I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 365: Award the air in a serious manner!

When the three words "Golden Mop" were said, the originally enthusiastic atmosphere at the scene cooled down again.

In fact, many people here hold relatively "conservative" opinions regarding the awarding of this award.

But because they were recognized as the best in various categories by the Kuaiguang Group, and they received solid gold trophies and film and television drama resources, they thought about it and decided to treat it with the most serious and serious attitude. " Golden Mop” award.

It is very simple. The "Golden Statue" and "Golden Mop" are awards that are tied together. In order to maintain the gold content of the Golden Statue Award, everyone present must take it seriously.

Otherwise it would be a slap in the face.

Anyway, the Golden Mop Award was not awarded to them, so they had no choice but to die as fellow Taoists rather than as poor Taoists. For the sake of the gold content of the Academy Awards and the weight of the trophy in their hands, it was not impossible to sacrifice the interests of the Yuefu Group.

There is no way, who asked the Kuaiguang Group to give too much.

Blah blah blah...

After a few seconds of silence, eager applause suddenly erupted from the audience.

On the other hand, Yang Ruoqian, who had to go with the flow and applauded, was completely confused - no, this is obviously a parody award, why do these big directors and stars have to applaud?

What does that serious look on your face mean?

What about laughter?

Where is the disdain?

Didn’t they just give me a flashy trophy, didn’t they just give me some resources in the entertainment industry? Where has the character of being a big shot in the entertainment industry gone?

It should be a breeze with both sleeves and not be moved by interests.

The warm applause at the scene was no less than the scene when the highest award was awarded...

Before, Yang Ruoqian was a little doubtful whether these directors and actors were bluffed by the high bonuses, but now he is very sure that these guys are definitely acting!

They clearly wanted to laugh, but due to external reasons, they forcibly suppressed their laughter, and even clapped against their will!

While Mr. Yang was angrily criticizing the hypocrisy of this group of people, he received a message on his mobile phone.

Cheng Fei: "Mr. Yang, this scene is what you expected, right? It's a very clever method, really very clever."

No! It's completely beyond my expectation, don't make any assumptions!

However, Cheng Fei didn't care what Yang Ruoqian was thinking. She continued to analyze on her own: "I understand... As long as you follow the rhythm of the award ceremony as you planned, and hold it so seriously two or three times, the process will be smooth from now on." It will subtly form a fixed mindset in the minds of those who come after you, and everyone will be affected.”

"As long as the award ceremony is held like this for one or two more times, everyone will subconsciously recognize the gold content of the Academy Awards, and even the gold content of the Golden Mop Awards, and treat it with the most serious attitude."

"At that time, Mr. Yang, you have completely gained the authority to judge works and artists in the entertainment industry as 'bad'."

"High! It's really high!"

Yang Ruoqian looked at Cheng Fei's analysis with a blank expression, and wanted to throw a few big question marks at this woman.

So I thought of these things when I made these decisions?

He created a shocking plan without even knowing it?

Cheng Fei continued to send messages: "I'm a little lucky now. Fortunately, we are in a cooperative relationship, not a competitive relationship. I will analyze the details of Mr. Yang's classic operation this time, and then make it into a teaching material for our company. Help unsatisfactory employees see how real traders strategize."

Yang Ruoqian: "Mr. Cheng, uh, the specific situation may not be as complicated as you think."

Cheng Fei sent an understanding expression along with a text: "I understand, simplicity is the key. There are many cameras filming now. We will discuss the details later!"


While Yang Ruoqian was confused, millions of viewers who watched the awards live broadcast also expressed their opinions on this ridiculous scene.

"Isn't it too rude, a group of entertainment industry celebrities applauding something so funny in such a serious way?"

"Is it funny? Actually, not at all. You have to learn to analyze the problem from the perspective of interests. The butt determines the head, understand?"

"If they don't take this comedy award seriously, it means they don't take the resources they just got and the gold cup in their hands seriously."

"I understand the internal factors, but this scene just looks so ridiculous. It can be called a big Oscar night, hahahahaha!"

"Everyone is an actor."

"Let's see if there is a person who can't hold back his expression..."

"I found it. I feel like Yang Ruoqian can no longer hold back the expression on his face. He is trying to cover up his emotions with his mobile phone, hahahaha!"

"Boss Yang, quickly learn from your wife and see how good she can perform!"


After selling a small pass, the host picked up a piece of paper with several abstract cartoon characters printed on it, and read to the list above: "The first Kuaiguang Entertainment's Golden Mop Award' is the most impressive. The Disappointment Film Award goes to “Fortress”!”

"Let us congratulate the winning team and thank them for spending a lot of money to pollute our eyes this year. Thank them!"

“Now, let’s invite the winners to come on stage to receive their awards!”

The host who finished speaking fluently had no unnecessary expression on his face and looked at the empty seats in the guest seats with a smile.

The words "Yuefu Group Representative Seat" were clearly written there.

Crackling, the scene burst into warm applause once again.

In stark contrast to the solemn atmosphere of the venue, the barrage in the live broadcast room was already overwhelming... The number of viewers of this awards ceremony is about to exceed 10 million!

Just like what the previous comment said, many people who care about the entertainment industry but don't care about these awards, and even people who don't pay attention to many entertainment circles, clicked into the live broadcast room with the mentality of having fun and watching the excitement.

It is foreseeable that after this live broadcast, there will be a carnival of fun-lovers and meme-makers.

Perhaps the Academy Awards are not as "authoritative" as the three mainland film awards, but in terms of being out of the industry, today's live broadcast made almost everyone understand that there is such an award as the Academy Awards.

Many people don't know much about the entertainment industry. In their minds, the most famous awards and recognized by industry insiders are the most valuable awards - some people have even never heard of other awards except the Oscars!

The Academy Awards, unfortunately, have become the most famous...at least the most famous awards in recent times.

Although the memory of the Internet is short, with the dual attributes of "memorable" and "annual", the situation of this awards ceremony may be very different.

In the live broadcast room, the operator of Kuaiguang Group was very considerate and told everyone what happened in a conspicuous place.

Now being awarded the Worst Series of the Year.

Some barrages who had just come in and were not too sensible immediately expressed surprise: "The worst award of the year? This kind of award is usually unofficial. What is going on in this scene? At first glance, I thought I was awarding some international award." Here’s the grand prize.”

The decoration, the trophies, the celebrities sitting in the guest seats... Which one didn't cost a lot, and which one didn't have much dignity when going out?

They actually gathered together and clapped and applauded for an award that looked funny, and so solemnly?

"Another newcomer, no need to explain, just read the title of the live broadcast room yourself."

"Hahahahaha!!! The way a group of big guys are clapping in the air is really funny. If not, I have to record this scene. It will be the source of laughter this year."

"Yuefu Group: My not coming is my last stubbornness."

"No, what's going on with the trophy for the Worst Movie Award? Why can it be so abstract? It's in stark contrast to the previous serious awards. I'm going to die laughing, hahaha!"

"I really want a trophy like this. I think it would be interesting to put it at home as a decoration."

"Have you not heard? Kuai Guang Group said that if the winner does not attend the award ceremony, they will sell the trophy on the second-hand market... But I guess there are many people willing to snap up the trophy. Do you think you are lucky? If it’s good, you can give it a try.”

"Selling it on the second-hand market? It's murderous, right?"

"Kuiguang Group: Come, let us see how much your stubbornness is worth."

"How do you, the host, and this little brother manage to be so serious about their speech?"

"This is the first time I've had so much fun watching someone receive an award."

While the barrage was refreshing crazily, the host also completed the awards process and looked away from the empty Yuefu Group seats.

"Next, I would like to award the most disappointing starring award... Let us congratulate the star of "Fortress"! Thank him for bringing us the worst scene of the year!"

At this time, without waiting for the guests to applaud, the barrage had already begun on its own.


"I really agree with this."

"It's fun, it's fun. In fact, I think this entire award is still very objective in general. After excluding the actors and actresses of Kuaiguang Group's own works, these are the best and worst this year."

"I approve of the Kuoguang Organizing Committee...it's better than knowing the inside story of some awards."

"...Hahahaha! This trophy for the Worst Actor Award is even funnier. From a distance it looks like a clown's box of scares. Please forgive me for not being funny!"

"But from the material point of view, the materials used in the Golden Mop Award trophy are completely different from those used in the Academy Awards."

"Isn't that nonsense? If the worst award can also get a trophy with such a high value, there will definitely be people in the future who will deliberately make bad movies to cheat the Golden Mop Award."

"The value of the trophy for the worst award cannot be too high."


On the awards stage, the host announced one award after another. Half an hour later, the awarding process of the Golden Mop Award was finally completed.

The female host put down the note in her hand and began to recite the closing words smoothly: "...Then, the award ceremony of this year's Academy Awards Cornerstone Award and Golden Mop Award has come to a successful conclusion!"

"Thank you to all the guests, thank you to the audience, thank you to all the staff, thank you..."

"I wish everyone... we will see you at the same time next year!"

After saying the last word, the guests who had been eager to leave immediately stood up, patted their palms that were already painful and red, and then hugged their respective trophies, facing the red carpet of flowers, as if they were running away. Exited the award ceremony.

However, as soon as they left the door, they encountered a large number of reporters interviewing them.

"Director Xia Xu, could you please give your acceptance speech?"

The corner of Xia Xu's mouth twitched: "I have just published it. If you forget, you can watch the replay. I'm sorry."

With that said, he took a step to leave.

However, these reporters were not easy to deal with. They asked again: "Well, director Xia Xu, what do you think of the Academy Award Cornerstone Award itself?"

Xia Xu, who won the Best Director Award, didn't even think about it: "I think this award is very valuable. The organizing committee's selection is very objective and does not involve any personal emotions. If the organizing committee can maintain their objectivity, I believe that up to three By the year, the Academy Awards will become one of the most authoritative awards in the entertainment industry."

This is the first "best" that Xia Xu has received, and he must brag to death!

Bragging about the Academy Awards is tantamount to bragging about yourself!

Moreover, he had previously promised others that if he won the grand prize without spending a penny on operations, he would perform a real-name performance on the spot to acknowledge that the Academy Awards are the most objective and valuable awards in the world. And I have to stand upside down to wash my hair.

They gave two trophies worth hundreds of thousands and gave away so many resources. What's wrong with bragging?

After getting a positive answer, the reporter was finally satisfied and they looked for other targets.

However, even the other minor award winners who did not receive the grand prize all spoke in the same voice - they recognized the gold content of the Academy Awards and the objectivity of the organizing committee.

They are all people who have been mixed up in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry. As long as they are not crazy, absolutely no one can do the action of smashing other people's bowls with their front feet just after finishing other people's food.

Unless someone wants to collapse their house as soon as they receive the award.

Even after leaving the live broadcast, some celebrities and directors had already put the trophy in the car or hugged it, took a few photos and posted it.

"Family, it's really a pure gold cup! You don't know how heavy this trophy is. Alas, it's such a pleasant annoyance."

"My grand prize trophy is different from other small prize trophies! This cup alone weighs at least 5 pounds. You should have seen my expression during the speech. Yes, it was not pretending."


The reporters who originally wanted to hear a different answer were a little disappointed. Unwilling to give up, they saw the right opportunity, stopped the two hosts, and asked: "Two hosts, when you were giving awards to the air, why? Is there no place for laughter?”

The two hosts said very professionally: "We have received strict training. No matter how funny it is, we will never laugh."

After that, the two said goodbye to the reporters with smiles and walked into the employee-only elevator.


The elevator started to go down.

After confirming that there was no one else around, the two hosts finally couldn't hold it back, looked at each other, and laughed out loud: "Hahahahaha!"

At the same time, several trophies were quietly put on the shelves on a second-hand website... (End of this chapter)

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