No, what time is it?

Logically speaking, Qi Mu is not the kind of person who is so impatient that he rushes to a conclusion before the first day's data is even released.

Instead of believing that Qi Mu, who has always been steady, suddenly fell ill, Yang Ruoqian is more willing to believe in another fact - even if the box office from now on is 0, the box office of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" on the first day will be stable.

Mr. Yang stared with dead eyes and sent Qi Mu a brief message: "How much is the box office?"

Qi Mu quickly sent a message: "So far, the box office on the first day has exceeded 100 million. The most conservative estimate is that today's box office will reach 200 million. Congratulations, Mr. Yang!"

Unlike many other companies where employees are eager to exaggerate their expectations, Kuaiguang Group is completely the opposite - everyone is eager to push the data in a conservative direction.

Qi Mu said 200 million, but in the end it was probably 250 million, or even 300 million!

The box office on the first day is likely to exceed 300 million...

However, Chang Zhiqing, who leaned her head over to watch the excitement, was a little worried: "I saw a lot of extra actors posted on social platforms today, saying that all the seven aunts and eight uncles came to watch the movie they starred in. It was really embarrassing. .”

"There are even parents of extras who directly called twenty or thirty relatives and neighbors from far and wide to fly to the city where their university is located just to watch this movie... Such a box office is abnormal, and it may be for relatives and friends. Let the box office on the first day be inflated."

Yang Ruoqian took a deep breath and said, "You still know how to comfort people."

With that said, Yang Ruoqian scanned the QR code with his mobile phone to pay for the meal.

Chang Zhiqing blinked and stood up, feeling a little confused at the same time: "Ah? Am I comforting you?"


After returning to the company, Yang Ruoqian opened the web page and stared at the page of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" for a long time.

Mr. Yang, who was really not in the mood to play games, browsed the game list out of boredom, picked up his phone and opened station b, looking for some long videos to watch to kill time.

If the box office results on the first day may fluctuate due to various factors, the box office results on the first three days can basically determine the upper limit of this movie.

These three days were like waiting for the college entrance examination results to be released - there was no point in being anxious anyway, so it was better not to think about it.

"The game video clip... doesn't look good, forget it."

"The master of the historical area seems to have not been updated. How long will these hateful pigeons last?"

"Short video..."

After browsing for more than ten minutes, the title of a video suddenly caught Yang Ruoqian's eye.

"Wilderness Survival Series, Seven Days of Plateau Survival, Episode 1."

Survival in the wilderness, on the plateau?

Yang Ruoqian himself doesn't actually like to experience this kind of thing - let alone surviving in the wilderness of the plateau, even if he is asked to climb mountains in higher altitude areas, he will feel strong discomfort.

Setting up a tent and setting up a fire in a cold and oxygen-deprived place looks great to outsiders, but when it's your turn to experience it, it's completely different.

After all, most of the filming will only show the results. For example, the audience can only see the great sense of security that a shelter in a harsh environment can bring, or the happiness of having a hot meal in the wilderness.

But the pain of setting up a tent, the trouble of finding food and making a fire in the wild, and even the lack of seasoning in the food itself cannot be a wonderful experience.

Basically, people who watch it enjoy it, but if they go there themselves, they may not be able to endure it for even 8 hours.

There is actually such an up owner now?

Yang Ruoqian suddenly became interested and clicked on the video.

Although this up owner has only filmed the first episode, the true level of this up owner can often be seen from the first episode.

Yang Ruoqian clicked on the video and saw a slightly narrow but well-equipped room.

"Why does the layout of this room feel a bit familiar..."

Just when Mr. Yang felt a little strange, all the barrages on the video were loaded, and films of barrages appeared directly at the top of the screen.

"Damn it, this RV costs several million dollars, right? Brother Huo, did you receive some business order or did you win the lottery?"

"Haven't you guys watched the variety show "Your Best Job?" Brother Huo was recruited by the Kuaiguang Group. I guess this car belongs to the company."

"Brother Huo said, when did I ever fight such a wealthy battle?"

"I'm really standing up now. Compared with the small compartment of Brother Huo before, this one is like a five-star hotel."

"Very good. The environment in this car is better than where I live now."

"An off-road RV has basically all the functions... Can't Brother Huo be able to do many things that he couldn't do before?"

"Can such an awesome kitchen be moved into the car? Brother Huo, I won't have to turn over my intestines tonight."

"If I want to have this RV, I can't just die in it, right?"

Yang Ruoqian looked at the barrage, and his past memories suddenly began to attack him.

Isn't this interior the same as the RV I bought for Lu Ling before?

In order to spend more money, Yang Ruoqian bought a super luxury off-road RV at an auto show and gave it to Lu Ling as a "work tool."

But Yang Ruoqian was anxious to go home at that time, and after paying the money, he didn't care about the matter at all.

There are not many cars at this price on the entire Internet, let alone the person who owns this car is a blogger on a social platform.

Even if Yang Ruoqian hasn't watched the video or the up owner's video, he can be 100% sure that the blogger with all the comments is Lu Ling.

As an experienced user of various social platforms, Mr. Yang can naturally tell the true number of fans of the up owner from the density of barrages in a video and the way the barrages are spoken.

If it is a relatively unpopular video, the number of barrages will be very rare; if it is an unknown blogger who posts a popular video, there will be a lot of barrages, but most of them will be about the content of the video itself.

Only when the blogger or up owner has a large number of fans and high stickiness can the barrage be used to make jokes.

Looking at the barrage of jokes, Yang Ruoqian's mind fell into a brief blank.

Good guy! This guy didn’t mention it when he was applying for a job, but he turned out to be a big blogger with a lot of fans!

Who are these people, hiding their information on job-seeking variety shows? !

When most people hear "Write something and post some videos" to support themselves, they subconsciously don't take it seriously unless they state their specific income in more detail.

When introducing himself on a variety show, Lu Ling only said that he could support himself by earning income from writing novels and videos... Now it seems that the meaning of the words "support yourself" is very, very worthy of discussion.

Yang Ruoqian immediately paused the video and cut to the blogger's homepage.

"What the hell? 980,000 fans?! This is almost a million, right?"

Mr. Yang, who was already feeling bad, saw his video contribution. Each video had about 600,000 views, most of which were in various wilderness areas evaluating various emergency supplies, including food, tools and even different trees. Cut firewood.

Overall, while it is hardcore, it is also very interesting.

"Such a person has nothing to do, so why should he find a job?"

Even if the incentives for video creation are being cut again and again, the up owner who can stabilize hundreds of thousands of views will definitely not worry about food and drink!

It had a high number of fans before, but its popularity has not increased. The reason is probably due to the limitations of the circle.

Now that you have been signed by the group, you can just do a wave of publicity and promotion, and push big data, and it will take off immediately? !

If Yang Ruoqian could suddenly see this video, it is probably because the group operations are trying to promote it by buying volume...

According to the standard contract they signed, after a few years of doing this, it is really possible to make back the money!

Yang Ruoqian really wanted to call Lu Ling now - to ask him why the Kuaiguang Group treated him with sincerity, but he wanted to repay him with money.

Can’t you make money by yourself? Do you have to find someone to share it with?

After being aggrieved for a while, Mr. Yang still resisted the urge to call - since Lu Ling has so many fans online, some people will definitely ask the same question, asking why he suddenly wanted to sign a contract with a company.

You should have the answer in that video you just paused.

Yang Ruoqian enlarged the video window and pressed the play button.

From the beginning, the video was shot from a first-person perspective.

Lu Ling's familiar voice also came from the mobile phone speaker: "Brothers, there is smoke coming out of the ancestral graves recently. Let's take a look at the new equipment."

"Recently, I saw a lot of private messages asking me in the background, saying why I was doing fine by myself and suddenly wanted to find a company... Actually, the reason is very simple. It is not a matter of money. It is really too busy for one person. This money It’s really hard to win over brothers.”

"Every day I have to think about materials, and after I have thought about it, I have to prepare various props. I do all the post-shooting and editing by myself. I have to spend money to find someone, but it is always unstable. To be honest, it's just you. The videos I saw took me at least two or three days from preparation to finishing.”

"If one person does everything, can he earn less money?"

"But this way I can't do a lot of things I want to do. One person's energy is too limited... I might as well find a company and they will send people to help me with the trivial matters. I will also have more energy to take pictures for my brothers. Something nice.”

"I usually don't pay attention to the entertainment industry, but everyone knows the reputation of Kuaiguang Group, so don't worry too much about me. This car was not lent to me by the company, it was given to me by the company, without any conditions attached!"

"The contract doesn't even stipulate a time limit, which means I can leave anytime I want."

"Of course I won't leave. There is smoke coming out of Gangzu's grave. Will there be thunder and lightning all day long after I leave?"

"That's enough gossip... Today is the first episode. As usual, I will introduce to you the rules of this challenge and the props you can bring."

"I will drive to the challenge location in the first three days and camp for three days to familiarize myself with the environment..." With that said, Lu Ling walked to the large refrigerator and oven and exclaimed, "Look at this oven, I'm going to prepare it today." I bought a three-yellow chicken, wrapped it in tin foil, roasted it, and sprinkled it with the toppings, wouldn’t my life suddenly get better?”

"Looking at the harsh environment outside, I sleep on a big bed, can take a shower, and go out to eat roast chicken. Isn't this going to kill me immediately?"


"After getting familiar with the environment, it's time to start the wilderness survival challenge. The old rules are still there. The edited version is on p1, and the one-shot unedited version is on p2. I will also start a live broadcast when I have time during the challenge to chat with everyone..."

Yang Ruoqian watched the video and the various reward and recharge information next to Luling's homepage, his ears buzzing.

Who did Lu Shuyuan recruit for herself? !

He actually unknowingly joined other people's gangs and shared their profits? !

This is no longer picking peaches, it is no different from being hit by a gold brick while walking on the road.

No, you must add a sentence to the company's rules and regulations in the future - when recruiting people in the future, you must pay attention to all seemingly inconspicuous information!

While angrily cursing in his heart, Yang Ruoqian gave Lu Ling some attention.

Needless to say, this video really piqued his interest.

You can take a look at it when you eat later...

However, it is not a problem to let this kid who knows nothing about it go out to make money like crazy. We must think of other ways to create a gap.

Yang Ruoqian added Lu Ling's latest video to the "Watch it later" list while looking through his historical contributions more carefully.

"Most of the evaluation contents of various props tend to be hard-core...such as military individual soldier rations, such as those tightly sealed cans. Then arrange for him some of the most expensive military rations imported from abroad! A box costs a thousand dollars A few kinds."

"There are also maintenance costs for this car... Since it is an off-road RV, use it vigorously and don't be stingy. The company will bear all the maintenance costs! Just buy it after it wears out."

"Due to environmental and safety issues, many places across the country actually have various restrictions, making it inconvenient to chop wood and make fires... Luling does not have the channels and ability to handle various procedures and permits, but Kuaiguang Group can!"

Just think about it, how can a forest be cut down by private individuals without permission? This is not a direct mess.

Without relevant permit procedures, trees cannot be cut down in many places. At most, the branches and leaves of the trunk can only be cut down.

"Or simply let Lu Ling go abroad and let him survive in the wilderness in various places abroad. Then, under the pretext of safety considerations, give him severe safety equipment and security personnel!"

After formulating a series of evil plans, Mr. Yang sneered: "Ha! Is it that easy to make money for my Kuaiguang Group? You have to spend as much as you make on me."

It doesn’t matter if it is rich in high-quality content, as long as the output of high-quality content cannot keep up with the cost!

At all costs, let cost surpass quality!

At the same time, the public relations leader of the Yuefu Group also shut down Luling's homepage: "Sure enough... the Kuaiguang Group will not target without aim. The Luling matter is indeed a conspiracy that they have planned for a long time."

It doesn't matter, everything will be fine when they start attacking "The Richest Man in Jinhai City".

At this time, an employee came over and whispered: "Mr. Qian, one of our employees has secretly photographed the original film of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City"."

"Very good, I will work overtime today and try to get our attack video out before the day after tomorrow! We must make their reputation bad at all costs!"

ps: I really don’t owe you anything, I’m waiting for a recommendation! As soon as the recommendation comes, it starts to explode, showing you what it means to be a codeword master.

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