In the end, the goods were taken away directly, but before being taken away, he still put a harsh word.

The content of the ruthless words is very simple, that is, a big man in the dark cooking world has arrived here and will meet them soon.

"A big man in the dark cooking world? Do you know Ren?"

Everyone frowned after hearing such cruel words, and then looked at Ren. After all, Ren had been in the dark cooking world for a long time, so he should be very clear about it.

"There are only five tiger stars who can be called big figures in the dark cooking world!

After thinking about it, Ren said, there are more than one hundred Lin chefs in the dark cooking world, but there are five dragon chefs in total, which are called five tiger stars.


These five people are all invincible existences for Rennes.

"Five Tiger Stars, this old man has heard of it, so it seems that this time, it should be the Leopard Head Yakan!

Master Shiquan said after holding his beard.

"Why, Master, are you so sure to come to the Asian Journal of Personnel?"

Master Ji Di looked at Master Shiquan with some doubts. There are five people in the Five Tiger Stars. How can this be determined?

"It's actually not difficult to understand, the people in the dark cooking world are just here for me.

"I am the Supreme Dragon Chef now. Although the Five Tiger Stars are all Dragon Chefs, there are only two Supreme Dragon Chefs, one is the current leader of the dark cooking world, Yunlong Kaiyou, and the other is Leopard Head Asia.

"As for the other three, although they are dragon chefs, they are not supreme dragon chefs. They are coming at me, and ordinary dragon chefs are naturally useless.

"And most of the people in the dark cooking world are not clean, so it is impossible for such a high-profile hook to be in the public eye.

"Therefore, there must be no problem with the people who come here, and there is no problem with the Five Tiger Stars. It is estimated that there is no problem with the Asian magazine. 99

Xu Qing opened his mouth and said, "Five Tiger Stars, Yan Xian and Kai You are good friends, and they do things uninhibitedly. It should be said that they are both righteous and evil.

As for Mila and Shuqi, these two completely obeyed Kaiyu's orders, one willingly, and the other a doll.

So this person is naturally not much better.

It is impossible for Kai You to appear here on his own initiative, after all, Xu Qing knows his purpose, this guy can't come over to target him, the Supreme Dragon Chef.

Then the only thing left may be Asia.

Yakan is a person with an open and upright style. If he loses, he loses, and if he wins, he wins.

Apart from being in the dark cooking world, I couldn't find any blemish at all, so the person who came here must be Yakan.

After listening to Xu Qing's words, Master Shiquan also nodded his head, and the Asian magazine was amazed for a while.

Even Mr. Abe's talent is excellent, but he has not suppressed the name of Asia.

Moreover, Yakan is known as the invincible fire worker, and it may be able to compete with what he has.

Xu Qing, who also has the ability to explode flames, is very clear.

In the competitions such as stir-frying and barbecue, unless there is an absolute advantage, it is impossible to win.

"Supreme Dragon Chef, will there be any problem?"

Even Xu Qing's students looked at Xu Qing with some worry. They knew that Xu Qing was the Supreme Dragon Kingdom, but they didn't know how Xu Qing was in the Supreme Dragon Kingdom.

"Don't worry, although I'm also the Supreme Dragon Chef, I also have an advantage, and the big deal is that I lose a cooking competition, what are you worried about?

Xu Qing was speechless, this was not a life-and-death duel, and Yakan naturally wouldn't play kung fu with him.

So the two sides will confront each other with cooking. If that is the case, then what should we worry about?

After hearing this, the others were also stunned. To be honest, they are a little bit shadowy about the dark cooking world now.

Even Erina and the others were like this. After all, there had been such a thing as tying explosives on the bodies of the dead.

Although they weren't there at the time, it was terrifying.

So now when they hear people in the dark cooking world, they will subconsciously think about this direction.

"Okay, what should you do? As for Ren, you should take a rest first, and talk about it later!

Looking at the embarrassed Ren, Xu Qing reminded him, but Ren didn't say much about it.

He really doesn't have the strength to cook anymore, after all, he was very embarrassed by being attacked before.

Finally, the hook came, and ran all the way to this place non-stop, saying that it was a lie.

Although his physical fitness is quite good in the dark cooking world, he can't be regarded as a non-human being. He is still a normal person, and he is completely incomparable to someone who has mastered the food cell.

After everyone heard it, they dispersed, and after eating, they went back to their respective places.

Anyway, no matter how this matter is used, it will not be used on them.

And Xu Qing and others were invited by Master Shiquan.

16 "Why did the master invite us here?"

Xie Lu asked bluntly.

"It's because of the legendary kitchen utensils thing.

"The big elephant also knows that there are eight kitchen utensils in the legend. Now this Yongling knife is only one piece, and I am very relieved that it is in the hands of Adi."

"But judging from the current actions of the dark cooking industry, the other party should want to get all the kitchen utensils."

"This kitchen utensil is the lifeblood of the cooking world, so I want to get rid of you all getting these kitchen utensils before the dark cooking world!"

Master Shiquan said that he was really worried about such a thing happening.

"Actually, don't worry so much, since the problem is caused by the dark cooking world, then we can directly solve the person who caused the problem!

Xu (promised good) Qing said that he originally planned to attack the dark cooking world, but because of Lan Feihong and the others, the time was delayed a little.

In Xu Qing's view, there is absolutely no need to compete with the other party for kitchen utensils, Xu Qing only needs to do it directly.

After all, the dark cooking world must be dealt with in his opinion.

"This... Although everyone wants to do this kind of thing, but even the imperial court can't do it if you want to destroy the dark cooking world!"

Master Shiquan said a little embarrassedly, you must think about it, but the problem is to think about it, whether it can be done is another matter.

What people like the court can't do, can it be done with just a few of them?

If it can be done, Master Shiquan will not call everyone here to discuss now.

Isn't it just because he can't do the portrait and think about this method? Anyway, Master Shiquan is not optimistic about Xu Qing's plan,

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