I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 482: A thrilling night adventure

Sure enough, Mr. Yang is just as the legend says, and he is very receptive to all kinds of creative ideas.

The director's slightly uneasy mood stabilized, and he gave a shot of vaccination first: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, it's not something particularly subversive."

That's a pity...

But it's normal. If someone starts with a "creative idea" such as letting tourists and animals have a battle royale in the wild environment, it is unlikely to be accepted.

"It's okay, tell me." Yang Ruoqian nodded.

The director scratched his head and said: "Mr. Yang, you actually know that most untamed animal performances are a great harm to the animals themselves, right?"

Sure enough, this question is brought up!

As expected of an older generation of animal lovers, as expected of an elite selected by thousands of people, he even made an excuse for Mr. Yang in advance!

Otherwise, as a big boss in the entertainment industry, I would take the initiative to tell my employees that animal performances should be humanized... It always feels a bit weird.

This scene should appear in a gloomy office, where an employee full of dreams holds a very idealistic report and speaks passionately in front of the boss with an indifferent face.

And the boss makes all kinds of difficult remarks...

Yang Ruoqian thought about the plots he learned from various movies and TV series, controlled himself not to laugh, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

"Boss Yang, don't worry, I will definitely not let the zoo become a charity." Seeing that the boss did not express his attitude clearly, the director hurriedly explained, "It's just that I want to use some softer methods... Moreover, from a cost perspective, animals that have been forced for a long time and are depressed, even if they are kept in captivity and well fed, will not live long."

"Once an animal dies, it is necessary to spend money to buy a new animal. This round trip is also very costly."

"Moreover, if some animals are in abnormal emotions, it is easy to hurt the breeder. At that time, both the reputation of the zoo and the reputation of the group should be hit hard..."


The director talked freely and explained the pros and cons to Boss Yang.

Yang Ruoqian felt that it was almost done, and the reasons were sufficient, so he nodded: "What you said makes sense, then let's do it as you say... Any other ideas?"

The director actually had a lot to say, but he didn't expect the big boss to agree so quickly.

"Ah, no, no, this is enough."

Yang Ruoqian sighed, asked the director to sit down, and said earnestly: "From your appearance, you haven't completely gotten rid of the influence of your last job on you, and you haven't adapted to the working environment of Kuiguang Group."

"Of course, this is not your responsibility... After all, you haven't been to the company headquarters once since you joined the company."

"I reiterate that what is most needed in our company is wild imagination and creativity. Just reducing some animal performances, what kind of creativity is it? What is the essential difference between such a change and other ordinary wildlife parks?"

Director: "Ah?"

At first, the director felt that it was very difficult for the boss of a company whose main purpose was to make profits to agree to what he just said. He was ready to be scolded and ready to take several steps back.

As a result, the other party not only agreed immediately, but also complained that the changes he made were not big enough?

Zoos are not rare things. Various successful profit models have long been established and do not need to be changed.

Seeing the confused look of the new employee, Yang Ruoqian sighed again: "Innovation means creating something out of nothing, not patching up the original foundation. Your idea is good, but the overall idea is not good."

The director, who has basically never been to the traditional workplace and whose knowledge of the office is limited to movies and TV series, didn't know what he did wrong, and hurriedly asked carefully: "Mr. Yang, do you have any constructive suggestions for the zoo?"

Yang Ruoqian said: "You only thought of reducing the intensity of the animal performances and achieving your goal by reducing the effect of the show, but you didn't think about whether there is such a possibility... We can directly improve the effect of the show through other means?"

"You are a very smart locksmith, you encountered a very sophisticated lock that can't be unlocked no matter how you try, but you didn't realize that this lock is just a broken wooden door... What you should do most is not to exhaust all ways to pick the lock, but to directly kick the wooden door open."

This metaphor is very vivid and vivid, that is, the zoo can use other methods to increase its attractiveness to tourists, instead of having to focus on animal performances?

The director nodded gently - Yang Ruoqian was definitely not as good as him in terms of professional knowledge of various animals, but he was far inferior to Yang Ruoqian in terms of how to commercialize the zoo.

Yang Ruoqian smiled and said, "Sometimes, you can think a little more. In ordinary animal performances, tourists are watching the animal performances on the stands, right?"

The director had no idea what Mr. Yang wanted to express, so he could only nod woodenly: "Yes..."

"Then we can add another layer on the original basis." Yang Ruoqian said, "This is also a mode of thinking. Adding another layer on the original mode may have unexpected results."

The director was still confused: "Mr. Yang, can you explain it in detail?"

In fact, it's not that Yang Ruoqian wanted to be the Riddler on purpose, it was mainly because of some outrageous things. If he didn't lay the groundwork before saying it, it would be difficult for others to accept it.

Seeing that the preparations were almost done, the director of the park was also stunned. Yang Ruoqian then slowly said: "We can let the animals watch the human performances on the stage in the auditorium, and then set up another auditorium for tourists to sit on. Watch this scene. This is called putting on another layer after reversal, do you understand?”

Let people perform, let animals watch... and let passengers watch this scene from another auditorium? !

The zoo staff performed hard on the stage, and the animals were forced to the audience stage to watch their performance, while the tourists sat next to the animals, watching the performance with them, and at the same time watching the animals watching the performance...

This picture is so abstract that it’s hard to imagine!

It’s really that multi-layered matryoshka doll!

How did Mr. Yang's brain grow to be able to come up with such abstract things?

The director felt that he was a little confused, but he still thought of a more important thing: "Mr. Yang, let the zoo employees perform on stage. Is this okay?"

Will any staff protest?

Yang Ruoqian naturally understood what the director meant, and he said calmly: "You can take a look at the basic salary of the staff, look at the bonuses, and think about this issue again."

With this kind of treatment and this kind of work intensity, let alone protesting, how many people want to grab this position but can't?

The director thought about the number he signed the contract with, and suddenly realized: "I completely understand, Mr. Yang!"

"That's right." Yang Ruoqian nodded again, "Then let's talk about the creativity of the zoo. We are always limited to one misunderstanding... Does creativity have to be innovation in content? Can't we do it elsewhere? Innovative?”

"No, somewhere else?" The director tried his best to keep up with the big boss's thinking and said cautiously, "You mean, let us bring a different experience to the tourists in terms of food?"

Yang Ruoqian shook his head: "No, it's about time."

Feeling like a completely new principal: "Time, time?"

"Yes, time." Yang Ruoqian felt that his inspiration and creativity were endless, "Generally speaking, zoos are open during the day, right?"

The director, who had already realized what the big boss was going to say, took a deep breath and said, "That's right, Mr. Yang."

"Then why don't we do the opposite and hold an event open in the middle of the night?" Yang Ruoqian said, "Our zoo can launch a regular event and open ticket sales in the early hours of the evening."

"There are so many animals that are nocturnal. How do the animals behave differently at night in the safari park than during the day?"

"In a gloomy environment, you will feel the immersive feeling that you can't feel during the day... How cool is this? How experiential is this? Can't the tickets be sold out?"

Going to the zoo during the day is nothing more than seeing a group of creatures in cages.

Even in safari parks, which claim to have close contact with animals, passengers are still sitting on cars wrapped in metal. No matter how ferocious the beast is, they can't cause harm - as long as the passengers don't open the door and get out of the car without thinking.

But if you put it at night, it's not that simple.

First of all, for safety reasons, tourists must not be allowed to enter the wildlife park in their own cars when it is dark and windy at night. Otherwise, if the car breaks down due to visibility problems, things may become a big deal.

Therefore, it is necessary to let the most familiar with the roads and the most professional staff drive special vehicles to wander in the safari park at night.

And this special vehicle can be specially designed to be less safe.

Let passengers feel what it means to walk on thin ice and what it means to have a true sense of immersion.

"Open the zoo at night? Will tourists really buy tickets at this time? Moreover, the zoo also needs time to clean up, and there are times when it is inconvenient for public display. If it is open 24 hours a day, many things will not be possible. The solution was done.”

"It's not really about making the zoo open 24 hours a day." Yang Ruoqian explained, "It's about doing a project similar to activities, once a few days, once a week or once every half month... The specifics will depend on the arrangements of your park. "

Even if it is held once every six months, all related night vision equipment, related exclusive tour buses, related supporting facilities and other necessary things must be purchased.

The purchase and maintenance costs of this equipment are Yang Ruoqian's main purpose.

He also hopes that as few night tours as possible - if more are held, wouldn't more tickets be sold?

"I, I understand." The principal nodded vaguely.

Before welcoming Mr. Yang, he felt that what he said would be difficult for a boss to accept.

After welcoming Mr. Yang, he realized that he was too conservative compared to the person in front of him.

"Understood, just make arrangements as I said." Yang Ruoqian looked at the time, stood up and patted his shoulder, "This is called creativity, do you understand? If you have any other ideas in the future, just ask him first I wonder if this idea is creative enough.”

"Mr. Yang, I understand..."

After leaving the zoo and returning to the car, Yang Ruoqian was very satisfied with the two ideas he had come up with on the fly.

Well... other zoos choose the best performing animal as the star, but we do the opposite here. We choose the animal that is most immersed in the performance and most serious in the audience and make it the star!

There shouldn't be many tourists in this abstract zoo, right?

Yang Ruoqian knew that being too unique might bring more traffic, but zoos are different from general projects. Such projects are generally for families with children. Without children, few people would consider visiting the zoo as their first choice for vacation.

Are these parents willing to let their children watch such abstract things?

Let their children watch the performance on the stage with the animals?

Can parents now let their children stay up all night, and then take a tour bus that looks unsafe, and go to the zoo in the dark to adventure?

It's a miracle that anyone can come to the project opened at night.

After arriving at the company, Yang Ruoqian immediately called Qi Mu over and briefly told him what happened in the zoo just now and his thoughts.

The secretary, who was used to it, was in a relatively stable mood. She nodded: "Mr. Yang's creativity is very impressive... Do you have other arrangements for the zoo?"

Qi Mu almost never directly manages the specific details of peripheral projects. Since Yang Ruoqian mentioned the specific details, it means that she needs to use these details to do something.

As for the animals watching human performances, whether the night zoo itself is abstract is no longer within her consideration.

Yang Ruoqian casually flipped through the documents in his hand, then turned on the computer and opened the game interface, and responded: "Yes, according to what I just said, make a promotional video and promotional copy for our zoo. The focus should be on the two "creativity" I just mentioned, understand?"

Parents who want to take their children to the zoo must see clearly what kind of place this is.

Lest some careless parents bring their children to the zoo without watching anything, and contribute ticket money to Yang Ruoqian.

Qi Mu nodded: "I will go and arrange it for Mr. Yang now... But the zoo has not been built yet, do you still plan to use special effects to fill in the real picture?"

With the experience of the cruise ship, the secretary is familiar with Yang Ruoqian's routine.

"That's right, use special effects directly... It's better to make the animal performance more exaggerated and the night travel more terrifying!" (End of this chapter)

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