I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 386 The road ahead is clear and clear!

The moved officials returned to Jinhae City and decided to reduce the intensity of local enterprises and give Yang Ruoqian, the perfect taxpayer, a surprise.

Mr. Yang, who was still far away in the small mountain village, had no idea about this. He was still patrolling the set to ensure that the company's young people would not cause him any trouble.

Seeing that everyone was preparing the promotional video conscientiously, Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction: "This time the situation is very good. I have captured all the talents within the company, and I have restrained all external allies to the point where they can't move. Even the enemies of the company are here." Pengcheng is in dire straits."

It can be said that whether they are friends or enemies, Yang Ruoqian arrested them without distinction and tied them tightly. There can't be any surprises, right?

He was racking his brains now and couldn't think of where else the accident could occur.

As long as there are no force majeure factors, things like promotional videos that have been cut off from income from the beginning will not be able to bring profits on paper.

This is the most basic logic.

There can't be a weird event like gold suddenly falling from the sky, right?

Although he is no longer obsessed with losing money, Yang Ruoqian is a successful person after all, and he still has the most basic confidence in himself: "This time, I will win, and the company's future will be smooth!"

Today, all the extras are in place and making preparations on site.

Coming all the way to film in a place like this would not be a good experience for most people, but there is a prerequisite for this - except for those from the Kuaiguang Group.

When they saw the notice for recruiting extras with the four characters "Kuoguang Group" written on it, all the extras didn't even think about it. They didn't even check the requirements or the location. They just signed up first!

If you are a few seconds late in registering because of reading these things, and you are ultimately unsuccessful, you will really suffer a big loss!

Seeing that the filming location was on the southern border, or even in a small county very close to the border, the extras didn't think it was a big deal.

It’s not like they have not experienced difficult circumstances as group performers.

Sometimes when shooting some war movies, you even need to roll around in the mud. If you are not careful during the fight, you may even get injured.

No matter how bad the environment is at Kuaiguang Group, how much worse can it be?

Moreover, if you are attracted by the director because of your good acting skills or other factors, and officially join the Kuaiguang Group, and get on this big ship, you will be leaping over the dragon's gate.

Every time a movie is made, one or two lucky extras will be selected. If it's your turn, what does it matter if you suffer a little?

After getting the opportunity, the extras arrived in the county. As expected, all the members were arranged in the best hotel in the county.

The hotel, which originally had very little business and often relied on subsidies to survive, suddenly became crowded.

The hotel owner finally knows why everyone on the Internet has such a good reputation for Kuaiguang Group.

That sentence really comes true, as long as the Kuaiguang Group has been there, just sit back and wait to enjoy the blessings.

Before, he was a little surprised as to why the Kuaiguang Group could hire so many navy troops.

It turns out that these are not trolls at all, but people with vested interests like him!

Now the hotel owner has become a die-hard fan of Kuaiguang Group. He will be the first to disagree with anyone who dares to say something bad about Kuaiguang Group online!

The extras ate, drank, slept well, and arrived at the park by car.

"Is that Mr. Yang? He actually came to a place like this in person... Does he pay so much attention to the promotional video?"

"This kind of promotional video must be in cooperation with the authorities."

"That's not Shang Qianyu, it looks better than on TV..."

"I wonder if the crew will choose people from among the extras this time? This is my second time joining the crew of Kuaiguang Group."

"Who knows, this time we are shooting a promotional video, maybe it will be different from the previous movies."

"It doesn't matter if it's a promotional video or not, the crew is still the same people. As long as they perform well enough, they will definitely be cast."

"Mr. Yang seems to be here..."

While the extras were chatting, Yang Ruoqian came over and took a look at the extras, who were all dressed simply but still neatly.

You have to find an excuse to give them a raise.

After thinking about it, Yang Ruoqian said: "Everyone is dressed very professionally, which is in line with the background of the fraud park... It is definitely not possible for such a professional team to be paid according to normal standards. In this case, I make the decision and add 100 every day."

"Also, since everyone has traveled so far to such a remote place and is tired from the journey, I think there will be an additional 100 yuan harsh environment fee."

"Okay, everyone still has work to do, so I won't waste your time."

After saying that, Yang Ruoqian, Chang Zhiqing and Cheng Fei got into the car and quickly left the set.

They have been here for a long time, and they know almost everything they need to know, and it is time to return to the company.

Although Mr. Yang attaches great importance to this promotional video, Kuaiguang Group has more than one promotional video.

The same goes for Cheng Fei. There are still many things to deal with within Cheng Yu Media. She, a big boss, cannot always be on the set.

Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with being able to drag this ally in this inhospitable place for so long.

After flying back to Jinhai City, Yang Ruoqian took a day off and returned to the president's office.

After finishing the promotional video, Mr. Yang even felt that the office was brighter than usual.

"But such a promotional video, even if it is not included in the details, it will be difficult to balance the accounts of other profits... It will have to be bigger."

As it happens, the system has a task.

As long as it's a big job, that's fine.

After thinking for a while, Yang Ruoqian turned on the computer and searched for entertainment-related items on various websites.

"Concert? It just so happens that the company doesn't have its own venue yet, so we can buy one... But can a few concerts be counted as mission completion by the system? It feels like the venue is not big enough."

"Make another movie? But movies are not considered large-scale events. Even if the movie is a big hit, it is only a matter for the consumer and theaters. It has little to do with our company, so it should not be counted as a task. Finish."

"Build a cruise carnival? But how much does a luxury cruise ship cost? It's estimated to be tens of billions. We can't afford it now..."

Projects like cruise ships can be pursued in the future - the payback cycle is so long, it is impossible for the company to recover the cost of a cruise ship in just one quarter, right?

While Yang Ruoqian was constantly searching for inspiration, there was a sudden knock on the office door, and the voice of the secretary whom she had not contacted for a few days came: "Mr. Yang, good morning, I have some things that I need you to handle. Are you free?"

In the past few days, I haven't accumulated much business in the company, but there is still something.

"Come in." Mr. Yang closed the web page, not finding a clue yet. "I just have a few questions."

Qi Mu can help coordinate so many departments and so many things, and he is very familiar with various fields.

She can basically answer general questions.

"Mr. Yang." Qi Mu walked into the office and nodded lightly.

"You report to work first." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "I've been out for a few days and there's nothing wrong with it, right?"

"Everything is going well in the company." Qi Mu said with a slight smile, "The construction of the Pengcheng company branch is going very smoothly. Yuefu Group is busy handling the lawsuit with us and has done nothing. We should be able to develop steadily during this period. "

Yuefu Group...has no action now?

What about resistance?

Give me some resistance!

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while, and suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing for the Yuefu Group to remain silent like this - judging from past experience, this strange and funny opponent would be thankful not to be a hindrance, but also a help.

Now he is worried that one day the Yuefu Group will suddenly have a seizure and suddenly give him a big gift package.

"Then let's develop it." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "How is the lawsuit? How is the company's legal department preparing?"

In fact, Yang Ruoqian didn't have too many expectations for the lawsuit - the evidence that the system could provide as a reward must be irrefutable evidence that could not be faulted no matter how hard it was.

Moreover, in order to defeat Yuefu Group last time, the legal department of Kuaiguang Group expanded its recruitment. Now it is a gathering of talents, and its top level is no worse than any domestic legal team.

The most important thing is that after the last time it gained a reputation, Kuangguang Group has never encountered any decent lawsuits. The legal team either handles some trivial disputes or helps the company handle daily contract document analysis.

Now I am basically in a state of sharpening my knives.

As soon as they heard that Yue Fu, their former subordinate, was here again, and the situation was the same as last time, and Mr. Yang had already put the evidence in their faces, these lawyers went into a complete revelry.

Fighting this lawsuit not only hurts his own value in the legal profession, but also helps Mr. Yang hurt the Yuefu Group's face.

The old people in the entertainment industry should have been swept into the garbage dump to make way for Mr. Yang.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to lose this lawsuit. The suspense is how much the Yuefu Group will pay.

When Qi Mu heard this question, his face looked a little strange and said: "Mr. Yang, they, uh... they have been agitated recently and even asked to work overtime, but I rejected your request. But the lawsuit is about to go to court recently. , are you really not going to let them work overtime?”

Just reject it!

Yang Ruoqian couldn't let Yuefu Group win the lawsuit, but he didn't want to get too much compensation.

Just slap him in the face, forget about making money.

We have just analyzed that winning the lawsuit is not a problem... so why do we need to work overtime!

"Okay, we must keep an eye on them." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "The more critical the situation, the less anxious it is. Overtime applications will not be approved."

Qi Mu nodded and continued to report on the next work: "Okay, Mr. Yang. The branch in Capital City is now under construction in an orderly manner. Over in Pengcheng... there seems to be a little bit of chaos since Xiao Cheng returned, but The overall situation is still stable and improving.”

"What's going on?" Yang Ruoqian asked.

"Yes." Qi Mu replied, "After he came over, he unabashedly poached the corners of Yuefu Group, whether it was employees who had been purged before or current employees, especially technical employees, he worked hard to poach them. "

Since he refused to get out of the elevator and jumped in the face of almost all the leaders of his old club, Xiao Cheng has completely stopped hiding his malice.

They even went so far as to recruit people openly and openly under the office building.

But overall, although the method of poaching people is relatively rough and difficult to describe, the effect is real.

The two companies have a strong overlap in business and job overlap, and even the market populations are very close.

After poaching people from Yuefu Group, it only takes a few days to briefly familiarize themselves with the environment, and they can adapt almost seamlessly. Even with the support of new leaders and high wages, work enthusiasm can be countless times stronger than before.

Qi Mu continued: "If the current trend continues, it is very likely that the Pengcheng branch will directly move the entire Yuefu Group here... It is basically equivalent to the same group of people, but the work unit has been changed."

"However, Yuefu Group will definitely take corresponding countermeasures, and such poaching may not necessarily be as smooth as it is now."

Yang Ruoqian: "..."

What the hell?

Just move the entire middle and lower levels of Yue Mansion here and just change the name?

You don’t even need to adjust it for commuting, just change the floor when you press the elevator button.

It will become the Yuefu branch directly, right?

No, Yang Ruoqian still had some memories of what happened before - the job he arranged for Xiao Cheng was to find some employees whose performance was not so good and who had been optimized by his old employer.

Why did it directly change to moving from Yuefu Group?

Yang Ruoqian was a little confused: "Xiao Cheng, who did he recruit? Did he just move them here without any screening at all?"

Qi Mu shook his head: "I took the time to analyze and found that Xiao Cheng does not recruit everyone. For example, he does not recruit administrative staff... He usually recruits some human resources and some skills, but his performance on paper is relatively small. Average staff.”

"After all, Yuefu Group is an old company. It operates the Internet and has deep connections with the entertainment industry. There are also many internal problems... It is normal for some employees to be unable to get ahead. The employment environment has not been very good recently, and they do not dare to resign."

"This group of employees is Xiao Cheng's key recruitment target."

Yang Ruoqian was completely speechless after listening to Qi Mu's analysis: "..."

Now he seemed to suddenly understand how Xiao Cheng understood his mission.

This guy thinks that Yang Ruoqian wants him to help poach those honest people from Yuefu Group who are hardworking and willing to work for the boss like charity? !

I don’t want an honest person!

Can you please stop misinterpreting my orders? My orders are just the orders on paper. Don’t create them at will!

You took over the Yuefu Group and took its essence and discarded its dross. How can I still lose money?

Yang Ruoqian roared in his heart and decided not to pay attention to Pengcheng's affairs recently.

"Okay, I understand, no need to say anything else." Mr. Yang sighed helplessly, "I have an idea recently, please see if you can give me some suggestions."

Qi Mu's pupils widened a lot when he heard this.


Mr. Yang actually asked himself for advice? !

Qi Mu was immediately flattered and waved his hands hurriedly: "Mr. Yang, I know everything I know. I don't dare to give my suggestions. If you have anything you want to ask, just ask me!"

(I’m very busy today, so I’ll start with this and continue to pay it back tomorrow! Between paying off the debt and dying suddenly, I can only choose one of them!) (End of this chapter)

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