I’m in Food Wars!, And The Soup Will Be Boiled For Three Years At The Start

Chapter two hundred and eighty second true and false Ren

"What? Want to try your teacher, can I get the approval of the legendary kitchenware?"

Xu Qing asked with some humor, Erina and the others who were around at the moment also showed a smile, Xu Qing has another set of legendary kitchen utensils, Erina and others know this.

But they are not surprised, after all Xu Qing can take people across the world, so this is not a big problem.

Xu Qing has a set of his own, and now it has become more powerful. The normal legendary kitchen utensils should be no problem.

"No, I think that the teacher's words should be the heir of the most rank, not me!

Liu Angxing shook his head quickly, for fear of misunderstanding by the police, he didn't want to try his teacher, but simply felt that his teacher was more comfortable.

"Chef Xu Qing, try it out, we're curious too!

The other elders of the Kitchen Federation also spoke up, and now a lot of people are looking at Xu Qing so curiously.

"If that's the case, then give it a try!"

To be honest, Xu Qing is also very curious now, whether Yonglingdao will recognize his existence.

The kitchen utensils Xu Qing obtained before were given by FanTong, and the kitchen utensils given by the system were directly recognized by the owner, regardless of whether he had the ability or not to be recognized by the kitchen utensils.

And the kitchen utensils in this world are not given by the traditional, the reason why the Yongling knife in the original work recognizes Ren and Liu Angxing.

All because both of them have the idea of ​​sacrificing their hands to cook, one burns, one frostbite.

Of course, it's not because they were injured and received recognition, but because they themselves have such thoughts.

So Yong Ling Dao recognized both of them at the same time, but Xu Qing was different. In his opinion, these things were just tools in his hands.

He is also very curious whether he can be recognized by the legendary kitchen utensils.

With such curiosity, Xu Qing directly grabbed the knife. Xu Qing was not afraid that he would be embarrassed if he didn't admit it. If he didn't admit it, it didn't mean that he was not good at cooking.

There are not many of these supreme dragon chefs in history that can be recognized by kitchen utensils, and there are at most one or two.

When Xu Qing was holding the handle of the knife, the previous golden dragon appeared again.

Then it fell into Xu Qing's body.

This means that the kitchenware has acknowledged Xu Qing, but Xu Qing's face has become a little weird at the moment.

Because the knife actually sent a message to himself, and this message represented the surrender of the knife.

That's right, it was surrender, which surprised Xu Qing a little, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't think it was a big problem.

The legendary kitchen utensils have their own simple wisdom.

Therefore, the magical bronze utensils will be used by unqualified people in order to repay their kindness.

Kitchen utensils have such emotions, and naturally they know to surrender to a more powerful existence.

And because the wisdom of kitchenware is very simple, he can't judge too many good and evil. This kind of pure wisdom leads him to surrender directly after sensing Xu Qing's strength.

Even Xu Qing felt that he could completely control the knife and let him directly deny Liu Xing and Ren.

After all, the kitchen utensils are smart, and since they surrendered to Xu Qing, they naturally obeyed Xu Qing's orders.

"It's really...

Xu Qing was also speechless, and directly handed the Yongling Sword to Liu Angxing. Although this thing surrendered, it was useless to him.

So leave it to Liu Angxing. If there is a chance in the future, you can use grinding skills to strengthen this knife. After all, everyone surrenders to himself.

"Sure enough, Chef Xu Qing, who is the supreme dragon chef, can also be recognized by kitchen utensils, but this is also true!

After seeing this scene, everyone showed such expressions.

Both Ren and Liu Angxing have been recognized, so it is not a big problem for Xu Qing to be recognized.

"This knife will not be recognized by everyone!

Watching Yong Ling Dao recognize the heirs one by one, some people raised their own questions.

This is also regarded as nonsense by everyone, how is this possible? This is the gap in the legend.

Being able to recognize one of them is already incredible, and he actually wants the other person to recognize more.

Out of curiosity, Erina and others also tried to hold the knife, but they were not recognized.

This is also normal. In terms of strength, they are really not good. Although their cooking skills are not too weak, the Yongling knife is not recognized.

The most important thing is, how could Erina and others have the idea of ​​sacrificing their own hands for cooking with Liu Subaru and Ren? This is simply impossible.

This is what Xu Qing knows best.

So it's true that people didn't get the recognition of kitchen knives.

This heir competition is over, but the next day, the elders of the kitchen union also invited the two to make the dishes they tried out before, and made them directly with the eternal sword.

So the two didn't say much, and both agreed.

Time flies, and the next day, Liu Angxing is now using the Yongling knife to make the reincarnation spring rolls that he made before.

However, after Xu Qing glanced at Ren, he found that Ren was the same as in the original book.

In this regard, he is also a little speechless. With this combat power, he still wants to seek revenge, but he can't react to being plotted against.

After confirming that this person is not Ren, Xu Qing directly and simply acupoints him.

Then, the human skin mask on the fake Ren's face was directly removed under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

"Aren't you Ren? Where has Ren been?

Everyone was shocked when they saw this fake Ren, and never expected a fake one to sneak in.

"I am here!"

At this time, Zhen Ren also rushed to the scene in a very embarrassed manner.

At this moment, Ren also felt a toothache. After he went there yesterday, he was attacked by someone, and he was even ripped off. Fortunately, he escaped, but at this moment, he was very lucky, fortunately Xu Qing was ahead of schedule. Stop this guy.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the legendary kitchen utensils were taken away by the other party.

"People in the dark cooking world are really all-pervasive. The heir competition of the eternal spirit knife was just held yesterday, and they started today!

Everyone is also helpless, including Xu Qing. To be honest, Xu Qing thinks that these guys are really unstoppable. How many people have been damaged here? They even followed one by one, killing them. .

It can only be said that these guys are really crazy, but it is not a big problem that the dead can take it diligently.

Moreover, the Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays that Kai got hooked by this guy can control people in the first place.

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