I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 366: Maybe this kid can be used to make soup

Yuefu Group Headquarters.

Most of the senior leaders gathered around the conference table, and the atmosphere was tense.

Since the conflict with the Kuaiguang Group, high-level meetings that were once rare were now held once a month.

Even in this high-level meeting, an authoritative and powerful director came.

It is enough to see that the board of directors is extremely dissatisfied with the recent performance of Yuefu Group.

Because of the incident at Kuaiguang Group, Yuefu Group has made at least two large-scale personnel changes, and the second time even involved some senior managers.

Many big leaders who once spoke volumes in the Yuefu Group have packed up and left.

"Worst Movie Award, Worst Actor Award...are the Kuaiguang Group slapping you in the butt? This is slapping me in the face!" The big director angrily slapped the table with the document in his hand, "They even They even put the trophy online for sale, do you know about this?!”

The trophies awarded to them were put up for sale on the second-hand market...

The leaders at the meeting glanced at each other and saw embarrassment in each other's eyes.

Since the last negotiation failed, the senior management of Yuefu Group had a headache when they saw the word "Kuoguang". Just like a top student who failed in the exam did not want to see the score of this test paper, they subconsciously ignored the various members of Kuangguang Group. kind of information.

Someone immediately expressed their indignation: "What they did is too much!"

"Excessive?" The big director slapped the table again and sneered, "If you hadn't made consecutive bad movies, how could they do this?"

How can any company succeed in all projects?

What is that if not a freak?

It's normal to fail one or two projects, or even to fail consecutively... Don't talk about domestic film production, even if it's Marvel, even if it's a major Hollywood studio like DC, they often make blockbuster movies and suffer huge losses.

No one can resist the idea of ​​having a bad movie made and then being blackmailed and looking for flaws with a magnifying glass.

But as a company manager, it is absolutely impossible to say this to the board of directors.

To say so means to be incompetent.

A leader smiled apologetically and said: "Dr. Xue, don't worry... As long as there is some negative news from Kuaiguang Group, we will hype it up immediately."

"Negative news?! I don't care about negative news or not. As long as your performance and revenue increase, no matter how much negative news there is, what does it matter?" Director Xue's hands were shaking with anger, "See for yourselves, now Our reputation is not good, and our revenue has plummeted! What I want is profit, understand? As long as the profit goes up, I can pretend that I don’t see anything else!”

"Now that you can't produce results, please eliminate the negative impact!"

"If you keep doing this, I would rather contact Yang Ruoqian and find a way to buy shares in Kuaiguang Group and invest in them..."

After speaking, Director Xue snorted coldly and left the conference room.

While Director Xue was cursing, several leaders had already seen the pre-sale trophies on a second-hand platform.

Each trophy sells for 250 yuan. The product has been viewed more than a million times, and hundreds of thousands of people have clicked the "want" button.

The CEO of Yuefu Group wiped the cold sweat from his head and said: "Hurry up and contact the technical department and ask them to come up with a snap-up software. We must buy these two trophies! We cannot let them fall into the hands of the public."

The chairman of Yuefu Group has long since resigned as CEO and is not very involved in the company's internal management.

But the current CEO is undoubtedly the chairman's confidant and community of interests.

"Okay... I will notify the technical department and ask them to hurry up." The leader in charge of the technical department quickly stood up, took over the task and left the conference room as if he was running away.

Those of them who only make products and software have to be scolded for this matter of breaking awards and breaking movies. It is really unfair!

And there are only three days left before the trophy goes on sale. To make such a rush software within three days, you must seize all the time.

Not to mention working overtime and so on.

"The public relations department has recently focused all its efforts on Kuai Guang Group... Aren't they going to release "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" recently? They'll be waiting for it to be released. Also, try to find ways to improve the public opinion of our company. Disadvantage on a level basis.”

The leader of the public relations department nodded with a wry smile: "No problem...but the premise is that there must be black spots. As you know, our company does not have a social media with a large traffic, so the public relations costs will be very large."

And the most important thing is that the Leopard platform, which has the right to rate the movie, can't get it down no matter how much money they spend on public relations.

If you want to discredit the Kuangguang Group to the greatest extent, you can only pray that the movie "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" itself will be released.

"You should pay attention to the cost issue." Yuefu Group CEO waved his hand, "If there is really no way to discredit it, just wait until next time. I don't believe they can make movies with great reputation every time."

The public relations leader nodded: "Okay."

After arranging the basic work, the CEO sat back at the top position and pinched his forehead.

Kuaiguang Group refuses to accept hard and soft policies. It’s really...

At the last meeting, some people wondered why the Kuaiguang Group was targeting the Yuefu Group in this way and how the conflict between them escalated.

After more than a month of investigation, a simple summary report has been submitted.

In the beginning, Ruan Min'er was fired from the live broadcast department of their Yue Mansion when the Kuai Guang Group was first established. However, it turned out that the Kuai Guang Group was the one to shine, allowing YTG Club to have unparalleled influence and paying fan groups to this day.

Even if the first problem is settled like this.

The second time, Lin Cao, who was the manager of the brokerage at that time, went to the Kuaiguang Group to recruit people, but the poaching was a big deal. In the end, Lin Cao was fired. As a result, after he switched to the Kuaiguang Group, he established a prominent position for Yang Ruoqian. Thanks to his military exploits, he has now taken over Shao Yiqi and become the leader of the entire live broadcast project of Kuaiguang Group.

Now his status within the Kuaiguang Group is only slightly inferior to other senior figures. Lin Cao, who holds a high position and hates the Yuefu Group, has never stopped suppressing the Yuefu Group after taking over the entire live broadcast department of the Kuaiguang Group. .

A series of operations such as market grabbing, public relations, spending money to poach anchors, etc., have severely damaged the original live broadcast business of Yuefu Group.

Based on Lin Cao's understanding of Yuefu Group, various highly targeted methods are at his fingertips. The fact that the live broadcast business of Kuaiguang Group is so big now is also due to Lin Cao's frantic grab for meat from Yuefu Group.

This can be regarded as the second Liangzi.

The leader who fired Lin Cao at that time was Zheng Weineng... who had been kicked out during the last large-scale personnel transfer within the group.

The performance of Yuefu Group's live broadcast segment has declined at a rate no different from a free fall.

As the leader, Zheng Weineng lost completely when he faced off against his former subordinate Lin Cao, so it was reasonable for him to get out.

The third time, the CEO found out from various channels that Zeng Shang Qianyu wanted to sign a contract with the Yuefu Group, but was forced to leave his hometown and join the Kuaiguang Group under the coercion and inducement of a certain director.

Now, as a first-line actress, the flagship of Kuaiguang Group, and one of the members of the organizing committee, Shang Qianyu certainly has a lot of influence within Kuaiguang Group.

One can imagine her attitude towards Yuefu Group.

The fourth time was when the Yuefu Group spent money to spread rumors about the Kuaiguang Group. However, the news leaked out of nowhere and the legal department of the Kuaiguang Group obtained key evidence. They lost the case and lost face at the same time...

Until now, the internal investigation of Yuefu Group has not yielded any results, and it has not been able to find out the insider.

After three or four Liangzi, Kuiguang Group had completely established a foothold in the entertainment industry, so Yuefu wanted to reconcile the two parties and share the cake together, but Kuiguang Group did not appreciate it at all... In the end, this is the situation now.

"Huh..." The CEO of Yuefu Group was even more irritated as he recalled these terrible things, "What are these things? I don't even know about such trivial things, and the result is that the quarrel has become an irreconcilable conflict. "

What level was Ruan Miner at that time? What level of employee is Lin Cao? What level of star is Shang Qianyu?

He didn't even recognize these people's names when they were put on the table.

As a result, the matter has become so big now that his CEO has to deal with it...

Complaints are complaints. After muttering to himself, he turned his attention to another leader and asked, "I'm thinking, can we forge some trophies ourselves and sell them to the market? As long as there are enough identical trophies, this The impact of one incident can be infinitely diluted.”

To downplay something is not necessarily to suppress it, it can also be to dilute it.

The Worst Award trophy is not a high-value product, and it is very difficult to forge. As long as there are more fakes on the market, the popularity of the genuine product will naturally decrease, and no one will pay attention to it.

In this way, the ultimate goal of reducing heat can be achieved to a certain extent.

"President... I suggest you not to do this." A leader immediately shook his head after hearing this.

The CEO asked: "Why?"

"Although this trophy is very rough and the materials are not good, I just asked someone to check and found that this trophy has applied for a design patent." The leader explained, "If we make a high imitation, it is likely to infringe. Then there will be another lawsuit.”

"You know, I think we need to seriously consider the combat effectiveness of the Kuaiguang Group's legal department. Especially in this matter, we are still unreasonable."

"If we try to avoid patented designs as much as possible, the counterfeit trophies won't look too similar, so they won't be able to play the role you mentioned."

Since the name "Jinhai Pizza Hut" was adopted, the legal department of Kuaiguang Group has never dealt with any large-scale disputes. Now I heard that they are starting to get a little confused.

It would be unwise to send it to your door now.

The corner of the CEO's mouth twitched—Kuiguang Group is really idle and boring enough to apply for a design patent for such a trophy that costs no more than 200 yuan to make...

"Forget it! Let the people in the technical department handle it." The CEO said with an irritated face, "Hurry up and deal with it... The most important thing is that our next movie must be made well! As long as there is money to be made, there is no contradiction. Any mistakes can be covered up."

On the other hand, as long as you can't make money, even breathing is wrong.

At the same time, unlike the restless Yuefu Group, the Kuaiguang Group was calm.

The filming of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" has been completed, and the anti-fraud promotional film will be released next quarter. The pace of the entire company has slowed down a lot.

The great success of the Academy Awards has raised the influence of Kuaiguang Group in the entertainment industry by more than one level, and also made the name of Kuaiguang Group more and more famous.

The work enthusiasm of the company's employees is unprecedentedly high.

Except for a certain CEO who was playing games in the office.

"Mr. Yang." Qi Mu knocked on the door of Yang Ruoqian's office and walked in on high heels. "I just received a call. Xue Jin, the director of Yuefu Group, wants to contact you and discuss investment with you."

Yang Ruoqian turned off the game expressionlessly and switched to the work desktop at the speed of light. There was no emotion in his voice: "Director of Yuefu Group? Ignore him."

"What this director wants to tell you has nothing to do with Yuefu Group." The secretary held the document in front of her chest and said with a smile, "According to what he said, he wants to invest in Kuaiguang Group and become a shareholder of Kuaiguang Group. of directors.”

Kuaiguang Group refuses any investment...

Not to mention a few more directors.

With a few more outsiders on the board of directors, how will he make those outrageous decisions in the future?

In order to cooperate with this system, Kuaiguang Group can only have the final say by Yang Ruoqian himself.

"If you reject him, you will refuse any shares or investments in the future." Yang Ruoqian warned, "Qi Mu, Kuaiguang Group is not short of funds at all and does not need financing. Our first priority now is to find entertainment projects that we can invest in. Spend the money.”

Now, the first thing Mr. Yang does when he opens his eyes every day is worrying about how to spend the money he has, but in the end, there are still people who don't have a good eye to give him money?

No eyesight at all.

Qi Mu also expected that Yang Ruoqian would make this decision, and nodded lightly: "I understand. There is one more little thing. I just met Shang Qianyu at the door. She seemed to want to discuss something with you. Can you meet me when you have time? Her?"

When the two of them entered, Shang Qianyu politely followed the first-come, first-served rule and let Qi Mu enter the office first.

"Shang Qianyu..." Yang Ruoqian had a headache when he heard the child's name, "Let her come in."

It's strange, because usually this kid would contact me directly by phone or WeChat, and rarely follow the formal process so seriously.

Did something happen?

Soon, Qi Mu left, and Shang Qianyu walked in from outside, holding a document in his hand.

Yang Ruoqian had a very close personal relationship with this silly kid, so he didn't put on airs and asked directly: "What's the matter?"

"Hey, boss, contract!" Shang Qianyu put the contract on the table with some embarrassment, "Do you still remember the contract we signed before?"


Yang Ruoqian perked up—could it be that this stupid kid finally got the idea and was ready to ask for a higher share ratio and more company resources?

Good thing!

As long as the share ratio changes, Kuaiguang Group will make a lot less money every month!

This kid has a future!

The expectation in Mr. Yang's heart was extremely high: "What's wrong with the contract? If you have anything to say, just tell me, don't talk to anyone, don't be polite!"

Shang Qianyu rubbed his hands and said expectantly: "I think this three-year contract is too short. I'm starting to do it now. Hehe... How about you think about it and extend it for a few more years?"

How many more years?

Mr. Yang, who was originally waiting for the asking price, was stunned.

Three years is too much for this overlord clause, why do you want to renew the contract? !

Looking at the system's "negative operation" warning, Mr. Yang finally said in despair: "...continued!" (End of this chapter)

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