"A domain? If it's my domain, I can try to use air pressure to suppress the burst of air, but the volume of air in the air is too large, it's hard to suppress it!"

Grandma Jie Nai also nodded. In the air, the total air volume is 5000 megatons, and the volume is about 25 billion cubic kilometers. This amount of air is completely compressed in the core layer of the air.

If it explodes directly without being released, it can be seen how powerful it is. You must know that the size of the entire air is only 500 meters.

This is still almost ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent pulp, and the real air compression area is only so small, this air is also a very terrifying air sealing layer.

In short, this kind of powerful air bomb, this explosion, is really terrifying.

Even if it is released in one direction, it can break through the clouds over the entire Eighth Continent of "467" in an instant.

The Eighth Continent is called the Continent of Rain, because there are thick clouds above it, and the reason for the formation of the clouds is also because of King Ma.

Ma Wang will breathe once a year, and this time he will inhale a total of 360 billion tons, which is enough to support Ma Wang's battle for a month, and it can also allow Ma Wang to stay without doing anything for a year.

This time Mawang breathed, he would eventually spit out a large amount of poisonous gas.

After these gases lifted off, they formed various strange rains on the Eighth Continent, such as the poisonous rain that Coco and the others encountered, the meteorite rain that Zebra and others encountered, and the laser rain that Sani and the others encountered.

The formation of these rains is all caused by Ma Wang's breathing, and it can be said that Ba Wang's every move has failed to develop.

In the third method, in the eyes of Grandma Jie Nai, it is impossible for her to succeed, and she can only rely on Xu Qing herself.

In this way, as time went by, Xu Qing also received the message from King Ma that the air was about to mature due to the efforts of the Eighth Continent, which saved a lot of time.

Regarding this, Xu Qing didn't say much and went directly to the giant tree where air was.

At this moment, Mawang and all the residents of Mawang's Hill have already guarded here.

Because the horse king is about to give birth and a new horse king is about to be born, this is what all horses want to see, not because the current horse king makes them dissatisfied or something, but because it is the wish of the horse pressure.

As subjects, they naturally fully respected the will of their king.

So now all the adults of Mawang Hill residents have appeared here, the purpose is to protect the air.

In previous years, the air was stolen by the blue Nitro before it matured, but this time, they will guard here.

"Long time no see, Ma Wang!"

After several people arrived in Taixu, Yin he greeted Ma Wang.

Facing Jiro, the Mawang also snorted at this moment, which is a greeting, after all, Jiro is the son of the wolf king, and in terms of combat effectiveness, Jiro in full body has already surpassed the Eight Kings.

Jiro can kill all the blue Nitros by himself, give him time and he can destroy these blue Nitros.

Although it is impossible to really kill the opponent, it is still possible to kill temporarily.

The three masters in the human world, each of which has a combat power higher than that of a single Eight Kings.

Even the eight kings of the gourmet world have to admit this point, after all, the performance of these three people is indeed exaggerated.

Although Yilong doesn't have any great record, but without using gourmet demons, he fought like that with Sanhu.

Moreover, the leader Slime in the later period also perfectly interpreted what is tough, using the body of a guy who is not very strong, but he can burst out the strength to temporarily fight NEO.

If it is teamed up with Yilong, then it is really invincible.

In the original book, when the three tigers and Yilong fought, the leader Slime once asked Yilong to use his own power, but Yilong refused.

At that time, Yilong still regarded Sanhu as his younger brother, and as a big brother, naturally he would not kill his younger brother.

It was finally replaced by the blue Nitro.

Yilong's body can be regarded as a great supplement to Blue Nitro.

But in the end, he was directly scared away by the three tigers.

The three tigers don't have any hatred for Yilong, and compared to Yilong, the three tigers are actually very immature, and it was Yilong who told him all the secrets, otherwise the three tigers would have been completely kept in the dark.

It can only be said that the big brother is always the big brother, the three powerhouses are above the eight kings, there is no doubt about it.....

So Ma Wang will also give Jiro face, after all Jiro is still the son of the wolf king.

"It seems that it is very mature, and there are already leaks!"

Grandma Setino looked at the fruit on the tree and said.

"Yeah, the next step is to do it!"

Xu Qing released his domain, neutralized it by nature, and released it with a large number of other attributes.

All the air was completely blocked inside the air in an instant.

This operation is much easier than that of Zebra, what Xu Qing used was not sound waves, but pure domains!

"It's impossible to do this in other fields, but the natural field allows me to fully integrate into nature, and this air is also a part of nature, so only by cutting the knife in such a field can the air be perfectly preserved It won't explode directly!"

Xu Qing has already begun to move the knife at this moment, and his speed is extremely fast. The air Xu Qing with a diameter of 500 meters has already been tested. The core storing air inside is only the size of a fist.

This is a real super air bomb, so even with the natural domain turned on, he still has to concentrate 120% of his energy when he strikes the knife.

But even so, the speed of Xu Qing's knife is still very fast. After all, his strength lies here, and his reaction speed is also extremely fast.

In this way, the fruit of air began to get smaller and smaller in Xu Qing's hands. From the initial huge fruit of 500 meters, it gradually became 2.8 meters in diameter and only 10 meters in diameter.

At this level, Grandma Jie Nai can sense the air that is about to move. Once it explodes, it will be really terrifying.

Without the restriction of the strong, once it reaches the critical point and explodes directly, it is estimated that the entire Eighth Continent will be blown up to the sky.

It was also at this time that Xu Qing's speed began to slow down, and he needed to be careful with every next cut, determine the position, and ensure that he can only do it after there is no class.

Moreover, the position of the lower knife is not static. With the continuous change of the air inside, problems will also occur in the weak points of the outer layer. These positions must be avoided for cutting.

So this caused Xu Qing's speed to start to slow down, and as the fruit continued to get smaller, Xu Qing's movements became slower and slower.

This is also the festival I watched, and my mother-in-law broke out in a cold sweat. .

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