I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 358 This is the pattern (there will be updates during the Spring Festival, please vote for m

In the office of the president of Kuaiguang Group, Yang Ruoqian casually put aside the documents compiled by the secretary and asked: "Qi Mu, how is the progress of the thing I asked you to do?"

Qi Mu glanced at the documents he had packed and kept a smile on his face: "Mr. Yang, as per your request, the internship quotas have been distributed to various colleges and universities that meet the requirements. However, our total number of quotas is large, but those who meet the requirements are There are many colleges and universities, and the number of places available to each college is actually relatively limited.”

Thousands of people are indeed a lot for a crew and very difficult to coordinate, but for so many colleges and universities, it is still a situation where there is more than enough.

Moreover, it is difficult for Yang Ruoqian to intervene in how the quotas are allocated within the university - for this kind of opportunity, some quotas will definitely be taken away by various people and allocated to a fixed number of good students.

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "How is the recruitment situation?"

"Basically all the recruitment quotas in colleges and universities are full." Qi Mu knew that the boss was very concerned about this matter and continued, "It is difficult for us to supervise how the specific quotas are allocated, but we can still manage the status and salary of the participating students. "

For example, all wages must be paid directly to the student's personal account, and no payment will be made to either the agency's or the school's account.

The name on the bank card must be verified before wages are paid.

As for the fact that the school has to force the money into the hands of the students, Yang Ruoqian doesn't think any university would be so shameless for such a small amount of money.

If it is true, it would be tantamount to completely falling out with the Kuaiguang Group. It is absolutely impossible to want this kind of internship spot in the future.

This kind of loss cannot be compensated with so much money.

"Yes, when will these students be available?" Yang Ruoqian nodded and asked again.

Qi Mu said without thinking: "As per your request, the group will reimburse the travel expenses for all students. All students can arrive within three days."

The reason why I didn’t mention the specific travel expenses is because the way to get to Gimhae is different depending on the geographical location of the university.

The farther places are of course airplanes, the closer places are only high-speed rail, and even local universities in Jinhai City. No matter how much reimbursement is made, the only reimbursement is taxi fare.

"Not bad." Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction, "The children are still very positive."

That must be positive...

There is also an internship certificate issued by the Kuaiguang Group and a daily salary of 200 yuan. Where have college students who have just entered the society seen this kind of attitude?

Many people even think that they have to pay 200 yuan to get this internship spot.

Qi Mu was silent for half a second and continued: "Mr. Yang, I'm actually worried about a problem... The crew suddenly recruited so many extras composed of students. They generally lack experience and are curious and restless. "

"There are so many valuable 'props' in the crew. I'm worried that with so many people coming together, some high-value props will inevitably be damaged."

"If these props are damaged, can the students afford compensation? Or should we ask the students for compensation?"

If it were a general group performance, the crew and the actors would definitely need to sign a corresponding contract, stipulating which things the actors are exempt from and what the actors are responsible for... If high-value items of the crew are damaged due to personal reasons of the actors, corresponding compensation must be made .

Of course, in most cases, the crew will purchase insurance for the corresponding high-value props, which is a different matter.

However, seeing so many students coming here, many insurance companies will directly deny coverage.

If a valuable bag falls on the ground and is stepped on, its value may be cut in half.

If a high-end watch falls to the ground and a mechanical failure occurs, it can directly cause hundreds of thousands of losses.

With so many props and inexperienced extras, it's inevitable to have trouble with luxury goods.

If no insurance company is willing to sign a policy, the damage to the props will either be counted as loss or damage, or another person will need to be found to compensate.

Yang Ruoqian's face gradually became serious after listening to Qi Mu's question: "This is indeed a problem..."

Qi Mu straightened up and waited for Mr. Yang's next instructions.

As a secretary, she always knew that Mr. Yang was very good at solving this kind of problem.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Yang Ruoqian said: "You are right. If the students know that one mistake can damage the props, causing the crew to lose hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, they will probably be restrained in everything they do. Very It affects the performance of their acting skills. Qi Mu, you are very good, you are so thoughtful."

Qi Mu: "???"


If students know that they may break these luxury goods, will it affect their acting skills and the quality of the movie?

Mr. Chairman, they are just a group of college students. They are just a group of college students who have never seen the world and have never acted in any drama!

Besides, what does it matter whether their acting skills are good or not for a group of people who go to the auditorium to cheer during football games?

Anyway, what they were given was a very far shot, with hundreds or thousands of people on the same screen. Who cares about the acting skills of the group in this kind of shot?

What Qi Mu means is that there are too many students and it is difficult to coordinate, so it is easy to break some things!

Yang Ruoqian ignored Qi Mu's almost uneasy expression and waved his hand: "In this way, tell all the students that although these props are expensive, they are insured, so that they can let go and don't worry about bumps and don't be tied down!"

Qi Mu reminded: "Mr. Yang, our props do not have insurance policies..."

"Qi Mu." Yang Ruoqian glanced at the secretary and said earnestly, "Sometimes there is no harm in telling white lies."

"...Yes, Mr. Yang."

"The current employment environment is becoming more and more involution, and young people have fewer and fewer opportunities. We need to be more tolerant of them and give them more opportunities." Yang Ruoqian added, "For our group, let alone losing some luxury goods. Even if the entire movie has zero box office, the loss will be minimal compared to the group’s assets.”

"But a luxury product may be a young man's years of hard work. As long as it is not intentional, why bother worrying about these things with the children? To put it bluntly, they just want to make a living."

"If it's broken, it's broken. Just buy a new one. I won't blame the crew, and I won't blame other people. There's no need to pick and choose."

"Our company has countless opportunities to make this kind of movie, and there is almost unlimited room for trial and error... But these children may have only one opportunity in their lives. Since the opportunity is so rare, we must let them let go. Give it your all. We make so much money, it’s not a big deal to have a little responsibility.”

"Qi Mu, before you came to the group, the only thing you missed was this opportunity, wasn't it?"

The days when the success or failure of a movie could determine the life or death of a company are long gone.

Today, the company's cash flow is extremely abundant, and it has no debt at all. It operates with 0 leverage and all assets are high-quality assets...

The profit and loss of one or two movies, or even four or five major productions, is nothing to the group as a whole.

What's more, Mr. Yang still has the system guarantee, so he is eager to lose money.

Qi Mu, who was originally a little helpless, was stunned again when he heard Yang Ruoqian's serious tone.

Before Qi Mu came to Kuaiguang Group, he also experienced various humiliations in the workplace, and was explicitly and implicitly told by his boss to entertain customers.

And it was because she refused these entertainments that she was so outstanding in business ability, but she was never able to get a promotion or salary increase.

In fact, the problems she encountered were similar to those encountered by students to some extent.

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry, I didn't take this into consideration." Qi Mu glanced at the young boss in front of him again and said sincerely, "I understand what you mean, and I will instruct the crew to do it."

Now many people outside are curious as to why Yang Ruoqian was able to make the company so big in such a short period of time...

Some self-media amateur analysts use various cases to break down a lot of unreplicable successes in detail, and they speak clearly and logically.

There are also professional analysts who start from the market and analyze how Yang Ruoqian uses his products to capture a certain market group.

But no one has analyzed Yang Ruoqian's personality and behavior.

Qi Mu suddenly felt that perhaps Mr. Yang's success was closely related to the fact that he was generous when he should be generous and was careless when he should be careless.

For those bloggers and uptakers who collect dirty money and fabricate rumors to smear the company, even if they don't get much compensation, they still have to spend a lot of money to collect results and litigate everyone.

It seems that he is careless to the extreme.

But when it comes to other people, such as Shang Qianyu who is being kicked around by all kinds of people, a writer with dreams, a imaginative secret room designer, or an ordinary white-collar worker like himself who is ups and downs in the workplace... Mr. Yang is very willing to give Chance.

And it's very atmospheric, the kind of atmosphere that doesn't seem to care about gains and losses at all.

For example, the staff canteen, and so many places for leisure and entertainment, in fact, in Qi Mu's opinion, there is no need to make it so luxurious.

Kuaiguang Group...is indeed worthy of its name.

"Okay, let's go make arrangements." Yang Ruoqian didn't care too much and waved his hand, "Remember your current identity. You are the administrative secretary assistant to the chairman of Kuaiguang Group. You have to be dignified in many things!"

Qi Mu, the secretary, is good at everything, but a little too good... letting her take care of the company can often save a lot of hidden expenses.

You need to correct this girl's positioning of yourself.

"Okay." Qi Mu first felt that she was doing such meaningful things outside of work. She nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, all your requirements will be arranged."

After saying that, she took the file, turned and left the office.

Yang Ruoqian watched the secretary leave, sighed, and sighed to himself:

"Oh, I thought when I named the company 'Kuiguang', it was a homophone for 'loss of light'. Looking at the company now, the name really doesn't live up to my expectations."

Three days later, Gimhae Airport.

The young couple who got off the plane did not look around. They left the plane very skillfully and took away their checked luggage.

"It's only been a while, and we're back again..." the boy complained, "Last time we came here for the entertainment project of Kuaiguang Group, and this time we came here for internship. This is how things in the world are unpredictable."

"And the flight, accommodation, and food this time are all paid for by the crew. It's like we're making money for free here!"

"It's not that simple." The boy glanced at his girlfriend and shook his head, "Do you know what the concept of 200 a day, food, accommodation and air tickets is included? It is equivalent to the money that Kuaiguang Group spends on us in a month, at least 10,000 is gone.”

"Why do we, a group of college students, get a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan? It must be because the crew has a tight work schedule and the tasks are very difficult. When we get to the hotel later, you will have a headache after the work schedule is issued... Get some rest and be prepared to be exhausted this month."

The work is heavy and the tasks are difficult...

The girl sounded a little nervous again: "Tell me, if we fail to complete the crew's tasks well or mess up something, will we not be able to get the work certificate?"

"It's possible."

The two of them chatted while getting into the special car responsible for picking up and dropping off.

Dozens of minutes later, the two of them looked at the hotel in front of them, looked up and down several times, and then said in disbelief: "Is this our 'dormitory' for the next month? Are you serious?"

Although the hotel in front of you is not a luxurious five-star hotel, it is a four-star hotel with new and tidy decoration, good service, spacious rooms and complete facilities!

And it’s one room per person!

"What kind of work do we have to undertake that requires this kind of rest environment?" The boy trembled, "Are we allowed to engage in any high-risk activities?!"

What they didn't know was that if the system hadn't allowed VIP treatment to the extras, Yang Ruoqian would have arranged for them all to sleep in an expensive resort hotel.

"I think it's better to look at work arrangements and precautions first." A girl who has lived in a dormitory with multiple people since junior high school and shared a small rental house with her boyfriend in college has never experienced such a good accommodation environment!

The two quickly checked in, put their luggage in the locker, and immediately turned on their mobile phones, waiting for a notification from the person in charge of connecting with their university.

Ten minutes later, a message appeared in the group chat: "Students should have all arrived at the hotel and packed their belongings, right? In order for everyone to devote their maximum energy to work, hotel management services, 6 We have already purchased the clothes change service, buffet breakfast, etc. You don’t need to pay extra. Just arrive at the set on time every day. The details will be explained when I meet you. What students have to do today is to have a good rest. , recharge your batteries.”

"By the way, when you enter the set, you may see some relatively expensive things. Remember, those are all genuine. Although the set has purchased insurance for these things in order not to hinder everyone's performance, please do not damage them intentionally. ha."

"That's all, then, classmates, see you tomorrow!"

ps: There is no holiday during the Spring Festival, there will be updates! Ha, I am such a hard-working writer~ (End of chapter)

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