I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 292: The Sigong Consortium On The Fading West

"I am Hayasaka Ai from the Shinomiya Foundation, and I came here to visit Mr.

"The owner is waiting downstairs. If you don't mind, sir, please follow me downstairs. Everything is ready in the hotel's reception room."

"It is definitely prepared according to the most solemn specifications, and it will definitely satisfy you, sir!"

Since she doesn't know Li Yiming's name, Ai Hayasaka can only use her honorific name instead.

As expected of a professional valet.

This series of words of Hayasaka Ai really gives people a very comfortable feeling.

However, the existence of the Sigong consortium in this world was somewhat beyond Li Yiming's expectations.

But thinking of the existence of Lianxiazhiqiu Shiyu, it seems that it is not unacceptable to have the Sigong consortium.

It's just that the situation seems to be different from what he thought.

Originally thought that the first to arrive here would be the management staff of the Heroes Association, or worse, it would be the rich people behind the scenes of the Heroes Association.

As a result, the first to arrive would be the Sigong consortium.

Moreover, the attitude of the other party is already humble enough, and it is true that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Sigong consortium? The speed is really fast enough."

"If you want to see me, let that guy from Shinomiya Yanan come up in person!"

The words without the slightest emotion caused Hayasaka Ai's expression to change suddenly.

This was the first time she had seen someone dare to use such a tone to speak to the Patriarch of the Sigong Consortium since she had been Sigong Kaguya's servant for so long.

You know, even members of various financial groups in the past, or heroes of the Heroes Association.

When seeing Sigong Yanan, they are all respectful.

Even for some powerful beings, at most, they will be friends with each other in the same generation, and it is absolutely impossible to be so arrogant.

But when Ai Hayasaka thought of the thousand and ten thousand instructions that Shinomiya Yanan gave her before she came up, the girl seemed to understand something again.

The existence that can make Sigong Yan'an treat it so seriously does have this qualification.

Thinking of this, Ai Hayasaka quickly suppressed her horror.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I'll go ask the Patriarch to come up!"

After saying this, Ai Hayasaka saluted respectfully again, then winked at the manager of the hotel lobby, and then turned and left alone.

The manager of the lobby, who was signaled by his eyes, once again had a bright, even flattering smile on his face. (caeh) "Sir, may I ask..."

"I don't need anything. If you have nothing to do, go down first!"

"If there is a need in the future, I will find you!"

Before the lobby manager could finish speaking, Li Yiming directly interrupted her.

Hearing this, the other party could only smile embarrassingly.

After bowing deeply, he turned and left the scene.

Although the room temporarily regained its calm, it won't be long before that kind of noise will reappear.

"Hertos, you go back to your room first!"

"Leave it to me to handle it!"

"Then please, Yiming, let's go there first!"

Goddess Het Faith did not refuse Li Yiming's proposal.

The three goddesses Dang even left the room together and went to the next door.

After all, there are four of them, so it is impossible for them to only live in one room, that kind of good thing is just thinking about it in their hearts.

At least for now...it's unlikely to happen!

"Let's fantasize about this kind of thing later, let's talk about it now.

"The Four Palaces consortium came here, probably wanting to recruit me?"

"Then how do I operate it so that they can help me find things willingly? It's really a difficult problem!"

"After all, being a member of He Faith's family restricts a lot of methods."

"Coercion is obviously impossible, it can only be lured."

After a few breaths, Li Yiming had a general idea in his mind.

Not long after, footsteps came from outside the door again.

Li Yiming looked up subconsciously, and saw several figures appearing at the door.

The leader was a trembling white-haired old man, who was trembling slightly even when he was walking, which really worried him very much.

Are you sure you won't just die like this?

"Excuse me, sir!"

"This is the patriarch of our Sigong consortium, the patriarch of the Sigong."

Without walking into the room immediately, Ai Hayasaka stopped at the door and introduced respectfully.

At this time, Sigong Yan'an also spoke softly: "Ahem, it's the first time we met, this old man is the head of the Sigong family, Sigong Yan'an, please don't be offended if you come to disturb me today

"Can the old man come in?"

"Of course, but I don't like too many people."

Hearing this, Sigong Yan'an gave a sudden pause, then turned his head slightly, and looked at the three sons who were following behind him with foolish faces.

The ineffective appearance really made him want to crush this guy to death.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to blame.

"Kaguya and Hayasaka come in with me, the others just wait outside!"

"Yes, Father/Master Patriarch!"

The three sons of Sigong Yan'an and a kind of bodyguard responded in a hurry, and they just stood quietly outside the door, showing no intention of following in.

Only Shinomiya Kaguya, Shinomiya Kaguya, and Hayasaka Ai walked into the room.

However, this old man still needed Kaguya Shinomiya's support, and the feeling of embarrassment really made people frowned subconsciously.

"It's too exaggerated to come here in person at such an advanced age!"

"Isn't it good to just stay at home and enjoy your old age?"

The words that sounded a little offensive did not arouse Shinomiya Yanan's dissatisfaction.

In other words, this man in a high position dared not show any dissatisfaction in front of Li Yiming at all.

And after living for most of my life, I may not have learned anything else, but Qi Yang Kungfu is definitely at its peak, and I will never let my thoughts appear on the surface.

Unfortunately, even so, there is nothing to hide in front of Li Yiming.

Knowledge-colored domineering not only perceives the enemy, but also can easily feel the emotional changes of other people.

But in front of Sigong Yanan, there is really no dissatisfaction.

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