"Xu...... Chef Xu Qing, you...... What are you talking about? I have no idea what happened!

Zhi Lin's face was originally pale, but now she was even paler after being named.

"I still want to be a dead duck with a tough mouth. Hook the thing hidden at the waist on the right side of your clothes! 99

Xu Qing was also too lazy to push her, so she directly asked her to hand over things by herself. If it was a man, Xu Qing might have searched for things directly, but this is a woman, so Xu Qing naturally couldn't do it directly.

But hearing this, Irene's face was even more ugly, because she didn't expect Xu Qing to know where she hid things.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about, please don't waste our time if you can!"

Irene denied it very simply this time. Although she did hide something, she couldn't bring it.

"It's really troublesome, Miss Leihua, please do a search, after all, I'm a man and it's a little inconvenient to do it.

"Of course, if not, I will take responsibility for this matter to the end!"

Xu Qing can only let Lei Hua go, and Lei Hua did not hesitate this time at 12. One of the candidates who came to the assessment and the other was a dragon-level chef who might become the Supreme Dragon Chef. She naturally believed the latter.

So it doesn't seem fair to Erin, but no age can be completely fair.

Lei Hua naturally didn't care about Zhi Lin, and after seeing Lei Hua coming, Zhi Lin knew that she would be in trouble if she was searched for Yun, so she simply gritted her teeth and rushed towards the city gate.

After all, once it is determined that she has hurt someone, it is not as simple as simply disqualifying her from the assessment, and she will end up in jail.

She doesn't want to go to the prison to eat in prison, and her youth cannot be wasted in the prison.

After the big deal escaped, she joined the dark cooking world and it was over. With this idea in mind, she also ran away quickly.

"You guys, stop her!"

Lei Hua, who saw this scene, naturally knew what was going on, but Xu Qing had already started.

The needle just caught in his hand shot directly out, hitting Irene in an instant, and directly acupoints Zhilin.

The acupoint-pointed Zhi Lin was completely unable to move, but the inertia of running was still there, so that she fell directly to the ground.

"This is....."

Seeing that Irene suddenly became like this, Lei Hua was also a little panicked, and she just fell down.

"I taped her pussy, so now she can't move.

"By the way, in addition to needles, this guy has contraband on him!"

Xu Qing reminded that the other party even put the contraband into his seasoning.

Under Xu Qing's reminder, Lei Hua's face became more and more ugly, and it was no problem to cheat on other candidates, and even using this kind of thing was simply killing her.

Soon, all the things on Zhi Lin's body were searched.

"To be honest, with your cooking skills, you might have passed the test at the police station, but you have to come here to do things."

"Forget it, I'm still doing things to others here, making trouble for myself!

Xu Qing also looked at Irene a little speechless, this guy Zhilin was just superfluous.

Knowing that the assessment here is the most stringent, then you should go to another place to take the exam.

And using this kind of forbidden thing in this kind of assessment, I'm afraid it's not a brain-dead, think everyone has a problem with their tongue?

"Put Erin in custody and wait until the end of the assessment to deal with her affairs!!

Lei Hua looked at these things and said something to the officers and soldiers next to them, and then the officers and soldiers directly hung Zhilin on the rack.

But at the moment, Zhi Lin was still unable to move.

Xu Qing also directly pulled out the needle on her body. If it was not pulled out, it would not be as simple as transient paralysis.

Although Xu Qing's acupuncture can't last forever, it's not a problem to keep Irene like this for a month.

If she didn't pull the hook, Zhi Lin wouldn't even be able to eat.

So Xu Qing still came with the needle-pulling rhyme.

In the end, Zhilin was taken away.

"The delay time will be extended, and now the assessment will continue, in addition, don't mess with anything else!

Lei Hua glanced at a few people and said, everyone nodded quickly, and I have to say that Lei Hua's appearance as a master of the extinction is indeed very deterrent.

Xu Qing called her Miss Lei Hua out of respect. After all, you can't call a person like an aunt!

The assessment continued. Although the previous incidents had some impact, the people here were all in a good mood, and they quickly adjusted.

Lei Hua and Xu Qing were also attacked by the tower again.

After that, Lei Hua also focused on these people. After all, Xu Qing found out what happened before and she didn't.

This is her examiner's dereliction of duty, so she must keep an eye on these people.

To be honest, she is really afraid of what moths will happen now, if only her own people are there.

But now there are still Xu Qing and the candidates, if the problem of re-rhyme is not found to be shameful, it will be a big loss.

In this way, Lei Hua's spirit tightened until the end of the assessment.

Originally, the game ended when the moon rose to the flagpole in the center, but because of a delay before, the time was extended to the position of the flagpole on the right.

Everyone in 887 also finished their cooking.

“Chef Xu Qing, does Xu Qing serve as a judge?”

Lei Hua asked, originally she planned to let everyone taste each other, but Xu Qing is here, she thinks Xu Qing can let Xu Qing come if she wants.

"Forget it, I've also heard about the exam for a super chef, and it's not just about cooking."

"There is no doubt that everyone here has the level of the super-class, but whether you can pass the test or not should follow your method! 99

Xu Qing shook his head, he didn't need to show off deliberately.

Let Lei Hua do what she wants to do.

Lei Hua nodded after hearing this. Originally, she wanted to sell Xu Qing a face, but she could also see that Liu Angxing and Tang Sanjie were both good enough.

But it is a big question whether the character can pass the test.

Although Lei Hua is strict, he is not that kind of pedantic person. After all, the assessments in many places are not as strict as here.

And in many places, the assessment does not focus on character.

So she originally wanted to sell her face, but now it seems that Xu Qing is very confident in her apprentice.

In this case, there is no need for Lei Hua to continue to say more. The final assessment is naturally based on the previously arranged process.

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