Lu Shuyuan loyally followed Mr. Yang's orders and immediately agreed: "Okay Mr. Yang, do you have any instructions on how to recruit him?"

The variety show "Your Best Job" has many different stages. Recruitment is recruitment, but there is a lot of room for manipulation in how to recruit, at which stage to recruit, and what conditions to offer this person.

Yang Ruoqian recalled the specific process of the variety show in his mind, and said: "Let Xiao Cheng go to the last link as much as possible to extend the recruitment time."

The longer the recruitment time is, the longer the public execution of the Yuefu Group will be.

Anyway, going against the Yuefu Group would relieve anger and burn money, and you can still have fun watching it, so why not do it?

Think about it, Xiao Cheng, who was a guest a few days ago, suddenly transformed into a job seeker. Facing the new guests from the Yuefu Group on the stage, he directly joined the old enemy Kueiguang Group without looking back. This scene should be What a blast.

What Yang Ruoqian wants to see most now is to escalate the conflict with Yuefu Group. It would be best if the two families go to court directly.

Lu Shuyuan's voice came from the receiver: "Okay, Mr. Yang, what conditions do you plan to offer Xiao Cheng? Which position do you want to assign him to after recruiting him?"

Job arrangement...

Mr. Yang did not immediately give an answer to this question - after all, he had already suffered from Lin Cao. This anti-Yue Mansion devil relied on his personal connections and the resources at hand to act in an almost crazy way. With love and money, Xiaozhi slowly poached all the anchors who could make money.

Almost the entire live broadcast segment of Yuefu Group was hollowed out.

Even though Mr. Yang doesn't take much care of the live broadcast department, it still develops rapidly and is still one of the most profitable departments in the group.

Now the Kuaiguang Group is preparing to accept another big traitor, and Yang Ruoqian can't let him make Lin Cao's mistakes again.

After making the decision, Yang Ruoqian asked: "Do you have any free positions in your human resources department?"

"Mr. Yang, we don't have one at the moment, but I can add one at any time." Lu Shuyuan quickly replied, "What kind of work do you want him to be responsible for? We can add a position according to your needs."

"Let's do this, set up a human resources department specifically for Yuefu Group." Yang Ruoqian knocked on the table lightly, "Since he is an employee in charge of the human resources department of Yuefu Group, he should have a good understanding of their company's internal personnel appointments, removals and work conditions. .”

"Let him screen those employees who have been 'optimized' by Yue Mansion, and then recruit them according to the standards I gave."

"What are the specific standards? After he joins the job, let him come to my office and I will discuss it with him in person."

Yang Ruoqian did not directly tell Lu Shuyuan about this "standard". After all, Mr. Yang's recruitment philosophy has always been rather unpopular.

Considering that Xiao Lu's acceptance ability may not be as high as that of other employees, and there is a high probability that she will not get involved in Yuefu Group's related business, I simply won't say anything.

This standard is actually very simple - after Xiao Cheng joins the company, he is asked to poach some people from Yuefu whose performance does not look very good to Kuaiguang Group based on their individual work performance.

Whether they are still working in Yuefu or those who have packed up and left in the last round of layoffs, they are all within the screening scope.

Moreover, in order to prevent the recurrence of the "private customization" incident caused by his junior students last time, Yang Ruoqian also planned to arrange all the old employees of Yuefu Group and place them in various departments to prevent them from Twist into a rope.

From a probability perspective, it’s impossible for all of these people to be superhuman with unique skills, right?

Finally, the performance of everyone in the company is considered, and a handful of people with the worst performance are selected from various departments and asked to form a new team to take charge of an important future project.

He didn't believe in evil, and he didn't believe that such an arrangement could lead to a profitable project.

Although Mr. Yang has been in a state of decline in terms of personnel since the company was founded, he still refuses to admit defeat and wants to try again.

Four people, Ruan Min'er, Lin Cao, Shang Qianyu and Xiao Cheng, have already been recruited from Yue Mansion. They can't continue to import talents from Yue Mansion, right?

No matter how high the probability is, you can still get a few rookies if you take the guarantee, right?

Lu Shuyuan never asked about her boss's affairs. She wrote down the request and continued to ask: "What about salary? What kind of salary do you plan to offer him?"

In fact, it stands to reason that there was a lot of revenge in Xiao Cheng's choice to become a job seeker after being fired and completely surrender to the enemy.

As long as the salary package is not too ugly, he will not refuse this disgusting Yuefu Group opportunity.

However, what kind of company is Kuaiguang Group?

Even if you are a guard dog here, the dog food you eat must be the highest quality and most expensive, and you must have high-end steak as a snack every week.

"Ask Xiao Cheng, how much is his original salary and year-end bonus at Yuefu Group? Just increase him by 30% on the original basis." Yang Ruoqian said a number casually, "Other benefits will be based on our company's standards to be implemented.”

"Okay Mr. Yang."

"Okay, that's all for now, go and get busy." Yang Ruoqian thought for a while, and after making sure there was nothing to add, he hung up the phone.

This afternoon, he had to go to the Unknown Words Restaurant for dinner with the film crew, so he had to take advantage of the little time to play two games.

The filming of the movie "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" has been basically completed. Now we can treat everyone to a meal and go their separate ways.

There are no urgent matters to deal with at the moment - I don't know how long it will take to recruit Xiao Cheng.

"We can also let him meet Lin Cao. The two traitors met in victory in my company. I think they should have a lot in common..."

After Yang Ruoqian comfortably played two games, he turned off the computer and took a car to the hotel.

After parking the car, looking from the doorway from a distance, I saw the director who was smiling and nodding, the producers who were taking pictures everywhere, Feng Luo who was elegantly holding a glass of higher education red wine, and Shang Qianyu who was immersed in eating...

Wait, who?

Shang Qianyu?

This child is not from this crew, why can I see her in this ghost place?

Yang Ruoqian walked into the restaurant, nodded to others and said hello, then came to Shang Qianyu and knocked on the table next to her plate.

"Hmm... Rao, Rao Ban?! Why is Li here too?"

Yang Ruoqian looked her up and down, and after she swallowed the food in her mouth, he asked: "This should be what I want to ask, right? You are not a member of the crew, how can you be so comfortable eating here? Woolen cloth?"

Shang Qianyu took a sip of watermelon juice and said proudly: "Boss, you know, when I have nothing to do, I like to travel around the company and study. I just happened to study here this afternoon, and I saw that many acquaintances were eating. , I will eat along with you!”

It turns out that this street kid just happened to be strolling over...

"Okay, then you eat slowly." Yang Ruoqian was quite tolerant of the silly child and left her table after saying hello.

After seeing Yang Ruoqian finish speaking, the others came up, each holding a wine glass in their hands: "Mr. Yang, to be honest, this is the most generous and realistic God-like movie I have ever seen. Our crew thanks you for your strong support." ! I’ll do it first out of respect!”

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Yang could even get such a luxurious helicopter and recruit so many extras... That big scene is no different from a real football match."

"What do you mean there is no difference? It's obviously worse than worse, right?"

"Okay, okay! Cheers, cheers! I wish our new movie will be a hit at the box office!"

On the other side, Feng Luo, who was already an acquaintance, also came over with a goblet. After raising his hand to signal, he lightly touched the cup in Yang Ruoqian's hand.

Feng Luo took a sip of wine and said half-jokingly: "I still remember more than a year ago, I wanted to cooperate with Mr. Yang, but was rejected. Now that we have worked together several times, has Mr. Yang changed his mind?"

Even now, Feng Luo still wants to sign a contract with Kuaiguang Group.

But before and now, the status of both parties has undergone an almost subversive reversal.

However, Yang Ruoqian was quite serious about this issue. He clinked glasses with Feng Luo and said, "I remember I said that the fact that Kuaiguang Group does not sign the contract does not mean that we do not recognize that person's ability, but that we think he can There is better room for development elsewhere. We can continue to cooperate, and Kuaiguang Group will not block you in terms of resources and remuneration... But maintaining the current status will actually be better for your development."

"If you sign with us, you won't get more resources. Instead, you may be constrained by this contract. The simplest example is that if you sign with the Kuaiguang Group, you will not have the possibility of winning the Academy Award."

If she doesn't sign a contract with Feng Luo, then the remuneration for her future movies will be a one-sided expense, and no matter what she does or how much she earns, Yang Ruoqian won't get a penny.

If she signs a contract, Shang Qianyu's tragedy may happen again - it's not okay to let her use the company's resources, and it's not okay to let her make money outside, both inside and outside.

Feng Luo recognized Yang Ruoqian's sincerity and smiled brightly: "What Mr. Yang said makes sense. I hope we can have more cooperation in the future."

Yes, cooperation... Today we have "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" for fun, and tomorrow we can watch "Your Job" for great fun. Life is very fulfilling.

The director and others also came up and shouted, "Cooperate more, cooperate more!"


At the same time, in another high-end restaurant in a distant city, a man and a woman were sitting opposite each other.

The two of them seemed to be talking about something, and it wasn't until the woman spoke that the man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lu, we will cooperate more in the future! In the new company, please take care of me." After receiving the exact answer, Xiao Cheng finally felt relieved, "Just treat this meal as a small meal." mean."

When he finished recording the last show, Xiao Cheng had been feeling very uneasy. As expected, he received a dismissal notice from Yuefu Group as soon as he left the filming scene.

By the way, there was also a lot of abuse from the old leader.

Of course, Xiao Cheng is not a turtle. After confirming that there was no room for maneuver with his old employer, he simply turned against him and began to scold the leader for standing up and talking without pain, and only giving blind orders. The reason why Yuefu Group is becoming more and more rubbish is because There are these leaders who don’t know anything and give random orders.

The two sides exchanged verbal insults for more than ten minutes, and finally fell out.

Since you have completely fallen out with your old employer, the other party will definitely not have a good impression of you. If you do some background work in the next company, it may not be easy to find a job by yourself.

Besides...he is not a technical position, so it is not that easy to find a job. Even if he finds a job, he will have to re-combine his qualifications, and the salary and benefits will definitely not be as good as before.

So after much thought, he contacted the Kuaiguang Group, thinking that if he was lucky enough, he could disgust the leader and get a good salary.

The most important thing is that the Kuaiguang Group is not afraid of the pressure from the Yuefu Group... On the contrary, the greater the pressure from the Yuefu Group, the more the Kueiguang Group will fight against it.

Now it looks like he made the right bet.

When he joins the Kuaiguang Group, he must launch bloody revenge against Yue Mansion!

He can be obedient to the new leader Lu Shuyuan, but when facing the old leader, he must strike hard.

Lu Shuyuan shook her head: "I reported this matter directly to Mr. Yang. He made the decision himself. I am only responsible for conveying his wishes."


Lu Shuyuan actually told Yang Ruoqian himself about this matter?

But think about it, this operation is considered normal.

"I understand!" Xiao Cheng nodded and drank the wine in his glass in one gulp. "Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity!"

"The program team is over there, have you contacted me?" Lu Shuyuan ignored it and asked again.

Seeing that Lu Shuyuan was completely business-like, Xiao Cheng, who had originally planned to give something as a token of appreciation, gradually let go of the last stone in his heart: "We have already contacted him. They are very happy to arrange such a program and let me jump in the queue directly. , the first applicant in the next round will be me.”

I heard that Kuaiguang Group has a very good reputation. When I saw it today, it certainly lived up to its reputation.

If it were in another company, Xiao Cheng would have earned at least ten to twenty thousand yuan in blood today.

But looking at Lu Shuyuan like this, today’s meal might even get an AA...

"Okay." Lu Shuyuan nodded, "I know that you have a personal grudge with your old employer, and our company will not care about your personal affairs... But you have to remember that we recruited you because of your personal interests. Ability. After participating in the variety show, you have to go to Jinhai City within seven days, and Mr. Yang will personally interview you to discuss future work matters."

Yang Ruoqian interviewed in person...

Such high-level treatment?

Xiao Cheng became nervous again and nodded slightly: "Mr. Lu, I understand."

"We'll discuss the specific matters after we return to the company." After Lu Shuyuan finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to call the waiter, "Waiter, pay the bill!"

As if she had expected it, as soon as she finished saying this, she turned her head and said in an unquestionable voice: "I will pay for this meal, don't rob it, this is not polite."

Xiao Lu said seriously, sighing in his heart.

Alas, the budget given by the boss seems to be endless, and I may be criticized again when I go back...

The Wrath of the Meow King new book! Good looking, apocalyptic lunatic, awesome as always

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