I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 392 What’s going on? The enemy is coming?

Just kidding, it will be hundreds of years before the project is completed before payment is made? The daylilies are almost cold.

Thinking like this, Yang Ruoqian suddenly remembered that not only Qin Xin's side, but also the project payment for other projects must be paid attention to by the person in charge. The project payment is one dozen per month, and the payment for this month should not be delayed for even one day at the end of the month.

After giving the task, Yang Ruoqian turned on the computer and continued playing his game.

At the same time, in a small remote county in Yunnan-Guizhou Province.

On the set, several luxury cars were in the parking lot, the trunks were open, and all the actors were moving their personal belongings inside.

The filming of "All or Nothing" has been basically completed. It only needs to complete the post-processing and go through the formalities before it can be released in theaters.

Shang Qianyu put the big suitcase away, took a look at the already desolate buildings, and sighed:

"Hey, are we leaving now? What to do with this place? Is it completely abandoned?"

Originally, the small county town was very far from the urban area, and this place was quite far away from the small county town. After filming, it didn't look like a place that could be reused.

However, it is fully equipped and well-decorated. Except for the dormitories used to show the cruel environment of the fraud park, the other rooms are very luxurious. Is it a waste to abandon it like this?

After living here for such a long time, Xiao Shang is quite sentimental about it.

Wen Ruoxiu gave Shang Qianyu a strange look: "You still miss her, right? Get in the car quickly, we'll go to the county town to rest for one night, and we'll go back tomorrow."

Due to flight problems, the crew had to wait a day before getting on the return flight.

As for what Mr. Yang had said before about team building in the snowy mountains and checking in at various scenic spots, they were reluctantly canceled after the collective advice of the crew.

After the filming of the movie is completed, it is not a done deal. There are still many things to do in the follow-up.

If Mr. Yang really forces him to travel, then according to company regulations, he is not allowed to do anything related to work... That would be such a delay.

And I heard that Kuaiguang Group is launching a new super-large variety show recently, which needs guests from various fields.

Including sports circles, entertainment circles, singing circles... there are even all kinds of weird guests, such as shooting instructors, flying instructors and the like.

The coordination and selection of various personnel require manpower.

Although this is a talent show, Shang Qianyu, as a strong competitor for the Queen of Queens, may be able to win a guest spot at some stage.

When Wen Ruoxiu first joined Kuaiguang Group, she stepped down as a personal agent and continued to perform her agent's duties as an assistant.

However, after such a long time, Wen Ruoxiu also took advantage of a promotion and salary increase to become an agent again.

Although Wen Ruoxiu signed a labor contract with Kuaiguang Group, as an agent, Wen Ruoxiu's most important job is to help Shang Qianyu coordinate her personal schedule, and at the same time help her secure high-quality resources as much as possible.

Even the resources within the Kuaiguang Group must be fought for.

This kind of super-large variety show must have huge exposure. Shang Qianyu can be a guest for a short time, which is an incredible resource.

"It's nice to go home." Shang Qianyu got into the car and fastened his seat belt obediently. "I haven't gone back for a long time. I feel a little homesick."

"Come on, I think your life here is just like at home." Wen Ruoxiu got in the car together and complained at the same time.

Soon, the car started and the fraud park gradually moved away.

Dozens of minutes later, the motorcade drove into the county town.


Shang Qianyu put down his phone and rubbed his eyes: "Why do you feel like there's a traffic jam today?"

Wen Ruoxiu didn't care about such insignificant things: "Maybe there was a traffic accident ahead."

While chatting, the convoy soon arrived at the only hotel in the county.

However, unlike before, which was deserted, today the hotel parking lot was actually crowded with all kinds of vehicles!

If it weren’t for the dedicated parking space, the fleet wouldn’t even be able to find a free parking space!

Even Wen Ruoxiu was a little surprised now: "There do seem to be a lot more people in the county. They all look like tourists... What happened?"

Could it be that Shang Qianyu's fanatic fans came to chase stars?

That's not right. If there really is such a person, why bother to come all the way to a remote county in Yunnan and Guizhou Province? Just squat in the business district near Qianda Plaza in Jinhai City and meet Shang Qianyu casually. ah.

It is common knowledge that she particularly likes to wander around in that circle.

"Are there any seasonal tourist attractions near this county? I've never heard of them... If there is one, there must be more than one hotel like this."

Wen Ruoxiu got out of the car one step ahead and walked quickly into the hotel lobby with doubts.

The ordinary-decorated lobby was crowded with people dragging suitcases and wearing fancy clothes.

The tables and chairs that were originally just for decoration were overcrowded and noisy... Even the streets near the hotel were suddenly full. At first glance, I almost thought someone was calling!

"What? You don't have any rooms anymore?" A guest at the front desk asked in shock, "I came so early, but I don't have a room yet, right?"

A woman sneered: "I told you that when it comes to things related to Kuai Guang Group, you need to prepare air tickets and hotels as soon as you hear the news. Don't you believe it? Okay now, either sleep in Qiaodong or drive there now." Book a hotel in another city.”

The lady at the front desk smiled and said, "You two don't need to be in such a hurry. Our county center is now building relevant supporting service facilities. If you wait patiently for a while, you should be able to book rooms in other hotels."

"There will be a large number of guests checking out after tonight. I can help you reserve a room for tomorrow. Do you think that's okay?"

The woman sighed: "Oh, but how are we going to solve it tonight?"

This time comes again and again...


The crew next to them were a little stunned.

This small county town is usually very quiet. Why are there suddenly so many people?

After all, Kuaiguang Group was a distinguished guest and had the direct contact information of the hotel manager. Just in case, Wen Ruoxiu contacted the manager.

"Manager Liu, what happened here? Why are so many customers here all at once?"

Fortunately, in order to avoid paparazzi and irrational fans, Kuaiguang Group has done a very good job of protecting celebrities' privacy.

For example, this time, the entire crew was concentrated on the same floor of the hotel, and it was impossible to get in without the room card for the relevant room.

In order to prevent tailing, the crew will basically get on the elevator at the same time and try not to act alone.

Manager Liu quickly answered: "Hello, Sister Wen, haven't you noticed the recent news? It should be your company's publicity department... Thank you very much for taking care of us. All of us in the county are very grateful to you. "


take care of? !

Wen Ruoxiu was stunned for a moment, and after saying polite words to Manager Liu, she immediately switched the mobile phone page to the special version of the Leopard app.

For the special version of the app for employees, you can quickly and clearly check the hot spots related to Kuaiguang Group, without having to search all the way like the regular version of the app.

"Gimhae City officials took action to help promote "All or Nothing"?!"

"The new movie of Kuaiguang Group is based on official first-hand information. The shooting location 100% restores the layout of the fraud park. All characters have prototypes in reality, and all action guidance is directed by people who have experienced the fraud incident."

"While the story has ups and downs, it is also extremely professional!"


Seeing the officials sparing no effort in praising her, Wen Ruoxiu suddenly realized.

In fact, the crew was quite shocked when they learned that the promotional video they shot was turned into a movie.

With so much publicity and distribution costs, and such high production costs, it has also generated considerable enthusiasm on the Internet. Countless people hope that the film will be released as soon as possible... It is a pity that it cannot be released in theaters.

I originally thought that Mr. Yang was really going to bleed this time, but who knew that the nature of the entire film had been directly changed!

The whole situation suddenly became clear!

Sure enough, every time they felt that the situation was not optimistic, Mr. Yang would stand up and turn the tide.

Wen Ruoxiu nodded lightly, closed the internal special version of the Baopu app, and switched to the mall version.

We should also look at what the audience and netizens are discussing about this movie, so that we can create another layer of character for Shang Qianyu based on the content on the Internet and in line with the audience's wishes.

Alas, she was really worried about this stupid kid Shang Qianyu.

"Come again, Kuaiguang Group is really productive."

"A movie with this kind of theme is so hardcore... Mr. Yang, please be careful and protect yourself. We will be really sad if something happens to you."

"Don't worry, with Mr. Yang's strength and his magnanimity, he can just let others betray him."

"It's so true, hahahahaha! The one over there gave me 1 million, and what I did was illegal. Mr. Yang gave me 2 million, and let you eat and drink every day. Even if you are me, I will be considered a traitor."

"Hey, you don't understand this time. Uncle Dang tells you that this movie has been planned for a long time, and the process has been full of ups and downs."

"Tell me more, why are you so ups and downs?"

"This can't be said."

“Who doesn’t know how to make up stories?”

"Speaking of which, this movie should be a hit again... In one year, four hits were made, one per quarter on average. What kind of masterpiece wholesale factory is Kuaiguang Group? They have made masterpieces that have not been seen in the past few years. How many years have you been here, right?"

"The important task of revitalizing our mainland's entertainment industry must be handed over to the Kuaiguang Group."

"It's too far to say these things, but I'm quite curious, where was the filming location of this movie? Didn't the official say that this location was completely restored 1:1?"

"Maybe I found an empty space somewhere and built it."

"The location is xx County, Yunnan-Guizhou Province. This movie was filmed in our area. There are pictures and the truth [pictures]."

"Ah! I checked the map, isn't it basically right on the border?!"

"I just said, with how hard-core the Kuai Guang Group is, how could it be possible to just randomly find a place to shoot? It must be at the border. You guessed it right."

"Then what should I do after this building is photographed? Is it to be demolished directly? It seems to me that the quality is not bad... and the official said that this building is a 1:1 restoration of the fraud park. It should have been built recently. It was just abandoned. Wouldn't it be a pity?"

"Otherwise, what should we do? We can't turn that place into an office. How can the Kuaiguang Group be able to work in this place if it has a big business? If we don't have an office and open a store, who will come?"

"It feels like it could be turned into a movie theater. Think about it, wouldn't it be exciting to watch a movie about a scam park in a scam park? When the movie comes to theaters, this place can also be transformed into an escape room project with scam-related themes. I feel like it’s very exciting.”

"The idea of ​​watching a movie is okay, but let's forget about the escape room. Opening an escape room in this place can only make money from hardcore players, and it is impossible to make back the money."

"That's because you don't see the problem comprehensively. Do you know that Kuaiguang Group is now fully investing in this small county? Do you know that Kuaiguang Group is preparing to host a super-large variety show that spans the world? If they put this fraud-themed secret room Escape is also set to be demolished after one year, and if we add this county to the variety show’s route, do you still think you can’t get back your money?”

"Hey! If you analyze it this way, it seems to make sense! Nowadays, many hard-core escape room players say that the previous escape room was not fun. They hope that Kuaiguang Group will come up with another one... The area of ​​the current fraud park is not as big as before. That’s less.”

"Watching a scam movie in a scam park? It's so exciting. I've already bought a plane ticket. What about you?"

"I'm booking a hotel... Warm reminder, there is only one hotel in this county. If you can't book it, remember to bring an extra tent with you when you go out."

"Can you see the merchants on site?"

"What are you thinking about? Shang Qianyu is probably on the return flight now."


Wen Ruoxiu was shocked when she read the comments.

Escape room?

The layout of a large-scale variety show?

It turns out that the company still has such a level of decision-making involved?

Why haven't I heard about these things?

But she soon felt relieved - this kind of internal decision within the group had little to do with her. Maybe it was the company's operations that were creating momentum.

Don't worry about it so much.

"Have a rest and prepare for a long journey!"


But what Wen Ruoxiu didn't know was that not only she, but also the employees at the Kuaiguang Group headquarters were looking at the comment area.

A small operation leader watched netizens using their keyboards to predict various operations of Kuai Guang Group, and slapped the table: "Yes, you can turn that place into a temporary cinema! You can copy the homework and turn that place into a movie theater." A limited-time version of an escape room!”

"Using movies as a fulcrum to drive the development of other industries will make this game come alive!"

"This generation of netizens is really amazing."

"Since Mr. Yang has invested so much in the county, he must be planning to do the same. If you don't say anything now, it should be a test for us!"

With this in mind, while giving orders to other employees in the team, he compiled his thoughts into a report and sent it to Qi Mu. (End of chapter)

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