I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 360 Your requirements are too low (New Year’s greetings)

Song Qianhe was deeply moved when he saw that such a big boss was actually willing to make real contributions to charity.

Nowadays, the so-called "public welfare" of many companies is mainly for tax deduction, and those so-called charitable funds are also in their own names, which are neither open nor transparent.

Anyone with a certain basic sense of judgment can see what these so-called charities are for.

But this promotional video has neither income nor tax deduction. It is pure zero income and a pure public welfare undertaking!

Yang Ruoqian was actually able to agree so readily and even refused official remuneration.

Thinking about the benefits to employees of Kuaiguang Group that had been exposed, Song Qianhe gave Yang Ruoqian an even higher look.

"Boss Yang, I admire your behavior very much. But no matter whether you accept the money or not, our requirements will not be lowered." Song Qianhe reminded, "If you feel that the cost is too high, always tell me that this amount The budget is always there for you.”

Yang Ruoqian endured the expectation and urged: "Officer Song, just ask if you have any requirements. If there are difficulties, Kuaiguang Group will overcome them; if there are no difficulties, Kuaiguang Group will create difficulties! Just rest assured. ."

Song Qianhe always felt that there was something strange about Boss Yang's words, but he still started to talk about his request: "Then I won't be polite..."

"First, the promotional video should be divided into two parts. The total length of the full version cannot be less than 15 minutes, and the total length of the condensed version cannot exceed 2 minutes. We need to put it on different platforms. The full version is a long video, and the condensed version is quite Regarding advertising insertion, you understand."

"Second, there must be highly recognizable and well-reputed artists participating in the performance."

"Third, we need you to use the publicity and distribution resources of Kuaiguang Group to help us promote this promotional video. I will send the specific data to your employees in the form of documents."

"Fourth, we have requirements for the quality of the promotional video...the picture level...it is best to benchmark against the movie "xxx"."

"Fifth, the promotional video needs to be realistic in order to arouse people's alert, so we need some professional actors to portray the cruelty of the scammers and the misery of the victims as much as possible."

"Sixth, if some group performances are involved, we hope you can give priority to recruiting people from this province to solve the employment problem."


Song Qianhe talked a lot eloquently. After he finished all his requests, he pressed the speakerphone on the phone, put the receiver aside, and took a sip of boiled water to moisten his throat.

It is a publicity and distribution, and there are standards for pictures and actors. These requirements are indeed very high... It can even be said that the only company in the province that meets the requirements is Kuaiguang Group.

Not even many can be found across the country.

According to calculations, this budget, which is not low, can barely offset the cost.

After moistening his throat, Song Qianhe sighed and said with a smile when the person on the other end didn't speak. "Boss Yang, if you regret it, you can tell me immediately and I will discuss the budget with you."

With so many demands, it’s a bit overwhelming to ask others to work in vain.

Perhaps in Boss Yang's view, this promotional video is just a crudely produced short video, so he agreed so readily...

Then, he heard Yang Ruoqian's slightly disappointed tone: "Are these the only requirements?"

Song Qianhe smiled and said, "The budget we can provide is...what did you say?"

Why does Yang Ruoqian's tone sound like he doesn't think the filming requirements for this promotional video are too high?

Yang Ruoqian frowned: "Isn't the 15-minute promotional video a bit too short? Are you sure that the promotional effect of this kind of promotional video will be very good?"

15 minutes, even if it is full of krypton gold special effects, how much can you lose?

The time is too short and I can’t use my strength.

"Ah?" Song Qianhe was stunned for a moment, "If an anti-fraud promotional video is too long, not many people will be able to bear it and watch it, right? Even if there is celebrity promotion, 15 minutes should be the limit."

This was calculated through big data on the completion rates of various previous promotional videos.

Even if there is an error, it is probably close to ten.

Yang Ruoqian sighed: "Officer Song, you have fallen into a misunderstanding...An anti-fraud promotional video may not be good-looking. As long as the content is fascinating enough, even if it is a promotional video, many people will like to watch it."

Song Qianhe, who didn't know much about entertainment works, asked uncertainly: "Yes, is that so?"

"Of course, let me give you a very simple example." Yang Ruoqian said slowly, "If a very beautiful female star advertises potato chips, even a person who hates junk food will probably stop and take a second look. Bar?"

"If a very interesting game tells players the game values ​​like spoon-feeding, many people will lose their temper, right?"

"So, whether a film or television work is attractive depends only partly on its subject matter, and more on whether it is 'good-looking'."

As long as it looks good, the audience won't bother to analyze what the subject matter of this thing is.

Dopamine secretion doesn’t lie.

Of course... these are just Mr. Yang's words. His real purpose is to extend the length of the promotional video as much as possible, thanks to some money.

Song Qianhe thought for a while and felt that this seemed to be the case, so he nodded: "Then how long does Boss Yang plan to shoot the promotional video?"

"This requires analysis and evaluation by a professional team before we can give you a specific answer, but you can rest assured that your requirements will be perfectly met."

Song Qianhe always felt that something was wrong, but thinking that the other party was a professional and he had never been involved in related fields, he agreed: "Okay, then I will wait for your notice, Boss Yang."

Yang Ruoqian glanced at Qi Mu, who was listening carefully and taking notes at the same time, and continued: "There is also the fourth point. The movie you mentioned is already a certain age and is no longer in line with the development trend of the times. Don't worry, I I will benchmark this promotional film with the same standards as "The Wandering Blue Star"."


"And the seventh point... and the ninth point..."

Yang Ruoqian eloquently supplemented and detailed Song Qianhe's requirements on the phone. As he talked, it made people feel that they were not talking about a promotional film, but discussing the production of a large-scale movie.

The feeling that something was wrong in Song Qianhe's heart finally reached its peak: "Boss Yang... I can understand what you said. That is, if you exceed the standards, won't it cost your company more money? And we The budget is not enough to achieve your goals."

"I have this request for myself - if the public welfare is not complete, it is not public welfare at all." Yang Ruoqian said in a serious tone, "Since you have decided to contribute and do it for free, it is not easy to consider the cost and do it as much as possible. As good as it gets.”

Song Qianhe took a deep breath: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation... Boss Yang, don't worry, due to the nature of the promotional video, we can handle the procedures for you with some restricted scenes and ensure that you will not encounter difficulties in the process."

"Then I'm sorry to bother you, happy cooperation!"

"I'll send you the specific numbers later, and that's it. I won't disturb your work."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Ruoqian waved and called Qi Mu over who was just taking notes.

Not far away, Qi Mu packed up the notes in his hand, walked to his desk, and asked, "Mr. Yang, how long do you plan to shoot the promotional video?"

Yang Ruoqian looked at the length of his usual movies and said casually: "It should be at least 120 minutes."

Qi Mu: "...Mr. Yang, are you sure? 120 minutes of promotional video?"

"That's right." Yang Ruoqian nodded matter-of-factly, "There's no rule that the promotional video can't be shot for 120 minutes, right? Song Qianhe also said that their requirement is more than 15 minutes, and the 120 minutes does meet his requirements. Everything. Follow Party A’s requirements, this is the attitude towards the project.”

Maybe Party A will be pissed to death...

But this Party A didn't pay a penny, so be mad as hell.

Qi Mu kept the smile on his face: "Mr. Yang, what about the concise version within 2 minutes? How do you plan to make the content of more than 120 minutes into a 2-minute concise version?"

"Isn't this simple?" Yang Ruoqian leaned back in his chair and said with a smile, "Our promotional video trailers for "Black Robe Inspection Team" and "Wandering Blue Star" didn't last more than two minutes, right?"

"We don't necessarily have to condense 120 minutes of content into 2 minutes. Instead, we can cut out some of the highlights to arouse the audience's expectations."

"Qi Mu, you have to learn to open your mind. Song Qianhe said that when it comes to promotional videos, do we have to follow the rules and follow the current promotional videos on the market?"

"Now we are about to become the leader in the entertainment industry. We can also participate in the definition of various films."

The secretary blinked: "Okay, Mr. Yang... then I will accept your request? Who do you plan to find to star in this promotional film, when do you plan to start filming, and which crew do you plan to use?"

"That's right...why didn't Song Qianhe start shooting with me?"

Qi Mu replied: "They made an agreement with us before. They hope that we will officially launch this promotional video within 4 months."

"That's what happens next quarter... It's okay. We can also start personnel preparations this quarter." Yang Ruoqian nodded and answered another question from Qi Mu, "For the starring role, I plan to find Shang Qianyu. She There is no black stuff about him, his acting skills and reputation meet the requirements, he is a very good candidate.”

The most important thing is that if Shang Qianyu, a cash cow, is thrown into a public service video that is absolutely unprofitable, her ability to make money will be limited to the greatest extent!

This silly kid is still filming some TV series, I'm afraid he can get a lot of money...

Qi Mu simply took notes in his notebook: "What about the crew?"

Yang Ruoqian thought about the box office of his movie, and immediately sent out the one who could make the most money: "Let the crew of "The Wandering Blue Star" come on. Shang Qianyu happened to have worked with them, and now the old guys are working together, and they have a better understanding. a little."

"Well... one last question, Mr. Yang. How much budget do you plan to 'invest' in this promotional film?"

When it comes to the word "investment", Qi Mu always feels a little embarrassed to say it.

How can a project that has locked in the possibility of profit from the beginning be called an investment?

Yang Ruoqian waved his hand: "Since you are doing things for the government, you don't need to be so petty. Just allocate 100 million casually. If you don't have enough for follow-up, ask me again."

Qi Mu was already immune to nine-digit numbers. She nodded: "Then I will arrange it like this. Mr. Yang, please feel free to contact me if you have anything to add."

"You're busy."

After finishing the promotional video, Yang Ruoqian immediately took out his mobile phone and clicked into Cheng Fei's chat box.

"Mr. Cheng, are you there? I just received a big job."

Three minutes later, the word "Cheng Fei" at the top of the chat box changed to "typing now."

Cheng Fei: "Big job? Boss Yang might as well talk about it."

Yang Ruoqian didn't show off: "Just now, the official people came to me and said that they would like Kuaiguang Group to help them make an anti-fraud promotional video. This time, I want you to help publicize it."

Cheng Fei: "As expected, Boss Yang should have agreed, right?"

Yang Ruoqian typed the keyboard triumphantly: "Yes, I agreed at that time, and I haven't asked for their reward yet. But you don't have to worry, I will fully pay for the publicity and distribution, and I won't let you. Working for free.”

After the short message was sent, it took a full twenty or thirty seconds for Cheng Fei to send a reply again.

Cheng Fei: "Mr. Yang... a very smart and sensible decision."

The expression on Yang Ruoqian's face, which had just shown a proud smile, stiffened.


What does it mean to make a smart and sensible choice?

Soon, Cheng Fei sent another message: "Compared with this small amount of money, letting the official owe you a favor is obviously a more cost-effective deal. And maybe after today, some subjects that other manufacturers cannot shoot, Your Kuaiguang Group will be able to pass the review and film... the benefits will be endless."

Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment.

Can this be said? !

Wait, doesn’t this become a dead end? It is difficult to lose money if you take official money, and you will get a lot of hidden benefits if you don't take official money.

There are only two options in total. The high and low profits are all made by Kuangguang Group?

Can't there be an option to lose money? You can't just refuse to show any shame at all and just reject the official list. Then don't hang out in Jinhai City anymore.

But if you think about it carefully, in fact, these are some very hidden benefits that Cheng Fei mentioned. As long as Yang Ruoqian does not shoot related subjects in the future and just throws this so-called favor in the trash can as if it does not exist, it will be of no benefit.

Mr. Yang said modestly: "Where is it... Let me tell you, the details are like this..."

"Anti-fraud promotional video...Song Qianhe..."

After watching the whole process, Cheng Fei sent another message: "It turns out to be a public service announcement, I understand. Let's do this, Mr. Yang, if you have this intention, I will also contribute. The cost of this publicity and distribution will be provided by Chengyu Media I’ll give you a 30% discount here. This is something that benefits us all, and we can’t let your family pay for it.”

Yang Ruoqian:? ? ?

ps: New year, new atmosphere! (End of chapter)

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