I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 388 Inspiration, Mr. Yang’s inspiration is endless

Also, abstract...

Although he had already thought of Yang Ruoqian's answer, Qi Mu was still a little dizzy.

She quickly reviewed all the theme amusement parks around the world in her mind, and found that there were funny ones, scary ones, and normal ones...but the "abstract" ones seemed like she had never seen them before.

As expected of Mr. Yang, he remains creative at all times.

Qi Mu wrote the word "abstract" hard on his notebook, still maintaining a sweet smile on his face: "Mr. Yang, what kind of abstract method is it specifically?"

Yang Ruoqian clicked the keyboard and said: "The most important thing for us is to use the theme park to promote our IP, so even if it is abstract, we must start from this aspect."


What kind of propaganda is called smearing!

Using theme parks to discredit your own IP is both expensive and effective. It’s a stroke of genius!

People who are willing to go to amusement parks to ride roller coasters include not only young men and women, but also many students in junior high and high schools.

If we can make them have a psychological shadow of "Black Robe Inspection Team" when they are young, will it be possible to cut off the market of Kuaiguang Group in the future?

Can Kuaiguang Group be made more passive in terms of public opinion?

You know, many parents nowadays are not so reasonable.

Thinking of this, Yang Ruoqian smiled and said: "For example, in the simplest way, don't all theme parks like this have roller coasters?"

"Generally speaking, this kind of roller coaster creates a weightless environment, making customers feel physically stimulated and dangerous."

"Then we have to do something different." Yang Ruoqian said with a smile, "When our roller coaster is sprinting from the highest point to the lowest point, our little heroes of the motherland will suddenly appear around the roller coaster. It is best to Put them in front of the customers’ faces and let these little people sing and dance and repeat some of the more abstract lines from the movie.”

“Not only must we give customers physical stimulation, but we must also give them a little mental shock.”

"The same principle applies to projects like rapids riding. In general theme parks, the boat reaches the highest point, then slides into the pond, and lets the water from the pond splash all over the tourists..."

"But our theme park needs to change. For example, halfway through the slide, when the passengers are fully focused on welcoming the last wave of water, the image of the hero of the motherland suddenly pops up on the boat, talking rubbish and pointing with his mouth. Spraying water on all passengers...it's not very harmful, but it's very polluting."

"In short, we must portray the mean and abstract image of our IP, and we must let all guests who visit our theme park experience what it means to be a hero of the motherland!"

"There are also haunted houses. We don't take the usual route. We can do this..."

After saying a lot of things eloquently, Yang Ruoqian paused for a moment, and looked at his face with a dull expression. He was very satisfied: "There are other ideas, we will ask professionals to design them... I am just telling you what I think. .”

Qi Mu suddenly woke up and asked cautiously: "Yang, Mr. Yang, are you sure?"

"There is no problem at all." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "Just do as I say and find the best designer and the best engineering team immediately... Just like movie shooting, it is best before the next quarter, that is, It will be completed within half a year.”

"That's about it. If you have anything to add, tell me immediately."

After throwing out the thoughts in his mind, Mr. Yang waved his hand and signaled to the secretary that she could do it.

Qi Mu rubbed his eyes, and his voice was a little softer than before: "Okay, okay Mr. Yang... Then I will contact the relevant personnel according to your wishes."

She couldn't even imagine how the amusement park designer would look after seeing such a bizarre request.

This is really a bit too abstract.

The amusement park that mainly focuses on mental attacks is really... it has a rather bright style.

But maybe, he can actually get up?

Can the hero of the motherland really make the image of "Black Robe Inspection Team" deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

After all, it does sound like it can bring a great psychological shadow to tourists.

After the secretary left the office, Mr. Yang, who had made preliminary arrangements for this quarter, felt a little lazy again. He closed the relevant web pages on his computer, opened his mobile phone and started watching videos.

"Why don't you first check if Lu Ling's video has been updated?"

"This kind of hardcore wilderness survival video is quite interesting."

Yang Ruoqian lowered the back of his chair slightly, switched himself to a comfortable sitting position, and then searched for Lu Ling's ID.

"Here, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you have gained hundreds of thousands of followers? How can the number of followers increase so fast?"

"How much money does this guy want to make for me? You should make so much money to find food in such a harsh environment!"

Mr. Yang sighed and clicked on the video.

When Yang Ruoqian watched Luling's video before, he had already driven the off-road RV to the destination of this wilderness survival. While familiar with the environment, he used the equipment on the RV to survive.

If this RV saves some resources, it will not need any supplies for 15 days.

Even if a lot of water and other resources are used, it is still safe within a week.

The latest video related content is that Luling is about to finish three days of early adaptation and is preparing to start the plateau wilderness survival challenge.

After putting a backpack of things in his bedroom, taking a shower in the bathroom, and throwing the dirty clothes into the drying machine and setting the program, Lu Ling came to the spacious living room of the RV and put the camera Aimed at myself.

"Let me talk about the rules of this survival challenge first."

"It's still the same as before. In order to make everyone more comfortable, I brought three props this time based on the results of everyone's votes."

Previously, Luling tried to start a completely hardcore wilderness survival without bringing anything at the beginning, but the playback volume dropped seriously.

In fact, many viewers don’t really want to watch particularly hardcore, starting from scratch, real survival videos in the wild.

A true hardcore survival without any tools, without any editing, without any external aid, then it is really just living.

Don't even think about drilling wood to make fire or hunting or camping.

Just guarding against poisonous insects, finding food, and simply purifying water sources are enough for a person to work hard.

Even if you are lucky enough, you can only last for ten days and a half at most.

It is simply impossible to build a temporary shelter, find a relatively warm and soft place in a harsh environment, light a bonfire, grill a fish caught from the river on the bonfire, and slowly fall asleep listening to the harsh sounds outside. things.

This is hardcore, but the audience doesn't want to see the blogger unable to find any place where he feels safe from beginning to end, and just forcefully survive in the wild for three days.

What they look forward to is the contrast and sense of substitution brought about by the harsh environment and the temporary safe environment.

So gradually, except for occasionally proving his strength, Lu Ling will no longer film ultra-hardcore wilderness survival scenes like this.

Now he basically makes a list of supplies and lets the audience vote to decide which props he can carry this time.

Of course, necessities such as clothes, shoes and photography tools are not included in this list.

Lu Ling continued: "It seems that everyone was merciful this time, and the props they left for me are pretty good."

"Swiss army knife, matches and a 12-hour individual soldier ration... Something's wrong. Didn't you always like to choose weird things for me in the past? Like balloons, like a skipping rope?"

A lot of comments quickly appeared on the barrage.

"This time it's on the plateau. It's so cold. It's not too much to give me a match."

"The main reason is that it's too boring for you to spend most of your day drilling wood to make fire. You know it anyway, so why not just skip this process and use matches."

"Yes, we would rather see you being tortured outside than battling wits with a few sticks and boards at home."

"Don't be embarrassed, brother Huo can't succeed every time. He can only succeed four or five times out of 10 times."

"It's already very powerful. Try it yourself. If your hand is drilled through the skin, see if you can drill out a spark."

"Brother Huo, the equipment this time is a bit luxurious. First, he eats and drinks in the RV and rests for a few days, and then he goes out looking so good!"

"It's already very cold on the plateau now, and heating is a big problem."

"I'm looking forward to surviving on the plateau. It's okay to be cold, and there are matches to keep me warm...I think the most important issue is food."

"How do you find food in this damn place?"

"If you're not lucky, you'll have to dig up tree roots to eat. If you're lucky, you might be able to catch two bugs."

"Following Brother Huo, you will starve nine times in three days. Oh no, Brother Huo has a 12-hour individual soldier ration, so you will starve eight times in three days. There is not much difference."

"It's okay, Brother Huo, just activate the passive skills. If you're hungry, just hit the limit!"

Lu Ling seemed to have already guessed what his fans would say. He shook his phone and said, "As per the old rules, we will officially set off at eight o'clock in the morning. If I have time in the evening, I will start a live broadcast for everyone and chat for a while. "

"But now is not the time to talk about it. I want to show you my preparations before departure."

With that said, Lu Ling put the camera back on his neck, went to the kitchen of the RV, and took a plate of things out of the oven.

Inside, is a plate of food in a rectangular box.

"Let me show you, meat sauce, mashed potatoes and bacon lasagna." Lu Ling put the food on the table and dug out a layer with a spoon, "Look at this thick layer of minced meat, look at this cheese... Tsk tsk, why don’t I just die in the car after taking a bite before setting off? Doesn’t this little atmosphere feel comfortable?”

When he saw Lu Ling eating delicious food one bite at a time and taking out a bottle of warm milk tea from the nearby beverage cabinet, the entire barrage exploded again.

"Brother Huo, you have changed!!!"

"No, didn't you eat the combination of three fresh noodles + boiled water before setting off? You are eating better than me now. It's a bit difficult to give me this thumbs up."

"Don't look at what the situation was like with Brother Huo before. That little shabby RV might even get frosty inside when the weather gets cold... It's not like that."

"It's freezing outside, but inside there's a big bed and a big living room where you can have big meals and hot drinks. How cool it is."

After Lu Ling had eaten and drank enough, he commented: "This thing actually tastes pretty good, but it's a bit greasy. I can eat one portion before I go to survive. If you eat this thing every day, your stomach will turn over."

"It's not bad. A portion of baked potatoes like this can be exchanged for 8 pieces of brown bread in the apocalypse."

After saying that, Lu Ling turned over, packed all the charging equipment, locked the car door, and walked towards the predetermined location.

While watching the video, Yang Ruoqian watched as Lu Ling began to quickly explore while still having plenty of energy, looking for places that might have food, water sources, and places suitable for settlement.

A simple shelter and a simple bonfire were set up. The crackling flames were in sharp contrast to the harsh environment outside.

It makes people unconsciously want to continue reading...

After watching this episode, Yang Ruoqian exited the video with some unsatisfied feelings and sighed: "I think the effect of this show is not bad... but why haven't I seen any company doing a similar variety show?"

Even if there is a so-called "survival variety show", it is not much different from playing house.

Is it because there are not many viewers and the audience is not large?

Or is it more expensive?

Or are you worried that too hard-core challenges may cause fans of celebrities to launch unreasonable attacks on the show crew?

In short, since other companies don’t do it, it must be because of various limitations.

"Then as long as I increase the scale, can this limitation be infinitely magnified?"

"The last time the escape room variety show only shocked the stars psychologically and did not cause physical harm, so many fans can still accept it... This time I will do something more hardcore, they will be able to break through, right? "

An inspiration suddenly burst out in Yang Ruoqian's mind.

He can put on a talent show with all-round challenges!

Many celebrities nowadays are different from the technical stars of the past. They are always complaining about being tired and have too much work to do and are incompetent. This is a very bad trend.

Not only do they have to test their singing, dancing and acting skills, they not only have to accept psychological tests, but they also have to test the stars' ability to survive. Only in this way can they be called omnipotent, and only in this way can they be called idols.

Of course, for the sake of program effectiveness, it is best to arrange this survival event on an island arranged in advance by the Kuaiguang Group.

It's not that Mr. Yang doesn't want to ask celebrities the same way he asked Lu Ling, but the venue he arranged himself is more torturous...

Thinking of a good inspiration, Yang Ruoqian immediately picked up his phone, found the contact named "Qin Xin", and sent him a message: "Qin Xin, come to my office, I have a new task!"

Qin Xin is the chief planner of the last "Secret Room Survival".

Although the last time "Secret Room Survival" finally exploded in ratings, Yang always felt that the fault was not with him and his designers.

They implemented Yang Ruoqian's request perfectly.

There is a problem with the route and direction of Kuaiguang Group.

After completing a year's performance, Qin Xin, who was a little idle and had nothing to do, immediately replied: "Mr. Yang is here!"

Soon, Qin Xin arrived at the president's office.

After his last big success, he became more confident.

"Mr. Yang, do you have any plans this time?"

Yang Ruoqian asked Qin Xin to sit down: "I plan to create a talent show, similar to "Idol Producer". I have an idea. Please help me perfect the plan." (End of Chapter)

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