I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 359 Hardworking College Students (Happy Spring Festival!)

"Are the conditions so good?" The girl looked at the news and couldn't help but sigh, "I heard that the cleaning service and breakfast in the hotel are very cheating."

These services would easily cost tens or even hundreds of dollars in a five-star hotel. Even if their hotel quality is not that high, it would still be a lot of money in a month.

The boy murmured: "My estimate was wrong before. I said the Kuaiguang Group was going for 10,000 yuan, but now it looks like it should be going for 20,000 yuan... I am even more certain about what kind of work we will be involved in tomorrow." I’m a little worried.”

"What are you afraid of?" The girl was very optimistic. "Think about it, we have been called 'university beasts' and beasts, but now a company is willing to pay a higher price. Who can stay in such a good hotel? Stay for a month?”

"Yeah, I don't know how many days we have to work this month and how much money we can make..."

"Our counselor, Sister Chen, is very good. I heard from other people that there are a few students from schools who want to participate in this internship. They have to "mean it" first, do you understand?"

"Sister Chen is indeed very nice... I will give her some souvenirs during the next Chinese New Year..."

"Oh, who would have thought that we would enter society in the blink of an eye, and it feels like high school life is still in front of us. Gee, time flies so fast."


The two of them chatted to relieve their anxiety, and the time passed quickly.

The next day, the two went downstairs to have breakfast. After chatting with a few acquaintances, they took an online taxi to the set.

Although the crew said that the fare can be reimbursed and there is no specific requirement for how many people must ride in one car, everyone feels that it is better not to do such a thing as one person per car. It will easily leave a bad impression on the leaders of Kuaiguang Group. impression.

Even for the sake of comfort, an online ride-hailing car is more than enough to seat three people, but it is a waste to seat one person.

They don’t need to bring anything extra except their ID cards, bank cards and student ID cards.

"Last time we came here, the road was full of cars." The girl looked out the window and complained, "It's finally better now."

"Absolutely. It's not a holiday or commuting time. It's normal for there to be few cars on the road."

Thousands of people may not seem like many, but if they are all blocked together at the same time, it will definitely cause serious congestion.

So the crew set the check-in time for these college students at 10:30 in the morning.

The journey from the hotel to the crew was not long, and they had arrived at their destination in just ten minutes.

"This set looks so big." The girl opened the car door and sighed, "This is a big factory."

"It's definitely not easy for a company to produce "The Wandering Blue Star"."

A few people lined up at the back of the queue and waited until everyone in front had completed the formalities before they walked up.

The staff responsible for checking the identities nodded to a few people and said, "Are you here for internship, right? Please take out your ID cards. We need to check the identities."

After checking the identity and entering the ID card information, the staff handed the ID card back and said, "Everything has been entered. From now on, when you enter the set, you can go directly to the staff channel and swipe your ID card and face to pass. This is your work ID card." , brought it."

"Your work permit belongs to ordinary employees. Some places involve confidentiality issues and you are not allowed to enter. Be sure to pay attention to the notices."

"If you lose your work permit, ID card or other important items, go to the lost and found office at the far south of the studio as soon as possible, and the staff will help you find it."

A studio is actually so professional...

Several people nodded and took their work certificates: "Thank you! Sorry to trouble you!"

After saying that, they walked into the set with the greatest curiosity and awe.

Before taking two steps, a few people saw a staff member wearing gloves counting several luxury bags and watches not far away.

"Wow...that looks like an LV bag? And that watch, I don't recognize it, but it looks very expensive."

"Those are props, right?"

"If it is a prop, do we still need to be so careful? Do we need the staff to wear gloves? Have you forgotten the message I sent in the group yesterday? These are all genuine!"

“We broke a corner and probably lost a few years’ worth of wages.”

"It's not that scary, isn't it? Didn't the group say that these things are insured, so even if they are damaged, we don't need to compensate?"

"Let's put it this way, if you really break something so expensive, what kind of thing will others write down on your internship introduction? If you still want to find a job at Kuaiguang Group in the future, how will you be treated? "

While a few people were discussing, a thick, unfamiliar voice suddenly came from behind: "It's not that big of a deal for a few kids. We're not that narrow-minded. As long as we don't damage it intentionally, we won't hold anyone responsible."

The young couple turned around in fright and glanced at the speaker behind them.

His work ID card said "Lost and Found Office". He held a small stack of ID cards in his hand and glanced at a few people with a smile: "When you get to the set, you'd better store your belongings in the cabinet... otherwise it will be like That’s it.”

As he said that, he shook his head helplessly - when he hired extras in the past, he almost never encountered the problem of losing his ID card.

Now so many college students were crowding in, he just walked around and picked up several ID cards that had fallen on the ground.

Alas, he is indeed a clear and stupid college student...

"Oh, okay...thank you."

Several people said goodbye to the staff who were looking for ID cards everywhere on the ground, and took a few steps forward. A beautiful and exquisite behemoth suddenly appeared in front of them.

This is……

"Helicopter?!" the girl blurted out, "This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful helicopter in real form."

The ones I saw before were either very simple passenger helicopters or extremely practical work helicopters.

This was the first time they had seen a helicopter with such a beautiful appearance and such a luxurious interior.

"Is this a prop or a real thing? Can it fly?"

"Yes, you can see which prop can be so precise..."

The college students finally arrived on the set noisily.

Not far away, you can even see Zhang Wei and Feng Luo reviewing their lines.

The assistant director came over and shouted to the dozens of college students gathered through the small loudspeaker: "Everyone's tasks will be handed out soon. When the time comes, please pay attention to the meeting point. Also, everyone will have lunch in the future." Solve it on the set, the conditions on the set are not very good, please overcome it!"

"Don't worry, we college students are the most hard-working!"

"By the way, why haven't you seen the big boss of Kuaiguang Group?"

"Nonsense... Other big bosses have too many things to do."

At this time, in the office of the president of Kuaiguang Group, Qi Mu stopped Mr. Yang, who had planned to wander around the set a few times.

"Mr. Yang, can you spare a few minutes?" Qi Mu asked, holding the document, "We just received a relatively important commission."

Important commission...

When Yang Ruoqian heard these words, he subconsciously wanted to reject them - because in many cases, important means valuable.

Mr. Yang doesn't want anything valuable.

"Is it particularly important?" Yang Ruoqian looked hesitant, "In what aspect is it important? Economically?"

Qi Mu said: "Mr. Yang, the problem is actually here. This project is very important, but our internal staff estimates that it may be difficult for us to make a profit directly from this project, so we have to let you make the final decision."

After being told by Mr. Yang a few days ago that "the pattern needs to be big," Qi Mu has become more cautious about this kind of project.

Even if you can't make money, if it has other effects, you have to consider it carefully.

Mr. Yang's dull eyes instantly flashed with hope: "What kind of project is it? Tell me quickly!"

No money to make, but important?

The more projects like this, the better!

You don’t even have to think of an excuse to do a project like this.

Qi Mu said: "During the last long holiday, an official called us, and the specific matters have been basically sorted out now. Fraud has become more rampant recently, and the officials think that our group has a greater influence, and they hope that we can do some anti-fraud propaganda. piece."

"Anti-fraud... promotional video?" Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment, "The official asked us to make it? Isn't this kind of thing been promoted all the time? Why does it need such a big fanfare?"

Recently, you can see similar reminders whether you are watching videos, reading novels, or even making phone calls and sending text messages.

It’s almost to the point where anyone who asks you to give money is a scammer.

It's a pity that Mr. Yang has never encountered any scammers, and Kuaiguang Group has never encountered any scammers who cheated on projects.

The few scammers I once thought were cheating on projects ended up making the group a lot of money.

Qi Mu replied: "But there are always many people, especially those who have less exposure to new media. They receive very little information, and they are very stubborn. They would rather believe in scammers than anti-fraud staff... …And they lack efficient means of publicity, and point-to-point publicity is always very time-consuming and inefficient.”

"Furthermore, indoctrination-style anti-fraud will make people feel bored and its effect will become worse and worse. It is the same as the story of 'Wolf cried'."

"So they plan to ask the group to shoot a promotional video that is entertaining to a certain extent, which can be deeply rooted in people's hearts and has certain educational significance. Now in the entire province, it has the greatest influence and is the most capable of making this kind of video work well. Of the companies, we are the only ones.”

Yang Ruoqian nodded and said, "Isn't that a good thing? We can cooperate with the authorities."

"The official premium will not be too high, and due to procedural issues, it may take some time for each payment to be remitted to the company's public accounts." Qi Mu explained, "It may damage our financial report for this quarter."

Although the financial report is not very important to Mr. Yang - Kuaiguang Group has not been listed on the market, it doesn't matter no matter how bad the financial report is.

But for relevant departments of the company, the pressure may become greater.

The department's financial report is ugly, and the pressure on employees will naturally be great, even if Mr. Yang repeatedly expresses his indifferent attitude.

As soon as he heard that there was money left, Yang Ruoqian immediately became unhappy: "What's a premium but not a premium? Shooting an anti-fraud promotional video is a public welfare act and a public welfare project. How can we make money while doing public welfare? Tell them immediately that we don't charge money. Don’t give us any money, not even a penny!”

Qi Mu nodded: "I'll convey your message."

As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the relevant responsible department.

After more than ten seconds, Qi Mu raised his head and said, "Mr. Yang, I want to talk to you in person over there. Do you have time?"

The God of Wealth is here, can Mr. Yang have no time?

Compared to "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" which required racking one's brains to figure out how to spend more money, this 0-income promotional video is simply a good deal with no profit!

No matter how much the cost is, you will lose as much as you can, and you won’t make a dime back!

"If you have time, please transfer the call to the president's office." Yang Ruoqian nodded.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Qi Mu arranged the work very efficiently. Within 20 seconds, the phone on Mr. Yang's desk rang.

As soon as the phone rang, Qi Mu asked, "Mr. Yang, do you need me to step aside?"

"No need to avoid it, this is not a company secret." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, indicating that Qi Mu could use the extension to answer, "You still need to be responsible for coordinating the follow-up of this promotional video. I have to convey it to you after listening to it. It's too troublesome. "

In order to facilitate coordination, there are two telephones for the administrative secretary and general assistant, one in Qi Mu's own office and the other next to the reception table in the president's office.

"Okay, Mr. Yang."

Qi Mu nodded, picked up the secretary's phone, and pressed the answer-only button.

Only then did Yang Ruoqian pick up the phone.

"Boss Yang, hello, hello. I'm from the Anti-Fraud Center. You can call me Song Qianhe."

Song Qianhe was quite polite to this big taxpayer who had invested heavily in Jinhai, directly solving the employment problem for thousands of people, and indirectly promoting the development of local tourism. He couldn't find any dirty information even with a magnifying glass.

I heard that Kuaiguang Group has recently sent so many internship places to other places, which makes many colleagues in other departments feel very distressed.

"Hello, Officer Song." Yang Ruoqian didn't want to talk nonsense, "I heard that you want to ask the group to make an anti-fraud promotional video? Do you have any specific requirements? What kind of effect do you want?"

When it came to business, Song Qianhe's tone became serious: "Boss Yang, this matter is quite serious. Our requirements for the promotional video are quite complex and involve a lot of professional knowledge. There may be a lot of objective If you decide to shoot, there may be quite a few issues to overcome.”

Overcoming difficulties?

Mr. Yang likes to overcome difficulties the most!

"Officer Song, don't worry. There is no difficulty that our group cannot overcome."

Song Qianhe added: "Kuiguang Group's business is booming, but we won't let Boss Yang work in vain, so don't worry."

"Oh, this is a mistake." Yang Ruoqian said, "Everyone has a responsibility to build a beautiful society, and you cannot collect money for public welfare matters. Except for the requirements, Officer Song, you don't need to mention anything, and ensure that the task is exceeded."

Song Qianhe was stunned for a moment: "Boss Yang, this is not good... Our requirements are really many and complex, and they may take up a lot of your company's resources."

Yang Ruoqian was looking forward to it more and more: "You're too polite. If you have any requests, just ask!"

ps: Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Good fortune, good luck! (End of chapter)

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