"What the hell?" Yang Ruoqian almost spit out the food in his mouth, "130,000, just to buy that trophy designed with feet?!"

Are all rich people today so boring?

After experiencing the lesson of the last concert, Mr. Yang already knows that as long as it is a limited edition, even if it is a piece of shit, someone will sell it to a high price.

But the problem is that this high price must have an upper limit!

130,000 is not worth mentioning to the current Kuaiguang Group, but the value is not high and it is extremely insulting.

Moreover, this trophy is not the same as the limited edition album, so buying it back has no commemorative significance...

"Forget it." Yang Ruoqian ate the food in his mouth, "Next time, I will tell the marketing department not to auction the trophies when selling them, but to just set a fixed price and sell them to whoever grabs them first."

After comforting himself, Yang Ruoqian put on the wireless headphones and continued to watch the content in the video.

The video blogger’s recognizable voice came from the headphones:

"Recently, many friends who are concerned about the entertainment industry and those who are not concerned about the entertainment industry must have been disappointed. Kuaiguang Group held an awards ceremony of their own and awarded the 'Worst Movie Award' to their arch-enemy Touyuefu Group."

"The most important thing is that Yuefu Group can only grit its teeth and swallow it - because their "Magic City Fortress" is indeed worthy of the title of the worst."

"If there are friends who missed the award ceremony, you can go and watch the live broadcast replay first and then enjoy this video. If there are friends who don't know what Kuoguang Group is, then my evaluation of you is that you have no enterprising spirit!"

"The joke is here, let's get down to business. It stands to reason that if a company disgusts its rival company and awards them an award, the matter should end here... But what kind of company is Kuaiguang Group and who is Yang Ruoqian? He can make things happen. Does it end here?”

"As we all know, the entertainment industry is a very closed circle. Let alone awarding awards, outsiders have to peel off their skin if they want to get in. But what about the Kuaiguang Group? Well, it entered so easily, and it was so popular. The other old-school conservatives are really jealous, but there is nothing they can do about it."

"At this time, some friends have to ask, is there any need for Yuefu Group to deal with Kuaiguang Group? What value can an award given by a company have if even the organizing committee is from their company?"

"Oh, by the way, this brings us to the point! I will explain it to you in detail next."

Seeing this, Mr. Yang was also very curious - yes, what value can be given to the awards given by an entertainment company that has been established for less than two years?

Why doesn’t anyone on the Internet now question this award?

Mr. Yang, who was confused about what he had created, cheered up and listened to other people's analysis of their results with a serious learning attitude.

The up owner continued:

"When it comes to tactics, it can be summed up in one word: resources!"

“Although this award has just been established, the actual benefits and resources are real.”

"The Kuaiguang Group only invites celebrity directors to receive awards, but does not require them to affirm the value of the awards on the Internet. Look at the trophies, are they impressive? Each one costs at least 300,000 yuan! Not to mention those in the entertainment industry Resources that no amount of money can buy.”

"If the resources are spent, even if they no longer recognize the award in their hearts, they will not be able to deny the value of the award in public."

"Other people who didn't receive the award must be jealous and want to receive it, so they won't express any objections."

"When there is no opposition voice on the entire Internet, the gold content of the Hong Kong Academy of Arts Cornerstone Award is not equal to that of a little girl who lets Yang Ruoqian dress up and boast about it as much as he wants?"

"At this time, someone must have asked, are other companies and celebrities all fools, and they can't see such an obvious thing? Well, this is seeing through but not telling -- just imagine, a person with considerable influence in this field Recognize your ability, but then you turn around and say that others are not valuable, isn't it equivalent to a slap in the face?"

"What is conspiracy? What is three people becoming a tiger? This is it. When no one denies the gold content of the Hong Kong Academy of Arts and Sciences Cornerstone Award, whether it itself has gold content becomes less important."

"Moreover, I also specifically checked the directors and actors of these award-winning works, and found that most of them were those who failed in the selection and had never won relevant awards. The Kuaiguang Group has won this award again. These upstarts - after being recognized, they will definitely support this award with all their strength, even if they pinch their noses, they will brag about it."

When the up owner said this, the barrage was full of emotions such as "f*ck", "I see", "Boss Yang is so awesome".

After Kuaiguang Group became a star company, Mr. Yang, who never concealed his identity, gradually gained fame on the Internet.

It’s not the kind of fame that comes from being seen in person like a star, but the kind of fame that makes your image pop out on the page when you hear your name.

In many cases, many netizens even call him "Mr. Yang" directly.

Yang Ruoqian looked at the barrage: "..."

The analysis of this up is very clear, the arguments and arguments are very sufficient, and the logic is very strong. The only problem is that Yang Ruoqian didn't think that much at all.

What carefully selected winners?

He didn't care about such trivial matters at all and just let the organizing committee take responsibility!

While madly complaining in his heart, the up owner continued:

"Finally, it's the interesting little thing mentioned in the title - when the Golden Mop Award was awarded, the victim... no, of course the winner didn't come. After all, who can bear this kind of humiliation? No resources or anything. Having said that, it seems a pity that no one has received this trophy.”

"So our boss Yang made a shocking decision. He decided to put these funny trophies directly on the online auction platform for sale! If these trophies are auctioned, the Kuaiguang Group will earn at least 600,000 to 700,000 yuan. "

"I was particularly curious about which rich man was willing to spend such a high price to buy this kind of toy. But guess what I found? I found that the accounts of these anonymous buyers were all just registered, and their IP addresses were all in Pengcheng! Can everyone guess who the mysterious buyer of these trophies is now?"

"I gave it to you for free and you don't want it? Then spend hundreds of thousands to buy it, hahahahaha! It's so murderous and heartbreaking!"

"Master Up, I'm just a small person. I don't dare to 'spread rumors' in vain. I didn't say anything, I didn't target anyone, and I didn't make any hints."

"Of course... I have said so much, the most important and important factor is that the Kuaiguang Group itself has strong strength, outstanding achievements, and has produced works that are recognized internationally. Only this can create this situation."

"Otherwise, no matter how many means you have, it will just be for your own entertainment."

"Okay, that's it for today's episode. We'll see you in the next episode~ By the way, the advertising space is for rent. Is there any father from Party A who would like me to have a meal?"

After watching the video, Mr. Yang was silent for a moment, quickly finished the remaining food, and hurriedly left the office.

Well, Yuefu Group, we finally caught the ghost.

No wonder some people are willing to pay hundreds of thousands for a trophy. It turns out that they want to forcibly restore their respect.

It’s normal when you think about it – let’s assume a scenario where Tianyue Group, the old enemy of Yuefu Group, secretly buys these trophies, while adding fuel to the flames and acknowledging the gold content of the Hong Kong Academy of Arts Cornerstone Awards, while displaying the trophies in the most conspicuous position, which is against Yuefu Group. This is a huge blow.

The loss of reputation cannot be solved by just a few hundred thousand.

So in this matter, Yuefu Group lost all face, and Mr. Yang inexplicably gained hundreds of thousands... It can be said that it is a lose-lose situation.

"How disgusting, I actually bought the trophy myself!" Yang Ruoqian cursed bitterly when he walked into the office, "Next time, we must change the trophy to a one-price model. Even if we use software, we can only rely on luck. Rob."

Anyway, there is only one product, and people who use software to grab it are difficult to calculate with numbers. Who gets the trophy in the end can only depend on luck.

After scolding, Yang Ruoqian sighed, casually flipped through the files on the table, and then turned on the computer to play games and relax.

In order to avoid being interrupted by Qi Mu rushing into the office midway through the game like before, Yang Ruoqian asked the secretary in advance this time to make sure she had nothing to do with him in the afternoon before opening the game.

"Oh, it's not easy being a boss." Yang Ruoqian sighed, waiting for the match to be matched.

However, just after work time in the afternoon, Yang Ruoqian received a call on time on his mobile phone.

"No! Why is it so difficult for me to catch a fish?"

Yang Ruoqian clicked off the game matching in despair and looked at the screen of his phone.

The caller shown above is Lu Shuyuan.

Xiao Lu?

Isn't she still out of town, participating in the variety show "Your Best Job"?

Due to the nature of the guests in this job-hunting variety show, most of the guests will not stay in the city where the program team is located during the variety show. Many people, including the CEO of Gaoyao Group, will sit down one day after the variety show is finished, or even on the same day. The plane flew back to the company headquarters and continued busy with his work.

Of course, Mr. Yang will definitely not miss this great opportunity. As long as it is during the filming of the variety show, Lu Shuyuan is directly prohibited from returning to Jinhae City and working in the company.

Employees who work hard to spend money while on business trips are truly good employees.

Even if something big happens, she can only contact her by phone or WeChat.

What happened now that you suddenly want to call me?

I haven't heard of any news that was revealed by the program team of "Your Job"...and if it was a major event related to Lu Shuyuan, the secretary would have come to report it long ago.

It seemed that Lu Shuyuan had encountered a problem herself, and it was not a big problem.

Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment and pressed the connect button: "Hello, Xiao Lu? What's the matter? Are you running out of money for the business trip?"

Lu Shuyuan, who has developed a habit of thrift since she was a child, quickly denied: "Mr. Yang, no, it's not because of insufficient funds... It's just that I encountered something here and I would like to ask your opinion."

"What's the matter? If it's a personnel matter, you can make the decision yourself."

Now Yang Ruoqian of Kuaiguang Group is only responsible for some special personnel appointments, and the recruitment of most ordinary employees has now been completely handed over to the personnel department.

Anyway, Mr. Yang has tried to recruit a variety of employees on a large scale, but in the end the results were the same, so he simply gave up the struggle.

Yang Ruoqian himself couldn't explain why the Human Resources Department still followed its original habit of recruiting people in a convulsive style, and how this tradition was preserved and became the first learning task for all employees in the Human Resources Department.

Lu Shuyuan immediately said: "Mr. Yang, this matter is related to personnel and variety shows. It doesn't look like anything you told me, so I want to ask what you mean."

Lu Shuyuan, who realized her shortcomings after appearing on a variety show, plans to slowly improve her abilities through learning and execution, and strive to truly be worthy of the position of Director of Human Resources Department of Kuaiguang Group as soon as possible.

Yang Ruoqian was immediately curious: "They are all related? Tell me."

Lu Shuyuan said: "Have you watched the latest variety show? Do you still have an impression of Yuefu Group guest Xiao Cheng?"

He's the guest who recruited the "Nobel Prize winner" into the Yuefu Group, right... It's hard for Yang Ruoqian not to be impressed by this person who contracted his laughter for a month.

"I watched the latest episode, and I have a bit of an impression of this guy... I just saw an announcement from the program team, saying that the Yuefu Group plans to remove him and replace him with another guest, right?"

Lu Shuyuan affirmed: "Yes, Mr. Yang, this is Xiao Cheng."

Yang Ruoqian asked: "What's wrong with him?"

Lu Shuyuan said: "He came to me this morning and said he wanted to discuss something with me... He wanted to appear on the variety show "Your Best Job" as a job seeker and hoped that I could hire him. I didn't dare to make my own decision, so I came to ask Ask you."

"What?" Yang Ruoqian didn't react. "He appeared on the variety show as a job seeker and hopes we will admit him? Doesn't he work at Yuefu Group anymore?"

"According to his own account, after the variety show that day, the 'Nobel Prize candidate' went to work at Yuefu Group smoothly, but Xiao Cheng himself was directly dismissed on the spot... He went on a business trip and didn't have to come back."

Yang Ruoqian was even more confused. He thought for a while and asked uncertainly: "Well, he was fired because of this incident, so he has a grudge against Yuefu Group and plans to humiliate his old club in this way?"

Lu Shuyuan was not sure either: "It should be?"

He was fired for hiring the wrong person on the variety show, and then he returned to the variety show as a job seeker and completed a cooperation with a rival company... This is no longer humiliating Yuefu Group, but using Yuefu Group's face as toilet paper to wipe his butt!

It's usually hard to tell that Xiao Cheng is so ruthless!

The program team should not refuse such a thing that has great program effects.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with money. Someone who can recruit "Nobel Prize candidates" into the company should not have much ability.

Mr. Yang suddenly became playful and said, "No problem, promise him!" (End of Chapter)

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