I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 387 The theme of the theme park is abstraction (36)

Yang Ruoqian signaled to the secretary not to be nervous: "I discovered that Kuaiguang Group has recently made investments in all basic fields in the entertainment industry, including movies, TV series, variety shows, etc. I was thinking, what other fields have we not yet ventured into? Or is it something that no one has ever been involved in?”

After listening to Yang Ruoqian's question, Qi Mu nodded with some enlightenment.

It turns out that Yang always wants to try a field that he has not set foot in before, and wants to challenge himself... No, this kind of thing is definitely not a challenge to Mr. Yang.

It's just an ordinary expansion of the entertainment empire.

Kuai Guang Group's efforts in certain aspects of the entertainment industry are very beneficial, but there is still a way to go before it can truly form a long-lasting empire that can survive countless failures.

The current Kuaiguang Group can compete with the giants in the entertainment industry within two years, and even has a faint tendency to replace them. This is based on the fact that Kuaiguang Group is either on the way to success or on the road to success.

But in fact, the fault tolerance rate of Kuaiguang Group is still much worse than that of the other two giants.

Yuefu Group has experienced a whole year of failure in the film and television industry, public opinion attacks, and lawsuits, but it has still managed to maintain its position.

This is the embodiment of foundation.

If it were Kuaiguang Group, if it continued to struggle like this, it might only have half a breath left.

Now Mr. Yang is obviously aware of this matter and is thinking of ways to deepen the thickness of Kuaiguang Group.

Qi Mu briefly analyzed the boss's motives in his mind, and then nodded lightly: "Mr. Yang, what follows is my analysis based on the global international market. It may not be in line with our domestic market. You have the right to do so." Listen to the case.”

The secretary knows a lot, but she also knows that many successful experiences cannot be applied mechanically.

The simplest example is that many people have begun to try to copy the Kuaiguang Group's model, and the consequences are quite miserable.

Yang Ruoqian doesn't care about this kind of thing: "It's up to you, it's best to make the scene bigger."

Qi Mu changed his sitting posture slightly and said: "Mr. Yang, compared with IP incubation in foreign markets, the related industries in our domestic market are still very immature."

"Overseas entertainment companies, whether in the entertainment industry, games or other related fields, all have some well-known IPs in their hands."

"Only by mastering these IPs, spreading the popularity, and making the image deeply rooted in people's hearts, can we continue to deepen, solidify or fine-tune the impression of IPs in the public's mind through various film and television works or other things, and even think of you when we see something. Only through certain things in film and television works can the group finally truly enter the international stage and compete with international giants."

"The simplest example, as long as you think of a city with a very high crime rate, you will think of Gotham, and thus all the famous characters associated with it... This is the successful IP."

After saying these words, even a professional like a secretary felt a little uneasy.

After all, IP incubation is a challenge for everyone in the domestic market, and there are almost no very successful local cases to refer to.

I wonder if some of the international examples she cited are consistent with the current situation of Kuaiguang Group?

As expected, interest immediately appeared on Yang Ruoqian's face, and he asked: "Then do you think we are suitable for this? With the current situation of our company, is it suitable to start IP cultivation?"

Qi Mu thought about it carefully and shook his head uncertainly: "Mr. Yang, in my personal opinion, we definitely can't incubate that kind of top IP now... The emergence of this kind of IP is usually accompanied by the right time, right place and right people. And, although the subsequent commercial value is very high, the cost of operation and maintenance is also very high.”

If you want an IP to be deeply rooted in people's hearts, you need to repeatedly instill relevant concepts into the public.

Let IP become a meme and something that people can mention at any time in their daily lives.

It also needs to stir up some buzz online from time to time, otherwise it will soon be forgotten by the public.

The public relations costs are simply astronomical.

Yang Ruoqian continued to ask - this time he asked the question he was most concerned about: "Why not incubate top IP for the time being? What are the risks?"

Yang Ruoqian, who has made investments, understands a truth - the greater the return, the greater the risk.

If you want high risk, you must bear the pressure brought by high returns.

Many people think that Kuaiguang Group is pursuing high returns. In fact, they have reversed the cause and effect. Kuaiguang Group is pursuing high risks.

Qi Mu quickly replied: "Mr. Yang, because IP is not a physical asset, if the incubation fails, all profits will be cleared directly instead of being discounted... This is similar to how movies can get a little box office, and retailers can sell products at discounts to get them back. Part of the cash flow is completely different.”

"And all the departments built around this IP are likely to have nothing to do and face the dilemma of being laid off. To lay off employees, we will need to pay a large amount of compensation. This time, we can almost get nothing. To describe it.”

If there is no income, a large number of employees will face the situation of having nothing to do...

The more he listened, the more satisfied Yang Ruoqian became.

Isn't this the high risk he wants?

"Very good, then our goal for this quarter is to start IP incubation." Yang Ruoqian made the decision very quickly, "Please tell me carefully what preparations are needed, how much funds are needed, and how many employees need to be recruited."

Have you decided on such a big thing so quickly?

The company's efficiency is indeed very high with only one person making the decision... If it were the board of directors of another company, if the decision had not been made within a few months, this matter would definitely not be settled.

Qi Mu took a breath and introduced: "If you want to incubate IP, you need to start from many aspects and various groups of people... Because if someone has not been exposed to related things, it will have a very strong effect on those who try to spread this meme. The frustration caused them to lose the motivation to continue playing memes to a large extent.”

"At least, our project should cover the majority of people who use the Internet to communicate."

"So my suggestion is, first, look for a concept that can be easily promoted. It can be a virtual character or a virtual place. It is best not to have a threshold for understanding this concept. Even people who have never understood related things can still understand it. Understand this concept in one sentence.”

"Second, we need to comprehensively promote relevant concepts in all entertainment fields, and we cannot care about the cost in the early stage. For example, movies, TV series, comics, novels...etc., etc., must be as large as possible."

"Third, the company can also find a physical anchor for this concept in reality. Suppose, and I'm just saying hypothetical, you want to create a very powerful one with a global scope of influence, two-way approach, and a very strong international presence. An influential company may be able to add some elements of the Kuaiguang Group to the company."

"In this way, when everyone sees the industry-related content of Kuaiguang Group, similar content will unconsciously appear in their minds, indirectly solidifying the IP image."




After Qi Mu said everything he could say, he picked up the kettle and moistened his throat.

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "You mean, we still need to cultivate a group of novel authors and a group of cartoonists?"

Qi Mu quickly swallowed the water, nodded and affirmed: "Yes, Mr. Yang, after all, many people now pay less attention to film and television content, but more to text or picture content, so we need to pave the way in related aspects."

"Moreover, many film and television works now are written or comics first, and then adapted into film and television later. There will be many people who can't wait to see the plot, or viewers who like to compare films and television with the original works... We must consider this part The needs of the crowd.”

The more Miss Secretary talked about the project, the more excited Yang Ruoqian became. He nodded: "Very good, then do as you say and start related work immediately! By the way, we can't just recruit the top creators, those who Even low-level authors with a certain readership base need to be recruited.”

“Like you said, we want to cover the whole market!”

"Some works don't sell so well, not because of quality problems, but because of audience problems... Some subjects are destined to not have that many readers. If we only analyze by market area, does it mean that these readers deserve not to like them? See the work?”

Of course, these are just excuses.

Which cartoonists and authors, which ones have a large audience and which have a small audience, can just recruit them to death. Whether the royalties can be recovered is not within the scope of Mr. Yang's consideration at all.

Qi Mu made it clear: "Which IP do you plan to incubate first? Or do you have new ideas?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment and said: "I thought about it. Among our current works, the most suitable for incubating IP is probably "Black Robe Inspection Team". There are various ready-made superhero images in it, and it is also bound to our company. Artists, why not just take it out and use it."

Superhero theme...

When Qi Mu heard Yang Ruoqian's words, there was a hint of astonishment on his face.

Nowadays, superhero-themed movies are emerging one after another. Even if "The Black Robe" had the highest box office in the country at the time, this does not mean that "The Black Robe" will definitely be able to incubate a good IP.

In the global market, there are so many superhero IPs that can be described as flooding. The entire market has long since fallen into the red ocean, and you can imagine how difficult it is to squeeze in.

Moreover, this kind of IP bound to real artists is also likely to have a vicious event in which the IP collapses due to the artist.

It's even more expensive to maintain.

In fact, according to Qi Mu's idea, it is best to cultivate a large number of authors. As long as there is a hot hit suitable for IP adaptation among these authors, they will immediately take it down and make it into an avatar.

It is more difficult to spread a virtual image, and the benefits and impact will be smaller, but the advantage is that the cost and operability are within control.

If it were a superhero...

But Qi Mu knew that he was a secretary, and he also knew that his judgment and decision-making ability were not at the same level as Yang Ruoqian, so he was just surprised, not questioning.

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Qi Mu quickly wrote down important things in his notebook and asked, "Then how do you plan to run novels and comics?"

"Should we cooperate with other platforms, cooperate with authors who create on other platforms, or should the company simply create a platform that is responsible for the group's IP?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while and said, "The last option is to build our own creative platform dedicated to incubating the group's IP."

You only spend money to build a platform!

And what’s the point of working with others? You just have to compete and maximize the risks.

Apart from financial factors, Yang Ruoqian didn't want to waste time arguing with others over all kinds of weird things.

With his investment idea, it would be strange if his partners didn't question him. What if his money-losing idea is directly rejected?

The more decision-makers there are, the harder it is to micromanage.

Not all partners can be like Chengyu Media, who can only say "Kuoguang Group is right, right".

"Which IP do you plan to focus on operating?" Qi Mu then asked for details, "What is the theme?"

Yang Ruoqian went through the images of each character in "The Black Robe" in his mind and said: "As for the hero of "The Black Robe", this character is very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people... As for the theme, let's make it as abstract as possible and try to fit it as closely as possible. Just be a hero of the motherland."

"By the way, let the relevant departments prepare. Since the IP is to be incubated, preparations for the second movie will also begin."

"We will try to film "Black Robe Inspection Team 2" in the first quarter of next year."

Abstract, well, abstract.

Qi Mu, who was used to this kind of thing, had a calm mind. After memorizing everything, he capped his pen and finally asked: "Okay, Mr. Yang, do you have anything else to add?"

In fact, this sentence is basically a courtesy.

Because of the elements Qi Mu just mentioned, Yang Ruoqian has already given corresponding projects.

There is even a real-life anchor point in "Black Robe Inspection Team" - isn't that the Kuaiguang Group itself?

Although it is very different from the image in the movie, as long as everyone sees the company building in the movie, the first thing they think of is the Kuaiguang Group, which is also an entertainment company.

It's just that one entertainment company manages superheroes in the virtual world, and another real entertainment company manages stars in reality.

Everything is ready now. Except for the fierce competition for superhero IP and the future that is somewhat unclear, the framework of other things is actually very obvious.

However, Yang Ruoqian really nodded and responded: "I do have a new idea."

Qi Mu paused in his movements, and at the same time took out the pen and paper again out of curiosity: "Mr. Yang, please give me your orders."

"I think we can also build a theme amusement park in Jinhae City. What do you think?"

Theme… amusement park…

Is it like Disney?

Mr. Yang's ambition... seems to be bigger than she imagined, much bigger!

Wait, didn't Mr. Yang just say that the first IP should be more abstract?

Qi Mu was silent for several seconds and asked tentatively: "So, Mr. Yang, what is the image of this theme park?"

"Yes, it's also abstract."

(There will be more later, but it should be relatively late, around 50 minutes. I can’t wait to watch it tomorrow morning~) (End of this chapter)

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