In Yuefu Building, several people walked into the elevator in groups, talking and laughing.

A girl yawned: "My performance last month was okay, but I can be a little more luxurious this month~"

Another colleague shook his head: "Tsk, you haven't seen that the employees of Yuefu Group are all as miserable as eggplants beaten by frost."

The girl nodded: "That's for sure. I heard that they were badly repaired by their enemies, and they have begun to sell some of their assets to obtain cash flow."

"It's not so pitiful, right? It's a listed company, a big company."

"Tsk, who knows."

Although these people all work in Yuefu Building, they are not employees of Yuefu Group, so they dare to speak so unscrupulously.

"Forget it, it's better to stop meddling in other people's affairs..."

With that said, the girl stretched out her hand to press the elevator button.

Immediately afterwards, as if she had seen something very unbelievable, her whole body froze in place, her eyes filled with confusion.

Colleagues immediately noticed her unusual reaction and stepped forward to ask with concern: "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

The girl shook her head: "It's not uncomfortable...Elevator, look at the top of the elevator!"

To facilitate entry and exit, the elevator buttons on each floor of the building will be marked with the company of the corresponding floor.

But she seemed to see four terrifying words on the elevator button!

Kuaiguang Group!

Other colleagues also looked over after hearing this.

When they saw the elevator button panel, the expressions on their faces seamlessly switched to the same look as the girls'.

Why can they see the four characters "Kuiguang Group" in the elevator of Yuefu Group?

Moreover, the two floors are actually next to each other. If you speak louder upstairs, you may be able to hear it clearly downstairs.

Is the world crazy or are they crazy? !

Why are these two rival companies in the same building?

Are they going to directly decide the winner in a physical sense with real swords and guns?

"I remember the Kuaiguang Group is not in Jinhai? Why are you here in Pengcheng?"

At first, the girl was the first to react: "Quickly, go to various platforms to see if there is any news on the official account of Kuaiguang Group!"

Kuaguang Group is not a listed company and has no obligation to disclose anything to the public, but it is still keen to share various major decisions, without caring whether it will be seen by competitors, and then make targeted arrangements.

Suddenly opening the company to Pengcheng is definitely a major decision, and the news may have been announced in the official media.

After hearing this, several people immediately lowered their heads and closed the apps in their hands in a tacit understanding. They clicked on Weibo, Station B... and of course the most important app, Baopu.

Sure enough, on these platforms, they saw Kuaiguang Group posting an announcement using its official account.

"Announcement: Kuaiguang Group is about to undergo major business changes. It has now been decided to transfer all southern business to Pengcheng Company Branch; to transfer all northern business to Ducheng Company Branch. The new branch will begin to require a large number of employees. Partners can try to submit their resume to the human resources department ~ the salary and benefits are exactly the same as those at the company’s Jinhai headquarters.”

And underneath this news, there is a group of netizens who have gone completely crazy.

"Ah, are you serious?!"

"Quickly tell me you opened your company here because you fell in love with me!! I'm going to submit my resume tomorrow!"

"He's really here? Damn it, you guys, don't come up, wait for me to come up first!"

"It's bad, I really want to be a traitor now. It's not that my old employer is bad, but it's more cost-effective to work at Kuaiguang Group."

"Are the people upstairs dreaming in broad daylight? Kuaiguang Group just opened its branches to other cities, and the standards for recruiting employees have not been adjusted. Why do they all say that they are about to be hired?"

"Can't you just have a dream?"

"Some people are dreaming, but I have submitted my resume to Kuaiguang Group at the speed of light."

"Let everyone take a look at the acceptance notice [picture] I just got. Kuang Guang is great, no need to say more!"

"? There's smoke coming out of your ancestral grave???"

"Tear it up, these things are unacceptable on the Internet."

"Uh, haven't you noticed a blind spot...haven't you noticed that the branch of Kuaiguang Group in Pengcheng completely overlaps with Yuefu Group?! The positioning is exactly the same, but the floors are different."

"It's true! I just checked, what's going on?"

"Did you write it wrong? It's unlikely that Kuaiguang Group would make such a mistake, right? Has anyone gone to see it on site? Are you sure this is the address?"

"I've been there, I'm sure. The Kuoguang and Yuefu families are upstairs and downstairs now, hahahaha! It's so much fun!"

"It's definitely the work of the Kuoguang Group. The Yuefu Group definitely can't do this kind of thing."

"Yuefu Group is also wondering why it wants to sell its office to a rival company?"

"It must have been done by an employee with relevant authority. Do you understand this is called a certificate of nomination? Who can go to Yuefu if you can go to work at Kuaiguang Group?"

"So cruel..."

"Now I just want to see what kind of sparks will break out between Yuefu Group and Kuaiguang Group. I just want to see blood flowing like a river, hahahahaha!"

"I heard that the two of them are in a lawsuit again recently? The distance is so close that you can take the same car to go to the court. Business is business, and favors are favors."

"God, we're going to the court in the same car. It's so abstract, hahaha!"


Several people in the elevator were shocked: "It's actually true! Kuaiguang Group is actually opening branches everywhere!"

"No, isn't it normal for them to open a branch? It's abnormal for their business to be so big but not to open a branch... The question now is why is their branch opened in the Yuefu Group?"

"Maybe, maybe it's because of some trade secrets?"

While a few people were chatting, the elevator door suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man walked in. Looking at the elevator full of people chatting on their mobile phones, he asked strangely: "What are you doing in the elevator without pressing the floor?" "

As he spoke, he shook his head and turned around to press the button.

Then, like everyone else, he froze in place.

"What the hell is this Kuaiguang Group?!"

At this time, not only the elevator of Yuefu Building, but also the Yuefu Group itself exploded.

In the conference room, the head of the public relations department opened the door angrily, suppressing his anger as much as possible: "Why did I meet Xiao Cheng when I took the elevator up today? Why could I see the four words 'Kuiguang Group' on the elevator button?" Words?! Who can explain to me?!"

As he spoke, he looked at the Director of Human Resources with an unkind look.

Because Xiao Cheng left as director of the human resources department.

Although everyone had been humiliated by the Kuaiguang Group, and everyone had a tacit understanding in the meeting not to expose their shortcomings, but now it is different from the past, why did the Kuaiguang Group come to blame them?

On the head in a physical sense!

"Why are you making such a fuss?" The named director of the human resources department was no pushover. He sneered, "Have you sorted out your own mess, and you just want to blame me?"

"The last time the company's secrets were leaked, the Kuaiguang Group took it to court. How much manpower, material and resources were wasted?"

"I don't know who swore that this time everyone is a core employee and a confidant, and they will never leak any secrets?"

"Why are we being sued again?"

After receiving the court leaflet, Yuefu Group's unsuccessful smear campaign was immediately halted, and all employees involved, including the head of the public relations department himself, were investigated.

Obviously, the number of insiders has been limited to the greatest extent, and all insiders are obviously under strong surveillance... but the secret was leaked out like this!

The result of the emergency picketing was the same as last time. No matter how we checked, we could not find the leaker, and we couldn't even make a list of suspected leakers.

Now some directors even feel that Yuefu Group has no secrets in Yang Ruoqian's eyes.

In the entire company, how many people still care about the company in their hearts?

Is there more than one mole, and has he already reached the top of the company?

Someone within the board of directors has made no secret of their intention to cooperate with Kuaiguang Group, or even invest in them... It is not impossible for someone to completely fall over!

The most terrifying thing is that the enemy is inside, even at the top level!

Now the top management of Yuefu Group looks at everyone as if they are spying - the enemy is inside, maybe even at the table next to them, and the situation is really scary when they are led by themselves.

What's more, now that Kuaiguang Group has moved upstairs to them, people within the company are even more upset.

If you can successfully change jobs, it will directly improve your quality of life!

And it's stable - except for employees who have resigned due to personal reasons, Kuaiguang Group has never laid off employees, but Yuefu Group has just recently made a drastic move. The intensity is so great that the whole company is panicking.

It is said that after Xiao Cheng joined Kuaiguang Group, he contacted the retired and current employees of Yuefu Group through various channels to contact them about job-hopping...

Will it be easier to enter Kuaiguang Group through this channel than directly submitting your resume for recruitment?

I heard that when Kuaiguang Group moved here, most of the employees were thinking about this kind of thing, instead of sharing the same hatred and trying to find ways to defeat the enemy!

You can imagine what the atmosphere is like inside the company now.

The head of the public relations department who narrowly passed the internal investigation straightened his neck: "What are you talking about? All our relevant employees have been investigated, and no one has been found to have problems! On the contrary, your problem is bigger. Selling the office to Who recruited the people from Kuaiguang Group into the company?!"

"The shabby place upstairs is nothing. The real place where Kuaiguang Group works is not here. Besides, we made a profit from this transaction, okay? Who do you care who the sale is to?"

Kuaiguang Group and Yuefu Group were mixed together, but the place purchased by Kuaiguang Group should be mainly used as the office of the Human Resources Department of Pengcheng Branch.

Just as several leaders were having a heated discussion and blaming each other, the door to the conference room was suddenly pushed open.

A director walked in angrily and forcefully interrupted the leaders attending the meeting.

"I just came up in the elevator. Why did I see Xiao Cheng? Why is Xiao Cheng in the elevator?! Why is Xiao Cheng in our building? Who can explain it?"

Xiao Cheng himself is the most embarrassing thing about Yuefu Group. He used to be far away in Jinhai and he just recognized it by pinching his nose.

Now I see you once at work and once after get off work, almost riding on your face. Who in the right mind can tolerate this kind of thing?

The leaders who had been arguing just now changed their faces when they saw the director coming in.

"Director Liu, just think of him as a fly... In two days we will have an elevator exclusive to Yuefu Group. He will just hang out in the lobby at most. If he wants to be so naive, just let him be. Why do you have to be so familiar with this kind of person?" .”

"that is……"

The man known as Director Liu took a sip of water and moved the Kuaiguang Group over. He mentioned the endless spies of ghosts in the company, and then cursed angrily: "How are you going to end it now? Who can give a perfect plan?" ?”

"You are already embarrassed enough. I guess you don't need this old face... Then just talk about interests. Elites with such high salaries, how do you plan to deal with the aftermath?!"

The attack on "The Richest Man in Jinhae City" has stopped because there are now two big problems facing Yuefu Group.

The first one is the lawsuit.

If this lawsuit is lost again, the peak reputation of Kuaiguang Group will come second. The key is that Yuefu Group will lose its invincibility and deterrence from then on.

It doesn't matter if you lose once in a while, it doesn't matter even if it's a big defeat... But if you lose again and again, many people who used to be eyeing it but didn't dare to take action will not be so easy to get rid of.

Losing the lawsuit against Kuaiguang Group is likely to lead to more countless small lawsuits and drastically increase legal expenses.

This is just adding insult to injury for Yuefu, whose book data this year is already not good and cash flow income is already declining.

Yue Mansion can only win, not lose.

But the Kuaiguang Group clearly came prepared, and victory or defeat was not decided by the Yuefu Group.

The second crisis is even more serious than this lawsuit.

After Kuaiguang Group comes to Pengcheng, Yuefu Group's employment costs will increase visibly!

For anchor artists, once their contract expires, if the Yuefu Group does not change the contract, they are likely to turn around and join the Kuaiguang Group.

For employees, especially those who are technical or have many connections, if there is no salary increase or salary increase, they are likely to find ways to submit resumes to Kuaiguang Group and find ways to change jobs.

If you want to retain these employees, it's useless to say anything or draw any pie. The only thing you can do is increase wages and benefits!

These are all expenses, they are all money, and they are all tangible benefits that must be extracted from the million-dollar annual salary of each leader and the dividends of each director.

They had seen many complaints from colleagues in Jinhai City before, complaining that their labor costs had increased rapidly after the arrival of Kuaiguang Group, and they even ridiculed them.

Now when the hammer really hits Yue Fu's head, they will know what pain is.

"I think we should talk about it!" A leader suddenly said, "If we continue to fight head-on like this, it will be really bad for us."

"Talk? We have wanted to talk several times before. Do you think Yang Ruoqian cares about us? We have read them all and can't read them back."

"It's different from the previous talks that stalled for time... I suggest that this time we really have a good talk with them for the purpose of reconciliation. It's really meaningless to hurt both sides like this. Apart from raising our costs, what's the benefit? ? It’s better to reach a tacit agreement and both parties can make money.”

The conference room was silent for a while.

If you negotiate with your sworn enemy, and do so under extremely unfavorable circumstances, you can imagine the conditions you can get.

But... there seems to be no better solution.

"Let's try it... Where is Yang Ruoqian now?"

"Well, I heard that I seemed to have flown to a small county on the southern border..."

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