I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 383 Mr. Yang, invest less, I’m afraid (8k)

While the Yuefu Group was in dire straits, Yang Ruoqian and his team were flying toward the southern border city on that luxurious private plane.

Finding an excuse for this free project, Mr. Yang deliberately made this matter very important and publicized it everywhere within the company, in order to use this matter to pack up all the pillars of the company and let them go to voluntary poverty alleviation.

Let all the talents in the company be used on projects that cannot make money at all, which is the greatest value of this project!

And not only the talents within the company, but also a suspicious ally such as Chengyu Media must be invited together.

Otherwise, who knows what Cheng Fei will do secretly behind Mr. Yang's back?

The only regret is that the flight from Jinhai to Chuncheng only takes three hours. Mr. Yang can't do more expensive operations on the plane like he did last time he flew abroad.

Three hours can only cover the time of one meal. No matter how good the ingredients are, it is still a small amount of money.

With such a short flight, the bedroom at the back of the plane is naturally not in use. Most people are now concentrated in the business conference room in the middle of the plane.

Cheng Fei felt an indescribable weird feeling in her heart while watching the movie played on the big screen of the plane.

Judging from Mr. Yang’s reaction to the anti-fraud promotional video, he should take it seriously.

He turned down an invitation to co-produce a TV series with another company, and mobilized all the resources within the Kuaiguang Group. Even Chengyu Media called on...

But why did she always have an inexplicable feeling from the moment she got on the plane - Mr. Yang didn't actually care that much about this matter?

Cheng Fei prepared her computer and prepared to have a serious meeting with her partners on the plane to express each other's opinions. However, after the meeting came up, she did not wait for the meeting, but only waited for a big meal and a movie.

Yang Ruoqian himself even adjusted his seat to a comfortable position, and started playing with his mobile phone as soon as he got on the plane without any sense of urgency.

"Why do you feel that Mr. Yang attaches great importance to it but doesn't take it seriously at the same time?"


The most important thing is that other people in the Kuaiguang Group seem to take it very seriously, but Yang Ruoqian is the only one who is so idle that he seems very out of place.

Moreover, Cheng Fei was indeed very curious as to what purpose Yang Ruoqian would use this anti-fraud promotional video to accomplish.

If the analysts in her company couldn't analyze anything, she would have to do it herself as the boss.

Looking at this scene, Cheng Fei planned to break the silence and start her own conversation:

"Mr. Yang, what are your plans when you get there?"

Yang Ruoqian, who was playing games on his mobile phone, was stunned for a moment when he heard the question, and immediately said: "After getting off the plane, we will rest in Spring City for three days. If you want to see and play, you can do whatever you want. Don't worry, the accommodation conditions are all local. The best, if you want to eat, I have a recommended list of local restaurants, and after I got off the plane, I asked Qi Mu to send it to everyone."

The secretary did not come with the plane this time - after all, this matter really had nothing to do with her, and there was no particularly good excuse for her to come over forcefully.

Cheng Fei was speechless for the rare moment when she heard Yang Ruoqian's erroneous answer.

No, for such a massive project, the first arrangement is to take an emergency three-day rest? !

The first important piece of information is actually about a local restaurant?

Cheng Fei is someone who has seen big storms. When the two companies were still struggling in the storm, she was not unfamiliar with Yang Ruoqian's various seemingly outrageous operations. At this time, her mentality was stable, she shook her head and said:

"Mr. Yang, I mean, do you have any plans after filming the promotional video?"

Yang Ruoqian said a short "Oh" and waved his hand: "This is what Mr. Cheng is worried about... Don't worry, how could I not be thoughtful about this kind of thing?"

Cheng Fei nodded slightly to show that she was listening.

When other people saw the two bosses having such a serious meeting, they all put down what they were doing and looked over.

Although they were from the Kuaiguang Group, they were still very curious about how Yang Ruoqian wanted to use this promotional video and why he was so concerned about something that was obviously unprofitable.

What kind of cool operation does Mr. Yang want to do again?

Seeing that everyone was so concerned about the promotional video, Yang Ruoqian couldn't hide it, so he could only sigh and said: "Oh, everyone is so enthusiastic... I will definitely not let you down."

"Originally, I planned to give you all a surprise after getting off the plane. Forget it, let's just talk about it here."

"After leaving Spring City, we will go to the filming location of the promotional video... After all, it is just a small county with relatively backward development and imperfect infrastructure. The conditions are not as good as those of big cities, or even small cities. Not on."

"And the filming location for the promotional video is not even in this county, so the conditions for the crew will be even worse."

"We are all employees of Kuaiguang Group. We are very tired from filming, and it is still a promotional film with no profit. There is not much I can do, I can only think of ways to provide everyone with a better environment."

"I saw photos from fraud dens before. Not only did they show the poor living conditions of the people who were defrauded, but they also showed the luxurious and extravagant lives of the fraud leaders."

"The environment of the room they lived in was very good. So I asked the engineering team to count everyone's head, and asked them to customize and build an identical room for each of you according to the standards! Take photos of the rooms that someone has lived in It’s also a little more real.”

After Yang Ruoqian finished speaking, he raised his head with some pride: "How about killing two birds with one stone and being thoughtful?"

Everyone was dumbfounded: "..."

No, we are not asking about accommodation conditions!

Who cares about that thing, Mr. Yang!

What we are asking is what magical operation you have, and whether the soft power brought to Kuaiguang Group by such a large-cost promotional video production is worth it?

Why are you talking about eating and sleeping all the time?

Seeing that everyone was shocked by his generosity, Yang Ruoqian smiled proudly: "Not only that, I also rented two cold chain transport trucks and paid a lot of money to hire a local chef. You only need to tell me what you want to eat one day in advance. Guaranteed to see it on the table the next day.”

Everyone: "..."

"The arrangement after filming the promotional video is also very simple. I have an idea - everyone takes a week off, forms a group, and visits various local tourist attractions."

"You can take this opportunity to visit ancient towns, snow mountains, and Erhai Lake."

"Of course, they are all free travel. The company is only responsible for your accommodation. You can arrange whatever you want to eat and enjoy."

"How's it going? Is there anything else you need to add?"

Cheng Fei: "No, Mr. Yang's arrangements are very thoughtful. That's enough."

Others also expressed their opinions: "Yes, yes, you have really thought it through!"

Although she had guessed from the time Yang Ruoqian talked about accommodation that the next topic might be different from what she expected, she really didn't expect it to go so far off topic.

If she hadn't known that Yang Ruoqian was a very trustworthy partner, she would have doubted whether this promotional video was reliable.

Successful people, no matter how outrageous things they do, can only be called "unique ways of doing things."

If it were anyone else, it would probably be "crazy".

As soon as Yang Ruoqian finished saying this series of outrageous things, the sweet voice of the flight attendant suddenly came from the plane broadcast: "Dear passengers, the plane is preparing to land and is expected to arrive in Spring City in 45 minutes..."


After landing, several people left the airport, got into the rented high-end executive car as usual, and arrived at the hotel where they were staying.

Yang Ruoqian looked at Chang Zhiqing and Shang Qianyu, who was full of curiosity, and asked: "This place has a very high altitude. Do you have altitude sickness or anything? Do you need help?"

Chang Zhiqing shook her head gently: "It's okay, there's not much discomfort."

Shang Qianyu, who couldn't see any discomfort at all, nodded frantically: "Boss, can you prepare an oxygen tank for me just in case? Just deduct it from my salary!"

They are quite adaptable...

As for the silly kid's request, just ignore it.

Yang Ruoqian waved his hand casually to deal with Shang Qianyu, and was about to go to the elevator to put his luggage when someone suddenly called him on his mobile phone.

He glanced at the others, took a few steps to the side, and answered the phone.

"Qi Mu? What's the matter?"

Since the secretary chose to call Mr. Yang who was on a business trip instead of sending a message, it meant that the matter to be reported was more important.

On the other side of the phone, Qi Mu's voice came: "Good afternoon, Mr. Yang. The company has just received a call from Yueyuefu Group. You may need to make a decision yourself."

"Yuefu Group?" Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment and repeated, "We haven't blocked their phone number yet?"

When she heard the words "Yuefu Group", Cheng Fei's eyes turned around.

She has also heard about the recent expansion of Kuaiguang Group across the country.

After all, the two rival companies are competing against each other, which is really a program effect.

Cheng Fei has no plans to let Chengyu Media open a company branch at this stage, but it is still okay to provide some help to her allies as much as possible.

Qi Mu said: "Their major directors and leadership have found a way to contact us again. I hope that you, or on behalf of the company's senior management, can take some time to make an appointment with them to meet at a time and place to discuss the current relationship between our two companies. Let’s have a good talk.”

Yang Ruoqian sighed: "You are talking about these empty words again, can they have some new ideas?"

Thinking that the Yuefu Group was likely to pay him a huge amount of compensation, he really wanted to let these unfavorable guys get out of his sight.


This was their second illegal operation and they were caught by the system!

And how long has it been since?

If the Yuefu Group thinks it has too much money, it can just find a pit to burn it in. Why does it insist on coming here to touch porcelain?

Yang Ruoqian never thought that he could be issued the same cheating "reward" twice by the system for the same company and for the same reason!

Qi Mu continued: "Mr. Yang, it's different from last time. This time they came with conditions."

People from Yuefu Group had also contacted Kuaiguang Group before, and their words also meant to express goodwill.

There are even directors of Yuefu Group who simply hope to directly invest in Kuaiguang Group.

However, they were all rejected directly by Yang Ruoqian.

Wanting to buy shares is a personal act of this director and does not represent Yuefu Group.

There was no sincerity in the previous proposals for reconciliation.

This time, you actually put the conditions directly on the phone?

Generally speaking, in this kind of negotiation, the terms are discussed only when both parties are negotiating, so as not to reveal the trump card in advance and be severely squeezed by the other party.

It seems that they are really in a hurry this time.

Yang Ruoqian nodded slightly: "What are their conditions? Tell us."

There was the sound of turning the pages of a book from Qi Mu, and two seconds later, she said: "Mr. Yang, Yuefu Group is willing to use the resources and connections they have in exchange. I hope we will not compete viciously, and at the same time, we hope we will not The legal department is targeting them. They are willing to compensate for the losses caused to us, even at a premium."

"They also said that as long as both parties put aside their previous differences and cooperate together, they will definitely make more money, and there is no need for internal friction between each other."

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while and roughly understood the logic of these conditions of the Yuefu Group.

It’s about raising wages for employees, and signing such good contracts for anchors and artists. In the end, isn’t it hurting the company’s profits?

If the two companies Kuo Guang and Yue Fu can cooperate, is there anyone else in Pengcheng who has anything to do?

The matter of lawsuit compensation is also easy to understand.

If the two companies fight to the end and Kuaiguang Group claims 20 million yuan, after all the time costs and lawyer costs are calculated, more than half of the 20 million yuan compensation may be lost.

Yuefu Group needs to spend more manpower and material resources on the basis of 20 million yuan in compensation. If it loses the lawsuit, it will be humiliating. It may even lead to more lawsuits because of this failure. In the end, the total cost may be to more than 30 million.

If the two parties reconcile privately, Yuefu Group can spend 25 million to eliminate the disaster, Kueiguang Group will receive more compensation, and Yuefu Group will suffer smaller losses without having to bear the pressure of losing the lawsuit. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

What a win!

If the Yuefu Group wins twice, is it called a win-win?

Who cares about this small amount of compensation? Who wants to reduce the wages of employees? !

Isn't this pushing Yang Ruoqian into the fire pit?

Yang Ruoqian resolutely said: "Reject them! If you don't reconcile with them, not only the past and present, but also the future will be the same."

In fact, Yang Ruoqian had already issued a similar order before - as long as the Yuefu Group calls, just reject it no matter what it says.

But as an assistant to the administrative secretary, it was naturally impossible for Qi Mu to actually carry out this order completely.

Small things are okay, but what if any cooperation can really bring huge benefits to the company?

Just because the boss doesn't know what day the verbal order is and doesn't want to refuse it?

The conflict is huge now, but if the interests are consistent in the future, maybe the conflict can be resolved.

Major decisions should be made by the boss himself.

Yang Ruoqian was not that forgetful and remembered that he had said this before, but he also understood the secretary's caution, so he simply didn't mention it.

Qi Mu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his tone became a little more relaxed: "Okay, Mr. Yang, then I will convey your wishes."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Fei walked up and asked Yang Ruoqian casually: "What's going on? Do I need to avoid it?"

He said he was avoiding it, but he was actually asking Yang Ruoqian if there was anything Chengyu Media could do to help with this matter.

The two companies are already relatively familiar with each other, so there is no need to go through the cumbersome process of pushing me to save face. Just say what you have to say.

Yang Ruoqian shook his head: "It's nothing. It's just the lawsuit between Yue Mansion and us. They want to keep it private. By the way, they can ease the conflict and change the relationship with us from a competitive relationship to a cooperative relationship... at least a competitive relationship with a cooperative nature."

Cheng Fei nodded slightly: "I probably understand. Mr. Yang, do you really not intend to reconcile with them? If you cooperate with them, your development in Pengcheng will indeed go much smoother."

Development goes smoothly?

I just don’t want it to develop so smoothly!

Yang Ruoqian kept smiling: "Cooperation can bring a lot of benefits, but what if Kuaiguang Group directly seizes Yuefu Group's market share? Wouldn't the benefits be even greater?"

Anyway, this matter is still far away, just blow hard.

Seize Yuefu Group’s share?

Even if an established company begins to decline, it probably won't collapse instantly...

However, Cheng Fei showed a "Sure enough" expression: "Sure enough, Mr. Yang has lofty goals and looks down on the small interests in front of him. I am looking forward to what kind of trouble the Kuaiguang Group will cause in Pengcheng."

As long as Yang Ruoqian said this, he would be at least 90% sure that it would come true.

It seems that Kuoguang Group's complete replacement of Yuefu Group and becoming a new giant is already on Yang Ruoqian's schedule.

Next, you just need to wait and see what he does.

Perhaps, in a year's time, Yuefu Group's last struggle will come to nothing, right?

In Cheng Fei's mind, she had already begun to imagine the future.

Different from Yang Ruoqian's idea, she felt that Yuefu Group was really likely to collapse quickly under Yang Ruoqian's powerful operation.

After a company shrinks, it is not necessarily a soft landing - because the negative effects of a sharp drop in revenue are not just a decrease in numbers.

If the operation and maintenance cost of an asset was 1 million, the income was 1.1 million, and the profit was 100,000... But if the income dropped by 10%, the profit would be directly reduced by 110%, turning from making money to losing money!

A 10% revenue drop may not seem fatal, but it is an absolutely heavy blow to the company.

This asset suddenly changed from high quality to poor quality. If it is not optimized and sold, it will be a hot potato!

Selling assets means reducing the size of the business, reducing economies of scale, and may even affect bank loans... In a chain reaction, there are many cases where companies have shrunk by more than half in a short period of time.

A company like Kuaiguang Group, which is still debt-free so far, is so rare that it can even be said to be unique.

In Cheng Fei's calculations, if Yang Ruoqian is willing to lend money, the current Kuaiguang Group may have suppressed the Yuefu Group, and even Tianyue Group, another giant that has not had any problems, will have to bow its head.

Good debt is not a bad thing for the development of the enterprise.

However, for various reasons, many companies only think that their liabilities are benign, but in fact the risks have long been unbearable.

As long as those funds with extremely sensitive sense of smell and extreme risk aversion withdraw, no matter how huge the behemoth is, it can go from prosperous to precarious overnight.

Although the behavior of not being in debt at all seems extreme, Cheng Fei can barely understand it.

Slower development will result in infinite improvement in fault tolerance.

Moreover, the slow development is only relative to Kuaiguang Group itself. Objectively speaking, their development is not only not slow, but also very, very fast!

Kuaiguang Group really does not need any financing means to accelerate its development.

In this regard, Mr. Yang is indeed very cautious...

Yang Ruoqian, who just wanted to spend money and didn't want to cause trouble at all, laughed: "Haha! I opened a company there just to facilitate business transactions, there is no big decoration."


After a few words of greeting, the small team returned to their rooms.

Yang Ruoqian sat on the sofa, yawned, and waved Chang Zhiqing over.

Chang Zhiqing put her luggage in the cabinet, walked over and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Aren't we going to the set with the crew the day after tomorrow?" Yang Ruoqian searched a few pictures, "It's quite a long way, let's see which car you want to take there."

Chang Zhiqing raised her head, somewhat dumbfounded: "I don't have to be spoiled Sister Lin, this matter is nothing, you can make your own arrangements."

"Then choose the expensive one..."

After choosing the means of transportation, after three full days of playing in Spring City, everyone finally got on a special car.

The motorcade set off from the hotel and soon left the city.

The closer we get to the border, the harder the road becomes, and the prosperity of the city gradually disappears.

But the spacious space and comfortable environment of the limousine alleviate the boring journey to a great extent.

At least it's quite comfortable to sit on.

After a few hours of driving, the convoy entered a small road with only two lanes going back and forth. After going around and around, they finally saw a group of buildings that were not too tall.

Unlike Jinhai and Spring City, which often have dozens of floors of buildings, the tallest building here only has no more than 8 floors, and it is no longer that new from the outside.

The road is also relatively narrow...

Such a luxurious motorcade driving in naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Soon, the motorcade arrived at the parking lot of the reception hotel.

Not far away, a man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked to be in his fifties, saw the motorcade approaching and immediately walked down in three steps at a time.

"Welcome to everyone from the Kuaiguang Group! Please come in, please come in, the tea has been brewed! The environment is not that good, I apologize."

Yang Ruoqian got out of the car, shook hands with the man, and said with a smile: "That's very thoughtful. Come inside, and I'll tell you the details of the future arrangements."

This man is the village director, named Ma Shou.

After hearing that Kuaiguang Group was going to invest in their small county, I was looking forward to Yang Ruoqian coming over every day.

He really has too many things he wants to build, but the space is small and the investment is low. In addition, the recent decrease in tourism income due to fraud has made him distressed for a long time.

I heard about the Kuaiguang Group and that Yang Ruoqian was always very generous with his actions, which was a timely blessing for the small county town.

But Ma Shou did not dare to celebrate in advance. Before the investors came, he must have some basic understanding of the investors.

Even though Kuai Guang Group is generous and Yang Ruoqian is grand, almost every one of his projects has huge commercial returns.

To be fair, no matter how much Ma Shou boasts about his small county town, he cannot change the fact that the investment environment is not as good as other places, so he will naturally have much less confidence.

Can people from big companies in big cities appreciate these things in small counties?

I don't have the ability to force Yang Ruoqian to invest in this place...

How to convince this big boss has become a headache that Ma Shou has been having these days.

If such an investment opportunity, which he had waited so hard for, slipped through his fingers, he would probably not be able to sleep well for several months.

Seeing that there was no displeasure or other negative expression on Yang Ruoqian's face, Ma Shou felt a little relieved: "Mr. Yang said whatever he said, please come in, you're welcome! Have you guys eaten yet?"

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "We've already eaten, let's just talk about business."

The engineering team that restored the fraud park buildings in the suburbs at a one-to-one ratio hired local people from the county. Yang Ruoqian did not hesitate to spend the maximum amount of money to buy the best services for various services such as meals and accommodation that required manpower and material resources. .

The county was revitalized for a while.

It stands to reason that this is the only promotion a promotional film crew can bring to the local economy.

However, not long ago, Yang Ruoqian revealed another big news to Ma Shou - in addition to various expenses for the promotional video, Kuaiguang Group also plans to make other investments in the county!

He didn’t say what it was specifically, but he was obviously waiting for Ma Shou to introduce it.

I hope Mr. Yang can invest more...

However, what Ma Shou didn't know was that Mr. Yang just wanted to spend the charity money in the system quickly, and it didn't matter whether there was a commercial return.

Yang Ruoqian even planned to use the excuse of charity to see if he could spend some money from the company's account.

The system stipulates that funds other than charity funds cannot be used for investment outside the entertainment industry, but Yang Ruoqian can build something like a movie theater.

"Okay, let's get down to business." Ma Shou calmed down and said, "I'll show you the map first."

Soon, a large map with detailed markings on the locations of various buildings in the county was taken out.

Judging from the old appearance of the map and the various notes on it, Ma Shou obviously used it frequently.

"This place is home to many retired elderly people in the city. You can consider building a leisure and sports square here. After all the equipment is complete, the flow of people will basically concentrate here... Then you can put some health products here. Advertising, the effect should be good.”

"Of course, health products must be legal."

Yang Ruoqian nodded slightly and signaled Ma Shou to continue the introduction.

Seeing Yang Ruoqian's attitude, Ma Shou understood that he didn't like this place, so he didn't bother with it too much, so he changed the place and pointed to the center of the county.

"You can invest in a comprehensive shopping mall here. There is a primary school and a middle school nearby. Most residents in the city also live nearby. Transportation is relatively convenient."

"There is currently no large-scale comprehensive shopping mall in the county. If you invest in it, it will be the first one... It doesn't have to be as luxurious as in big cities, and it doesn't need to introduce so many high-end brands. It doesn't need to be so big. It just has basic functions. It’s as good as the price-performance ratio is.”

Yang Ruoqian glanced at the map briefly and nodded perfunctorily: "It looks pretty good."

Ma Shou was not discouraged: "If you are not satisfied, you can take a look here..."

"And this..."


In order to keep this investment, Ma Shou made full preparations. As long as one of the five places he envisioned was chosen by Yang Ruoqian, it would be considered a great success!

However, after talking about the first four items, Yang Ruoqian still nodded perfunctorily and gave a few casual compliments as before, but no look of satisfaction could be seen on his face.

Ma Shou, who had already introduced the last project, felt a little heavy.

Sure enough, no matter how boastful he was, he couldn't hide it from Yang Ruoqian, who had sufficient business experience.

Although these investments are not large, upon careful analysis, the prospects are indeed not very good.

Could it be that Mr. Yang doesn't like anyone...

While feeling anxious, Ma Shou finished introducing the last place, swallowed a sip of warm tea, and looked at Yang Ruoqian with his peripheral vision, hoping to see a look of "satisfaction" with the last place from his expression.

But the miracle didn't happen.

Ma Shou sighed inwardly, he still couldn't force this kind of thing.

If I am not strong enough and the environment is not good, even if the opportunity comes to me, I will not be able to grasp it.

Ma Shou was heartbroken and said directly: "In other words, Mr. Yang, if you have any other ideas, just mention them. As long as we can satisfy them, we will do our best to satisfy them!"

As long as Yang Ruoqian is willing to invest, even if there is no investment environment, an investment environment must be created!

Just as Ma Shou was waiting for Yang Ruoqian to speak, he heard this young and handsome man ask in a strange tone:

"Director Ma, is there anything else? If I invest fully in this project, it won't cost much? Is there anything else?"

This kind of shopping mall in the county town is completely different from the one like Qianda Plaza in big cities, and the cost is not at the same level.

How much can it cost to buy some sports equipment and engage in soft entertainment industry in a park?

Not to mention other places, the total budget was less than one-third of Mr. Yang's expectation.

Not to mention the funds in the company's account, even the funds in the charity account can't be spent all!

Ma Shou didn't react for a moment and asked blankly: "No, anything else?"

"Yes, for example, the shopping mall you mentioned can be bigger, and I can put a movie theater on the top floor."

"And here..."

"Why is that area on the map so empty? I think it has great investment value."

"Director Ma, you don't have to keep telling me about return on investment. We should also pay more attention to the lives of children and the elderly, and enrich their leisure time. I have a lot of cultural and entertainment ideas here, which I will show you later. one look."

"And here, here, here!"

Ma Shou was a little confused when he saw the big boss's excited dots on the map.

It turns out that Mr. Yang thought that the five projects just now were too few, and that the package investment was not enough?

In a blink of an eye, Yang Ruoqian circled several places on the map.

Ma Shou quickly stopped him and said, "Mr. Yang, the environment in this place is not good and it is not suitable for this."

"There is a garbage dump near here, you should be careful..."

"The infrastructure in the area you circled is not in place and transportation is very troublesome."

"here and there……"

"Mr. Yang, please stop, don't vote so much, I'm scared!"

(Today’s plot is more coherent. The supplement and update are combined together. The number of words is the same. I will split it up and update it tomorrow~)

So far, 1 update has been returned, and there are still 5 updates to go~ (End of this chapter)

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