I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 479 Once you sign this contract, you have no say

In just two days, the peaceful group has caused a big commotion again.

All employees have the opportunity to appear in the movie to satisfy their acting addiction.

Some managers even wrote their names on the registration form.

Although they work in entertainment companies, their daily lives have almost no intersection with the "entertainment circle".

Although the group is related to the entertainment industry, many of the company's businesses are not directly related to the entertainment industry, and employees are not asked to shoot or make sets.

Many people are handling the company's program background, doing copywriting planning, communicating with other partners, and responsible for the layout of surrounding industries... and so on.

For example, all employees in Yu Jingyu's entire department belong to this situation.

Including Yu Jingyu himself, who is said to be the general manager of an important project of the entertainment company Kuiguang Group, he actually knows nothing about many things in the circle.

In addition to being able to eat a lot of first-line gossip, many people are still in a "confused" state about the entertainment industry, and are even worse than those college students who were pulled over by General Manager Yang to be extras.

And the company almost never lets employees work across fields.

Now, there are many quotas for extras, and many people are eager to try.

"Tsk, so many people from our department signed up?" Yu Jingyu was in the office, looking at the list in his hand, and complained, "It's really hard to make money, and it's just for fun."

"Do you say that about your own department? Other departments are just pumping up their blood and pulling their centripetal force to the maximum, but you are sneering at everyone including yourself every day, and the centrifugal force is full, right?"

Yu Jingyu looked at the list, sighed, and said in self-abandonment: "... Forget it, I'll write my own name on it, and the family should be neat and tidy."

"What are you afraid of? For this audition, I squeezed in time everywhere in the past few days and completed at least one day's tasks in advance. This audition will only take a few hours at most, right?"

"Yes, we have completed our work in advance. Boss, you can go with peace of mind. If you are fired, just report my name."

"What's the point of reporting your name? You have a close relationship with the big boss?"

"Psychological effect."


Too lazy to listen to the nonsense of these guys who deserve to be dealt with, Yu Jingyu signed her name and handed the application form to Qi Mu.

Not long after, Qi Mu's standardized message came over: "Since group performances are considered a kind of labor dispatch, corresponding remuneration contracts are also required. I will send the contract format over, remember to check the fax machine."


After waiting for a few minutes, the fax machine in the office started working, and soon all the contracts were printed out.

Yu Jingyu waited for the contract to be printed, took it in his hand, and knocked on the table casually: "Those who want to audition, come here quickly, sign the contract."

"What is this signature?" An employee asked curiously, "We haven't finished the audition yet, why do we have a contract to sign?"

Isn't it usually after you decide to recruit someone as an extra that the specific contract is signed?

In fact, most of them don't even think that they can actually be in the movie in the end - it's good to have an immersive audition in the crew and feel the atmosphere of filming.

As a result, the contract is signed now?

Yu Jingyu has long been accustomed to the unusual operations of the group, and explained: "The explanation above is that auditions will delay everyone's work, affect work efficiency, and may eventually lead to a decline in performance, resulting in a reduction in everyone's final year-end bonus, so starting from the audition, all employees will receive compensation."

The employees looked at each other.

The company held an event by itself, and then said that the event might affect work, so it gave rewards to all employees who signed up for the event?

Wouldn't the impact on work ultimately affect the company's revenue?

Why do you have to compensate employees in the end?

"As expected of Mr. Yang, if I said this in another place, I would really suspect that someone is dreaming."

"I'm actually used to it, can you believe it?"

"I'm not surprised that the company would do this."


Everyone signed their names on the contract while chatting and laughing, and didn't even look at the contents of the contract - everyone's trust in the group was overwhelming, and they didn't even bother to check the contents of the contract.

The group didn't need to use such a trick to kill me.


Not far away, in the president's office, Yang Ruoqian looked at the construction report of the overseas engineering team on the computer and asked the secretary sitting next to him: "How is the registration situation? Are there many employees who want to be extras?"

Qi Mu responded while processing the messages sent by various projects: "It's quite a lot... But I think your contract has a greater impact."

Yang Ruoqian's contract directly tied all the staff who wanted to sign up for the audition to the crew. If the audition failed, at least two days would be wasted. If the audition was successful, a week's work time might be wasted.

After signing the contract, it was too late to regret.

"It doesn't matter. Everything should be fair, just and open." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand. "How is the overseas branch of the group doing?"

The company has decided to build two branches.

"Not bad." Qi Mu nodded. "The environment in the place we chose is better, the approval process is shorter, and the taxation is relatively relaxed. But...the labor cost is higher than that in China anyway."

"It doesn't matter if it's higher."

If the audit process in some regions is too long, and there are still various things to deal with after the audit process, which may not be completed in a quarter, Yang Ruoqian will actually choose a region with higher costs.

I heard that a factory wanted to open a factory before, and all the procedures were completed in advance, but as soon as the construction started, various interest groups couldn't wait to come to the door.

On this side, they protested that the factory that had already completed afforestation occupied wasteland and destroyed the natural environment, and on the other side, they simply cut the wires and pulled the cables to forcibly prevent the factory from starting construction.

A factory was built for several years and could not be built.

In the end, the audit process was restarted.

If the group also encountered such a mess, let alone dragging it for several years, it would be a disaster even if it dragged it until the next quarter.

If you want to lose money on the books, the most taboo is to do various projects in a scattered manner.

All projects must be concentrated to fight against the company's cash flow that is constantly coming in.

"Okay. The crew just sent me a message saying that they are ready and will come over this afternoon for everyone to audition."

Yang Ruoqian nodded: "Okay, remember to bring Luo Ruyin with you."

If it were an ordinary crew, the director would definitely be dissatisfied with this strange behavior of letting his own employees participate in the audition.

But if the target is Kuiguang Group, there will be no such trouble.

How can ordinary people guess the foresight of Mr. Yang? Just do what he says, wait for the box office to explode, and then reap the fame and fortune. Why think so much about the boss's thoughts?

After Qi Mu left the office, Yang Ruoqian turned on the computer to play for a few hours, took a casual lunch break, and when he saw that the time was almost up, he turned off the computer and got up, slowly preparing to go to the audition site to take a look.

Luo Ruyin came out from the side: "Boss, are you going to watch the audition too?"

"Yes, you should be there now, right?" Yang Ruoqian said casually, "How does it feel to be a 'teacher'?"

This skill of being able to be in many places at the same time is indeed very convenient.

Maybe Luo Ruqin is upstairs now, with a stern face, pretending to be serious, like the dignified, elegant and smart performance in the previous concert.

Alas, since being exposed last time, the rebellious son has become more and more casual in front of him.

"Great! Thank you, boss! Hahahahaha, I like this feeling of pretending to be powerful!"

Although she only has two places, others don't know.

Let alone two places, even if there is only one place, she can sit there and point fingers.

Yang Ruoqian's mouth twitched, and he reached out to help Luo Ruqin turn off the phone, then walked out of the office and took the elevator to the company's audition point.

As a serious film, it is naturally impossible for all extras to be recruited from within the company.

Only when it involves the company's internal plot will the company's employees be used as extras.

Other extras are still recruited in society or on campus.

Although the company has a large scene here, and even a whole floor is specially vacated for auditions, and the corresponding decoration is carried out for the AI ​​style, in fact, the proportion of real actors is very, very small.

Arriving at the 9th floor, there were already many people waiting in the lounge and waiting room nearby.

Many employees were not in the room, but stood up and walked to the audition site to watch.

"Wow, so this is how movies are shot?"

"Fuck, I didn't expect that Xiao Lu, who usually looks honest, is actually a drama queen? The expression on his face is so lifelike!"

"No, can he be so into the role of a corpse?"

"I feel that Shang Qianyu is holding back his laughter, is it an illusion?"

"Ahhhhhh, Luo's mother is also on the judges' seat, so dignified and elegant! I declare that my goddess in the future is Luo Rujin!"

"Keep your voice down, the big boss is behind us, you are really not afraid of embarrassment, right?"

"Ah, when did you come..."

Yang Ruoqian ignored this voice, he smiled and nodded to everyone: "Filming is not a simple thing, everyone has worked hard."

As he said, he also glanced at the audition site.

This audition is actually very simple, that is, the director gives a scene and asks the employees to play the role in it. Whoever plays well will have the opportunity to be selected.

The scene is very simple - the scene being simulated now is that the protagonist group and the special forces have already attacked the building of the villain company, and are engaged in the final and most intense confrontation with the company's security team and employees.

As the big villain, the protagonist group has always been a just siege.

Not only will the villain protagonist come to fight, but there will also be many machine gun towers and employees coming to chase and intercept the protagonist group on the way.

Of course, except for the villain protagonist, everyone else is cannon fodder, that is, extras.

At this time, an audition employee, with red eyes and a determined face, stood in the corridor and had a final confrontation with the powerful protagonist group.

"Protect the company! Protect the company! Don't let them enter the computer room!"

"Cut off the power supply to area C and trap them here!"

"Resisting the enemy, requesting support!"


The employee holding the gun fell down with anger and grief on his face, and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes could be said to be unwilling to close, as if the company was really going to be breached and his job was really about to be lost.

Mr. Yang was a little stunned.

This is acting... isn't it a bit too immersed in the role?

Brother, the company has not closed down yet, and the canteen is still serving food every day!

"Ka!" the director on the stage shouted, "That's right, that's right. You go to the side to rest first. I'll let you know when the time comes. You have a good chance, young man!"

After hearing this, the employee lying on the ground reluctantly got up and handed over various props.

Perhaps Luo Rujiu had tipped off the information, or perhaps he had sharp eyes. After this audition, the director was not in a hurry to let the next person in, but waved towards Yang Ruoqian.

"Mr. Yang, come and sit down."

Yang Ruoqian looked at the employees who had not yet come out of the play with a strange expression, and then walked towards the director suspiciously.

Before Yang Ruoqian could say anything, the director couldn't wait to speak again: "Mr. Yang, this is a wonderful move."

I have another trick, and my trick is wonderful again...

Mr. Yang, who was accustomed to this, took two seconds to simply calm down. He gritted his teeth and asked with a smile: "What's wrong? We employees didn't cause any trouble to the crew, did we?"

"Mr. Yang, you are joking." The director said, "Most of the employees performed very well, with real feelings and their acting skills were not too strenuous. They are perfect for group performances."

"Real feelings?"

"That's right." The director nodded cheerfully, "Many people seemed to automatically assume that the Kuaguang Group was attacked by bad guys. They took up arms and resisted, but in the end they were outnumbered and died heroically. It really fits our plot setting! "

As an AI villain, it is naturally impossible for him to be completely evil like a traditional villain.

Naturally, there will be a real crowd.

And these employees played the roles of employees who are "devoted to the villain company" vividly, even better than some senior actors.

"...Haha, is that so? As long as it helps the movie, everything is good." Yang Ruoqian, who once again helped the crew inexplicably, laughed, "Then I will look around, so it won't affect your work. "

"Mr. Yang, please walk slowly."

Yang Ruoqian left the audition site and didn't have any intention to continue shopping here. He turned around and walked towards the door.

When he was approaching the door, he saw a staff member stopping the employee who had just finished the audition and not allowing him to leave the room.

"I still have an unfinished job on hand!"

"Sorry, we were told by the top that filming is very tiring. Every employee after filming must take a forced rest in the lounge for at least one working day before returning to work to avoid overwork and affecting the quality of work." The staff member responsible for blocking the door apologized, "We will all be held accountable if we let someone go."

"But I'm really not tired!"

"The contract you signed is written in black and white." The staff reminded kindly, "Maybe you are really tired? After all, the big boss can't make mistakes." (End of Chapter)

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