"Because of giving birth, I promised Mawang to let him give birth. During these tens of thousands of years, Mawang has long wanted to give birth to a new Mawang and shed the name of Eight Kings from himself."

"But during these tens of thousands of years, every time the air matures, Blue Nitro will try every means to steal it!"

"So far, no young Eudemons Herac can make the answer of the horse king."

"I promised him that I will release the air in the air, so Ma Wang will naturally spare no effort to help me!"

Xu Qing said, this time it was entirely because Blue Nitro was focusing on Acacia, and they had a lot of air reserves, so there was no need to capture it again.

For them, Acacia is the most important thing, so the original Komatsu and other talents managed the air smoothly.

"Release the air in the air? But in this way, the cooking will fail!"

Jie Nai's mother-in-law looked a little puzzled.

"There is never one way to cook air. When I see the ingredients, the ingredients have given me feedback. At least I know three ways to cook air now!"

Xu Qing raised three fingers as he spoke.

"Three types?"

At this moment, the mother-in-law Jie Nai was also shocked. She found that each of these people was more perverted than the other, and all three methods came out.

You know, the cooking method at the beginning was the cooking method used by the Nitero family, and no one has ever innovated.

But now Xu Qing came out and said that there were three kinds, which also left Grandma Jie Nai with nothing to say.

"That's right, there are three types. Everyone knows the first one, the cooking method of the Nitero family, but doing so will not only offend Ma Wang, but also only release the deliciousness of the air to 70%."

"The second is the response from the ingredients after I get close to the ingredients. I need to wait until the fruit is fully ripe. The cooking method of the Nitero family can be cooked before it is ripe, but it can only release 7,000% of the deliciousness. ."

"The second method requires the moment when the fruit falls off automatically after it is fully ripe, and releases the air in it by means of cooking before it touches the ground. In this way, 120% of the air can be released. tasty!"

The second type that Xu Qing mentioned is the second type that Xiao Song knew in the original book.

The second type does not mean that you can just dig a hole before landing, but it needs to be done without detonating the air.

At that time, the amount of air inside the air had reached a terrifying level.

Even breaking the skin of the air at one point, Pumbula also relied on his own sound waves to plug the air leak.

But even so, the powerful air pressure brought him terrifying pressure.

At that time, the air was equivalent to a super-large balloon, and it had already reached the critical point. It only needed to be touched lightly and it would explode directly.

At this time, the chef needs to use a knife to dig out a passage to the core position, open the passage without damaging the outer layer, and release the air in it.

In this case, the air, without absolute and precise control, will definitely explode like a bomb.

So the requirements for chefs are very high.

"Is there still such a method? It turns out that the ingredients are cooked by releasing the air in them. In this way, the previous cooking methods have always been wrong. No, it should not be wrong. It should be said that the deliciousness is sacrificed for the success of the cooking. The probability!"

Grandma Jie Nai also nodded. This method is very risky. After all, cooking is done when it is immature, so there is no need to worry that the air will directly hit the ground.

In this way, although all the deliciousness cannot be released, the risk is minimized, and Komatsu's method is very risky.

Finish the cooking before the maturity falls, if it is not for the power of gourmet cells to help out suddenly, Xiaosong will not be able to complete the cooking at all, so the risk is too high.

The main reason is that the air is too big, if it is artificially bred in the sixth continent, it will be better.

Those were not so huge, and Xiaosong had already been strengthened at that time, and his heart had been regenerated, so it could be easily handled.

"What about the third type?"

Knowing that the second method was done at the expense of the probability of success, Setsuna's mother-in-law didn't find it difficult to accept, but asked about the third method.

"Speaking of which, the third one is what I noticed by accident. I was planning to leave after hearing the sound of the ingredients."

"But at the moment of leaving, if you listen carefully, you can still hear a special signal from the ingredients.'

"I was there for a while, and I finally deciphered this incredibly subtle signal, the sound of the third cooking method coming from the ingredients."

"Although I don't know why I can hear it, but the third cooking method can release 150% of the deliciousness."

"But relatively speaking, the risk is actually higher. The more air in the air is released, the more delicious it will be."

"The third method needs to completely cut off all the leaves of the AIF except the core before the air is fully erupted.


Xu Qing said that the premise of cooking is similar to Komatsu's, but this cooking method is more risky.

Originally, this is a balloon that is about to explode, but when it is about to explode, you have to cut off 99.99% of the outer layer of the balloon, which is almost impossible to complete.

And the most important thing is, if it is not the last step, it is useless at all. When releasing the air, it can only be released from one direction. Once the cooking fails, the whole ai will explode.

After the explosion, all the air will be attracted by the flesh of the air again, and only when it is successfully released will it break away from the attraction of ar.

So once it fails, the air will be absorbed by the air again. In this way, even if the cooking fails, it will not have 70% of the deliciousness, let alone 150% of the deliciousness.

"The third one is almost impossible, which one are you going to choose?"

After comparing the third type, Grandma Jie Nai found that she couldn't do it at all. She could still do the second type, but the third type was absolutely impossible!

"Of course it's the third type. The third type is almost impossible for a chef like you, but my field can!"

Xu Qing said with a smile, his field is ever-changing, and he can contain the explosion of the air from a fundamental position, which is incomparable to Grandma Jie Nai, because it cannot be contained by brute force, the most important thing is the natural plant. .

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