I'm in DanMachi: Start A Simulator!

Chapter 293 Unscrupulous Capitalists

"Hehe, what you said makes sense, sir.

"But sometimes, it's not that the old man can let go if he wants to. At least in the lifetime of the old man, the Sigong consortium must not be destroyed at once."

Shinomiya Yanan smiled, but suddenly started coughing again.

His body obviously couldn't support this kind of action.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, sir, the old man's words are a little too much."

"Knowing that I talk too much, then stop first and talk about business!"

Li Yiming also didn't mean to be polite to Sigong Yan'an.

"Then the old man will stop going around in circles."

"If the old man's guess is correct, you are the one who defeated Police Dog and Trembling Tornado in City Q before, and also wiped out the giant monster just now, right?"

"That's right, I did it, what's the problem?"

Hearing Sigong Yanan's words, Li Yiming shrugged slightly, and admitted it bluntly.

As soon as these words came out, the breathing of the three present couldn't help but stagnate.

Although the battle between Li Yiming and the giant's younger brother took only a few minutes, the terrifying power displayed made Yangchang Yan'an couldn't help being excited.

This is the power he has been looking for!!!

If this power can be obtained, then the Sigong Consortium can truly sit back and relax, and stand at the true apex, overlooking all living beings!

"It's good sir!"

"The old man came to visit Mr. today to invite you to join the Sigong family. The old man is willing to give you 10% of the shares of the Sigong consortium as a gift.

"I don't know what you want?"

A gleam flashed in Sigong Yan'an's eyes, and then he stated his own conditions.

Li Yiming was really surprised that he was so rich and powerful.

It comes from the Sigong consortium, 10% of the shares, this is not a small amount, it is no exaggeration to say that it is enough for ten people to spend a lifetime living lavishly.

You don't have to worry about money at all, and you can truly achieve wealth freedom.

This kind of courage is really not something that ordinary people can possess.

However, Li Yiming only admired in his heart.

The so-called money has no attraction for him. If he wants to, he can become a rich and powerful existence in a very short period of time.

Whether it is obtained from the dungeon, or obtained from the world of pirates.

For others, this is enough to fall into the condition of madness, and there is no way to catch Li Yiming's eyes.

After all, while gaining benefits, one must also pay a sufficient price.

He is not interested in being a dog for the Sigong consortium.

Thinking of this, Li Yiming smiled contemptuously and shook his head without hesitation.

"Let's forget about joining the Sigong consortium. I'm not interested in joining a consortium like yours. It's too troublesome to fight back and forth."

"If you came here for this purpose, then please come back!"

Without any hesitation, Li Yiming directly issued the order to evict the guest.

However, his reaction had obviously been expected by Sigong Yan'an, even when he was rejected, the white-haired old man did not feel disappointed at all.

"Since you are unwilling, sir, then the old man will not force you."

"It's just that the old man still has an unfeeling request, and I ask you to agree to it."

"Oh? Let's hear it?"

Li Yiming was full of curiosity.

He also wanted to see what else this old guy had to say.

"Kaguya, Hayasaka, you all come to the front."

Sigong Yan'an turned to greet the two girls behind him, and waved his hand to signal them to come forward together.

Although I don't know the purpose of Shinomiya Ganan, but whether it's Shinomiya Kaguya or Hayasaka Ai, I can't refuse at all.

The concept of class has almost been deeply rooted in the hearts of the two women.

"My lord father."

"My lord."

Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai walked to the front obediently, their appearances could be described as quite well-behaved, and they didn't dare to overstep in the slightest.

Seeing this, Shinomiya Yan'an nodded in satisfaction.

Then the old guy turned his head and looked at Li Yiming with a smile on his face.

"Sir, this is the old man's biological daughter, Shinomiya Kaguya, and the other is her valet, Hayasaka Ai.

0 looking for flowers……………

"They are all excellent children. If you don't mind, I want Kaguya to worship you as a teacher, and at the same time let Hayasaka happen to be by your side."

"I don't know what you want sir?"

After finishing speaking, Shinomiya Yan'an concealed an expression of anticipation.

Sending women to win relationships is one of the methods commonly used by capitalists.

Although this behavior can be said to be quite ugly, there is no doubt that the effect is very obvious.

Sigong Yan'an believes that young people like Li Yiming are in their youth, so it is naturally impossible to resist this temptation.

After all, it is said to be an apprentice and a maid, but it will not be at his disposal when the time comes.


Accepting this 'gift' means that there is a connection with the Sigong consortium.

At that time, even for the sake of this face, Li Yiming will not be able to stand by and watch when the Sigong Consortium encounters any crisis.

Sichang Yan'an is quite proficient at handling this kind of mentality.

As for the thoughts of Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai, it is not within the scope of consideration of Shinomiya Yanan.

In his opinion, if he can make a contribution to the Sigong Consortium, even if he sacrifices his own life, he will definitely not hesitate!

If you want to survive in this dangerous world, you must be ruthless!

After hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai on the side immediately understood the intention of Shinomiya Yanan.

The hearts of the two girls fell to the bottom in an instant.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know how to say it.

The fate of the children of the big family has never been able to control by themselves, let alone the girls.

Perhaps dedicating the last bit of value to the family is the only thing they can do!

"Oh? It's an interesting proposal to worship me as a teacher!"

"As expected of being the head of the consortium, it really opened my eyes!"

Li Yiming laughed out of surprise.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I'm afraid he would start applauding right now.

What an interesting proposition.


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