"It's a face but not a face, it's really a strange subject, but it's not a problem!"

Liu Xing and Tang Sanjie didn't hesitate for a long time, and quickly understood the meaning.

Although they interpret Yunlai is not the only answer, after interpreting this meaning, everyone began to choose the ingredients.

As in the original, rice noodles, real beef noodles, and potato noodles are used, while Tang Sanjie uses radish.

His creativity is actually similar to Lan Feihong, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two are not imitating each other.

Because the selection of ingredients is basically synchronous, imitation is naturally impossible.

Like in the original book, Liu Xing chose catfish. To be honest, there is really nothing to say about Liu Angxing Xu Qing. This kid's imagination is too rich, and this operation is also "eight eight seven". Leave people speechless.

What is the concept of actually stuffing shredded squid into every noodle?

Normal super chefs can't do this, okay, but Liu Angxing can only say that it's really abnormal.

"It seems that there is no problem in reviewing the questions, but there is a problem in the selection of ingredients!"

Lei Hua looked at everyone's choice and said, to be honest, she is not very optimistic about Liu Angxing's choice now.

"Until the final product comes, no one can say what will happen, can it?

"The noodles made by the two people who used potatoes and radishes should be cold, but the others are quite satisfactory.

Xu Qing opened his mouth and said that although Lei Hua saw the problem, it did not mean that the people in the field could not see the problem enough.

"That's right, there will always be a solution, just see how they solve it!"

After hearing Xu Qing's words, Lei Hua was stunned and nodded, that's right.

She is also a chef herself, and she can think of a way to eliminate the lack of chewiness of catfish noodles, so it doesn't mean that people can't do it.

After that, Xu Qing didn't say much, and he didn't remind Lei Hua and others about this issue, it was unnecessary.

It is said that no matter what the title of the beluga is, in the end, it depends on the examiner.

The examiner said that he could pass, but the examiner said that he could not, so there is no way, although the question is ambiguous.

But after the accident is not enough, this question should not be used again, and the special chef exam will not use repeated questions.

The operators below were in full swing, time passed by, but Xu Qing directly saw the movements of this woman, Zhi Lin.

The one who was knocked out in the original book was the one who made the cat's ears, but Zhi Lin was not knocked out. In the original book, this guy attacked Liu Angxing with a needle. If it wasn't for Lan Feihong, Liu Angxing would basically be abolished. .

And now, Irene is even more extreme, he is not only targeting Liu Angxing, but also the young Tang Sanjie.

Because of their young age, they do not have much knowledge, and the risk of attacking such people is the lowest.

So Irene chose to start, and Irene's flying needle skills are indeed very good.

Acupuncture can be perfectly penetrated into the acupuncture points. You must know that even a little deviation will make the person who is punctured feel it.

But she was able to perfectly penetrate the needles into Liu Xing and Tang Sanjie's bodies.

Although it was looking for an opportunity to get close to the hand that followed, it had to be said that the flying needle skill of this hand was indeed very good.

"Miss Leihua, it seems that this game needs to eliminate one person in advance! 33

Xu Qing's super-vision and super-hearing allow him to capture this easily.

He also doesn't plan to let Irene stay until the end of Akatsuki. If this guy is in the dark cooking world, no one cares, on the contrary, there are people who like it, but now she is not in the dark cooking world.


Lei Hua is a little confused, he is the examiner, why would he say that he will reduce the number of people in advance?

"If you do something to other players in the test room, is it necessary for this person to participate in the test?"

Xu Qing asked.

"Doing something with the police? That will indeed be directly disqualified from the assessment!"

Lei Hua's face changed, and he said quickly, this kind of cheating can't be left unchecked.

And doing things to others is even more of a crime, and at that time you will have to go to jail.

"Then trouble Miss Leihua to come with me, there is someone inside!"

Xu Qing said and went down the tower, and Lei Hua also went with her. She is still a little puzzled. It seems that no one has done it.

But Xu Qing's cooking skills are here after all, so she didn't say much and just followed.

She felt that Xu Qing should not be joking with herself, or making some low-level mistakes.

The biggest possibility is that she didn't find out that the other party did something.

After the two came down, the city gate opened directly, which immediately shocked the five people inside.

"What's the matter? The time hasn't come yet, why did you come down earlier?"

After everyone took a look at the position of the moon, they found that there was still a period of time to go around.

"The five of you temporarily put down the things in your hands, and this won't affect anything.

Xu Qing opened his mouth and said that he chose the right time, and none of the five people had reached any important stage.

So it's time to pause now.

After hearing this, the five people were very surprised, but they still let go of what they were doing and came over.

"Lord Lei Hua, Chef Xu Qing, do you have anything to do with us?

The crowd asked.

"It's very simple, Ah, Sanjie, you two come here!"

Although their cooking skills have improved rapidly because of Xu Qing's presence, it does not mean that their five senses will also improve rapidly, and it does not mean that their skills will also improve Xiao.

Of course, as long as you get gourmet cells, all of this will be elevated to a level that exceeds that of ordinary people.

"Master, do you have anything to do with us?"

Liu 3.8 Xing asked in a puzzled way, Tang Sanjie did the same, the others looked puzzled, only Zhi Lin was in a cold sweat at the moment.

"I see, this is it!

Xu Qing made Liu Angxing tilt his head and pulled out a needle directly behind Liu Angxing's ear. Similarly, Tang Sanjie did the same. Two ox-hair needles appeared in Xu Qing's hand.

"Needle? Why do we have needles on us! 99

Because there is no food to taste, the two have not found that their sense of taste has been temporarily paralyzed.

"Of course someone stabbed you in while you weren't paying attention. The technique is quite clever. If it wasn't for my five senses being stronger than ordinary people, I probably wouldn't have discovered it.

"Zhilin, aren't you going to say a word yet?"

Xu Qing said and looked at Zhilin, who was in a cold sweat,

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