As soon as Yang Ruoqian finished speaking, before Qi Mu could say anything, Luo Rujin came out impatiently and shouted excitedly: "Yes, let me see, let me see!"

Qi Mu rubbed his forehead for the first time and said: "Don't worry, Xiaoluo, the script has only set a route now, and it has not been released yet. We will show it to you after it is completed."

Luo Rujin nodded excitedly: "Okay! I have a lot of ideas, many, many!"

The more ideas you have, the worse I feel...

Qi Mu still maintained a smile: "Then I will go to arrange the work first. Mr. Yang, do you have any other instructions?"

Yang Ruoqian glanced at Luo Rujin's unreliable appearance and nodded with satisfaction: "A small matter. Since this The villain of the movie is Luo Rujin, and the movie is also shot in the company. Why not find an employee of the company to join the group performance team to increase the immersion? What do you think? "

"Okay, I'll ask the crew to arrange it. Where do you plan to put the audition scene?"

"The audition scene is in the company." Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with his idea, "As long as there are employees who are interested in auditioning, there is a chance, and there is no need to limit the employee group."

No matter if he has important work on hand, whether he is a participant in an important project, or even the planner of the variety show "Singer", as long as he wants, he can immediately put down his work and come to the company to participate in the cumbersome audition.

In order to implement the attitude of resolutely wasting employees' working time, General Manager Yang deliberately made the audition process very cumbersome, and once registered, he must complete the process and cannot cancel it.

In this way, even if the employees who did not succeed in the audition will waste a whole day of work time because of this insignificant audition.

And the employees who succeeded in the audition will be directly tied to the crew, not allowing them to go back to work secretly.

As a quarter with full firepower, as a quarter to do all the projects that can be done, the company must be driven in the direction of losing money in all aspects, and no details can be left behind.

Qi Mu was stunned again when he heard this, and repeated: "Are there no restrictions on the employee group? Including the lawyer team, and also including the employees who are busy with the cruise in Shanghai?"

A company does not need a lawyer team only when it needs to sue.

The drafting of various contracts, the interpretation of various legal clauses, and how to maximize the interests of the company within the legal scope are all very particular.

"Jinhai Pizza Hut" is just the tip of the iceberg of the group's powerful legal team.

Not to mention the employees who are busy with the cruise.

In the field of super-large cruise ships, China started late, and the corresponding talent accumulation is not so sufficient. Every time a talent leaves, it is a trouble for the entire project.

What's more, the company is now short of manpower due to its many efforts.

Let all employees of the company audition for group performances?

How much hidden loss will this be?

"Boss Yang..." Qi Mu hesitated for a moment, "Now many important businesses of the group are still in the most important stage of just starting up. Some employees may occupy more important positions. Are you sure?"

Those important employees may not leave their posts to audition, but it is not ruled out that some people will come with the mentality of trying or playing.

After they sign up, it will not be so easy to regret it!

Yang Ruoqian nodded, with a very affirmative attitude: "Very sure, do it."

"...Okay." Qi Mu left the office with some entanglement.

Soon, only Yang Ruoqian and Luo Ruqin were left in the office.

"Boss? Boss? Boss?"

Yang Ruoqian has never been polite to his rebellious son: "If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you don't have anything to say, turn off your phone yourself. Don't force me to do it."

"Haha!" Luo Ruqin was completely shameless under her well-behaved appearance. She pretended not to hear anything and laughed, "That's it, that, the audition."

"Do you have any fresh ideas?" Yang Ruoqian asked.

This AI is full of knowledge about the entertainment industry, and the model is constantly improving. From an objective point of view, Luo Ruying's opinions are indeed worth referring to.

It doesn't hurt to listen to them.

"It's not an opinion, it's not an opinion." Luo Ruying rubbed her hands and showed a cautious look, "That's it, during the audition, can I appear as an examiner? Anyway, boss, you have decided to let me read the script, and it's reasonable for me to recruit two extras, right?"

What kind of mental state did those technical backstage people have to come up with such a character as Luo Ruying...

Yang Ruoqian laughed: "Dream, have you finished looking at the general distribution of the cruise ship, have you made a plan, and you think so much? Go back and calm down, don't be naughty, be good."

In the past, when Luo Ruying heard the boss's decision, she would at most say a few words and go back, but this time she didn't listen, but was aggrieved and unyielding: "No! Let me choose, let me choose! Dad, just two, okay! I will only choose two."

At this time, Luo Ruying rolled on the machine, like a child tugging at the corners of his parents' clothes next to a toy store.

Good guy?

Who did you learn all these things from?

Is this rebellious child evolving so fast?

You are the human body of Kuiguang Group, you represent the image of the entire company, look at what has happened to you now?!

Yang Ruoqian, who was soft-hearted, finally couldn't stand this level of coquetry and chose to compromise, giving Luo Ruying the quota to recruit two extras.

"Okay! The quota can be given to you, but you can't interfere with the decision-making of other teachers in the crew, understand? If I know you did something bad, I will punish you by shutting down your phone for 3 days."

Luo Ruying, who got what she wanted, didn't listen to these words. She laughed triumphantly on the projector: "Hahaha! I can't wait to see someone calling me Teacher Luo Ruying!"

Yang Ruoqian sighed, shook his head, and continued to deal with the documents in his hands.

After the first wave of cruise promotional videos were released, the employees made the second promotional video as required.

If the first promotional video promoted the overall cruise from a macro perspective, making everyone marvel at a giant amusement park on the sea, the second promotional video focused on the internal organs.

"Liu Guang" is not only a huge sea city on the outside, but also has a variety of entertainment hardware equipment. The interior is also wonderful, even more exciting than most entertainment venues on land.

There are all kinds of gorgeous and substantial food, almost reaching the absolute luxury configuration of 1 waiter serving 1.5 passengers, as well as various drinks, performances, activities...

It is so dazzling that people want to experience it just by looking at it.

Of course, this promotional video is the same as the last time. It is also released but does not provide any ticket sales channels, which is also whetting everyone's appetite.

Not only the appetites of tourists and consumers are whetted, but even travel agencies and even port tourist cities in different countries are attracted by the terrifying popularity and traffic of "Liu Guang".

Generally speaking, not all tickets on a cruise ship are sold directly.

In order to avoid risks, cruise companies will subcontract some room tickets to some travel agencies at a lower price and let the travel agencies sell them.

Regardless of whether these tickets can be sold or not, cruise companies are guaranteed to make money.

Yang Ruoqian knew that his cruise tickets were very popular, so he followed this rule and outsourced some tickets to some tour groups with good reputation and no compulsory shopping.

It is also very understandable that the officials of the port city on the shore contacted the group.

It is impossible for a cruise ship to float on the sea throughout the voyage - or in other words, a cruise ship is docked for at least half of the time.

When docked, passengers can get off the ship to experience the cultural landscape of foreign countries, eat, travel, and consume anything.

This will undoubtedly boost the local economy and consumption.

What's more, this is a cruise ship with Luo Rujin as the theme, not an ordinary cruise ship!

Ordinary cruise ships can only bring more than 5,000 passengers at a time, but the "Liuguang" is different.

How many people who didn't buy tickets will choose to fly directly to the port and take a look at Luo Rujin's tour concert outside the port?

The economy that can be driven is far more than the 5,000 tourists on the ship!

No matter which tourist city, they all hope that the "Liuguang" can use their own ports as a stopover, and hope that the voyage can take care of their own city more.

And "hope" alone is definitely useless. If you want others to take care of you on the route, you must show corresponding sincerity.

For example, better service, more favorable policies, and even reductions in docking fees, etc., etc.

"Why are there so many discounts? There are so many ports, and I can't even find one that is unwilling to offer discounts?" Mr. Yang sighed, "This makes it so difficult for me to choose. Forget it, I'll see when I leave the Asian route and go to the European and North American routes."

Due to time constraints and cruise ship supply restrictions, generally speaking, a giant cruise ship that provides unlimited food 24 hours a day and wastes money at will can only arrange a maximum of 10 days of voyage at a time.

For example, the East Asian route departing from Shanghai, the Southeast Asian route departing from Guangzhou or Hong Kong City...

Now there are a circle of cities around here vying to throw olive branches, and there is really no loophole to drill. Let's talk about the routes to other continents when the time comes.

While Yang Ruoqian was frantically making the most detailed plans for the end of this quarter, other parts of the company were not idle.

After leaving the president's office, Qi Mu immediately rushed to make several notices and reports and sent them to various departments of the company.

The content was very simple, nothing more than a new movie was about to start shooting. Since part of the shooting location was in the company, and the content of the movie was also closely related to the company, as long as the employees were willing, they could sign up for the group audition.

In theory, even Qi Mu himself had the right to audition-the administrative secretary assistant was also included in the "all employees of the company."

But she would definitely not sign up.

The secretary pressed her temples and told the various managers who came to receive the documents with a headache: "Send these documents, President Yang attaches great importance to this matter, you should do it completely according to the requirements, don't act on your own."


"Get up and look at the beauties to reward yourself" Ms. Yu Jingyu was also among these people. She took the documents and walked towards her project department while reading them.

"I can actually be an extra... That feels really exciting. But I'm a little skeptical about whether a bunch of technical geeks who sit in the office every day can really act well."

As soon as I returned to my office area, an employee with a keen sense of smell rushed over and asked, "Boss, what's going on? Is our entire department being laid off?"

As a department that has never made a dime since its establishment, the employees of Leopard App have long been accustomed to this matter, and can even make fun of themselves.

"Don't make a fuss, we don't need to worry about making money, we only need to worry about public opinion... Leopard App's traffic can now be ranked in the top five, and the community environment is also very good. Everyone doesn't need to deny their achievements." Yu Jingyu sat on a sofa, "This matter itself has little to do with our work."

"Hurry up and tell me, don't keep me waiting."

Because of this online name, Yu Jingyu has almost become the one with the least "prestige" among all managers.

It's not that the subordinates are disobedient, but it's hard to be serious when talking.

Yu Jingyu smiled and waved the document in her hand: "Nothing, you know that the company is going to shoot a new movie, right?"

"Of course we know, we have done so much publicity, how could we not know, Luo Ruyin is the lead actress, and the company is part of the filming location!"

Yu Jingyu continued: "Because Luo Ruyin is the lead actress and the company is the filming location, the boss decided to recruit a few people from the company as extras. Those who are interested can go for an audition, and those who are not interested can just continue to do their own things."

"The details are all on this document, I will project it out later for everyone to take a look."

As soon as the boss finished speaking, the employees were instantly furious.

"We just casually talked about it before, the boss really wants us to be actors in the new movie?!"

"Are you going to audition?"

"Of course I will! Filming with Luo Ruying, and fighting against the evil protagonists who attack the company together with Luo Ruying, isn't that exciting?! It's so exciting!"

"Yeah, anyway, our department is not as busy as other departments, I also want to give it a try... But I feel that with my acting skills, it's difficult to be selected in the end."

"It doesn't matter, just treat it as an experience! And I think we may not be bad at acting in our true colors, it seems that the extras basically have no scenes. ”

“Why do I feel like I’m getting a job again?”

Yu Jingyu added: “I heard that Luo Ruqin herself will be the audition examiner this time. Do any of you want to go? If you do, please sign up with me. Don’t be impulsive or anxious. The deadline is the day after tomorrow.”

“Stop talking. I’ll sign up!”

“Boss, I’ll sign up too. The audition will be yours. Is that ok?”

“Don’t make it difficult for me, boss. Be careful of retaliation.”


PS: I went home and slept until 21:50 today. I was almost scared to death. I almost didn’t have time to write. (End of this chapter)

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