Yang Ruoqian looked at Ma Shou, who hurriedly stopped him from continuing, and felt a little strange: "What's wrong? Didn't you ask me to come over to make investments?"

In Mr. Yang’s eyes, this map is not a map, but a guide for using a banknote shredder!

He hadn't even said he was happy yet, so why was he told to stop?

Ma Shou quickly waved his hand: "Mr. Yang, I asked you to invest, not to lose money... I admit that the objective environment in our county is not as good as that in big cities. I admit this. If you continue to spend money like this, we will This small place cannot provide such a big market, what if you lose money?"

Of course Ma Shou wants to attract investment, but if even a big boss like Yang Ruoqian fails in their small county, wouldn't it be more difficult to raise funds in the future?

Now the county has only been unable to find investment for five or six years. If the Kuaiguang Group's undefeated golden status is shattered here, the bad impact may last for more than 10 years!

Ma Shou would definitely not do this kind of thing like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Yang Ruoqian flew all the way here to make a movie and hire the county engineering team, to stimulate the economy and stimulate employment, and is willing to spend money to invest locally. Ma Shou cannot do anything to kill others. Behavior.

In terms of emotion and reason, in public and private matters, Ma Shou had to stop Yang Ruoqian's irrational behavior.

He originally thought that the unmoved expression on Yang Ruoqian's face was because he didn't like what he said, but now it seemed that he disliked him for saying too little and felt that the total investment was not large enough.

Just like a customer coming into the store to pick something, the salesman Ma Shou kept introducing the most popular items in the store. As a result, the customer became impatient after listening for a long time and directly said, "Except for this and that, everything else is packed with bags." Go" the same.

It sounds very bold and refreshing, but it always gives people a very scary feeling.

It's like someone is having diarrhea!

The diarrhea-style investment of Kuaiguang Group can sometimes be really scary.

Yang Ruoqian suddenly realized after hearing this: "So Director Ma is worried about this problem... Are you worried that the failure of our project will affect your investment promotion?"

Ma Shou: "?"

No, that's not what he meant! At least not entirely!

Yang Ruoqian ignored Ma Shou's expression and waved his hand: "If you are worried about this problem, Director Ma, you can rest assured that I used the amount in the company's charity account for this investment, and I will also claim to the outside world that Kuaiguang Group is investing in you." The aid and charity projects we carry out, it doesn’t matter whether we lose money or not.”

"You can boldly introduce what you need instead of helping me think about whether I can make money. Whether I can make money or not is my business. You can just tell me what investment you need without thinking too much."

Ma Shou was moved when he heard this: "Mr. Yang, you are really... I feel a little ashamed of what you said."

People of their generation are not afraid of hard work, but help like this is unpaid and does not seek rewards, which makes people very embarrassed.

It's just that this investment is related to the interests of the entire county, and Ma Shou cannot shirk it because of his personal feelings.

Now that Yang Ruoqian said so, he definitely couldn't be polite anymore.

Yang Ruoqian saw that Ma Shou had fallen into a money trap and was unable to extricate himself. He nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then you can add our investment team's work WeChat account and contact them if there is any new progress."

As part of this investment team, Qi Mu serves as the organizational coordinator, and other unnamed employees serve as traders.

Yang Ruoqian took away the key personnel of the company, especially Shao Yiqi, for this reason.

If you let low-level investment traders take charge of these projects, you will lose more money.

Ma Shou nodded: "Okay, Mr. Yang, you really took the trouble. If you need any help from us, we will follow up as quickly as possible! Do you need us to arrange dinner today?"

Ma Shou has also heard of the consumption standard of Kuaiguang Group. This kind of entertainment must exceed the standard, so he planned to pay for this dinner out of his own pocket.

Yang Ruoqian waved his hand: "No need to trouble Director Ma, but our company is having a dinner party tonight. Do you want to come over?"

Just kidding, it has always been the case that Kuai Guang Group treats guests to dinner, how can there be any reason for others to treat them to dinner?

Still want to invite the Kuaiguang Group to dinner?

There is no such good thing in the world.

Ma Shou quickly shook his head: "Mr. Yang, this is not good. The impact is not good."

The two of them had just negotiated a project that was obviously very exaggerated, and then went to have a big meal at the Kuaiguang Group's restaurant that night. They felt a chill behind their backs.

"Okay." Yang Ruoqian also understood what Ma Shou meant and didn't say much, "Then let's go first. Director Ma, take care of yourself."

After saying that, Yang Ruoqian stood up and left the reception room.

Yang Ruoqian and Ma Shou don't pay much attention to various table etiquette and culture - as long as they can negotiate things, those vain things don't matter at all.

On the contrary, Yang Ruoqian hates the red tape of guessing each other.

Talking about things is the main cultural core of Kuaiguang Group.

After chatting about the whole thing, there were no unnecessary politeness, no push for me, no gifts and treats, and it seemed very comfortable.

After Yang Ruoqian left the guest room, he quickly left the guest house and came to the only star-rated hotel in the county.

The environment here is naturally relatively poor compared to hotels in big cities, but looking around, it is already the best environment.

Ma Shou even told the hotel managers to give the bosses of Kuaiguang Group the best treatment.

After a day's rest, the convoy drove out of the county.

Half an hour later, they followed a winding path to a building hidden in a trough in the woods.

From the outside, it looks like a large complex surrounded by high walls, with surveillance cameras and security personnel inside to ensure control and secrecy. There is a simple security checkpoint at the gate, which seems to be heavily guarded. If we had not known in advance that this was a film set and had not seen the staff walking around in the building, we would not even be able to tell whether it was a real fraud park. .

Shang Qianyu lay on the car window, looking at the "fraud park" that was restored almost one to one, and let out a long exclamation: "Wow, this park looks like a small fortress."

The exterior design of the park is simple, and they are all the most standard infrared wall concrete building structures. However, from the layout point of view, the living and working areas composed of multiple buildings are clearly arranged to accommodate as many people as possible in the smallest possible space. Designed.

The accommodation area not far away is a building wrapped in glass that looks very cheap and very fragile.

From a distance, you can see that the accommodation area may consist of compact dormitories packed with double-decker bunks.

After sighing, she turned around and asked curiously: "Boss, what role did I play in the promotional video?"

In order to prevent the script from being accidentally leaked, and to find excuses to slow down the progress of the promotional video shooting and reduce efficiency and increase costs, Yang Ruoqian issued an order that the actors could not read the script before arriving on the set.

So Shang Qianyu naturally didn't know what role he wanted to play.

Mr. Yang, the co-pilot, said casually while playing with his mobile phone: "Do you even need to ask? You can only play the role of a stupid kid who was deceived."

In order to make the daily work and life of the crew more convenient, Yang Ruoqian also specially built a communication base station antenna for the park, so that the crew can connect to the Internet anytime and anywhere.

Shang Qianyu had no objection to this identity. She nodded: "Okay...but boss, I have never been defrauded. How can I act like one? Isn't it too late to practice my acting skills on the spot now?"

Chang Zhiqing, who was sitting on the other side, couldn't stand listening any longer. She complained: "Xiao Shang, you don't need to practice, just act as you are. Just do what you usually do when acting. Make sure you are expressive."

Shang Qianyu said "Ah": "Is this really enough?"

"Okay." Chang Zhiqing forced herself to hold back her laughter and nodded seriously, "You are suitable for playing the role of a girl who is tricked into working illegally in the park."

Oh, silly boy!

Soon, the convoy entered the park.

In the park, there were not only security guards, but also various staff members, and several people, both men and women, who were emaciated and even obviously injured.

Shang Qianyu drew back his neck and lowered his voice: "Boss, boss lady, are those people also the extras you invited?"

There can't be only the starring actors brought by their crew in the fraud park. Only with all kinds of extras in place can the scene be more vivid and real.

Of course... for the quality and technicality of the promotional video, other logistics staff can be recruited from the county to boost local employment and economy, but this cannot be done for group performances.

After all, the nature of the anti-fraud promotional film and "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" are different... It would be more realistic for the audience of the football match to find some college students with no acting skills to play the roles.

However, in an anti-fraud promotional film, it would be very dramatic if some extra actors with no acting skills were used to play the role of fraudsters or people being defrauded.

Yang Ruoqian shook his head: "The extras will not come over for another day or two. During this time, your crew can get familiar with the environment and read the script... These people were specially invited by me to really arrive. Special guests who have experienced 'suffering' in the park over there."

Shang Qianyu nodded suddenly: "I understand, boss."

After parking the car, the crew moved their personal belongings to the dormitory building.

The top floor of the dormitory building in the park is a dormitory specially provided for the crew. The room environment is comparable to a five-star executive suite.

In addition to security guards, other staff and extras will be sent back to the county by special car after the day's work and stay in hotels in the county.

After packing up, the staff and special guests were waiting downstairs.

After all, stars only appear in the news and in stories. No matter how good their acting skills are, they have no idea what they will face and what they will do when faced with a crisis.

The whole process must be restored to its original form by those who have experienced it, so that the actors can know how to act.

Those like them who come back in one piece are already considered good.

Many people can only come back piece by piece...

In fact, many of those who have been defrauded are not unaware of fraud. It is impossible to find such a high-paying job in China. The employment environment is worse and the economic development is worse. What good job opportunities are there?

However, many companies use the excuse of group building to travel abroad to defraud people when they are in transit. This is the most difficult to guard against.

"This script is very professional." Yang Ruoqian looked at the script and nodded, "As expected, it was written by a team of professional screenwriters who have experienced it... I am very interested in it."

“It’s called ‘All or Nothing’, which is pretty good.”

In terms of movie casting, Yang Ruoqian is quite particular. The role of the villain "Manager Lu" was played by Zhang Weilai despite his repeated instructions.

"The Richest Man in Jinhai City" was released and became a hit. Coupled with his excellent and funny performance in variety shows, Zhang Wei's popularity in the entertainment industry has increased sharply.

But there are also some bad signs - many viewers have already developed inherent labels for Zhang Wei such as "funny" and "comedian".

If he does not dilute these stereotypes and labels with another work as soon as possible, his path will become narrower and narrower in the future, and he will be completely trapped in one image and unable to struggle out.

It is even possible that the audience only remembers the name of the character played by Zhang Wei, but not the person Zhang Wei.

The leader of a fraud gang, if played well, can effectively break this label.

But these are all operational ideas, and Yang Ruoqian is not interested in them - as long as he can tie his own artists to this unprofitable promotional video.

Shang Qianyu looked at the script in his hand and asked in a low voice: "Boss, are you also living here during this time?"

Yang Ruoqian nodded twice: "I'll stay here for a few days, and when the extras come over, I'll leave after explaining everything... There are still some things to deal with in the company."

The system gave a very general and abstract task this time, saying it was going to give the entertainment industry a big surprise?

So what can be called a surprise?

Yang Ruoqian has no clue yet.

Moreover, the end of the year is approaching, and preparations for the annual money-distribution conference, which is the annual reserved project of Kuaiguang Group, will begin.

As a company owner rather than a director, Yang Ruoqian's presence on the crew actually did not play a critical role in the filming progress.

"Okay... I just feel like it's eerie and scary here." Shang Qianyu shuddered, "Isn't it really dangerous?"

"What danger could there be?" Yang Ruoqian smiled, "This is a one-to-one replica of the real fraud park, and the security force is also very strong."

While the two were chatting, Yang Ruoqian's cell phone suddenly rang.

He waved his hand and asked Shang Qianyu to go aside and play by himself, then looked at his phone.

Qi Mu: "Mr. Yang, team leader Song Qianhe, who is working with us on the anti-fraud promotional film, said that he will take people to visit our studio. He will probably arrive tomorrow. I will inform you here."

(There will be another chapter later, around 23:50, or maybe later. If you don’t want to wait, you can read it tomorrow morning~) (End of this chapter)

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