I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 390 What? Is my promotional video turned into a movie? !

Time passed, a month passed quickly, and the weather began to get colder.

As the project closest to release, "All or Nothing" has recently begun to slowly gain popularity online.

Naturally, there are factors in this that are vigorously promoted by the operations department of Kuaiguang Group.

Anyway, it won’t make any money as a promotional video. No matter how you promote a free product, it will cost you nothing.

In the past, movies, TV series... everything was prohibited from publicity. During this time, they can finally let go. Of course, the operation department is ecstatic.

In Kuaiguang Group, if you keep fishing, you will not always be happy. Instead, you will gradually fall into a state of madness.

Even since the first phase of filming has ended, the short promotional video of a few minutes has been shot and put online for free.

Not to everyone's surprise, as soon as this short clip was posted online, coupled with the full-scale publicity work, it immediately caused an uproar.

The image of Zhang Wei changing his image as a comedian, wearing the clothes that people remember as a fraud leader, using hand gestures to give the order to kill and then worshiping the Buddha devoutly, made countless people explode instantly.

There are also dealers who were deceived into casinos, and "employees" who were tortured to the point of being dehumanized because of trivial matters... Even the specific plot of how the telecommunications fraud was implemented was restored to the last detail.

From someone far away abroad, a phone call, a steady voice, and a set of words made an old man willingly spend all the pension money he had saved in his life.

And those employees who were unable to meet the "performance targets" were packed up and put into tattered vans, transported to unknown places, and accepted an unknown fate.

In just a few minutes, something close to a trailer brought huge suspense to the audience. At the same time, it also revealed the truth about how scammers deceive and how cruel their methods are.

It can be said to be both stimulating and educational.

On the Leopard app, there is even a plot to rate this promotional video.

"Trailer of "All or Nothing", rated 9.3"

"Kuiguang Group really surprises us every quarter! It's so exciting to watch."

"Speaking of which, it's really time to make a movie about this subject. Scamming has been so rampant recently that my relatives almost fell into trouble."

"Me too. If I hadn't been home on leave that week, my grandma would have almost believed that I was arrested."

"I heard that this happened to a friend of mine, but he was not deceived... I'm quite surprised, why would anyone be deceived by such a low-level deception? Isn't it just a fake thing?"

"The low-level deception itself is to screen users. If you hang up the phone as soon as you hear that kind of talk, it actually makes it easier for them - people like you are not their target group. People with strong awareness of fraud prevention, even if they are initially If you are frightened, you will be able to tell the difference later.”

"Yes, instead of wasting so much time on this kind of people, it is better to deliberately make the words easier to distinguish, screen out people like you early, and then gradually use deeper tricks to deceive people."

"Speaking of whether the things in this trailer are real or fake, can anyone tell me? Will they be robbed after being sent there?"


"An insider is here. First of all, 95% of the things in the trailer are restored. As for the parts that cannot be restored, it should be for review reasons. Secondly, due to sanitary conditions, there is almost no such thing as a waist in northern Myanmar. Karyao mostly appears in Thailand.”

"The professional upstairs!"

"I think the Kuaiguang Group's sudden shooting of something like this must have some cooperation with the authorities. It stands to reason that the Kuaiguang Group would not be able to obtain many of the pictures and information."

"It's normal to cooperate with the government. Don't look at the status of Kuaiguang Group in their province. It's like a treasure."

"Is it so scary? It hurts when I see the nail being inserted..."

"So there is no such thing as a pie in the sky. Anyone who believes this will be screwed. And you should also be careful. If a company that feels like it has little business and is working in vain every day suddenly invites you to go out for team building, be sure to carefully look at the purpose. You should even look at the transit location. As soon as that place appears on the address, don’t hesitate and run.”

"If you go in, is there any chance you can come out?"

"Yes, but not big..."

"Don't talk about such scary things, let's talk about the trailer itself. To be honest, Zhang Wei plays the villain quite well."

"I remember he wasn't a comedian before. This look almost scared me, hahaha."

"You businessmen, hahahaha! I feel that her innocence and stupidity are not staged. The whole crew should be acting in her true colors!"

"Alas, little merchant, alas!"

"Look at her confused look. Did the crew forget to give her the script? @粿光集团 @Yang Ruoqian."

"What's the use of your @boss and official title? Go to @the crew!"

"To be honest, I'm really looking forward to the feature film. When will it be released?"

"It should be soon. If Kuaiguang Group comes to shoot, it should be less likely to be reviewed."


Yang Ruoqian put on long sleeves at this time and was drinking hot tea in the office while browsing all the news about "All or Nothing" on the computer.

"Sure enough, the decision I made before was right. Suppressing public relations and not letting them promote the movie can reduce the box office to a certain extent."

"If Chengyu Group and Kuaiguang Group work together to promote it, I can't even imagine the prosperous times. The current atmosphere of "All or Nothing" is proof."

"Now let's promote it to your heart's content. No matter how many people watch it, I won't get a dime of income."

In fact, it stands to reason that since Yang Ruoqian refused the official payment, the official would also give some slack, such as allowing Yang Ruoqian to put some soft advertisements and publicity in the promotional video to earn traffic fees, etc.

However, Mr. Yang, who has experienced many battles, simply could not allow such a level of loopholes to appear in the company. He immediately banned any profitable activities in the promotional video.

"The location of the theme amusement park has been selected." Yang Ruoqian finished reading Baopu, closed the web page, and browsed the various reports Qi Mu sent him, "I have to find a way to do some reverse publicity."

"With the current reputation of the group, even if there is no publicity, there are many people who are willing to pay for the amusement park... We have to find a way to use the company's reputation to do some reverse publicity."

There are so many abstract projects in this theme park. You can let some of the company's anchors or even celebrities go there first, shoot some videos, and broadcast live to tell everyone how abstract this theme park is.

Otherwise, many customers may treat this theme park as an ordinary amusement park without knowing it.

Wouldn’t this mean earning a lot of tickets in vain?

Generally speaking, a person only visits an amusement park a few times in his life. Even if he can earn money from repeat customers, he will not make up the majority.

And it is difficult for repeat visitors to play in the same amusement park twice in a short period of time.

If we don't do publicity in advance and make the abstract nature of theme amusement parks public, the channels for information dissemination will be much narrower.

Some tourists don't even pay attention to these.

"First send the idea to Qi Mu and ask her to make more preparations and arrange the time. Be sure to let the anchors and celebrities play it on the first day of the theme park's opening."

Even if it's just a day's money, Mr. Yang doesn't want to make more.

Taking out his mobile phone, Yang Ruoqian sent a message to Qi Mu: "Qi Mu, the opening time of the theme park must be arranged well. It is best to free up the schedules of most of our artists on that day and let them play in the theme park. , start a live broadcast and promote it.”

As soon as the message was sent out, Yang Ruoqian heard a very slight message coming from outside the door.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Yang, it just so happens that I have something to ask you for."

"come in."

Qi Mu walked in holding the document, sat down on his seat consciously, and said with a smile: "Good afternoon, Mr. Yang, what a coincidence?"

"What's the matter?" Yang Ruoqian looked at the secretary warily, "Is it urgent?"

It can be seen from the expression on Qi Mu's face that this news must not be bad news.

What is good news for the company is bad news for Mr. Yang...

Qi Mu replied seriously: "It's not urgent to report to Mr. Yang, but it should be a big plus for you."

Big profit?

It must be a very scary good thing for someone as strict as the secretary to use the words "big profit".

What went wrong?

Yang Ruoqian was thinking crazily, trying to make some mental preparations before Qi Mu said the matter.

What about the e-sports club?

No, the World Championship has started, but the final winner has not yet been decided... Even if YTG's results are not bad and it has reached the quarterfinals, it cannot be described as "big plus".

Are other industries open? Is there any big progress in the company branch in Pengcheng? The branch in the capital received a lot of resources?

Or was a good thing suddenly coming from the sky, and a blind company directly transferred money to the account of Kuaiguang Group?

After thinking for a long time, Yang Ruoqian still couldn't think of a suitable reason.

Seeing Yang Ruoqian's silence, Qi Mu quickly said, "Mr. Yang, if your matter is more urgent, I can handle your matter first."

She was in a hurry just now and didn't have time to read the message from Yang Ruoqian.

Unlike Qi Mu who would send news about minor matters and report major matters in person, Yang Ruoqian would only call her to the office in rare cases when a lot of documents were involved and Qi Mu was required to act as a porter.

The rest of the time, no matter how big or small the matter is, Yang Ruoqian basically communicates with Qi Mu on the Internet.

This is true even if their offices are actually next door.

Yang Ruoqian shook his head: "No need, my matter is not that urgent yet... Let's talk about yours first. What is it that makes you use these three words of great benefit?"

It will take some time to build the theme amusement park, and it is indeed not a particularly urgent matter.

Qi Mu nodded, opened the only document in his hand and placed it on Yang Ruoqian's desk.

"Mr. Yang, someone from the official department just called us and sent us a notice." Qi Mu said, "It's about the promotional video of "All or Nothing". There is a call record on the file. You can take a look. "

After finishing speaking, Qi Mu explained: "They are sending a notice, so I conveyed it to you for them. If you have any questions, I can help you call back now."

It stands to reason that if there is any communication business with the official, Mr. Yang must personally come forward.

But this time it was a notification rather than a communication, so Qi Mu just connected and recorded the recording before reporting back.

After Mr. Yang heard "Desperate", the string in his mind broke.

Even though he was speculating just now about whether someone was giving money to the company for no reason, he didn't even think about this promotional video!

In his opinion, this promotional film is a definite throw of money into the water. Even if the end of the world occurs tomorrow, there is no way it will cause any accidents.

Yang Ruoqian couldn't even think of any room for surprises in "Desperate".

With shock, anger, confusion and madness, Yang Ruoqian opened the documents on the table and said to Qi Mu at the same time: "You tell me, I will read while you speak."

Qi Mu nodded lightly: "After I arranged for people to verify it many times, I confirmed that the official has decided to change our promotional video into a movie, which can be released online after the filming is completed."

"Officially, we believe that with the breadth of circulation and depth of content of our current trailers, the purpose of 'publicity' has been achieved to a large extent. Many experts believe that if a film and television work is free, it will be released online in the name of a promotional film , many people will have a psychological resistance and think that this kind of didactic film and television works are not good to watch."

"If it is replaced by entertainment works, the public's acceptance will increase immediately."

"So, they believe that even if it changes from a promotional video to a movie, from free to paid, it will not affect the spread of this film, and it will even be wider."

"Finally, Officer Song Qianhe said that all of them have seen the hard work we put into this film regardless of the cost. All of them believe that a company like Kuaiguang Group that actively pays taxes, vigorously solves employment problems, and improves employee benefits and wages should not After a long day of hard work, there is nothing to gain.”

As for the distribution issues, the officials here in Jinhai have already taken care of everything. It only takes a few days and a few minor procedures to make a smooth transition.

Yang Ruoqian's eyes were dull: "..."

What? !

Did you switch from promotional videos to movies? !

you you……

Yang Ruoqian invests regardless of cost, publicizes regardless of cost, and fully utilizes all elements without any scruples, just because the return rate is 0!

What does it mean to regret now? !

Don't keep your words, right?

Then wouldn’t all his previous investments be turned into returns and hit the Kuaiguang Group like lightning?

No, don’t go to theaters...

Yang Ruoqian really didn't expect that this backstab would come from the official!

Now even the officials won’t let you go, right?

Qi Mu saw that Mr. Yang's mood fluctuated greatly, and he was obviously surprised. The smile on his face became stronger: "Mr. Yang, do we need to increase our efforts to promote...the movie?" (End of Chapter)

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