After shouting a slogan, the public relations leader of the Yuefu Group was silent for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "Has our public relations department conducted an internal self-examination? Doing so is a copyright infringement. The insiders in the company have not been caught yet, so be careful. "

The last time the Yuefu Group did something bad in secret, the result was that the Kuaiguang Group threw first-hand evidence into the court. I still remember it clearly.

Yuefu Group has investigated several times, but until now they still have not been able to catch this mole lurking in the company.

They didn't know whether the last major layoffs and changes within the group had eliminated the insiders along with it, but it was obvious that they didn't dare to gamble anymore.

It goes without saying that if he is caught again this time, taken to court by the Kuaiguang Group, and loses the case again, the impact will be so bad.

The last time the lawsuit was lost, the Yuefu Group lost face, and the credibility of the entire company was severely damaged... The attack on the "Black Robe Inspection Team" was also self-defeating.

The negative impact of this incident has not dissipated until now - for example, they also tried to contact some uploaders and bloggers who had cooperated with Yuefu Group this time, but unfortunately they were all declined.

Obviously, if the Yuefu Group does not make a comeback and prove that the last humiliation by the Kueiguang Group was just an accident, these bloggers will definitely not be able to contact them again.

Money is important, but the bowl to eat is even more important.

If you offend the Yuefu Group, you will be unable to do this business. If you offend the Kuaiguang Group, you will probably not be able to do this business anymore!

Now the Yuefu Group's public relations team has a very important task - if the employees responsible for smearing "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" happen to have their moles, the consequences can be imagined.

The employee naturally knew about the mole, and he swore firmly: "You can rest assured that the people responsible for this work are all our old employees, all of whom I have repeatedly verified. The mole."

Other employees didn't even get the news.

Even if the mole is still within their Yuefu Group, they won't be able to cause any trouble.

The public relations leader known as Mr. Qian nodded: "We must check several times more. We have no room for mistakes now. Even old employees cannot be 100% assured. Kuaiguang Group is best at using some shady Their methods are used to confuse people's minds and lure our old employees to their side."

Such as Lin Cao, such as Xiao Cheng...

Especially Xiao Cheng, the bastard, caused far more harm to Yuefu Group than Lin Cao.

Now Yuefu Group has basically become a joke among its peers in the industry.

This not only disgraced Yuefu Group, but also reduced their restraint on their employees to an unprecedented level.

It was originally meant to scare the monkeys and warn the employees below that if they made major mistakes, even under management like Xiao Cheng, such old employees would still be killed.

As a result, he turned around and went to work at Kuaiguang Group, and his salary was fully paid.

Shock became a joke.

What the Yuefu Group thought was a shock was actually just other people's two-way rush.

"Don't worry, we have promised a lot of good conditions this time, and they will definitely not turn to Kuaiguang Group because of their own interests."

As a giant that has dominated the entertainment industry for many years, Yuefu Group is naturally not short of money. At least for now, their cash flow is still very abundant.

It's just that they are stingy about giving it to employees.

After all, if each employee is given a salary increase of several hundred, they won't feel much of a change, but if it comes to leaders, it's likely that they will lose a luxury car!

However, after suffering several big losses due to remuneration issues, Yuefu Group has also learned to be smart - at least those employees who have important information in their hands and whose opponents may instigate rebellion at any cost must be given adequate remuneration.

It is a bit of a fantasy to expect them to have any loyalty to the Yuefu Group itself.

Now that they have financial security, they are also old employees, and the number of people who know about it is so small, even if there is really a mole inside, they probably won't dare to tip off the information to Kuaiguang Group anymore.

"Very good." Mr. Qian nodded, thought for a moment, and then asked, "The one they recruited before... is called Lu Ling, right? How is that person's performance now?"

Recruitment is under the management of personnel, not public relations, but if Lu Ling performs poorly after joining the Kuaiguang Group, it can also become an entry point for attack.

"We asked someone to check and found out that the blogger himself is a small Internet celebrity with hundreds of thousands of fans, and the video content is relatively hard-core and the fans are very sticky." The public relations employee said with some regret, "Joining Kuaiguang Group, After being promoted by them with resources, the number of his fans is in a period of rapid growth."

"And I heard that Kuaiguang Group even bought him an off-road RV worth more than 5 million yuan. We really can't compare with him in terms of treatment. If we can't compare, just don't mention it directly."

Their public relations team is only responsible for making the public opinion environment more favorable to themselves within the existing resources.

Of course, there is also the ability to allocate some resources.

But like the Kuaiguang Group, which directly allocates millions of dollars to anchors who have just joined the company, the public relations team still does not have the power.

"Okay, let's get ready..."

"As a comedy, "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" can attack many places. What are your thoughts now?"

The employee said without hesitation: "Making money in business is a serious matter. It is a difficult task that requires professionals to go through various analyzes and be handled by professional employees."

""The Richest Man in Jinhai City" packages such a serious matter in such a playful way, as if it is saying how simple it is to make money - what incorrect values ​​does this convey to society?"

"What if after watching this movie, some viewers subconsciously ignore the risks of investment and do something risky, resulting in loss of life and money?"

"The Kuaiguang Group once made so many blockbusters, why is it going backwards now? Is this a sign of the impending demise of the Kuaiguang Group?"

"By the way, let's find some current negative cases, put all the responsibility for this kind of thing on "The Richest Man in Jinhae City", and put a big hat on them."

"Anyway, this is roughly the direction, or do you have any other suggestions?"

As he spoke, the employee showed a slightly proud look on his face - he was already familiar with excuses to attack people like this.

Whoever gets this kind of infamy needs to shed some skin.

Judging from current trends, the box office of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" is absolutely strong, but the box office does not mean everything.

It would be better to attack Kuaiguang Group from the box office, but it doesn't matter if you can't, they still have many cards.

"Very good, just follow this idea!"

A few days later, Yang Ruoqian was playing games in the president's office, seemingly unaware that a storm was brewing against him outside.

"The quarter-end settlement will be coming soon." Yang Ruoqian successfully lost a game and closed the game window unsatisfied, "Can you give me an unexpected event to make my movie's reputation explode?"

"The Richest Man in Jinhai City" took in a box office of close to 300 million on its first day. According to professionals' predictions on the box office trend, the film's final box office is guaranteed to be 2.5 billion and is expected to exceed 3 billion.

And the discussion on the Internet is also very high.

The derogatory terms "crouching dragon and phoenix chick" and "great cleverness" have been widely used on various social platforms.

Although it is not as good as the previous "Wandering Blue Star", this result is enough to disdain the film market.

In an earlier year, this result would have even impacted the box office championship.

Suddenly, a message from Qi Mu popped up on Yang Ruoqian's phone.

"Mr. Yang, are you free now?"

After reading the news, Mr. Yang replied nonchalantly: "What's wrong? Do you have work to report?"

Generally speaking, if there is bad news or urgent matter, Qi Mu will come to the office in person to report it face to face.

A message like this shouldn't be too important.

Qi Mu: "Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about "The Richest Man in Jinhai City". Have you paid attention?"

Yang Ruoqian, who didn't bother to pay attention at all: "No, what's the matter?"

Qi Mu obviously didn't expect this answer. He was stunned for four or five seconds before sending a message: "Well, there have been a lot of messages attacking "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" on the Internet recently. It seems that it is organized and premeditated. . Not only does it have long posts, but it also posts comments on videos related to various movies.”

This is a good thing...

After years of accumulation of word-of-mouth reputation, there are not many groups capable and willing to attack the Kuaiguang Group.

This time, we must take good care of the legal department who are gradually falling into madness, and make them restrain their patience!

But it stands to reason that Qi Mu should report such bad news in person.

Why just send a message?

Yang Ruoqian asked: "Then what? What happened next?"

Qi Mu replied: "I originally planned to organize the public relations department to immediately launch a public opinion counterattack, but now the public opinion environment has not developed in a direction that is unfavorable to us, so I think maybe you can use your resources to find the organizers behind the scenes?"

After so many days of attacks, the public relations department has not yet started to fight back, so public opinion cannot be led astray?

It seems that the organizer behind this must be very good.

The little spark of hope that Mr. Yang had originally raised was extinguished, and he sighed in disappointment: "How can I find the organizer behind the scenes?"

Why is the secretary talking so strangely? His company is not a secret service agency. When can we find the mastermind behind the scenes?

"Aren't you going to use your intelligence contacts to investigate the person behind it? This attack is obviously premeditated and organized."

Where do I have the connections to investigate Yuefu Group?

Yang Ruoqian was confused for a while.

No, even if these employees now speculate that they have the superpower to make money in whatever they do, why do they still think that Kuaiguang Group has a special department that can investigate other companies?

And it was the butler Qi Mu who thought so.

Qi Mu basically handles many top decision-making matters on behalf of Yang Ruoqian now. Why does she think Yang Ruoqian can investigate the Yuefu Group?

Isn't it because Yang Ruoqian brought the evidence that Yuefu Group smeared Kuaiguang Group to the company's legal department like magic last time, which caused them to have such an illusion?

They think Yang Ruoqian or the company must have a special department that does not exist at the company headquarters and only takes orders from the chairman. Its job responsibility is to find out all the hostile forces that are secretly planning the group?

But those evidences were given as rewards by the system, and were directly submitted to the Legal Department without Mr. Yang’s consent!

Mr. Yang didn’t even have a chance to intervene during the whole process!

Don't make up some random things!

Even Qi Mu, who always has access to the highest decision-making, thinks so. It goes without saying what the employees under him think.

Yang Ruoqian sighed, feeling that this rumor was probably like other rumors, something that could not be clarified no matter what.

Without clarification, employees will assume that Mr. Yang has acquiesced.

To clarify, employees will feel that Mr. Yang is hiding some secrets in this department, so they will become more convinced...

Yang Ruoqian sighed, casually said a few words to Qi Mu, and then turned on his phone to see how good his opponent was this time and why they could achieve such a bad record without any counterattack.

It was so bad that Qi Mu was not even qualified to report into the office.

Soon, Yang Ruoqian came across a long article.

The above point of attacking "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" is also normal. It is probably to entertain serious matters such as investment and mislead the public.

Yang Ruoqian read the long article and felt that it was quite reasonable. At first glance, it was not completely unreasonable.

Then the first comment with the highest number of likes in the comment area made him a little nervous.

"He was sent by the Yuefu Group, right? Is the lawsuit you had last time finally digested and pulled out?"

Good guy...Are all netizens today so sensible?

"I've seen a lot of similar rhetoric. Why are you talking so much if I'm not just watching a movie to enjoy myself? I'm very happy to watch it. That's enough for me to laugh. Don't take simple questions for granted. Complicated. Besides, who would really invest in those projects just because they saw this movie? Do you think everyone has the same basic ability to distinguish as you do?"

"You are from the Yuefu Group, right? Let me tell you something for your boss. Just because you can't make money so easily doesn't mean that others can't. Just because you are unlucky because you have done too many bad things, it doesn't mean that other people have the same luck. If you’re not good at it, just practice more instead of questioning it, understand?”

"Okay, this is pinkeye. Why do you envy other people's casual movies that have such high box office, right?"

"Brother, before scolding others, you should first take a look at the garbage you have produced this year. You also have a face."

"Why do people say that the bad thing about "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" is that they are from the Yuefu Group? Are they still criticizing it like this now?"

"Because the values ​​​​that this movie wants to convey are to let 'entrepreneurs' make less money and give more profits to their employees; it does not really want us to invest in projects that are nonsense at first glance, understand? You crooked butts People, you definitely can’t understand the real meaning of the movie. The first time you ask, why don’t you eat the smell of minced meat, even ghosts can see who you are, hahaha!” (End of Chapter)

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