Mr. Yang, who fled back to the office, took two deep breaths - these crazy people really are!

Fortunately, he was already very familiar with the employees. He knew what they were going to fart with even raising his legs, and he immediately escaped back to the office.

After sitting down and turning on the computer, Yang Ruoqian sent Qi Mu a message asking her to come to the president's office quickly.

After receiving the tasks issued by the system, the various task arrangements for the last quarter will definitely have to make some small changes.

A few minutes later, Qi Mu knocked on the door and walked into the office.

"Mr. Yang, good morning." Qi Mu's face still had the same serious expression as when she was working, but from the corner of her eyes, she could also see that she was in a good mood. "Do you have any instructions?"

Yang Ruoqian asked Qi Mu to sit down and said, "Do you think our local development has entered a bottleneck period? I want to try to develop the industry nationwide in the near future."

Qi Mu thought for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Yang, do you want to spread the surrounding industries to other big cities, or simply establish company branches or branches in other cities?"

There are actually some subtle differences between the two.

At present, Kuaiguang Group has not yet opened its franchise stores. They are all directly-operated stores. Expanding these peripheral stores to shopping malls in other cities can be regarded as a nationwide deployment.

The concept of opening a company branch is different.

Opening a company branch in another city is equivalent to transferring all the affairs in that area, which means that Kuaiguang Group has completely taken root in that city!

Now the influence of Kuaiguang Group is actually not limited to the local area, but they have not directly taken root in the local area, and the competition with other companies is not so direct.

The simplest example is that even though everyone now knows that Kuangguang Group's remuneration is very good and that it is located in Jinhae City, many people still cannot quit their jobs and find a job in Jinhae City.

They may have children and mortgages in this city, and they simply don’t have the conditions to leave.

Therefore, no matter how attractive the Kuaiguang Group is, it is impossible for the vast majority of migrant workers in Pengcheng to leave their hometowns and join the Kuaiguang Group.

After all, there are only a few people like Lin Cao who can leave without any assets and have enough food for the whole family.

Even Xiao Cheng, seeing how cool he was when he resigned from the Yuefu Group and switched to the Kueiguang Group, slapped the Yuefu Group in the face on the surface. In fact, his own losses were extremely heavy, and both sides suffered losses.

Unlike Lin Cao, he has a mortgage in Pengcheng!

Although it will not be a problem to repay the mortgage after getting the severance compensation and higher salary, the biggest problem is that he is no longer in Pengcheng.

The house suddenly became awkward.

Continue to provide? Everyone else has gone to Jinhai City, why are they offering sacrifices?

Sell? This house has been renovated, and including interest and other factors, the loss is seven figures!

This is also the case for most people.

Unless absolutely necessary, who can muster the courage to abandon everything he has worked hard for over the years and go to a strange city to start over?

But once Kuaiguang Group opens its company branch to Pengcheng, the situation will be completely different.

As long as they can be recruited by the Kuaiguang Group, who is still working at the Yuefu Group?

Taking into account Xiao Cheng's unremitting efforts to recruit people, there will inevitably be a massive loss of talent.

Competition that was not fierce at first, or rather misplaced, will suddenly be put on the table.

If Yang Ruoqian opens the Kuaiguang Group branch to Pengcheng, the "secret fight" between the two families will immediately escalate into an "open fight"!

Yang Ruoqian responded to the secretary's question without any hesitation and said, "Then it must be to establish company branches in other cities."

Qi Mu was not surprised by this - in the perception of most employees, they felt that Mr. Yang had been too steady in taking this step until now.

Kuaiguang Group has long since become a giant in Jinhai City, with industries spread throughout the city. Other companies would have been eager to open franchises, and they could not wait to open stores across the country or even the world.

Then draw a pie, raise funds, go public...

But Mr. Yang was always unhurried, refused all investment requests, and never opened a franchise store. Instead, he completed his own plate step by step.

In the eyes of many people, joining a big brand means "expensive" and "IQ tax" most of the time.

If another celebrity endorses it, the premium will be sky-high.

After such a round of packaging, the price of something that originally cost 10 yuan may even increase 10 times to 100 yuan!

However, the surrounding restaurants or shops owned by Kuaiguang Group have become synonymous with "cost-effectiveness".

Since there is no open franchise, there is no additional cost link, large-scale procurement makes the cost very low, and the efficiency of unified management is also very high, so even if the price is low, the profit margin is still huge.

Even those top-end and luxury restaurants with very high unit prices are very cost-effective - because the high selling price is only due to the ingredients, and the restaurant itself does not have that much premium.

Therefore, while other brands experience explosive growth, explosive expansion, and then collapse, leaving nothing but chicken feathers in the end, Kuaiguang Group is developing forward step by step and very steadily.

Now that the foundation is solid, it’s time to expand!

This is Mr. Yang’s decision-making ability.

When it’s time to be radical, you can be so radical that most people’s jaws will drop; when it’s time to be conservative, you can be more conservative than all your peers.

Qi Mu sighed in his heart and nodded: "I understand, Mr. Yang... Then in which city do you plan to open the company branch?"

Yang Ruoqian didn't even think about it: "Pengcheng and Capital City."

Pengcheng and Capital City...

Qi Mu was not surprised by this arrangement - the Kuaiguang Group headquarters in Jinhai City was responsible for the business in the central region, and this was determined.

In the south, there are actually two more suitable cities, Yangcheng and Pengcheng.

It is reasonable for the North to choose the capital.

However, in the capital, Kuaiguang Group will face many more challenges.

The most direct challenge is the big guys in Beijing.

Perhaps for Mr. Yang, such challenges have become a daily routine.

"Okay, I will send you the specific locations suitable for opening a company in these two cities, okay?" Qi Mu will not object to any decision made by Yang Ruoqian, "Or do you have any other special requirements?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment: "I remember that the headquarters of Yuefu Group is also in Pengcheng?"

Qi Mu nodded and affirmed: "Yes, do you plan to avoid them?"

"Avoid?" Yang Ruoqian glanced at the secretary suspiciously, "Why should we avoid them? Since an entertainment company chose to open a company in that place, they must have their reasons and must have made detailed calculations. Why should we bother? When it comes to site selection, just find a place next to Yuefu Group and buy the office."

As he said that, Yang Ruoqian suddenly recalled that when he visited Yuefu Group before, the office space of Yuefu Group did not occupy the entire building.

There are many other floors that are leased to other companies…

At that time, Mr. Yang was still thinking about when Kuangguang Group would be able to own a building of its own like this.

As a result, it has become a reality in less than two years.

How about... just see if there are any channels through which we can directly buy the offices that Yuefu Group has rented out to other companies?

Think about it, Yuefu Group works downstairs, and Kueiguang Group works upstairs. Employees from both sides can see each other when commuting to and from get off work, and even visit each other when they have nothing to do. How outrageous is this scene?

Moreover, in addition to going against the grain, it can also be severely targeted by the Yuefu Group. All businesses in Pengcheng will definitely be targeted, and the costs will definitely soar!

It’s fun to watch and it can also increase costs.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Previously, the Yuefu Group was far away in Pengcheng and could not effectively attack the Kuaiguang Group in Jinhai City.

Now that Jinhai City and the surrounding areas are all connected by Mr. Yang, Yuefu Group can only be incompetent and furious.

When the Kuaiguang Group comes to Pengcheng, the Yuefu Group can't behave like before and act embarrassing, right?

Yang Ruoqian felt that he could do it again, and immediately tapped the table with his fingers and ordered Qi Mu: "By the way, call Lin Cao and Xiao Cheng over. They are old employees of Yuefu Group. They happen to have some questions that you can ask. ask them."

Qi Mu nodded lightly, stood up and picked up the phone: "Mr. Yang, please wait a moment."

After a few seconds, she turned around and sat down: "They will be here in five minutes. Can you drink a glass of water first?"

"No, I'm not thirsty." Yang Ruoqian was looking forward to the scene where Kuaiguang Group and Yuefu Group were sitting opposite each other, and he completely lost his appetite.

To put it bluntly, even if you can't lose money this time, at least you will definitely have fun.

Soon, two old colleagues came over confused.

The two originally belonged to different departments in the Yuefu Group and were not familiar with each other. However, after joining the Kuaiguang Group and considering the Yuefu Group as their biggest enemy, their relationship immediately improved.

A former agent was in charge of digging the anchors of Yuefu Group, and a former personnel manager managed to dig out everything he could. The two hit it off and vowed to completely hollow out the Yuefu Group.

However, the work has not been going so smoothly recently - due to geographical issues, many people who can be hired have already been hired. Even if others are fired from the Yuefu Group, it will be difficult for them to go far away to find a job in Jinhae City.

Is it because of this incident that Mr. Yang called them over?

With some complicated emotions, the two walked into the office and bowed to Yang Ruoqian to say hello.

"Mr. Yang!"

"Good morning, Mr. Yang!"

Yang Ruoqian waved his hand and motioned for the two of them to sit down: "You are here just in time. The company plans to open a branch in Pengcheng. In terms of location selection, I plan to directly copy Yuefu. You two know a lot about Yuefu. I I have a few questions for you.”

It turns out I was just asking questions...

While the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, Xiao Cheng suddenly became excited.

Kuaiguang Group wants to open a branch in Pengcheng? !

Then wouldn't his troublesome house be perfectly solved?

Originally, Xiao Cheng had made up his mind to sell the house even if he lost money, and find a day for his family to move to Jinhai City.

It’s not a big deal to start over if you can work in Kuaiguang Group.

But if he can apply for transfer to the Pengcheng company branch, these problems will not be a problem!

"Mr. Yang, if you have any questions, I will tell you everything!"

Yang Ruoqian nodded and asked: "Don't Yuefu Group lease their office buildings to other companies? Will this office building be sold? I plan to build the company branch together with Yuefu Group."

"Sell." Xiao Cheng said with certainty, "I am familiar with all the members of the project team responsible for this project. Maybe we can work it out and let the Yuefu Group executives sell part of the office to you without knowing it."

Yang Ruoqian frowned: "Are you sure? Don't do anything illegal."

"Don't worry." Xiao Cheng said confidently, "This project team is already qualified to independently dispose of this small portion of assets. Whether it is renting or selling, as long as the price is within a reasonable range, their project team can make decisions directly. Let It’s impossible for them to sell you the entire building, but they can still sell a floor of offices.”

Yuefu Group has not been doing this for a day or two, especially this year as their capital chain is tight and they have bought a lot of assets from various places.

The sales authority is only for the first-floor office, but it is still delegated.

"Very good, then buy an office on the first floor, preferably right above Yuefu Group!" Yang Ruoqian said, "You three, coordinate among yourselves and handle this matter as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Yang!"

Of course, Yang Ruoqian has not forgotten Xiao Cheng: "After the Pengcheng company branch is built, you can go and work there... What about you, Lin Cao, do you have the same needs?"

Lin Cao shook his head: "No need, Mr. Yang. I have adapted to the life in Jinhai City now and bought a car here. It will be troublesome to go there."

"Okay, then go ahead and get busy."

A few days later, the Legal Department of Yuefu Group.

"What?!" A lawyer was furious. He threw a court summons on the table, "Those lunatics in Kuangguang sued us again?!"

"Are all the PR and operations people dead? How much information did they leak out?! This is the second time! Kueiguang Group will never sue us without evidence!"

"My reputation as a lawyer will be ruined by these slow-moving people!"

"Infringement of the copyright of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City"... I now doubt whether the company has been infiltrated into a sieve. No matter how powerful the legal team is, it is impossible to win the case under such circumstances."

"Who is leaking the secret to the outside world? Didn't they guarantee that this matter will be absolutely airtight?"

The lawyer shook his head in anger, took a cigarette, and walked to the elevator corridor, trying to suppress the pent-up anger in his heart.


At this moment, the elevator door suddenly opened, and an unusually familiar person walked out.

The lawyer's hand that was lighting the cigarette froze in place. He looked at the man and was a little confused: "Xiao Cheng? Didn't you go to Jinhai? Why are you back?"

Xiao Cheng let out a long "Oh" and waved his hand nonchalantly: "Kuiguang Group is going to build a branch here, right upstairs... When I returned to the old place, I couldn't help but want to come over and take a look. . You shouldn’t not welcome me, right?”

The cigarette slowly slipped from the lawyer's hand.

Kuaiguang Group, upstairs?

Will they and Kui Guang be neighbors from now on? !

Damn it!

ps: After I pay off the outstanding updates, I can write a short side story and post it in the all-subscription group. What type of side story do you want to watch? (End of chapter)

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