I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 270 Isn't This The World Of One Punch Man?

"Good day, sir, if I excuse you."

"Do you like this light novel very much?"

***I am the omnipotent dividing line***

Kasumigaoka Shiwa is an ordinary high school student.

Her family lives in Q City, a very safe city.

Because of the presence of the police dog man, there are very few weirdos here, which has also caused the housing prices and prices in this city to start to soar at a very terrifying speed.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's parents are forced to make a living and work very hard to make money.

But the mortgage is still a big mountain hanging over the family.

A very sensible girl, who has a panoramic view of the current situation of the family, naturally wants to contribute to her family.

But she is still a student and can only do some part-time jobs.

However, the remuneration is only enough to serve as pocket money, and compared with the huge amount of arrears, it is completely a drop in the bucket.

Realizing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly felt extremely unwilling, so she began to search for a lot of information on the Internet.

Finally on a certain day!

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was browsing the blog, unconsciously saw an essay contest about light novels on the Internet when she was 20.

If you can stand out in this kind of competition, you can get a fairly generous bonus, and at the same time, your work can also get a contract with the library.

After some fine-tuning, it could even be published.

Out of the psychology of trying, Kasumigaoka Shiyu participated in this competition.

As a top student in the school, the girl is also excellent in literature, and the light novels she writes will not have too many minor problems.

As a rookie, she was so successful!

He successfully stood out in the competition. Although he didn't win the gold medal, he was still favored by the editor of Undead Chuan Library and officially became a contracted light novel writer.

A few days ago, it happened to be the day when her light novel was published.

Faced with this situation for the first time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was extremely disturbed.

She was looking forward to the publication of the results, but was terrified of knowing.

In the end, amidst this abnormal torment, the girl walked out of the house and went to a nearby bookstore, intending to check the sales of her light novels in private.

Today's Q City is still very peaceful and peaceful.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was fortunate more than once to be able to live in this city.

Although she has never left Q City, she can often learn about other cities through various news reports.

All kinds of crises seem to be very close to her, but they are far away.

Every time after seeing the safety of Q city, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu would sigh softly.

However, today she has no time to think about other things.

Jogging all the way to the bookstore, the staff in charge of watching the store at the door greeted her warmly, obviously they already knew each other well.

This is not the first time that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has come here.

In the process of becoming a light novel writer, it is natural to read the works of other writers and find something to learn from them.

Came to the sales area of ​​light novels with ease.

"The sales area of ​​"Love Metronome"..."


"found it!!!"

After a simple search, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu finally found a counter that sold her light novels.

The girl did not step forward, but stood in the corner, intending to observe the specific situation and see how many people would choose to buy among the crowd coming and going.

Usually in this kind of bookstore, there will be sample books.

Customers can judge whether the book in front of them is worth buying by first observing the content in the sample book.

Of course, there are also many people who will not choose to buy, but directly stand in the bookstore and choose to read the sample booklet.

This situation is called "white female ticket"!

Neither writers nor bookstore employees like this kind of existence.

After standing for a long time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's legs wrapped in black silk began to weaken, but she had no intention of leaving.

At this moment, the brows of the four girls were deeply knit together.

Even the mood has become quite low.

She had been in this place for more than ten minutes, but she didn't get the result she wanted to see.

During this period, people coming and going did not stop in front of the counter.

But when they picked up the sample booklet and looked at it briefly, they threw it in place, as if they had completely lost interest.

This undoubtedly made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu extremely disappointed.

After all, readers' feedback determines the sales of her light novel.

But judging from the current situation, the situation doesn't seem to be particularly optimistic. At least in these ten minutes or so, the sales volume is not good.

"Is this going to hit the street?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked very flustered.

After all, Undead Sichuan Library will not continue to publish a book without the slightest potential.

If the grades are not good, there is no doubt that "Love Metronome" will be cut in half and taken off the shelves of all bookstores.

At that time, it was a complete and complete failure.

"Where is the problem?"

"Obviously even editor Machida said that my work is not bad among newcomers, but why is the sales so poor?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu kept asking questions in his heart.

However, the girl who was already in a state of confusion couldn't get a definite answer at all.

The extremely tormented Kasumigaoka Shiwa is about to leave the bookstore, and feed back her inner doubts to Machida Wanko to see if there is any way to remedy it.

But before she could move, a figure broke into her sight.

This made Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stunned in place.

"So handsome, is he a star?"

"He stopped in front of my book, did he want to read it?"

"Please, don't let the previous situation happen again, give me a little confidence!"

Even in front of her classmates, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was extremely cold, but no matter what, she was just a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old.

The situation seems to be developing in the direction she expected.

The handsome man did not leave, but stopped in front of the counter, patiently flipping through the books in his hand.

Undoubtedly, this situation immediately made Kasumigaoka Shiyu feel ecstatic.

There were so many customers coming and going, only the man in front of him chose to stop, and began to read the specific content patiently.

Either way, it's definitely good news.

"Why don't you go up and ask?"

"If you can get words from readers, it will also be a valuable opinion.

Under the strange circumstances, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu walked forward slowly.

"Good day, sir, if I excuse you."

"Do you like this light novel very much?"

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