"

Feng Luo said matter-of-factly: "The staff are busy. There is no water in the crew, and we can't find anyone for a while. I just happened to move the water along the way. What's wrong?"

Mr. Yang was confused: "If there are not enough people, let the crew hire more people! The crew is a bit ignorant. Recruit more people, 10 more people!"

"It's okay, it's a trivial matter." Feng Luo nodded indifferently, carrying the water and walked towards the crew..."

After Feng Luo left, Yang Ruoqian ordered the crew to recruit more people, and then walked around the set again.

However, no matter how many times he searched, he couldn't find much to improve his budget.

Even if some areas are not perfect, they are just some mosquito-like improvements and have little impact on the overall cost.

Gotta think of a better way...

Extras... extras...

Mr. Yang suddenly paused, and an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

He glanced at his phone and made sure that Lu Shuyuan was not filming a variety show. He immediately found an empty room and called her.

Lu Shuyuan answered the phone quickly, with a somewhat uneasy tone: "Mr. Yang, good morning."

She has heard from various channels that several guests who participated in the variety show were severely criticized by their immediate bosses.

Will such criticism also come to her?

Lu Shuyuan has not received any real criticism since she joined Kuaiguang Group.

Was the candidate you hired a bit too abstract?

Just when Lu Shuyuan was breathing and thinking, Yang Ruoqian's question also came over: "Are the current college students and the current post-00s engaged in rectifying the workplace, and making trouble without proper treatment?"

Lu Shuyuan didn't expect that Mr. Yang didn't talk about the variety show at all. She was stunned for a while and then said: "Yes, it should be so, but it depends on the college students. Not all college students are like this."

Yang Ruoqian was very interested: "Tell me carefully."

"If they are college students who graduated from prestigious universities, they are not worried about not being able to find a job after graduation, but are only worried about not being able to find their ideal job. They should not have such a mentality." Lu Shuyuan thought for a while and said, "If it is more technical In colleges and universities like this that don’t have high requirements for academic performance, most students know their level and don’t have too many unrealistic illusions.”

What this means is that the group of students in the middle, who have a certain degree of strength themselves, but find that there is a big gap between reality and imagination after entering the society, are the ones who are most likely to "rectify the workplace"...

Yang Ruoqian suddenly realized: "I know... By the way, I watched the first episode of the variety show "Your Best Job". You did a very good job. If you continue to do it in the future, then I will give up."

Before Lu Shuyuan could say anything, Yang Ruoqian hung up the phone, found the number of the crew leader again in the address book, and dialed it.

The person in charge, who had just been criticized for moving water, received a call from his boss again. He was a little panicked for a moment: "Mr. Yang... do you have any other instructions?"

Yang Ruoqian asked quickly: "How is the recruitment of extras for the crew going?"

"Now the requirements have been drawn up and are being planned to be released on major platforms. Do you have any requirements for the relevant personnel?"

Yang Ruoqian said: "Stop everything you are doing now...the group recruitment of extras needs to be changed. This movie cannot take an ordinary path, even in the selection of extras."

The relationship between extras and movies is really not that big, right?

The person in charge was silent for a moment and asked carefully: "Mr. Yang, do you have any specific arrangements? Send them over and the crew will definitely comply with them."

Yang Ruoqian thought for a few seconds and asked a few key questions: "How many extras do you plan to recruit? How much is each extra's salary for a day?"

The person in charge explained: "Because there is a football match scene in the movie, in order to make the scene as grand as possible, we may need to use a total of more than a thousand extras, which means sitting in the stadium auditorium and swaggering and shouting... You can rest assured. , this kind of expense is only one or two days. As for wages, it is still the previous standard, 120 yuan per person per day for an extra performer. If there are special requirements, the wages will be increased."

A group performance of a thousand people costs 120 yuan per person per day, which is 120,000 yuan per day.

Whether it is increasing the number of extras or increasing the wages of extras, aren't they both effective ways to significantly increase costs?

Yang Ruoqian's tone immediately became serious: "Although I don't watch football, I still know how many people a football field can accommodate. Are you sure a thousand extras are really enough?"

The person in charge wiped his cold sweat and said: "Mr. Yang, it's like this. A thousand people come to build momentum and create the atmosphere of the scene, and other fans can use special effects to synthesize it... This can save some costs and make management easier. Think about it , if thousands of people come at once, it will be difficult for our crew to manage and coordinate."

Too many extras and difficult to coordinate?

Would recruiting more extras also cause imbalance in the crew's management, forcing them to hire more staff?

This is a double happiness!

Yang Ruoqian was even happier: "It's not easy to coordinate, just recruit more management staff. These are not problems. Well, as I said, at least 3,000 extras should be arranged, and the salary of each extra should be at least It costs up to 200 yuan a day, and this time our recruitment is aimed at college students, giving future flowers a chance to try, you know?"

The person in charge no longer thought about the meaning of Yang Ruoqian's words. He nodded and asked, "Mr. Yang, what university are you from? Are there any specific requirements?"

Yang Ruoqian said one last thing before hanging up the phone: "I'll let Qi Mu inform you later. Okay, keep working...Finally, I'd like to remind you once again that you should spend your budget without hesitation, not Economy. A good movie is not something you save, it’s something you spend. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Mr. Yang..."

Somewhere, some university.

The young couple, who had watched the variety show "Secret Room Survival" before and also visited Gimhae City during the long vacation, were enjoying themselves in a rental house.

"There haven't been many good variety shows to watch recently." The boy who was more concerned about the entertainment industry sighed, ""Your Job" is not bad and has high ratings, but I don't think I have a chance to be hired by Kuaiguang Group no matter how many times I watch it. .”

The girl was eating melon seeds and reading the novel, and casually replied: "Looking at this, you might as well think about how to get our internship certificate."

"Oh, don't open the pot and pick up the pot..."

Ding dong!

Before they finished speaking, a notification suddenly popped up on their mobile phone notifications.

Their counselor @all the students in the group, and added two "important."

"Important information! Important information! It's about everyone's internship!"


As soon as I mentioned the internship, the counselor came to me with news about the internship?

The young couple looked at each other, immediately stopped what they were doing, and clicked into the chat group.

Although the variety show is good and the novel is good, your own future is the most important!

Internship quotas like this that can be distributed to the group are very valuable, and arriving even one second late may lead to missed opportunities!

The two clicked into the group chat and saw the complete message sent by the counselor.

"The notice just came out above. The crew of Jinhai Kuaiguang Group is recruiting interns recently. With internship certificates, the opportunity is very, very rare. The places are very, very limited. Students in need can sign up with me now. First come, first served."

Kuaiguang Group, internship opportunities? !

And do you still have an internship certificate?

The young couple didn't even have time to be shocked. They hurriedly opened the private chat window with the counselor and couldn't wait to send a message: "Sister Chen, sister Chen, me, me, me! I want to intern, I want this spot!"

After seizing the opportunity, the two rushed to their room in a hurry, took out their student ID cards from their schoolbags, took a photo of the front and back and sent it to the counselor.

The counselor did not respond.

It is conceivable that her current private chat window must be crowded with a lot of messages.

The two of them sent messages to the counselor almost as soon as they saw the news. At such a speed, they were ranked behind. You can imagine how popular the registration was.

After waiting nervously and anxiously for more than ten minutes, the two young lovers finally received replies one after another.

"Go to the office before tomorrow and fill in the information. We won't wait if it's overdue."

This was chosen!

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

If they were playing games, taking a shower, or sleeping in at this time, they would have missed this opportunity.

Just a few minutes after sending the message to the two, the counselor sent a message in the group, saying that the number of registrations was full and there was no need to send him any more messages.

It took less than 20 minutes from the time all @staff arrived until the seats were filled.

You can imagine how many people signed up.

As for the remuneration during the internship, neither of them even thought about it - as long as they can get the internship certificate stamped and signed by Kuaiguang Group, they are already much ahead of others, so what kind of remuneration is needed?

You must know that many companies now recruit people based on a "work certificate" and "internship experience."

It is impossible to find a job if you have not worked before. This is the current situation of recruiting people in many companies.

The internship certificate offered by Kuaiguang Group, a well-known and difficult-to-enter company in the industry, is inherently valuable.

"That's great! With this internship certificate, it will be much easier for us to find jobs after graduation."

"You don't plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Forget it, I don't want to take the exam anymore... Find a job as soon as possible after graduation. The most important thing is to get a good position."


The next day, the young couple got up early in the morning, had a simple breakfast, walked out of the rental house, and took a taxi to school for the first time.

As they rushed to the counselor's office, they turned on their phones and looked at the chat history of their classmates.

"Ahhhh!!! I missed something, ahhhh! What did I miss? Damn it!!! Damn it!"

A person who changed his name to "I have obtained the internship qualification of Kuaiguang Group, I hope everyone knows about it" laughed and said: "It's just that I missed my future, it's not a big loss."

"It's not fair! I was taking a shower at that time. When I came out, the registration was closed. I want to rematch!"

"This is too fast. It is said to be more than 20 minutes, but in fact it is just the counselor's slow reply. In fact, if you don't chat with the counselor privately within 3 minutes, you have no chance. Don't ask me how I know."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? How far is our school from Jinhai City? Why do internship quotas fall without any warning? These quotas must be very rare. It is not easy for Sister Chen to grab so many."

"Think about the internship quota at Kuaiguang Group."

"Oh, life is like this. In a blink of an eye, you may miss an opportunity that is rarely encountered in your life. Of course, I am just saying this, I have obtained an internship spot, so everyone knows."

"Who asked you?!"


The young couple shut down the lively group of classmates and knocked on the wooden door of the counselor's office.

It was still early, so there were not many students gathered at the door of the office.

"Sister Chen?"

"It's quite early, come in."

The two of them quickly went in, took out their student ID cards, and said, "We are here to fill in the internship information."

The counselor nodded and took out a form from the side: "Give me your ID card and fill in this form. By the way, it's 200 ha per day during the internship. This price is still very good."

The young couple nodded eagerly: "200 is indeed okay... Sister Chen, where can we pay? Do you support scanning the QR code to pay?"

The counselor was stunned for a moment, looked at the two clear-eyed college students like fools, and cursed: "You can get 200 yuan as internship salary every day during the internship, not paid to work!"

"Are you two kidding me?"

ps: I forgot to change the title, sorry. You have to contact the editor to change this... (End of this chapter)

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