I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 380: Can you still score twice in the system? !

The not-so-pleasant weekend passed quickly, and the day of quarter-end settlement finally came.

Although Yang Ruoqian has become a bit messed up now and has become immune to whether he is losing money or making money, it is still necessary to pay attention to the specific way he died.

The box office of "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" has been basically confirmed, and as long as nothing unexpected happens, it will reach as much as 3 billion.

When Yang Ruoqian heard the news, he did some calculations and found that although the numbers were exaggerated, the actual situation was actually not bad.

When making a movie, they were too willing to cut out the materials, which resulted in a very high cost for the movie. After deducting the high cost after the box office split, the Kuaiguang Group only made a small profit of about 200 million to 300 million yuan.

Although it seems like a lot, it can already be said to be a drizzle compared to the current size of Kuaiguang Group.

Not to mention anything else, the maintenance fee for the escape room in the middle of the Kuangguang Building is a huge money shredder.

With this kind of money-shredding machine in the company, a movie worth hundreds of millions is really not enough to make money.

Thinking of this, Yang Ruoqian's already dead soul was ignited with a little fire of hope - maybe there will be a miracle this quarter?

Although there is a lot of input, although the projects are all successful... the success of the award ceremony only adds to the momentum.

"The Richest Man in Jinhai City" is the largest cash receipt, but correspondingly, Kueiguang Group's expenses this quarter are even greater.

With this in mind, Mr. Yang took a deep breath and opened the system panel with great anticipation.

[The company's profit and loss status this quarter: 290148907.91]

[The company's profits this quarter were stable. The host held an award ceremony, which made the company's status in the entertainment industry skyrocket. The host finally understood that while making profits, it should also strengthen its influence in the entertainment industry and be an ironclad master. Congratulations to the county magistrate instead of Liu Shui! 】

Damn it!

Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment when he saw this string of numbers. Why was his income this quarter obviously less than that of the previous quarter, and his expenses high, but he made more money than last quarter?

Mr. Yang still clearly remembers that the profit last quarter was not even 200 million.

This quarter it will be close to 300 million?

Where did he get the money?

Yang Ruoqian didn't even read the next report in the system, but clicked on the income and expenditure details, determined to find out the insider who was secretly making money in the company.

However, this time, no matter how hard he searched, he could not see the money-making project that he imagined appeared out of nowhere.

Yang Ruoqian, who has been trapped by the system for a long time, is very keen - the problem this quarter is not income!

The reason for making money is not to increase revenue, then it can only be to reduce expenditure.

Wanting to understand the crux of the problem, Mr. Yang immediately clicked on the expenditure item and at the same time opened the expenditure item for the previous quarter on the other side.

After comparing them two by two, he found the problem at a glance.

Public relations expenditure, which continued to rank first among the group's expenditures, dropped to second place this quarter!

It stands to reason that public relations expenditures, which should account for the absolute majority, can't even keep the top spot in expenditures this quarter? !

Yang Ruoqian immediately realized a very, very serious problem.

Although he spent money desperately, the money was not thrown into the water, but had some hidden effects.

For example, it has greatly increased the popularity of Kuaiguang Group's artists. As long as it is related to the four words Kuaiguang Group, it can bring huge popularity without any publicity.

Similarly, Kuaiguang Group's crisis public relations is also very simple. For example, when "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" was attacked this time, there was no need for public relations at all. A lot of people rushed to speak for Kuaiguang Group.

The awarding of the "Cornerstone Award" silenced everyone in the profit-seeking entertainment industry and purified the public relations environment to the extreme.

Now the Kuaiguang Group not only binds most people with interests, but also has a terrifying legal department as a deterrent.

Otherwise, even if there are many communities of interest, there will always be some unpleasant voices.

For example, speeches such as "忿光卫兵" and "忿PB".

But when it comes to interests on one side and deterrence on the other, such statements are much rarer.

You know, even if it is not illegal to say these things on the Internet, Kuaiguang Group really dares to sue, and it will still sue as many people as there are people.

Even if the Kuoguang Group fails to win the lawsuit in the end, half of other people's lives will be lost.

If you talk too much, you may get into a lawsuit for several years. If you just watch the excitement, you may be hit by a gift package from the Kuaguang Group one day. As long as you are sensible, you will know how to choose.

Even some irrational people will soon be drowned in the massive amount of positive comments.

Publicity for artists, crisis public relations... and the Leopard app have caused public relations costs to plummet, which exploded in this quarter!

Mr. Yang, who wanted to understand the root of the problem, almost cursed.

"Something happened to Qianhuahua!" Yang Ruoqian turned off the panel angrily, "I should have thought of it a long time ago. Even if it is a bottomless pit, I can still hear a sound when I throw money like this..."

It is true to say that Yang Ruoqian threw money into the sea and into the pit of fire.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Now the sea is about to be filled up and the fire pit is directly buried!

Sure enough, everything in this world has a price.

It used to be fun to throw money at book numbers, but now all the money has turned into a boomerang and flown back.

never mind……

It's too late to think about this now, let's take a look at what's next in the system.

[Based on the profit ratio of 1/10000, the host will receive a commission of 29014.89, which does not meet the standard for the surprise prize. Please keep up the good work in the future! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing long-term mission 2.0: to produce at least one highly topical movie, cultivate at least one second-tier actor and increase the company's influence in the entertainment industry]

[Long-term mission reward 1: Privacy maintenance system (Currently, there are more and more artists under the host, and their popularity is getting bigger and bigger. While they are more profitable, they will also be tracked and captured by some irrational fans or paparazzi. In order to protect the host The personal privacy of our artists and protect their normal lives, the system will prohibit similar behavior)]

[Long-term mission reward 2 (extra): It is detected that Kuangguang Group is currently facing a public relations crisis. It is detected that the legal department and public relations department of Kuangguang Group have not yet found direct evidence of the person responsible for this public relations crisis. It is detected that the group's lawsuit is for protection The group should obtain legitimate interests, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of its artists, and detect the other party's illegal behavior...]

[In order to maintain a fair and just market competition environment, additional rewards have been issued: Yuefu Group recorded the movie "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" in a way that violated copyright, and instigated internal employees to conduct large-scale and premeditated attacks on "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" The smear evidence has been submitted to the Legal Department and Public Relations Department]

[Host, please rest assured that all the evidence submitted by the system are legal and can be used as ironclad evidence in court! 】

[Rewards are being distributed...]

Yang Ruoqian looked at the reward and shouted out uncontrollably: "Huh?!"

ah? !

Why does this second bonus look so familiar?

Was this the same reward last time when the "Black Robe Inspection Team" completely defeated the Yuefu Group in public opinion and the Kuaiguang Group's Legal Department achieved an unparalleled reputation?

Here we go again, here we go again! System, you handed the evidence to the legal department again!

Ever since the reputation of "Jinhai Pizza Hut" was established, Yang Ruoqian didn't know how much energy and time he spent before he finally suppressed the crazy people from the Legal Department and locked them in the room.

Now, seeing that the Legal Department has begun to gradually return to calm, the system came up and banged twice and broke the lock!

It’s a beast that I managed to lock up with great difficulty!

What kind of terrifying monster will be unleashed by an irresponsible reward from the system?

It's over...it's all over.

I can already imagine what a chaotic state the legal department will be in when I arrive at the company tomorrow.

Can this system not be a disservice?

After thinking about how the secretary had mysteriously asked him about the company's hidden "white gloves" not long ago, Yang Ruoqian felt that his future life would be even darker.

The last time the evidence came out like magic, it could be said to be a fluke, but this time it will definitely not be clear by jumping into the Yellow River.

It is foreseeable that starting from tomorrow, everyone in the company, even the people who eat melons, will firmly believe that Yang Ruoqian has a super intelligence department that only serves him personally, and the affairs of other companies will not be secrets.

But I really don’t have such a thing...

Mr. Yang, who was about to cry without tears, sighed, thinking about how he should deal with the system's backstab, while continuing to look at the next task.

[Starting from the fourth quarter of this year]

[Current profit and loss status:...]

[The current long-term task has been completed...]

[The host's group has completed accumulation in all aspects. Now, whether it is the thickness of the works, the thickness of the artists or the reputation in the circle, it has reached its peak! It’s time to leave the local area and expand nationally! 】

[Now releasing long-term mission 3.0 (national expansion): Try to open company branches in other cities besides Gimhae City. Note: The size of the company's branches must not be less than 30% of the size of the headquarters! (0/2)]

[Optional tasks for this quarter: New Year is coming, give the entertainment industry a big gift in the New Year! (Holding a high-profile event)]

Marching across the country...

Yang Ruoqian calmed down and nodded gently.

Now the local development of Kuaiguang Group has indeed come to an end, and its influence in the province has penetrated into all aspects of culture and entertainment.

No matter how much we develop and progress, there will not be much room for expansion of the pie.

The local giants have taken shape, and Kuaiguang Group has finally officially launched its attack on becoming a real "giant" without any attribution.

The stage is bigger, there is more room for development, and there are more places to spend money.

Mr. Yang, who was severely stabbed in the back by the system, calmed down and became full of good expectations for the future.

Being successful and profitable locally does not mean that this system will be successful in the national market.

In the past, success was always one step ahead of Mr. Yang. On a stage where there are more variables, maybe he can overtake in a corner and leave success behind?

"Oh, go back to your room and sleep!"


after an hour.

Chang Zhiqing beside her was already asleep.


Suddenly there was a rustling sound, and Yang Ruoqian sat up from the bed.

"Damn it, I can't sleep when I think about what I will face when I return to the company tomorrow!"

When he got up the next day, Yang Ruoqian poured himself a large cup of coffee, and then came to the company with Chang Zhiqing.

As soon as she entered the elevator, Chang Zhiqing pinched Yang Ruoqian's face and asked curiously: "Why do you feel that your face looks weird?"

It's not bad, it's just weird.

"You should know it later." Yang Ruoqian glared, "Oh, it's really hard to be the boss."

"Mysterious." Chang Zhiqing laughed, "What big thing did you secretly do last night?"


The only thing that is gratifying now is that at least Chang Zhiqing has not speculated that she has secretly set up a secret department.

As the elevator floors rose, they soon reached the floor where the president's office was located.


As soon as the elevator door opened, I saw a crowd of people blocking the exit.

Compared to Chang Zhiqing, whose pupils were slightly widened and slightly surprised, Mr. Yang, who had expected this scene for a long time, seemed very calm.

Haha, these lawyers really have nothing new at all.

Seeing the two of them walking out of the elevator, the lawyers outside all looked like they were on steroids: "Good morning, Mr. Yang, good morning, Mr. Chang!"

When I went to work this morning, the Legal Department, which was almost stunned, received a piece of great news.

In the company database, they saw an information.

A piece of information and evidence about how Yuefu Group secretly recorded "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" was clearly placed in front of them.

The lawyers couldn’t believe their eyes!

The same thing as last time happened again!

It turned out that Mr. Yang had asked them to restrain themselves and calm down because he had prepared a big job for them.

Mr. Yang has such good intentions.

The Legal Department, which had never taken action since it established its reputation, was now in a state of complete excitement and revelry.

The last time, I only hurt Yue Fu but failed to kill them all. It was really a great regret in my life.

This time we must do our best to kill the Yuefu Group!

The last time it only established the prestige of Kuaiguang Group, this time we must let everyone know that if you offend Kuaiguang Group, you will 100% pay the price.

Everyone else must know that even in their dreams, they are not allowed to dream about negative news about Kuaiguang Group.

Yang Ruoqian looked at the group of bewildered lawyers in front of him, keeping a smile on his face and raising his hand to stop them from continuing: "Okay, okay, everyone, let's go to work. There is a potted plant in my office that has not been watered. , let’s not talk anymore!”

Thinking about what they would do in the future and thinking about the prestige of Kuaiguang Group after this lawsuit, Mr. Yang felt a pang of pain.

After saying that, Yang Ruoqian forced his way out of the elevator, rushed into the office at extremely fast speed, and locked the door.

After the carnival, the legal team also dispersed and started handling the lawsuit with the highest concentration.

Finally, a little girl looked at Chang Zhiqing cautiously, walked over and asked softly: "Boss Boss, does the company really have a powerful intelligence department?"

Chang Zhiqing stepped on her high heels lightly, her face also a little confused: "I don't know."

Have it? I think should not be? !

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