The day passed quickly, Yang Ruoqian yawned and walked out of his room.

"How did you feel last night?" Yang Ruoqian looked at the dense woods around him and asked Chang Zhiqing with a smile, "How did it feel to spend the night in the fraud park?"

Chang Zhiqing tied up her hair and replied: "Fortunately, after all, we all know in our hearts that this is just a one-to-one restoration, and there is still a sense of security... But you, the official people came to 'inspect' today, you are nervous not nervous?"

Soon, Song Qianhe should be able to arrive on the set.

Mr. Yang, who was still thinking about how to handle the whole job, was slightly interrupted.

But when I thought about it again, this was quite normal.

After all, it was the officials in Jinhai City who were connecting with the group, and he had to come over to see the progress of the Kuoguang Group's work.

Yang Ruoqian shook his head: "There's nothing to be nervous about. Aren't we doing a good enough job?"

Moreover, Yang Ruoqian secretly hoped that Song Qianhe would find faults and find faults.

This way he can continue to add budget to the promotional video!

Not far away, Song Qianhe and his colleagues were riding in a special car and driving towards the movie set according to the map navigation guide.

Suddenly, one of them asked: "Do you think there will be any problems if an entertainment company makes this kind of promotional video?"

Song Qianhe looked at the map and the road, and responded casually: "Kuiguang Group is one of the faces of our Jinhai City and even our entire province. What can go wrong?"

This is actually not an exaggeration.

Kuaiguang Group has not only solved a large number of employment problems and helped stabilize prices, but its enthusiasm in paying taxes is eye-opening.

Generally speaking, as long as it is a company, it will find ways to reduce its tax burden as much as possible through legal financial and tax planning without violating laws and regulations.

Whether they take advantage of various tax preferential policies, choose investment and transaction structures with lower tax burdens, or take advantage of international tax treaties, companies all hope to pay less tax so that they can make more profits.

It's legal anyway, and it's not tax evasion anyway. If it's legal, why not pay less tax?

However, Kuaiguang Group's approach is a bit eye-opening.

They don't do any of this at all and just pay as much as they should. There are even rumors that Kuangguang Group is studying how to prepare financial reports so that it can pay more taxes.

It is simply a model enterprise in Gimhae City!

If it weren't for Yang Ruoqian's repeated evasion, they would have wanted to invite him to some important conferences and praise him severely.

Such a company and such a boss will naturally favor most people - except for peers.

"Hey, that's not the problem I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is, do they know about telecom fraud and the environment inside the park? What if the filming is too unreal?"

Song Qianhe glanced at the map, then looked at the lower road, and continued: "You... don't always do everything with the same mindset as we are performing tasks."

Because the signal here is not good and the positioning is sometimes ineffective, Song Qianhe has to keep an eye on the road at all times to avoid taking the wrong turn or driving directly into a ditch.

If an accident occurs in this place, you will have to wait for half a day just to wait for rescue.

After confirming that the direction was correct, Song Qianhe slowly said: "Think about it, what is the purpose of asking them to make this promotional video?"

"We always send text messages and call to persuade, but the effect is not very good. There are also some stubborn old people who even risk their lives to give money to the scammers." The policeman sighed and replied, "We A more effective publicity method is needed to prevent fewer people from being deceived by fraud gangs."

Whether it is being deceived into the park or defrauded of money.

"That's not right." Song Qianhe reminded, "Our purpose is to publicize the harm. It doesn't matter whether the propaganda content is so perfect and consistent with the real situation, as long as it can make people intuitively aware of the harm of fraud."

"Maybe Yang Ruoqian and his director don't know much about scammers, but they definitely know how to create a scary atmosphere; the actors may not know how to play a scammer, but they definitely know how to play a bad guy."

“Isn’t it enough to convey the image that the fraud park is scary and the fraudsters are evil?”

"That seems to be true." The policeman smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Those of us who have seen criminal dens with our own eyes may be a little bit surprised."

"What are you looking at? You won't be deceived by scammers..."


A few people chatted and finally followed the dirt road to the location marked on the map.

The car drove forward for a while. It was not very obvious, but at first glance, the fraud park that made people's hair stand on end suddenly became clear.

"I'll go! This is, is this the studio of Kuangguang Group?" Song Qianhe, who had been staring out the window, suddenly shouted, "Why does it feel familiar?!"

"It must look familiar. Have you forgotten the information we provided him? He basically restored the fraud park in our information, right?"

"How much does the Kuaiguang Group have to spend to carry out this kind of project in such a remote place? This promotional video cannot make a profit. It makes me feel a little embarrassed for them to do this."

"Who remembers that at first we just wanted them to shoot a seven or eight-minute promotional video?"

While talking, several people carefully drove the car into the set.

They felt relieved when they saw that the people working there were indeed film makers and not fraudsters.

"How many of them are here?" The receptionist saw Song Qianhe getting off the car and immediately went to greet him, "Would you like something to eat, a drink of water and a rest?"

Song Qianhe, who came with a mission, quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, we're just here to take a look."

The inspection team, which was originally worried about whether the crew was professional or unprofessional, was unstoppably shocked.

Whether it's from the outside or the current scene inside, it basically completely restores the fraud park in their impression.

Even the depreciation and decoration of the walls are done very well, and it is completely impossible to tell that this building was built just over two months ago.

This is Kuangguang Group, this is striving for excellence!

Song Qianhe, who was originally prepared to see a lot of unprofessional and unreasonable scenes, raised his evaluation of Kuaiguang Group by three points.

"Where is Mr. Yang?" Song Qianhe asked while nodding slightly.

The employee in charge of the reception immediately said: "Mr. Yang is still up there, come down immediately."

"It's okay, I'm just asking, don't be in a hurry." Song Qianhe raised his hand and gestured towards the special guests of the crew, and asked curiously, "Are these people also acting in groups? It feels like they have been talking, but they have not acted. ah."

The receptionist naturally knew everything about the situation on the set, and he immediately replied: "They are not actors, they are special guests specially invited by Mr. Yang. They all have the experience of living in the fraud park."

Song Qianhe was shocked: "Have you ever experienced living in a fraud park?! Did Mr. Yang even invite these people over?"

"Yes." The introducer laughed, "Mr. Yang attaches great importance to promotional videos and strives to make them perfect, so he invited people who have experienced them to make the performances more realistic."

"It's amazing, it's amazing... It costs a lot of money, right? It won't affect your company's cash flow, right?"

Watching it all the way, Song Qianhe's original impression of, "It doesn't matter if this promotional video is a bit outrageous, as long as it can be well publicized" has been mostly eliminated.

Looking at it now, apart from anything else, this promotional video is absolutely full of professionalism!

Coupled with the publicity of Kuaiguang Group, the fan effect of various celebrities, and the well-known film shooting level of Kuaiguang Group...

Professional, so professional!

Song Qianhe was even looking forward to what the final product would look like.

"Officer Song, don't worry." Yang Ruoqian's voice came from behind, "This is what we should do. It doesn't matter whether it's money or not."

Song Qianhe turned his head, feeling a little moved in his heart.

As an official, he has seen too many people who often say "money is not important". Maybe this is the first time he has seen such a sincere person like Yang Ruoqian.

From the beginning to the end, Kuaiguang Group has been asking the officials to make as many demands as possible and to solve problems as much as possible. Even some resource rations were politely declined.

And when they came here, they also heard that Kuaiguang Group helped the local area build a lot of infrastructure almost regardless of cost, and even built a small comprehensive shopping mall with a movie theater.

It’s just charity!

"If there's anything we can do to help, we must say it." Song Qianhe and Yang Ruoqian shook hands vigorously.

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while and said, "There is really something wrong."

Song Qianhe, who was finally able to do something for others, breathed a sigh of relief: "You say it, you say it."

"We still have insufficient information... that is, information about the image of the fraud leader." Yang Ruoqian said, "I hope you can provide our crew with some relevant video information so that we can see what the real fraud leader looks like. , so that our actors can better play this kind of role."

"No problem, it's a trivial matter." Song Qianhe agreed after hearing this, "But these video materials contain a lot of... well, relatively bloody scenes. Your crew must keep it confidential after getting it. This stuff cannot be circulated to the outside world. "

"I definitely know about this, don't worry."

After saying that, Song Qianhe immediately found a room, contacted and coordinated with his superiors, and waved his work phone towards Yang Ruoqian.

"It's all in here, how can I pass it on to you?"

Yang Ruoqian pointed to the director outside: "Send it directly to the director and let him analyze it."


After finishing his busy work, Song Qianhe walked around the studio several times, taking photos here and there with his mobile phone. He took photos of almost every place in the park, including dormitories and gambling venues.

After taking the photos and sending the photos to his superiors to complete the task, Song Qianhe sighed again: "If we didn't know Mr. Yang very well, we would have doubted whether you were really filming... No offense, I want to say What’s amazing is that this is so similar.”

When he just took the photo, he also specially checked every detail of the rooms inside the building. It can be said that they are exactly the same.

Especially the Buddha statue is 100% authentic imported directly from the local area.

After the work was completed, Song Qianhe and his colleagues went downstairs and got in the car, and greeted Yang Ruoqian: "Then we will not affect Mr. Yang's shooting work. We look forward to more cooperation in the future!"

Yang Ruoqian also waved his hand: "Won't you stay for a meal?"

"You don't have to be so polite." Song Qianhe laughed, "If there is a chance in the future, I will personally treat Mr. Yang to a meal."

After saying that, the car started and drove away from the park.

They still have a lot of work to do. After the inspection, they have to hand it over to the local officials. After the handover, they have to fly back to Gimhae City overnight.

Just have some sandwiches or burgers in the car for lunch to deal with it.

More than ten minutes later, a person suddenly broke the silence in the car.

"You think, isn't it a little bad that we just let Kuaiguang Group work for nothing? It might cost hundreds of millions to shoot such a promotional video."

"Didn't we say before that we should give them funds, because others don't want them?"

"Come on, let's not use the little money we have to put money on ourselves. Mr. Yang shouldn't be doing it to save face."

"I think we should report it to our leaders. Kuaiguang Group is the leader of our local area. If we take advantage of others, if others get angry and transfer their industry overseas, wouldn't it be our local people who are harmed?"

"Yes, how about letting this promotional video be released in theaters in the form of a movie? The box office revenue can also boost our economy."

"I heard that Kuaiguang Group has recently begun to set up company branches in other cities. We have to find a way to make them stay, right? Let them make money through promotional videos, knowing that there are many things in Jinhai City that can be invested."

"But if the promotional video is charged, will it affect the publicity?"

"Only the 2-hour long version is charged for theaters. Didn't we ask Kuaiguang Group to make two versions before, one long and one short? Can't the short version be distributed for free?"

"It makes sense!"

"Then let's do it. After the matter is completed, we will tell Yang Ruoqian the good news. Let him know that he is not doing this alone, and we will not let our conscientious entrepreneurs bleed!"



The plan took shape in the minds of several people. After completing the local docking work, they took a plane to Jinhai City.

After returning to the unit, they immediately submitted their ideas to their superiors.

Soon, the superiors also gave their approval.


Without affecting the quality, the 2-hour long version of the promotional video can be changed into a movie and released in theaters.

As for the shorter free version, the quality must also pass, at least it must be good-looking, highly promotional, and have sufficient information.

Of course, in order to prevent Yang Ruoqian and the decision-makers of Kuaiguang Group from making some weird decisions because of this good news, they decided to suppress the news for the time being and wait until the promotional video was almost finished before telling Yang Ruoqian.

Give them a big surprise.

After receiving the exact answer, Song Qianhe smiled and said to his colleagues: "When Mr. Yang heard the good news later, he must have been so happy that he couldn't sleep, right?" (End of Chapter)

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