Mr. Yang, whose lips could not stop turning upward just now, suddenly changed his face: "Mr. Cheng, is this unnecessary?"

If the level of attention is high, the production cost and the publicity cost of a movie are equivalent. Cheng Fei's frivolous statement of 30% off will be an extra eight-digit profit for the Kuaiguang Group.

As a promotional video cooperating with the government, Song Qianhe has already said that there are minimum requirements for the intensity of publicity and distribution of promotional videos.

Originally this was a good thing, but why did Cheng Fei's taste change so much after just typing a few words?

Yang Ruoqian immediately replied: "Mr. Cheng, is this unnecessary? Our group plans to do some charity, wouldn't it be a bad idea to drag you into the same thing?"

As we all know, Mr. Yang has never forced others to make things difficult for him. Others have always done the making of money, and he has always done the losing business by himself.

However, Cheng Fei responded quickly this time: "Hahaha... What did Mr. Yang say? How can you be the only one to pay for something like this that is beneficial to both of us? Then what have I become?"

In many cases, being able to maintain friendly but not too close cooperation with the authorities has many benefits for the group.

Kuangguang Group got this opportunity without saying a word, and then turned around and shared it with Chengyu Media. If Chengyu Media didn't pay some money, it would be too ugly to tell it.

If she hadn't known Yang Ruoqian's character, Cheng Fei would have waived all publicity fees this time.

A 30% discount is already the lower limit among the lower limits.

And Cheng Fei also knows that many of the decisions made by Kuaiguang Group may seem outrageous and may cost a lot of money, but in fact they have various long-term plans.

The more it loses at first glance, the more it turns out to be profitable in the end.

For a promotional video that can be co-operated with the official, a celebrity with a good reputation must be invited as a "publicity ambassador", and the cost will not be low.

Yang Ruoqian knew that Cheng Fei was obsessed with what she had in mind, so she could only avoid the topic and said: "This promotional video is relatively long, and it is difficult to publicize it."

No matter what he does, he can't get a penny of profit. Yang Ruoqian is not afraid that Chengyu Media will go behind his back and promote it in a big way this time.

No matter how much you promote, you will still get zero income.

On the contrary, large-scale publicity and distribution will also increase the cost of publicity and distribution. Although the cost of publicity and distribution was discounted by 30% due to Cheng Fei's unreasonable request, as long as the base is large enough, the 30% discount will be a very considerable figure. .

Cheng Fei: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, what difficulties have we not overcome? By the way, have you got the data on the specific efforts to announce the distribution? If you get it, you can send it over, and I will take a look at what specific tasks will be distributed to employees. "

In the phone call just now, Song Qianhe just stated the general requirements. What specific publicity efforts are needed, how much traffic is needed, and which major TV stations should be directly promoted. Such detailed information must not be discussed on the phone.

First, it is a waste of time, and second, it is easy to forget.

Yang Ruoqian glanced at the unread messages in the upper left corner of the chat box and opened the chat box with Cheng Fei.

Sure enough, it was Qi Mu who sent the specific relevant documents.

Yang Ruoqian downloaded the document to his mobile phone, glanced at it briefly, and then forwarded the document to Cheng Fei.

Then he reminded Cheng Fei emphatically: "This version of the requirements corresponds to promotional videos with a total length of more than 15 minutes, which may not apply to my plan."

As a mature boss, Cheng Fei certainly knew what Yang Ruoqian meant: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, I understand that the more money you pay, the more you will earn in the end. The issue of publicity and distribution must far exceed theirs." standard."

Seeing Cheng Fei fall into the pit, Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction: "Then happy cooperation."

"Okay, happy cooperation. Alas, recently I found that Chengyu Media is always taking advantage of you, but it doesn't give much back. I heard that Shang Qianyu is filming a TV series recently? Do you want us to do it for her personally? Are you going to publicize your performance in the TV series?"

Are you announcing it to stupid kids again? !

How much Xuanfa has she eaten?

Is this feedback? You are repaying kindness with enmity!

Yang Ruoqian immediately stopped Cheng Fei's irrational thoughts: "Don't give back, it's good as it is now. Shang Qianyu only worked in the company before, and it was not easy for her to experience the ups and downs outside... and now she is suddenly given If she adds resources, won’t all her previous efforts be wasted?”

Cheng Fei was convinced: "That's right... Xiao Shang, this kid, really needs to be sharpened up. Speaking of celebrities, who do you plan to let be the ambassador for this promotional video?"

Yang Ruoqian didn't even think about it: "It must be Shang Qianyu. Among the stars that Kuaiguang Group can find now, he is the one with the most influence and the best reputation."

Moreover, if stars from other companies are hired to film, if the house accidentally collapses or some scandal is exposed, Yang Ruoqian will be humiliated.

Although Mr. Yang wants to lose money, he still won't do something that will cause social death if he can.

Anyway, you won’t make a dime from this promotional video.

Cheng Fei replied: "You are really willing to let your company's ace star star in this promotional film that can't make any money? How much of a loss is this? By the way, the one you played in "Black Robe Inspection Team" The actor of "Patriot Man" has recently shot a very popular movie and is very popular on the Internet, so why not invite him to be a publicity ambassador?"

He knows all about those who always want to sabotage Mr. Yang's money-losing plans.

Many actors who were once unknown have now been included in Mr. Yang's list of dangerous people who need to be highly vigilant.

Among them was the person Cheng Fei was talking about.

This kind of person who has the potential to make a lot of money must make this charity film.

Yang Ruoqian explained: "He also wants to film, but he has to participate in a variety show recently, so he can't become the starring role."

"Okay... As long as Mr. Yang has arrangements, I won't ask more about your company's internal decisions. Then get busy!"

"Okay, bye."

After closing the dialog box, Yang Ruoqian pressed the shutdown button of the computer, took his things and walked into the elevator to the underground parking lot.

At the door, a cyberpunk-style supercar that had started was waiting. When Yang Ruoqian arrived, the passenger's butterfly door clicked and slowly opened upwards.

Yang Ruoqian put his things into the trunk of the car, then sat on the passenger seat and reached out to close the door.

"It seems like this car has been gathering dust for a long time, right?" Yang Ruoqian complained, "Why do you suddenly think of driving this thing?"

The supercar that Cheng Fei gave Yang Ruoqian as a gift was full of power, had a nice sound, and was limited to one in the world... The only problem was that the car was uncomfortable to sit on.

After getting this car, Yang Ruoqian decided to try something new. Later, Yang Ruoqian chose a more comfortable car.

99% of the time you need to use the car, you either need to commute in the city or meet other customers. This sports car has basically no room for appearance.

What's more, this car is a gas guzzler and the maintenance cost is very high. Of course, Mr. Yang will try not to drive it if he can.

Chang Zhiqing, who was in the driver's seat, fiddled with it a few times, slowly backed the car out of the parking space, and said, "Please, could you please pay attention to things at home? The other car was sent for maintenance today... Others in the company You don’t want to drive your car home, so you can’t just use this one?”

"Oh, yes, I remembered it." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "I used to have the driver pick us up and drop us off, and I almost forgot about this."

"It's okay. It's okay to drive a sports car occasionally." Chang Zhiqing glanced at Yang Ruoqian with a smile, "I'll take you for a ride today."

Chang Zhiqing, who easily passed the driver's license test when she was just an adult, is not a roadkill, otherwise Yang Ruoqian wouldn't have always asked her to work part-time as his driver.

Yang Ruoqian complained while playing on his mobile phone in the passenger seat: "I'm obviously a few months older than you, little sister."

"Oh, that's what it means to be too familiar..."


Ten minutes later, the sports car arrived at the entrance of the crew's set.

The staff who had already received the request from the boss and his wife to come to the set to observe in person immediately welcomed them out.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Chang." The staff walked up with a smile, "Please come in, please come in, the rooms are ready."

The enthusiasm of the staff is not fake - anyone who has worked on Yang Ruoqian's set knows that the conditions here are not even remotely good compared to other places.

Just the luxurious work meal can make people work willingly.

In other studios, a better working meal is two meat dishes, one vegetable dish and one soup, with enough rice.

The worst thing is a pre-made vegetable lunch box that is full of oil and salt, which is very uncomfortable to eat.

And here, the buffet cart was pushed directly to the set!

As long as there is no waste, there is an unlimited supply of whatever you want to eat.

The set even sent a questionnaire to everyone including the extras two days ago, asking them what they wanted to eat and what taboos they had...

The day after the questionnaire was completed, many people saw the dishes they ordered on the dining car.

This kind of treatment was okay for other employees of Kuaiguang Group, but the college students who always ate "pig food" in the cafeteria were completely shocked.

Many college students who are willing to participate in group performances have seen film and television drama shooting scenes - when time is tight and the environment is not good, everyone including the director can only drink mineral water and eat lunch boxes.

They have never had such a luxurious meal like this on the set of Kuai Guang Group, let alone when they are working and studying!

Except that the dining environment is not very good and you need to sit in the auditorium of the football stadium to eat, all other conditions are considered luxurious.

"You don't have to be so polite." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "I'm just here to take a look. I'm not going to tell you how to make a movie."

"Okay... By the way, has Mr. Yang eaten?"

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "I've eaten. How are these college students? Can they adapt to the difficult working environment?"

"It's very adaptable." The staff immediately got into the state of reporting. "Not only are they adaptable, but they... they, uh, how should I say it."

When Yang Ruoqian saw the hesitant attitude of the staff, he immediately became curious: "Don't be in a hurry. Speak slowly. If you have any difficulties, I will help you overcome them."

"It's not that it's's just that these college students are very energetic and enthusiastic about work. For example, in the morning we were filming a story about a football match, and we needed to have them simulate the behavior of the audience during the match."

Yang Ruoqian was delighted: "Didn't you perform well?"

"You performed too well, Mr. Yang." The staff member smiled bitterly, "Originally we planned to use post-processing methods to synthesize the scene of the audience cheering, but it turned out that these college students were so popular that there was no need for simulation at all."

"And after the team scored, the performance of the players on both sides was also very real... How should I put it, it felt a bit like a football hooligan, you know?"

"The problem now is that college students are too immersed in the play, and sometimes they can't even hear the director's call to stop...their own voices have already drowned out the sound of the speakers. We often have to go to the radio station to use the full A loudspeaker can bring students back.”

Mr. Yang was stunned for a while after hearing this.

Boy, are these college students killing the script that turns extra work into an immersive experience?

Even football hooligans are simulated?

After being silent for a while, Yang Ruoqian smiled and shook his head: "It's okay. It's a good thing for young people to be a little passionate. If the progress is slower, just slow it down. I still miss the passion when I first entered the society."

Chang Zhiqing, who was holding hands, suddenly showed a strange look on her face. She asked in a low voice: "Passion for work? Isn't it just what happened two years ago that you miss very much?"

"Ahem... I just miss that state, I don't miss that kind of life at all."


At the same time, the crew in the middle of the set were eating and taking a rest.

After a morning of shooting, many people were a little tired.

"Wow, are the working conditions outside so good now?" the girl in the couple said with emotion, "It's a big meal again, and there's even air conditioning! The conditions are great, right?"

Although it is now October, the temperature in Gimhae is still above 32 degrees, which is very hot.

But hundreds of refrigeration machines were moved to the set, and no one felt hot at all.

"Wake up, it's just like Kuei Guang Group." The boy finished the last bit of food on his plate and let out a sigh of relief, "Can you understand why so many people would rather take a pay cut to work at Kuei Guang Group?"

"Uuuu, I suddenly don't want to leave... Hey, look over there, these handsome guys and beautiful girls, are they some kind of celebrities? Why haven't I seen them before?" The girl just thought about being young, but her eyes suddenly turned cold. "This beauty, I think, is even prettier than Sister Feng Luo. They are still holding hands. Aren't they afraid of scandals?"

The boy knew that his girlfriend didn't know much about the entertainment industry, so he raised his eyes and looked over.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly lowered his head and lowered his voice: "You Hu, those are the boss and the proprietress of the Kuaiguang Group! They are both outsiders, why are they rumored to be scandalous?"

The girl ate more slowly. She was stunned when she heard this and ignored the food on the plate: "Ah, is that so? Are they coming to inspect us today?"

"It's over, we can no longer hide our football hooliganism..." (End of Chapter)

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